This is what I published in June. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons, propaganda machines being used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the Main Stream Media, i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and Books. For earlier offerings go to 2019 or contact me at Mike Emery
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
Lord Acton quoted
Think e.g. of
Strauss-Kahn or
Theresa May
Blair Is A War Criminal On The Run
Top Stories 2019
30 June 2019
Coroner Alleges Government Not Guilty Of Allowing London Bridge Massacre
Eight people were murdered by Third World aliens imported traitors like Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, & May. They get a pass but he complained about the Pakistanis that did not grass the killer up.
Englishwoman Robbed And Raped by Barbarians In Italy
Mr Salvini is doing something about them, unlike the Useful Idiots betraying us.
Vicious Third World Aliens Riot At Cricket Match
They were imported by Her Majesty's Government and by Treason because Public Policy is Ethnic Fouling and Treason.
Smuggler Arrested After Importing 40 Third World Criminals And Ramming Italian Boat
The captain of a migrant-loaded German aid ship which rammed an Italian border force boat has been arrested.An extraordinary standoff between the two vessels off the coast of the Mediterranean's Lampedusa island was broken when Captain Carola Rackete, 31, plowed into the smaller motorboat which was blocking her ship from port..........
On Friday, Italy's foreign ministry said five countries had offered to take the remaining 40 on board Sea-Watch 3 - Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Portugal.
The Education Industry markets White Guilt then Useful Idiots taken in by Pathological Altruism try to destroy Western Civilization by Genocide.
Mueller Investigation Of Donald Trump Was Deeply Corrupt
Mueller, the allegedly independent investigator was appointed because he is not independent, because he is a Washington insider who hates Donald Trump. The people he used are all solidly Deep State criminals. They have kept Hillary Clinton out of prison so far but they failed with Don. Mark Steyn explains so very well.
Thought Police Are Through The Iron Curtain
In 1979, when teaching philosophy at the University of London, I [ Sir Roger Scruton ] responded to an invitation to address a private seminar in Prague. I travelled from Poland, already inwardly frozen by the eerie chill of Communism – and Communist Prague did nothing to raise my spirits.I walked to the address I’d been given through deserted streets. The staircase of the apartment building was also deserted. Everywhere the same expectant silence hung in the air, as when an air raid has been announced, and the town hides from its imminent destruction.
Outside the apartment, I encountered two policemen, who seized me as I rang the bell and demanded my papers. My host came out and an altercation ensued, during which I was thrown down the stairs. But the argument continued and I was able to duck past the guard and into the apartment. I found a room full of people and the same expectant silence. I realised that there really was going to be an air raid and that, in a manner of speaking, the air raid was me.
In that room was a battered remnant of Prague’s intelligentsia – old professors in shabby waistcoats; long-haired poets; fresh-faced students who had been denied admission to university for their parents’ political ‘crimes’; priests in plain clothes; novelists, theologians, a would-be rabbi, and even a psychoanalyst.
And in all of them I saw the same marks of suffering and the same eager desire for the sign that someone cared enough to help them.
They all belonged, I discovered, to one profession: that of stoker. Some stoked boilers in hospitals; others in apartment blocks; one stoked at a railway station, another in a school. Some stoked where there were no boilers to stoke, and these imaginary boilers came to be, for me, a fitting symbol of the Communist economy
George Orwell told about the Tyranny of the USSR. Sir Roger had the courage to do something about it. Now the same intolerant oafs are working here, attcking Sir Roger, suppressing Free Speech; just try saying Nigger and wait for the torrent of abuse.
RSPCA Is Run By Fanatics
The RSPCA has been infiltrated by the Lunatic Fringe, by hate filled crazies. Give it money? Not me. The Mail's readers think the PDSA is a much better lot.
28 June 2019
On this day in 2016 Islamics carried out the
Airport Attack, murdering 45 people. It was just one of the six [ 6 ]
Istanbul attacks in
Smuggler Importing Vicious Third World Parasites Defies Italy
The captain of a migrant rescue boat that entered Italian waters despite the threat of a hefty fine said she is prepared to go to prison over her bid to bring the migrants to safety. Captain Carola Rackete steered the Sea-Watch 3 NGO boat into the port off Lampedusa island on Wednesday and broke a 14-day blockade imposed by the Italian government. Italy's interior minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to seize the ship, which is operated by a German aid organisation and to arrest its captain.The vessel was carrying 42 [ illegal ] migrants who had been in limbo at sea for 13 days.
Salvini said the captain of the Sea-Watch 3 broke the law both by disobeying direct orders not to cross into Italy's territorial waters and by flouting measures that bar the migrant rescue ships of nonprofit groups from entering Italian jurisdiction.
He banned the Dutch-flagged vessel from approaching under a 'closed ports' policy, which has seen migrants repeatedly stranded at sea.
Sea-Watch is a Criminal Charity claiming superior Morals to the rest of us. They are de facto Hard Left troublemakers importing Third World alien criminals, causing Ethnic Fouling and Genocide, a crime against International Law. They are financed by the Puppet Masters like Soros. The Mail wrote this to make us sympathise with evil.
PS What kind of people are these Useful Idiots importing? See the next one.
Islamic Suicide Bombers Kill A Policeman In Tunisia
A police officer has been killed and several others are injured after two suicide bombers blew themselves up in Tunisia's capital. The first attack targeted a police patrol in Charles de Gaulle Street near the French embassy in central Tunis............ Shortly afterwards, a second suicide bomber blew himself up near a police station in al-Gorjani district. Four people were wounded, the Interior Ministry said.
The Lunatic Fringe proves................. what?
The Dalai Lama Says Return Third World Aliens Or Become Extinct
The Dalai Lama, a profoundly decent man knows a lot about Genocide. It is what China is doing to his people.
27 June 2019
Mohammad Is The Top Baby Name Again
The most popular baby names of the year so far have been revealed and classic names are making a comeback, parenting experts have revealed................However none have done enough to break the top 20 and the most popular girl and boy names remaining the same, with Olivia and Mohammad holding onto the top spots.
The Mail is skirting round the truth again but the readers are not. They know we are being screwed by Third World aliens but have not really taken the point that the political class are doing it to us deliberately.
Pakistanis On Trial For Murdering One Of Their Own In Blackburn
Two of the wives are being done for attempting to Pervert The Course Of Justice by turning off the cameras.
26 June 2019
Is the anniversary of the 2015 Tunisia
Massacre. An Islamic killed
39 kills people a few months after Islamics murdered 22
Brits and Europeans in the
Bardo National Museum attack.
Google Promises To Use Its Power Against Donald Trump
A senior Google executive has been caught on an undercover video appearing to suggest the company is trying to stop 'the next Trump situation' in the 2020 presidential election.Secret footage released by Project Veritas shows Google's Head of Responsible Innovation, Jen Gennai, saying: 'We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’ve rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.'
A company insider provided Project Veritas with documents outlining Google's explanation of 'algorithmic unfairness,' which appeared to expose a liberal bent at the online giant.
A document leaked by the alleged insider contained language about addressing 'unjust or prejudicial treatment,' saying that even when search results are factually accurate, 'it may be desirable to consider how we might help society reach a more fair and equitable state, via either product intervention or broader corporate social responsibility efforts.' Another document discusses enabling 'product teams to make source quality decisions.'
Jen Gennai is on LinkedIn alleging that she is an "Expert in Operations Management, Analytics, Algorithmic Fairness, AI Ethics.......... [ and a ] Passionate advocate and leader of diversity efforts in the technology sector." Big on ethics? Believe her if you want. Google is just as corrupt, just as bent as the BBC. NB This is not new news; last year Google Used Its Power To Help Clinton Against Donald Trump.
25 June 2019
Racist Rabbis Praise Adolf Hitler
Yesterday, Israeli Channel 13 aired video recordings by rabbi educators at the state-sponsored military prep-academy Bnei David in the West Bank settlement of Eli. The rabbis hail Hitler’s Nazi racist ideology as “100% correct,” only criticizing it for not being applied to the right people – that is, the Jews should be the master-race, and non-Jews the ‘untermenschen’. [ Untermenschen is a fine old Nazi word for subhumans - Editor ]The statements are jaw-droppers. The full coverage with subtitles can be seen in a video prepared by journalist David Sheen.
These educators send young men to the army, and have been advocating these ideas for years. They have close ties to lawmakers, specifically to Rabbi Rafi Peretz, now head of the Union of Right Wing Parties, the notorious merger with the Kahanist party Jewish Power, who is now the leading candidate for Minister of Education. The academy is also tied to a Yeshiva, to which many students come after their military service........... It starts out with Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, who bemoans that slavery has been abolished:
Abolishing legal slavery has created deficiencies. No one is responsible for that property. With God’s help it will return. The goyim (non-Jews) will want to be our slaves. Being a slave of the Jews is the best. They must be slaves, they want to be slaves. Instead of just wandering the streets, being foolish and harming each other, now he’s a slave, now his life is beginning to come into order.
The ‘goyim’ in this context is to be understood as Palestinians...............
Yes, we are racists..............
Radler goes on to speak about Hitler, and now adds that the disease is not just pluralism and humanism, but also feminism, and that Hitler was absolutely right:................
This is a big mouthful. Real Judeo-Nazism. The rabbis were contacted for response and tried to whitewash the whole thing as a misunderstanding.
The Herrenvolk, the master race speaks; they are the Puppet Masters controlling America & the rest of Western Civilization. They market Racism as the great evil and White Guilt through their Useful Idiots. Then they incite Black Hate NB The hate is alive and well, even thriving e.g. Black nabbed for Bronx rape of white woman allegedly said she ‘deserved it’ for slavery
PS This report came via Mondoweiss, which is run by Jews.
Policeman Stole £65 From A Dead Man
They let him get away with forgery last time. Now he is doing eighteen months.
24 June 2019
Theresa May Robbing Us Blind
This afternoon an innocuous sounding motion to approve a Statutory Instrument relating to the draft Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order 2019 is being slipped through parliament. It is a bit of Theresa May’s legacy. There will be hardly any debate time for the motion. No impact statement. A trillion pounds of taxpayers’ money waved through as a going away present to Theresa May…
May is using her last chance to betray us. Enslavement using Brexit failed, for the moment anyway. Now it is A TRILLION pounds disappearing into a black hole, stolen from us to run the Carbon Emission Trading racket. Who is going to be making money out of the trading? Her little mate, the Very Reverend Ephraim Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi of England knows them all. The Puppet Masters use the Lunatic Fringe to run the Global Warming Business. It is their excuse for the trading and higher gas bills. Bjorn Lomborg an honest greenie tells us that Theresa May is about to spend £1 trillion on a pointless policy. This climate madness has to end.
American Cyber Command Attacks Iranian Spy Group
Former intelligence officials said that US Cyber Command launched a retaliatory digital strike against the Iranian group believed to be behind a recent series of mine attacks on commercial ships.The military's cyberspace wing was said to have carried out the digital strike against an Iranian spy group with ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps — a division of Iran's Armed Forces — on Thursday night, two former intelligence officials told Yahoo News.
The spy group supposedly used limpet mines to attack two oil tankers, Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous and Norwegian-operated Front Altair, while they were in the Gulf of Oman on June 13.
Men who were there in the day say that Americans are trigger happy. Has it changed? Notice that now they are not accusing the Iranian government. America is becoming Yesterday's Country. You doubt it? Compare China And America - Economies Diverge as Police States Converge.
23 June 2019
On this day in 2016 was Referendum Day
when Englishmen voted for
Brexit, for freedom from the European Union and the
New World Order. We
treated the lies of the Propaganda machines with
the contempt they deserve. We were betrayed by
May, the Tories and
Corbyn's lot.
Pakistani Paedophiles Get Longer In Prison After Abusing 11 Year Old In Huddersfield
Why were they imported? To destroy England by Ethnic Fouling and Genocide.
Let's Play Spot The English Paedophile
Let's Play Spot The English Criminal
Black Criminal Killed By Police In Los Angeles
The Mail alleges that the black was unarmed. It lies; he had previous, was wanted for firearms violations, made a run for it & used his car as a weapon.
Pakistani Drug Dealer Gets Life For Murder
He grassed his little mate who got killed by the police, a good result. Huddersfield is an exciting place to be. It helps to speak Urdu or whatever they use.
Pakistani Money Launderer Did A Runner
But the police caught him plus another four. Sentencing come later.
Pakistani Restaurant Had Dead Mouse In Chicken Frying Machine
Of course there were mouse dropping round the place & of course he was too busy or had a stroke or wasn't breast fed or...........
Pakistani Takeaway Had Rats Running Round
It is the third time this one has been done. The Magistrates only shut it down temporarily. Sad but true.
22 June 2019
On this day in
1941 the Wehrmacht began
Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia and sealed
the fate of the Thousand Year
Donald Trump Almost Started Third World War
Read this garbled tosh if you want. Donald Trump did not serve but he is prepared to start wars. He takes notice of John Bolton, a draft dodging, War Mongering, thug who had other things to do at the time of Viet Nam. Other sources say that Don let slip the Dogs of War then reined them in. Zionist crazies want him to attack Iran, cut off oil from the Arabian Gulf, annoy China big time and start World War III. Apparently Tucker Carlson, a sensible chap made the difference. The Mainstream Media downplayed this one; concealing the truth is policy.
The Mail is marketing White Guilt again. The headline is verbatim and a lie but, happily the readers are not convinced. Of course the British Museum has long since been corrupted; it is run by Lenin's Useful Idiots. One was Robert Armstrong, ex Cabinet Secretary & the thug who attacked a journalist on his way to lie in an Australian court.
Blacks With Swords Attack In London
This is the shocking moment sword-wielding teenagers ran after a moped rider in front of horrified motorists in broad daylight.Stunned onlookers filmed a youth brandishing a huge blade outside a primary school as he furiously chased the driver, coming within inches of him to scream 'p****hole'.
The incident outside Kingswood Primary School in West Norwood, South London, comes after the capital yesterday saw its 61st murder investigation of 2019 launched.
Her Majesty's Government imports blacks like these with malice aforethought and the whole hearted approval of Her Majesty's Allegedly Loyal Opposition. The Ethnic Fouling Of England proceeds apace. It is Genocide, it is the Treason of Blair and every prime minster since. The Mail is censoring comments in case people tell the truth about black evil.
Black Charged With Thieving Using Grenfell Fire Job
A man has become the 20th person to be charged with fraud relating to the Grenfell Tower fire.Shaffick Brimer, of Acton, west London, was charged with fraud by false representation in relation to the tower block blaze.
The 49-year-old is said to have claimed to have lived in the west London high rise and received help and accommodation to the value of around £29,404.
He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Thursday July 11.
Is he black? Well, he does have a stupid name and the Mail is not showing us a mug shot. By way of contrast that wonderful newspaper does show us pictures of another comedian charged with the same thing who is more or less white - see Grenfell 'fraudster', 37, denies falsely claiming more than £70,000. Of course The Guardian pretends it never happened and that it operates on higher moral plane; it is run by Lenin's Useful Idiots.
Pakistani Murderer Is An Illegal Immigrant
Hanging stops repeat offenders.
21 June 2019
Black Policewoman On Trial For Having Paedophile Pornography
A senior police officer who helped Grenfell victims will stand trial in October for possessing an indecent video image featuring a five year-old girl. Chief superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams, 54, is accused of charged with having 'a moving image file of Category A severity'. The officer, who was the Met Police public face for the Notting Hill Carnival and New Year's Eve celebrations, denies she ever saw the clip.It was allegedly shared in a group WhatsApp message by her sister, Jennifer Hodge, 55 and brother-in-law, Dido Massivi, 61, in February last year. Supt Williams also denies failing to report her sister after she allegedly sent the film.
All three defendants appeared at the Old Bailey ahead of their trial on October 28.
Our wonderful government imports Blacks, treats them as human, gives them special treatment then they act black. Surprised? Not me, not many. NB Williams is in for Corrupt or other improper exercise of police powers and privileges which can put her inside for fourteen [ 14 ] years.
People Smugglers Get Life After Killing 71 Illegal Immigrants
Four human traffickers involved in the deaths of 71 migrants found in an abandoned lorry on an Austrian highway in 2015 have been jailed for life.The gang's ringleader, Afghan national Samsoor Lahoo, and three Bulgarian accomplices had their 25-year jail sentences increased to life without parole on Thursday at an appeal court in Szeged, Hungary. A fourth man, also Bulgarian, was also handed a life sentence with a minimum term of 30 years.
Ten other suspects were also found guilty over the deaths and handed prison sentences of between four and eight years.
There is a lot of money to be made from Illegal Immigrants, which is all tax free. Prison is an occasional cost of doing business but with the help of corrupt politicians like Helle Thorning-Schmidt it is not that difficult. She was the prime minister of Denmark.
20 June 2019
Black Alien Made Illegal Gun With A 3-D Printer
A student has become the first person in the UK to be convicted for using a 3D printer to manufacture a gun. Tendai Muswere, 26, pleaded guilty at Southwark crown court on Wednesday to the charge of manufacturing a 3D printed gun. Police had initially gained access to Muswere’s home in Pimlico, central London, in October 2017 using a drug warrant, but found components of a 3D printed gun capable of firing a lethal shot during the search............During a second search of his property, in February 2018, police found further components of a 3D printed gun.
Another black, another liar, another criminal imported with malice aforethought causing Ethnic Fouling In England & leading inexorably to Genocide.
PS He might be from Botswana.
19 June 2019
Man Gets Two Years For Sharing Christchurch Massacre Video
A businessman has been jailed for sharing footage of the devastating Christchurch terrorist attack. Philip Neville Arps, 44, was sentenced in the Christchurch District Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to two charges of distributing the chilling footage of the March 15 massacre.A day after the massacre, Arps sent the video to an unknown person and requested that the footage be modified with a 'kill count' as victims were shot.
Just what is the problem? They aren't saying. Neither are they saying anything about the government's Public Policy, which is to cause Ethnic Fouling by deliberately importing Third World aliens, as the first stage of Genocide in Christchurch and the rest of Western Civilization. It is a crime under International Law. See the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide for more and better details. NB The Mail claims that it is horrified; the readers are not stupid enough to believe it. Mr Tarrant achieved 51 kills.
Student Gets Four Years For Alleged Threats Against Prince Harry
A teenage neo-Nazi jailed today for branding Prince Harry a 'race traitor' was previously pictured attending a far-right march in Kent. Oskar Dunn-Zoczorowski, 18, belonged to a hate group calling itself Sonnenkrieg Division, described as the 'third generation' of proscribed terror group National Action.He was jailed alongside Michal Szewczuk, 19, after the pair took to online chatrooms to share violent far-right posts, including swastikas and Nazi 'black sun' flags, while Szewczuk created an image of Harry with a pistol to his head against a blood-spattered background............
He and Szewczuk were convicted of terror charges and jailed today at the Old Bailey. Szewczuk was sentenced to four years and three months in prison while Dunn-Zoczorowski received an 18-month detention and training order.
The picture of Prince Harry, which also featured a blood-smeared swastika with the caption 'see ya later, race traitor', was shared on a far-right social media platform in August last year, just a few months after the duke married mixed race former actress Meghan Markle.
Szewczuk was ordered to be detained in a young offenders' institution after pleading guilty to two counts of encouraging terrorism and five counts of possession of terrorist material, including the White Resistance Manual, The Anarchist Cookbook [ freely available from Amazon ] and the Al Qaeda Trading Manual.
The Mail alleges that Mr Dunn-Zoczorowski threated Prince Harry; it lies. At all events the Crown Prosecution Service did not make that accusation. Take the point that free-born Englishmen are allowed to have Free Speech if and only if our wonderful government approves. It allows Jo Brand, a fat ugly Marxist to say what she wants. For honest men it is different.
17 June 2019
Tory Treason
Sean Gabb, England's leading libertarian explains the determination of the Tories to destroy Brexit as they destroy any pretence of Democracy. It is Treason, it is de facto Mutiny against the people. The Tories also collude with the Hard Left in helping Illegal Immigrants. Further that Johnson is an idle, treacherous fornicator. Will he follow May in cheating us?
Two Blacks Murdered In London
The capital's murder toll for 2019 has hit 60 after a man in his 40s was stabbed to death this morning.He was the fourth person to be killed in London this weekend alone, after one teenager was shot dead and another was stabbed to death on Saturday, following the fatal knifing of another man in Tower Hamlets on Friday. This morning's victim was attacked in Stratford, east London, just one day after a mob of 100 youths pelted police with bottles as they investigated a robbery at the nearby Westfield shopping centre.
Donald Trump responded to the violence by escalating his war of words with London Mayor Sadiq Khan, calling him a 'national disgrace' over the violence that has plagued the capital under his governance.
The Mail does not mention that the killers are blacks imported by Tories, by Labour, by Treason.
Third World Invaders Are 47 Times More Likely To Be In Prison
Official statistics released by the Netherlands Government have revealed that nonwhites in that country are 47 times more likely to be in jail than native Dutch, are 29.5 times more likely to appear in criminal courts, are 28.3 times more likely to face prosecution, and are 21.1 times more likely to be registered suspects with the police.
In fact the Dutch numbers understate the case because criminals are counted as "Dutch" with one real Dutch parent.
16 June 2019
On this day in 2016
Jo Cox, a corrupt MP came unstuck, killed by Tommy
Mair. It turned out that her old man was another treacherous
Left Wing swine.
On this day in 1953 people rose up against the Soviets in East Germany -
May Is Doing A Stitch Up On Boris
Mrs May is attempting to push through a £27billion cash boost for the education budget in her final weeks as Prime Minister which is prompting a row with senior ministers who believe it is a booby trap for Mr Johnson. The Prime Minister is demanding a three-year funding settlement for schools and teachers to secure her “legacy”, after she pushed for an NHS funding increase last year, according to The Sunday Telegraph. Mrs May is planning to ask for Cabinet approval for the cash boost on Tuesday.
Nothing so dangerous as a woman scorned.
Black Racist Raped White Farmer's Wife In South Africa
A South African mother was put through a 'living nightmare' by a rapist who held a gun to her children's head to force her into sex. Nicky, 45, was raped in front of her children by 32-year-old Sebenzile Simane - who also sexually molested his victim's daughter after shooting his way into the farm house.Simane, who also tied the family up and stole their money, was handed two life sentences and a total of 173 years in prison after he was found guilty of the string of violent crimes in South Africa's Eastern Cape.
Nicky and her husband Heine, a 44-year-old farmer, who are choosing to tell their story, have been forced out of their farm house and say that farmers in the country face an ongoing threat of violence............
'Lastly, I would appeal to each and every South African to remember the words of Nelson Mandela: 'We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference'.
AfriForum said that so far this year 22 farmers have been murdered and 195 farms have been attacked and over recent years between 55 and 75 farmers are brutally killed each year. Many of the attacks involve horrific torture including farmers being burned with hot irons, boiling water poured over their head and body, the use of power tools and gang rape before murder.
Afriforum explains the ugly reality of Farm Tortures In South Africa
Israel PM's Wife Is A Thief
The wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was convicted by an Israeli court on Sunday of fraudulently using state funds for meals, under a plea bargain which saw her admit to lesser charges. While the ruling cut short a high-profile trial, the Netanyahu family's legal woes are far from over: the veteran premier himself faces possible indictment for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in the coming months.........She was also fined 10,000 shekels (£2,200) and ordered to reimburse the state a further 45,000 shekels (£9,925).
The Israeli President Is A Liar And Rapist
The Israeli Prime Minister Is A Murderer And A Thief
The Chief Rabbi Of Israel Is a Thief
The Israeli Justice Minister Is A Terrorist And Perjurer
Are they all bent? Pretty much.
15 June 2019
On this day in 1215 AD
Magna Carta was sealed
Two clauses dealt with the greed of Jews. The event was
followed by the Expulsion of Jews in
1290 AD; cause and effect in action. These clauses disappeared from
later versions - Jews are master manipulators. The Runnymede Trust
was set up by Jews to suppress the truth.
Theresa May Attacks Again Before Her Fangs Are Drawn
UK unveils 2050 net zero carbon target, in a first for a major economy The government will introduce an amendment to the Climate Change Act on Wednesday, to strengthen Britain’s climate goals in line with [ allegedly ] independent advice.
The Useful Idiots of the Global Warming Racket have been manipulated by the Puppet Masters to set up Carbon Emission Trading, a trillion dollar boondoggle.
American Government Using False Flag Attack To Incite War On Iran
America's military has released a video claiming to show Iran removing a mine from one of the oil tankers hit by an explosion in the Gulf of Yemen yesterday. Washington last night accused Iran of causing the two blasts, which left one of the vessels burning in a fireball and sparked a fresh exchange of angry rhetoric in an already tense Middle East standoff.The footage published by the U.S. military purports to show Iranian vessels returning to the stricken Japanese-owned tanker Kokuta Courageous and removing an unexploded limpet mine. Iran claimed it had sent a search and rescue team to bring the Kokuta's crew to safety - but America says their real intention was to hide Iranian involvement in the blasts....................
The explosions, which forced 44 sailors on the Kokuta and the Norwegian-owned MT Front Altair to abandon ship, have also sparked fears over the world oil supply after four tankers were targeted in similar blasts last month.
Zionist crazies have been inciting Washington to invade Iran for years now. They succeeded with Iraq but Iran will shut the Straits of Hormuz, cutting off maybe a third of the world's oil supply. American voters will be annoyed about paying ten times as much for petrol. China will be furious and it has the means to do something about it. e.g. nuke America & start World War III. It would be an opportunity to wipe the "shitty little country" that Jews call Israel.
PS The Mail's readers are not stupid enough to believe the American story.
14 June 2019
On this day in
1982 the
Parachute Regiment took Port Stanley and ended the
13 June 2019
13 June
1656 AD is the
date claimed by Jews claim for their second infiltration of England.
See e.g. Folly
praises Jews' contribution to Britain
New Israeli Government Will Carry On Deporting Black Invaders - New Tory PM Will Carry On Inciting Them
Israel will relaunch its policy to expel all African invaders pretending to be refugees from the Jews-only state—as soon as coalition talks on forming that country’s new government have been finalized.According to a report in the Times of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party “plans to revive bids to expel migrants, terrorists’ families” once the coalition talks—which are expected to be completed within the next two weeks, are finalized................
As part of a series of measures targeting Palestinian perpetrators of attacks, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation voted in December 2018 to advance a bill that would permit the IDF’s Central Command to expel the relatives of Palestinian assailants from their hometowns to other parts of the West Bank within a week of an attack or attempted attack.
Jews, in particular Zionist crazies are grossly Racist as well as murderous.
White Man Fires On Synagogue Full Of Jews
White genocide—the extermination of the white race through the flooding of European lands with Third Worlders—is the primary cause of the rise of white terrorism, according to the manifesto of the Poway, California, Synagogue shooter.John Earnest, a 19-year-old student at California State University San Marcos, who was arrested after carrying out a shooting at the synagogue—which, fortunately for the congregants, appeared to have gone wrong because of a weapon malfunction—released an manifesto on the internet prior to his attack.
In this manifesto, Earnest explained the reasons for his attack, blaming Jews for white genocide, and claiming that the Jewish-controlled media and establishment was making it impossible for ordinary white people to live normal lives, and hence there would be an ever-increasing number of terrorist attacks like his.
In the manifesto, titled “An open letter,” Earnest directed comments at the controlled media, telling them to “Make sure to call me a ‘white supremacist’ and ‘anti-Semite’ or whatever bullshit you spew to spook the normal fags. It doesn’t even matter. You’ve been calling every White person alive those names for decades—they’ve lost all their meaning.
Mr Earnest only got one kill. See Poway Synagogue Shooting. Having a stoppage did not help, ditto for small, ten round magazines.
12 June 2019
Oxfam - Bent Then, Bent Now
Using whores in Haiti might be fun but what is the bonus? Your friendly doctor will tell you, AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhoea, whatever. Give them money? Not me, not ever.
Romanian Thief Captured Within 24 Hours Of Invading
A Romanian was caught shoplifting less than 24 hours after arriving in Britain, a court has heard. Leonard-Valter Tudor, 20, arrived in the UK on Friday and went to Yorkshire to meet a contact. But the following day he was caught in the East Midlands, trying to steal £508 of goods from TK Maxx in Nottingham.The father-of-one tried to use a foil-lined bag to interfere with the signals of security tags on the items. He was arrested at the store and appeared on court on Monday, where he was detained in a young offenders institution for 16 weeks. An accomplice managed to avoid arrest, Nottingham Live reported.
Theresa May let this crook in. Notice that all of these would be Tory prime ministers are keeping very quiet about their intention to import thousands more thieves and rapists.
Unmarried Irish Mother Given Wrong Baby
A mother has revealed the devastating moment she discovered her daughter, 51, had been swapped with another baby, and that the woman she raised was not her biological daughter.Helen Maguire, now 71, from Tipperary left her daughter Christine with the nuns at the infant hospital at Temple Hill, the infant hospital at St. Patrick's Guild adoption home in Dublin, while she found somewhere for them to live. Yet when she returned to pick up her daughter six weeks later, Helen now realises she was given a different child. It is unclear if this was intentional.
After considerable publicity about the illegal adoption scandal in Ireland last year, she took a DNA test with her daughter Christine Skipsey, 51, and the pair discovered they were not biologically related.
The Mail treads lightly on the bit about her not being married, It has an agenda. It also does a total news blackout on Paedophiles if they are Jews but the Failed Messiah does not - see Failed Messiah Accuses PaedophilesIreland was a decent part of Christendom. Now it has gone wrong in less than a century. Being infiltrated by Zionist crazies e.g. #Alan Shatter with an agenda of hate was bad news. The Long March Through The Institutions was the technique worked out by Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the communists in Italy.
PS The Mail mentions Michael Cleary, a priest thought to have fathered a child or two. There is also Eamonn Casey, a bishop who had a son.
11 June 2019
On this day in 2013
poor little Emma West found herself in court charged
with being White. First they locked her up in a
madhouse and stole her baby to torture into "confessing". Naturally they did not
bother with a fair trial; they just did it. The excuse was that it was for her
own safety. They lied thus proving that we should learn about
Resistance to Interrogation.
FBI Investigation Of Clinton Was Deeply Corrupt
The Deep State, the wonderful people that run the FBI, Department of Justice etc. are Perverting The Course Of Justice, destroying evidence, whatever it takes to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison where she belongs.
Nurse Arrested After Nine Newborn Babies Died
A nurse has been re-arrested by police investigating the deaths of 17 babies at a Cheshire hospital. Lucy Letby was arrested last July by detectives examining deaths of infants at the Countess of Chester Hospital between 2015 and 2016.The 29 year old was originally questioned over the alleged murders of eight babies and the attempted murders of six others.
Police say they are now examining the alleged attempted murders of three other newborns at the hospital's neo-natal unit, taking the total number of potential victims to 17.
Just who do you trust in this wicked world? Not nurses? Certainly not Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, or other Traitors. In fact May has achieved far more murders than Mrs Letby could ever aspire to. Importing thousands of vicious Third World savages is May's modus operandi. NB The nurse looks rather nice. They are holding her prisoner; she needs a lawyer and to keep her mouth firmly shut.
10 June 2019
Poland Honours Sir Roger Scruton After Her Majesty's Government Screws Him
The philosopher wrongly sacked as a Government adviser over false claims that he had made anti-Semitic and Islamophobic comments has been honoured for promoting free speech.Just two months after his sacking, Sir Roger Scruton has been given the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland by President Andrzej Duda in a ceremony last Tuesday in the presidential palace in Warsaw. The award is for helping to keep free speech alive in the Communist era.
While working as an academic in the early 1980s, Scruton, 75, risked arrest and imprisonment to support dissidents in Eastern Europe, helping to smuggle books and organise ‘underground universities’.
Her Majesty's Government is a worthless bunch of chancers pandering to Hard Left loudmouths, when they are not betraying us regarding Brexit or importing thousands of Third World criminals.
Black Rapist Leaves Five Year Old Victim Paralyzed For Life
At first no one knew why the five-year-old girl could no longer move her legs or control her urine. For months she lay on the ground, unable to walk or play.Some in the community blamed witchcraft but the real reason was more horrific: The child had been brutally raped and left paralyzed as a result of her injuries.
The case has brought the issue of sexual violence against children to the forefront in Sierra Leone, where such crimes are often dealt with between families in private. In February, President Julius Maada Bio declared sexual violence a national emergency and he has vowed to help the five-year-old get medical treatment abroad.
But months later the girl's case has shown just how difficult combating sexual violence can be: Her father objected to the rape being tried in court, requiring police to issue a restraining order so she could continue receiving medical treatment. No court date has been set, not even a prosecutor chosen.
Incompetent, idle, corrupt, vicious, you name it they got it. And Her Majesty's Government imports them with malice aforethought.
9 June 2019
On this day in
1983 Maggie Thatcher won a landslide victory for the
this day in 2017 Theresa May achieved a
hung Parliament when she needed a strong hand for dealing with the enemies of
Brexit - not that she was going to deliver it.
Somali Rapist Deported Eventually
A Somali rapist whose deportation was dramatically halted after a mutiny by passengers on his plane is finally being kicked out of Britain. Yaqub Ahmed, 30, should have been deported last October but the protesters halted his removal, and he was then controversially released back on to the streets in March after being given bail. Now The Mail on Sunday can reveal that he was recently taken back into custody and is being held at a detention centre, from where he will be taken to an airport and returned to Somalia.
Who are the protesters? People who didn't know his evil according to the Mail, which is censoring comments again. He did it in 2007. Why are they so slow?
Pakistani Vote Thief Helped Comrade Corbyn Win By-Election
Labour’s narrow victory in the Peterborough by-election was marred last night by claims that a convicted vote rigger was at the centre of their campaign. Jeremy Corbyn faced claims that an ex-Labour member jailed for a postal vote scam had provided vital help in fighting off Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party by just 683 votes.Ex-local Labour branch secretary Tariq Mahmood received a 15-month prison sentence in 2008 for his part in a scheme to fabricate votes for a Peterborough council election............
But the row erupted after Labour MPs privately told The Mail on Sunday they were hoping the sizeable Muslim vote would come to the party’s rescue last week.
There is an important truth here; the Labour Party is in the business of betraying the Working Classes. It has been infiltrated by fat, ugly chancers who have never done an honest day's work in their lives, e.g. Emily Thornberry and by Pakistani Perverts who run major Vote Rigging operations for them. The pay off, the quid pro quo? Free licence to Rape English girls in Rotherham and other sad little towns.
8 June 2019
On this day in
1967 the USS
Liberty Massacre
was carried out by the Israelis using aircraft
and motor torpedo boats because the Liberty was picking their radio
traffic regarding a massacre of Egyptian
soldiers during the Six
Day War. See
Communications Prove Israelis Knew Liberty Was U.S. Ship
Bamford Responds
to Charges Made in Secrecy News
Here is the piece from
News The story is told by James Bamford in
of Secrets. 34 men were murdered by Jews.
Rich Jew Whines About Hatred In The Labour Party
Almost four years ago, Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party and infected it with the vile poison of anti-Semitism.Not a day has gone by when I haven’t been targeted by an online army of anti-Semites who work in his name. Faced with a deluge of anti-Jewish hate, I didn’t think the situation could get much worse.
But I was wrong. For now Corbyn’s most senior advisor, Andrew Murray, has been using a private email address to make rulings on anti-Semitism complaints in secret – with the sole intention of overturning decisions to protect his pals.
You might wonder why a rich Jew joined the Labour Party in the first place. Just why just did they have her? She has never done an honest day's work in her life. Labour was set up to help the Working Class, to protect them against Capitalist Swine like Hodge. And somehow she did not know about Mark Trotter but then he was not just a Paedophile pervert with AIDS, he was a Labour wallah too. This goes for Peter Righton, another paedophile, the founder of the gay Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). NB On this day in 1967 Jews murdered 34 men of the USS Liberty. In 1946 Jews murdered 91 people in the King David Hotel Massacre.
Boris Beats Frivolous Prosecution In Five Minutes
Boris Johnson today won a High Court challenge against a court summons over claims he made during the referendum campaign that the EU receives £350million a week from the UK. The former Foreign Secretary's legal team challenged the summons for him to attend Westminster Magistrates' Court as they blocked a controversial private prosecution by campaigner Marcus Ball.Mr Ball, a Remainer, had been trying to prosecute the Conservative leadership for three allegations of Misconduct In Public Office. But he will now not face court after two High Court judges took barely five minutes to quash the case.
Judicial Review works especially when a case is Frivolous or Vexatious. The chancer running this one made lotsa dosh by crowd funding. Now he will have the fun of spending it - after the lawyers have taken their cut.
Charity Racketeers Waste £735 Million
And that is just one bunch of chancers on the make. But to be fair, it was only tax payers' money; there is plenty more where that came from.
7 June 2019
Labour Just Wins By-Election After Black Thief Is Dismissed
Labour swept to victory in the Peterborough by-election today in a hammer blow to the Conservatives as Nigel Farage's Brexit Party failed at its first attempt to win a Westminster seat. In a result that will alarm Tory headquarters Lisa Forbes took the seat despite winning less that a third of the vote - showing how Jeremy Corbyn could sneak a general election victory.The narrow result saw the Brexiteer vote split between the Brexit Party and the Tories - combined they would have been enough to easily win the seat in an area what voted Leave in 2016. The upstart Eurosceptic party candidate Mike Greene lost the marginal by less than 700 votes to Corbynite Ms Forbes.
And in a damning valedictory statement for Theresa May on the day she steps down as party leader the Tories were well beaten into third place in a seat they held as recently as 2017.
The Labour Party ran another woman, albeit they had enough sense not to use a black this time. This one is merely fat [ very ]. Jews don't like Lisa, a point in her favour as the Labour Friends of Israel carry on taking over - with the help of the Conservative Friends of Israel & the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel. Are they co-conspirators, the Enemy Within? You just might think so.
King's College Professor Robert Plomin Tells Hay Festival Only DNA Decides Children' Success
A leading geneticist has told parents they don’t need to send their children to top schools like Eton – because genetics has already determined how well they will do in academics. Robert Plomin, a professor of behavioural genetics at King’s College London, said prestigious schools ‘don’t add anything’ to children’s grades.Speaking at the Hay Festival, he said that a child’s success is pre-determined by their genes, and ‘nature’ plays a much larger part in our lives than ‘nurture’ or external environmental factors.
When asked why a parent would spend money sending their child to Eton, he replied: ‘The reason why education is universal is literacy and numeracy are innate – children need to learn to read. We’re talking about what makes them different. So the issue is do differences in the quality of school make a difference in outcomes like GCSE scores or getting into universities?............
‘If you correct for what the schools selected on, there’s no difference in GCSE scores. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you select the very best kids academically, yes they go on and do well. But have you added value? The answer is no.
It is nearly all about intelligence, about IQ. The point is confirmed by Charles Murray, an eminent psychologist - IQ Will Put You In Your Place. Charm, drive, a good start in life help but intelligence is the issue. That is why Liechtenstein's GDP Is Larger than 14 African States Combined. Being stupid and idle makes a difference.
6 June 2019
In 1944 it was
D Day in 1944. The Allies landed in
7th Parachute Battalion [ 7 PARA ] jumped by
Pegasus Bridge
to prevent Wehrmacht counter attacks from the east.
D Day Landing Scenes Then & Now is worth a look. The comments give the
impression that
readers are not always Marxist
Heavy equipment like tanks & vehicles were landed via
Mulberry harbours.
One off
Omaha Beach (Mulberry "A") was wrecked by a storm. The other one, off
Gold Beach
(Mulberry "B") worked for ten months from D+4 to D+147 = 31 October -
see HyperWar Mulberry B Report
On this day in 1982 Jews invaded the Lebanon in Operation Peace for
Galilee. Jews are cynical liars who wanted a piece of Galilee.
Queen Elizabeth Pays Tribute To The Men Who Were There On D Day
The Queen delivered a poignant speech, paying tribute to the resilience of "the wartime generation - my generation" as part of the D-Day commemorations in Portsmouth. An emotionally-charged performance was watched by world leaders, royalty and hundreds of veterans in Portsmouth to mark the 75th anniversary of the landings..........Some 60,000 members of the public are expected to attend the Portsmouth Naval Memorial on Southsea Common for the event over the course of the day, which marks the 75th anniversary of the biggest amphibious invasion in military history. Considered a turning point in the Second World War, Operation Overlord saw thousands killed and injured after it launched on June 6 1944.
As part of the commemorations, a selected few will re-enact the parachute jump in Normandy............................
Representatives from every country that fought alongside the UK will attend commemorations as well as The Prince of Wales, members of the armed forces and veterans, all of whom are over 90 years old.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II said the right things in the right way. Donald Trump was there too.
Islamic And A Black Imported Illegal Immigrants
A Muslim preacher from northern France has been sentenced to two years in prison for helping migrants try to cross the English Channel in inflatable boats.The 39-year-old preacher, who is of Iranian origin and was granted political asylum in France, is accused of organising several crossings from northern France to England since last December.
A 29-year-old Senegalese man who attends the mosque in Rouen where the imam preaches also stood trial. He was handed nine months in jail and was banned from visiting the northern French regions of Nord and Pas-de-Calais for three years.
The imam fainted upon hearing his sentence.
That is one criminal who will think twice before trying it on again.
5 June 2019
On this day in 1967 Jews attacked Egypt, wiping out its air force. It was the start of
the Six Day War. Jordan
took a beating as well.
Blacks Attack Another Farm In South Africa
South Africa's farming community has been rocked by another attack just days after a wine producer was gunned down. Burglars broke into Klapmuts Farm early on Tuesday, just a few miles from the Louiesenhof estate where wine farmer Stefan Smit was murdered on Sunday.According to police, the robbers threatened the farm's occupants before they made off with a licensed firearm. The suspects are still at large.
Being a white farmer in South Africa is a dangerous occupation. Torture is the preferred method of killing. See e.g. Farm Tortures In South Africa or Vicious Black Racists Torture White Farmers In South Africa. As a result more than 70,000 whites have been murdered and untold numbers have been robbed, raped and tortured.
4 June 2019
Is the anniversary of the
Square Massacre in 1989. The PLA
used "fragmentation rounds" according to one Jiang Yonyong, getting hundreds or thousands of dead. There were 2,600 kills
according to the Chinese Red Cross. It has a nice open field of fire
which made it easier.
More Than Half Of Swedish Women Aged Between 16 And 29 Have Been Subjected To Sexual Assaults
More than a half of Swedish women aged between 16 and 29 claim they have been sexually assaulted or harassed, a new study has revealed. Sweden's Public Health Agency claimed this is a 'major public health issue' which needs to be stopped. [ Importing more vicious aliens is not the answer - Editor ]Officials discovered the alarming statistic after surveying about 50,000 Swedes between aged between 16 and 84 as part of a study into sex habits. The report found that, while most people are satisfied with their sex life, 42 per cent of women claim to have been sexually harassed, compared to nine per cent of men.
The Mail does not bother to mention that most attacks are carried out by Third World parasites on the make. The BBC however tells the truth for some reason - Sweden rape Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV - BBC News. The Lunatic Fringe has made Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.
3 June 2019
Los Angeles Being Destroyed From Within
These shocking pictures from downtown Los Angeles capture the growing problem it faces with trash and rodents in a desperate city also trying to contain a typhoid fever outbreak linked to worsening sanitary conditions. A decision to not cap the total amount of property that homeless people can keep on Skid Row was announced last Wednesday and it sparked fury among some officials who say it will 'only perpetuate the public health crisis that already exists' there.That, coupled with the news a Los Angeles police detective has been diagnosed with typhoid fever, has sparked concern among LA's residents.
Is this representative of LA? Or is it just the Daily Mail making a story of nothing? Skid Row has been round a long time. LA is a Sanctuary City pandering to Illegal Immigrants, inciting crime, allowing Illegal Immigrants To Import Diseases. Silicon Valley was a good place for the intelligent, educated hard working individual. But the Lunatic Fringe is having its way. NB educated does not mean a degree in social studies or similar rubbish. NB Racial Politics in Latin America What Race in Another America Tells Us About Our Destiny is an honest look at an ugly reality.
Opinion Polls Are Corrupt Political Tools Says Nigel Farage
The pollsters' blatant dishonesty on Brexit is ruining the public trustI am the first to admit that political polls must be taken with a pinch of salt. Their main purpose is to provide a snapshot of public opinion. They often do this perfectly adequately, but only the most complacent political party would ever rely on them wholeheartedly.
With that said, history was made at the weekend. For the first time, the Brexit Party topped a national opinion poll. The survey, carried out by polling company Opinium on behalf of The Observer, asked people how they would vote in the next general election.....................
On that note, it is important to mention another recent poll. It was published last week in The Times and was conducted by YouGov. It also asked people how they would vote in a general election and it placed the Brexit Party in second position on 22 per cent, behind the Liberal Democrats on 24 per cent.
Parts of the media heralded this survey as proof of a Remain insurgency, suggesting that the prospect of a second referendum is on the cards. But if you looked at the small print you would have learnt an interesting truth: incredibly, YouGov omitted the Brexit Party from its list of options.
The only way those who took part in the poll could signal their support for the Brexit Party was to say they intended to vote for some “other” party. This was not only absurd, but it also underlines why so many people no longer trust what they are told.
The Mainstream Media are Propaganda machines.
2 June 2019
Islamics Object To Schools Inciting Homosexuality
There are only two reasons why someone who is not invited to a fancy-dress party would put on a Scream-type mask. One is to avoid being recognised, the other is to intimidate and terrorise. The sinister figures who descended on Dennis Road on the outskirts of Birmingham city centre, wearing just such a disguise, achieved both aims. Behind the masks — and hoodies — were militant Muslims. 'The Boys', as one sympathiser casually referred to them.........At Anderton, this means teaching children about families with, say, 'two mummies or two daddies', to foster tolerance and respect for everyone and prepare them for life in modern Britain.
But almost all of Anderton's 800 pupils are Muslims, and for Muslims, homosexuality is sinful.
Islamics are getting it right for once. The Mail is siding with the Sodomites, the perverts. The readers seem more in favour of the Homosexuals. The Puppet Masters have their Useful Idiots importing foreign parasites giving rise to conflict between opposing ideologies, Islam versus useful idiots, read that as Marxists or just Left Wing agitators. They hate Jews too; Zionist crazies make sure of that by murdering people in Palestine, the Stolen Land and in Gaza.
PS Of course Muhammad was a Paedophile. See e.g. Muhammad the Child Abuser. His adherents do not seem to mind.
1 June 2019
Brexit And The Manipulators
On 23 June 2016, the British people voted to leave the EU.The danger is that the country will have ‘taken back control’ only to hand it over to corporate lobbyists who see Brexit as 'a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity' to influence the way the UK is run.
Whether that is getting rid of laws and regulations inherited from Europe, including labour standards and environmental regulations, reshaping UK agriculture, or influencing trade policy. Any company or sector that can swing the rules in their favour stands to profit enormously.
So, while the threats to business from Brexit are enormous, so too are the opportunities to profit. We think the British people should be able to see who is lobbying around Brexit and seeking to use it to further their own private interests.
The Referendum was clear; England wanted out. The Welsh were ambivalent. Scotland and Ireland wanted in. Behind the politicians are Big Business and their Useful Idiots. So Powerbase tells us about e.g. Brexit - lobbyists-for-hire but not Theresa May, THE remainer.
Planned Parenthood Wants Unrestricted Abortion
Planned Parenthood declared a 'state of emergency' for women's health following the passage of laws in several states restricting or near-outright banning abortion.The organization claims that these new laws threaten access to abortion care, birth control, and reproductive health care, according to the report it released on Thursday. Several states have introduced or passed bills that have restricted abortion past the first trimester [ first three months ], including Alabama, Georgia, Missouri and Ohio.
And, on June 1, Missouri's only abortion clinic may be closed because the state is threatening to not renew its license. Planned Parenthood argues that these measures will not stop abortions and will only give rise to unsafe - and potentially deadly - back alley abortions.
Meanwhile, hundreds have taken to the streets and are protesting their local governments after these bills were signed into law.
The people running Planned Parenthood claim that they provide safe, legal abortion; they lie. See Planned Parenthood Clinic Temporarily Closes After Botching Abortions. Abortion is the murder of the unborn child. In practice it is worse. Some of the rogues, some of the killers do it after the child emerges. One such was Kermit Gosnell, a self-righteous chancer who killed 40 thousand babies under filthy conditions.The Mail is censoring comments again. The readers are ambivalent about Abortion but then most of them have never seen the ugly reality portrayed in Gosnell - The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer. Medics who pass that way are all breaching the Hippocratic Oath.
White Man Murders Twelve In Virginia Beach
Twelve people have died after a disgruntled long-time city worker stormed offices at Virginia Beach municipal center unleashing a hail of gunfire before cops fatally shot him. The shooter, named as DeWayne Craddock, 40, by The Wall Street Journal, reportedly bought multiple firearms in recent weeks.He is said to have engaged in a 'long term gun battle' with the first four officers on the scene after carrying out his massacre before being fatally shot by police on Friday afternoon. The gunman is said to have shot one victim in his vehicle outside the building before continuing his rampage and killing people across all three floors of the offices. Four others were injured including a police officer.
He is said to have used a 45 caliber handgun complete with a surpressor [ sic ] and multiple extended magazines.
He is a straight shooter, one with more dead than wounded, and a criminal; it is another time when the Armed Citizen would have paid off. The Mail is going big on this one because it is a Propaganda machine hostile to the White Man. Be aware that there have been 190 murders in Chicago so far this year. 153 of the dead are black. Most were murdered by other blacks. It is turf war fought by the wonderful people of the Narcotics Industry. Virginia Beach is where blacks play The Knockout Game, punching white people at random for the fun of it. See e.g. Black College Beach Week
31 May 2019
More at 2019 or News This Month
What lies ahead? Pass but there could be some good things.
Today's Girl
Is for light relief.
Her Majesty's Prime Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
Brown is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the man. Does he wash his hands first? See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch him clean his fingers on his tie.
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& omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery.
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Updated on Tuesday, 02 July 2019 08:51:03 +0100