Perverting the course of justice is major crime. Preventing it is the proper role of the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. Being the perpetrators is not. But that is what happened when Channel 4 told the truth about Islamics inciting hate and murder. Of course the Islamics got away with it because Her Majesty's Government is corrupt, run by traitors and the enemies of England. The CPS and police are pandering to rogues or, more likely colluding with them. The two perps most directly involved were a Sikh and, quite probably a Jew. There was comment at the time about the Channel 4 being leant on but much less about them beating the crooks. Private Eye distinguished itself by telling the truth again. This not a normal failing of the media. The CPS is run by the Director of Public Prosecutions who is not necessarily an ornament of the business. Mala Fide [ bad faith ] is the name of the game. See e.g. [ Insurance Bad Faith Claims FAQs - ]. It is also Misconduct In Public Office.
CPS Prosecution Principles
Their website tells us that the decision to prosecute is based on:-
- Having enough evidence to get a result &
- Prosecution being in the public interest.
There may be some simple minded enough to believe them. The wonderful people who made a television programme called Undercover Mosque are not among their number. After being called liars Hardcash Productions had to sue the police and Crown Prosecution Service for Libel. When the matter got to court the perpetrators admitted that they were lying in their teeth. By extension it follows that the CPS and police conspired to Pervert The Course Of Justice for the benefit of Third World enemy aliens. It may be that what they did was Treason. It is certainly Misconduct In Public Office. The police complaint to Ofcom was rejected. The police lied. Ofcom didn't swallow their allegations.
CPS Instructions For Prosecuting Advocates
Cover action regarding crooked police who are giving evidence. Adverse Judicial Findings oblige prosecutors to tell the truth about bent coppers and bent prosecutions. There are also Attorney General's Guidelines on Disclosure.
CPS Defines Offences
Rather a useful reference.
Police, Law And You
The police are your enemy. It is a simple point and important to understand. Procedural safeguards against them have been weakened by that corrupt little swine, Blair. Robert Henderson's guide to what you should say is important. There is a lot not to say as well.
Police Pervert The Course Of Justice
In January, I wrote about a documentary which was screened in Britain on January 15. This show, entitled "Undercover Mosque", was screened by Channel 4 on its "Dispatches" strand, and was produced by Hardcash Productions. The one-hour documentary showed the results of a undercover journalist's secret videotaping over four months at the Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham, in the West Midlands. The documentary can be found on Hot Air, or on YouTube, with a transcript here. A downloadable QuickTime file (106 mb) can be found here.......... There is nothing in the documentary which differs from other serious documentaries - extracts from DVDs on sale at various mosques are shown, and preachers are shown making hate filled and extremist statements, without dubbing or narration. Despite the authenticity of the documentary showing preachers at Green Lane and other mosques exhorting Muslims to hate non-Muslims,....... West Midlands Police have taken the astonishing step of trying to have Channel 4 PROSECUTED for showing the documentary. Initially, the police had considered prosecuting three of the preachers featured in "Undercover Mosque". They decided not to press charges against the preachers of hate, but moved on to try to have the makers of the documentary charged.
Perhaps a better charge would be Malicious Prosecution - against the police and CPS. Fortunately Channel 4 had enough money to do them for Libel so the filth bottled out. Justice is a luxury that rich men can afford. The rest of us get screwed.
Police Try It On
Channel 4's controversial documentary Undercover Mosque was great investigative journalism. That the CPS thought it incited racial hatred beggars belief.
You might think he means that the police must have been lying. Putting it that way makes it harder for them to claim that they were libelled.
Police Lie About Their Involvement
Police account differs from that of Ofcom
Now the Eye gives a bit more context to the police complaint:Had [Assistant Chief Constable Anil] Patani bothered to check the CPS website beforehand he’d have realised that, under the legislation governing Ofcom, complaints about unfairness can only come from “the person affected”…the “formal complaint” looks like a non-starter. It appears to be little more than a publicity stunt.
The Eye asked the West Midlands police why they hadn’t read the rules before lodging the complaint. A spokeswoman told us that they had “liaised” with Ofcom in advance…But this true?
“No,” said an Ofcom spokeswoman… “We certainly didn’t.”
The police also told the Eye that the formal complaint to Ofcom came jointly from themselves and the CPS. Again, this turns out to be untrue. But the confusion is understandable, since Bethan David of the CPS certainly aided and abetted the stunt.
The report ends by noting that the documentary-makers are considering suing for libel. I drew attention to this possibility a few days ago; in 2002 journalist Donal MacIntyre won a libel action against Kent Police in similar circumstances. He received £15,000 damages and reportedly £650,000 in costs.
Police lied? Police don't do much else.
Social Cohesion Centre
Good on the general case against Islamic trouble makers.
The Full Story
The Chief Constable of West Midlands Police was personally responsible for the disastrous decision to complain about Channel 4's Undercover Mosque documentary exposing extremism in a Birmingham mosque, an inquiry has been told. Paul Scott-Lee, head of the region’s force, approved the decision in a conversation with another senior officer, the Home Affairs Select Committee heard. But nobody has been disciplined for the humiliating incident, which led to the force being sued for libel in the High Court and forced to offer a grovelling apology.
A good police force catches more criminals than it employs. Of course when criminals run the force that ain't going to happen.
Undercover Mosque - Wiki
However Bethan David of the CPS agreed with West Midlands Police Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani (security and cohesion) that a damaging and distorting impression had been given of the speakers by the programme.
There seems little enough doubt about their story. Presumably they thought they could get away with it. Fortunately C4 had the money and good sense to tell them to fuck off.
How To Lose The War On Islamist Terror
ACC Anil Patani for West Midlands Police said: "As a result of our ... "The CPS has demonstrated that it will not hesitate to prosecute ..."
He lied. This article is a decent summary of the whole thing.
UK Commentators: Compare And Contrast
"8 Aug 2007 ... The CPS was also asked by the police to consider whether a ... "ANIL PATANI, an Asian police officer in the Nottinghamshire force, ..."
3. CPS complains to Ofcom over 'distorted' Channel 4 film on mosque ...
"The police and CPS suggest that comments like these were taken 'out of context'. ... Anil Patani, also appears to have followed this line of thinking. ..."
5. Counter terrorism- West Midlands style. |
"Assistant Chief Constable (Security and Cohesion) Anil Patani was the chief ... WMP cannot be solely blamed as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) gave them ..."
6. The Police vs. Channel 4 | Adrian Monck
"[Assistant Chief Constable] Anil Patani for West Midlands Police said: “As a ... CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] reviewing lawyer Bethan David considered 56 ..."
7. Private Eye: Police Complaint over Documentary “a Stunt ...
"Had [Assistant Chief Constable Anil] Patani bothered to check the CPS website beforehand he’d have realised that, under the legislation governing Ofcom, ..."
"Chair - Anil Patani,Assistant Chief Constable,West Midlands Police. • David Blundell, Chief Crown Prosecutor - CPS West Midlands ..." House Price Crash forum > West Mids Police, Cps Sued Over Muslim Film
"15 May 2008 ... The West Mids Police and CPS accused C4 of grossly distorting the ...... ANIL PATANI, an Asian police officer in the Nottinghamshire force ..." The Stirrer
"Rolle’s letter to the IPCC cited Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani, ... and they point out that prosecutions are determined by the CPS. ..." Western Resistance: UK: How To Lose The War On Islamist Terror
"21 Aug 2007 ... ACC Anil Patani for West Midlands Police said: "As a result of our ... "The CPS has demonstrated that it will not hesitate to prosecute ..." Channel 4 mosque programme 'distorted' - Telegraph
"The complaint was made after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) concluded there ... Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani said: "As a result of our initial ..." Family Security Matters Archive
"ACC Anil Patani for West Midlands Police said: "As a result of our initial ... CPS reviewing lawyer Bethan David considered 56 hours of media footage of ..." 2007 August |
"Some more backlash about the West Midland Police and CPS extraordinary decision to widen their remit to ... ACC Anil Patani for West Midlands Police said: ..." Blinkx Video: Channel 4 mosque programme 'distorted'
"The CPS also found there was not enough evidence to support charges against ... Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani said: "As a result of our initial ..." Not guilty – but who's to know?, Kevin Sutcliffe - British ...
"... the letter was from Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani, the ACC in charge ... Patani’s letter went on to say the CPS did not think there was enough ..." ConservativeHome's ToryDiary: Is Britain policing or appeasing ...
"Case in point: West Midlands Police trying to convince the CPS that Channel 4 .... West Midlands Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani are NOT appeasers. ..." Untitled
"Welcome to the annual report for CPS Essex for 2004- .... Left to right: Anil Patani, Ian Allen, John Bell, Yvonne Ferns, Baroness ..."
UKIP Man Prosecuted For Annoying Islamics [ 1 February 2015 ]
'I don't believe that Mr. Couch appreciated the seriousness of these [ Racism ] offences at the time but he is now aware.'
But the magistrates didn't put him in prison so perhaps they have some residual sense of decency. It was Selective Prosecution. Englishmen get screwed while foreigners walk away laughing - see e.g. the next one.
Racist Islamic Preachers Incite Murder [ 1 February 2015 ]
The Crown Prosecution Service refuse to prosecute Islamics for inciting murder & race hatred. The Crown Prosecution Service alleged that there was not enough evidence. The West Midlands Police offered to prosecute the people who exposed blatant Racism, the programme makers instead of the guilty. When the CPS and police were sued for Libel they admitted that they had lied in their teeth. They still did not prosecute the Islamic criminals. This amounted to a Conspiracy to Pervert The Course Of Justice. Englishmen get prosecuted while our wonderful government panders to Third World criminals.
Crown Prosecution Service Concealed Truth About Janner In Order To Pervert The Course Of Justice [ 19 April 2015 ]
Lord Macdonald says ‘serious failing’ by prosecutors meant he was not told about case
The previous Director of Public Prosecutions choses to allege that the Crown Prosecution Service is guilty of Misconduct In Public Office. I chose to allege that I believe him. Janner was allowed to get away with Paedophile perversion because he is a Jew who wormed his way into The Establishment, exploiting the Holocaust® Racket.
Janner, The Jew Evidence Should Be Released Say His Victims [ 19 April 2015 ]
The Guardian was privy to the cover up from the off. See I Saw Up Close How An Establishment Closed Ranks Over The Janner Affair
Crown Prosecution Service Panders To Animal Rights Extremists [ 25 February 2017 ]
We were very pleased that Ledbury huntsman Mark Melladay was cleared of assault charges last week after he was prosecuted on the basis of malicious allegations made by a well-known animal rights extremist (read the Telegraph’s report).Mark should not, however, have even been in court and this case, along with the prosecution of Blackmore and Sparkford Vale huntsman Peter Dogrell last year, has raised significant concerns about the implementation of the ‘Victim’s Right to Review’ which was introduced in 2013.
The right to review makes it easier for victims of crime to challenge prosecutors’ decisions not to bring charges where allegations have been made. In principle this is a perfectly reasonable approach and one which we would support, but in practice it seems clear that prosecutors are being influenced by organised campaigns, rather than just by the evidential and public interest tests on which prosecuting decisions should be made...........
In both cases charging decisions seem to have been made on the basis of who can shout the loudest, not the quality of the evidence provided by the complainant. It is no surprise either that in both cases the target of the allegations and subsequent campaigns were huntsmen, and that their accusers were animal rights protestors.
The Left Wing has its crazies, often vicious with a standard set of views driven by hate. Rent A Mob is an ugly reality, just like criminals rioting because Donald Trump won in spite of some three million fraudulent votes. They push Feminism, Homosexuality, anti-English Racism and other evils.
Alison Levitt QC
One of theirs, was at it with a deeply unpleasant Jew, Alex Carlile, she was exposed by the News Of The World. He even went and married her and she is now, in April 2017 with Mishcon de Reya - see - Alison Levitt QC; hired on the grounds that she knows people, one assumes. It is a standard technique for infiltrating the Establishment
Crown Prosecution Service Criticised After Malicious Prosecution Is Rejected By A Jury [ 16 April 2017 ]
The Crown Prosecution Service was facing serious questions from MPs last night after a judge condemned it for putting an innocent teacher on trial for raping a pupil following ‘enormous pressure’ from a former Metropolitan Police chief and an ex-CPS boss. A jury took just 15 minutes to clear high-flying deputy headmaster Kato Harris – who says the ordeal has destroyed his life.Now, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Sue Akers, an ex-Scotland Yard deputy assistant commissioner, hired as a private detective by the 14-year-old’s wealthy family, influenced the CPS decision to prosecute by pressurising officers from her old force..................
A damning official verdict, written by the trial judge and seen by this newspaper, also suggests Alison Levitt QC, the CPS’s former principal legal adviser to the Director of Public Prosecutions might have misled detectives into believing she acted as a ‘minister of justice’ for the CPS. At the time, she too was being paid by the girl’s parents.
Akers and Levitt were hired by the pupil’s family through exclusive legal firm Mishcon de Reya...........
The judge said he was ‘at a loss’ to see how the CPS decided there was ‘sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction’...........
In an interview with The Mail on Sunday, Mr Harris reveals that the girl’s false claims have destroyed his career – and extinguished his once irrepressible spirit that endeared him to legions of children.
Was the girl raped? Pass. Was she put up to it after telling a few lies? Pass. Did the family want vengeance? Yes! Did the family use Mishcon de Reya because they are Jews or because they have infiltrated the Establishment, because they know how to pervert the system?
PS The DPP, Alison Saunders is "controversial", a Feminist who hates men.
CPS Boss Set Up Malicious Rape Prosecution [ 7 January 2018 ]
The Crown Prosecution Service was set up to protect people from police prosecution. Now it has been infiltrated by Feminist ratbags full of hate, where Englishmen are involved but they ignore wholesale Rape by Pakistani Perverts in Rotherham. Their daughters don't matter; they didn't go to Roedean.
Rape Allegation Fails [ 12 January 2018 ]
Both drunk. No witnesses. No case to answer. Simple enough but the Crown Prosecution Service leaned on him anyway. It is one of a string of bad cases.
Crown Prosecution Service Drops Another Bad Rape Case [ 19 January 2018 ]
The Main Stream Media are feeding us a string of these stories. A lad was under threat for two years while paper sat in someone's in-tray.
It comes as Britain's top prosecutor claimed no innocent people are in jail as a result of failures to disclose crucial evidence. Alison Saunders, head of the Crown Prosecution Service, insisted the justice system was working properly, despite a string of rape trials collapsing.But critics condemned her as 'complacent' after it emerged that police and prosecutors have failed to hand over texts and photos to defence lawyers in trials. The CPS has denied any failings.
We are supposed to have forgotten that the Crown Prosecution Service committed Perjury in order to Pervert The Course Of Justice to protect Islamic criminals. See Undercover Mosque for more.
Every Rape Case In England To Be Reviewed [ 28 January 2018 ]
The Attorney General has slammed police and prosecutors for their 'basic' errors in a number of recent collapsed rape trials, after the CPS announced a review of every case.Jeremy Wright QC blamed underfunded services for a lack of resources, suggesting they are a 'factor' in recent trials where defendants had charges against them dropped when critical evidence emerged at the 11th hour. But, crucially, those cases were primarily the result of police and prosecutor failures he said, in a damning indictment of criminal justice system competence............
The cases have rocked confidence in the criminal justice system and Mr Wright said there was a 'substantial problem' with how the disclosure regime was being followed.
For my money it is childless Feminist ratbags full of hate. Alison Saunders is where the buck stops albeit she seems to have children. Police Corruption is like police incompetence, always with us. Politicians told them to let Pakistani Perverts rape English girls as 1,400 of them know to their cost. That is just in Rotherham. The CPS Instructions To Prosecuting Advocates covers action regarding crooked police who are giving evidence. Adverse Judicial Findings obliges prosecutors to tell the truth about bent coppers and bent prosecutions. They get ignored.
PS Men must prove a woman said 'Yes' under tough new rape rules said Saunders and justice be damned. That was back January 2015. How many men did she succeed in putting away?
CPS Boss & Feminist Released Into The Community [ 2 April 2018 ]
A Director of Public Prosecutions mounts Malicious Prosecutions of men & suppresses evidence of innocence, she has Perverted The Course Of Justice. She was paid £250,000 a year, enough to justify honest work. We didn't get it.
Crown Prosecution Service Stitched Up Homosexual DJ [ 4 November 2018 ]
Five years ago this week, veteran BBC radio presenter Paul Gambaccini was woken in his luxury London apartment by a team of eight officers from the Metropolitan Police.It was 4.38am. They arrested him on accusations of sexually abusing two underage boys in the late 1970s and early 1980s and confiscated sacks of his possessions, including computers, cameras, phones, Paul’s UK and U.S. passports and 38 years of diaries.............
But Paul’s life was turned inside-out. Work dried up, his income stopped, friends melted away and his anger levels rocketed.
And then, a year later, the CPS dropped the case on the basis of ‘insufficient evidence’ and, just in case anyone had forgotten, reiterated not only the alleged crime, but the incorrect ages of the ‘victims’. ‘It feels as if the Metropolitan Police has become like a third-rate Stasi,’ says Paul.
We are chatting because, this week, he was awarded substantial damages, plus costs and an unreserved apology from the CPS over the misleading statement it put out after he was cleared.
‘Those weasel words, “insufficient evidence”,’ says Paul today, banging a bottle of water on the table in barely controlled fury. ‘There was no evidence.’
The Crown Prosecution Service leaves corrupt politicians alone. It treats the Rotherham cover up with an air of sincere indifference. The police of course are happy to ignore crime when they are told to or pursue it where there is nothing.
Major Fraud Case Collapses After CPS Star Witness Is Found To Be A Fantasist
Between May 2011 and February 2015, more than 70 victims - mainly vulnerable pensioners - were conned into investing into one of five companies which invested in the diamond and carbon credit industries. In total, they lost £3.5million and today at Southwark Crown Court eight defendants walked free from court after a judge was forced to deliver not guilty verdicts on multiple fraud charges.The case collapsed following “chaotic” disclosure failures and after the Crown Prosecution Service’s (CPS) key witness, Andrew Ager was discredited as “wholly misleading”. Police officers have also confirmed that an allegation into his conduct has been referred to the National Crime Agency, while defence lawyers told The Telegraph that “the safety of the convictions in every previous carbon credits prosecution is now in question”...........
Reporting restrictions were lifted yesterday half-way through the two-month trial after Mr Ager, the CPS’s expert witness on the carbon credit trading market, admitted that he had no academic qualifications, had received no training nor had he attended any course on the carbon credit trade.............
He described the disclosure in the case as “pretty chaotic and unsatisfactory”, combined with other “insuperable problems” meaning that the prosecution was “fatally flawed”. The judge also criticised the City of London police which investigated the alleged scam, and described one police officer who had been “rather too proactive” in preparing the Ager’s witness statement................
The case comes in the wake of prosecution disclosure failures that lead to the collapse of several high-profile sex cases. However Narita Bahra QC, who represented Mr Sulley, said outside court: "There is a public perception that disclosure failures are limited to cases involving sexual offences. But the reality is that they are not. “The onus shouldn’t be put on a good defence team to alert the prosecution to the failures in their case.”
Carbon Emission Trading is a monstrous fraud costing the world, especially Western Civilization trillions, not mere billions but that is another issue, one driven by the Puppet Masters who manipulate the Useful Idiots in the Global Warming racket. Perhaps the real point to take is that Evidence, in particular Expert Evidence should be regarded with a sceptical eye. City Police should be on the ball regarding financial fraud. The Crown Prosecution Service is a bunch of third rate incompetents too.
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Updated on 12/07/2019 11:16