Malmö in Sweden is where it all happens. It is almost always Third World aliens imported by a government of Useful Idiots, led by a large dose of rogues. Context is given by Rape Statistics. The perpetrators are largely Islamics as well as foreign, Arab or black.
Malmö Violence -
Tells us what is going on. The Main Stream Media do NOT.
Here is one of their victims. Fun? NO!
Five Rapes In One Week In Malmö
The article updates the investigations on the five alleged rapes in Malmö the last week.
On two of the cases, the ones that happened out-doors, police has no leads. The police lack witnesses, but no description of the attackers has been disclosed.
On the other three cases, Police are optimistic about their investigations. In the case where four men allegedly took turn raping two young women in a Hotell on a late night party after a night out on town, chanses are good the police will identify the suspects. The same is true about the case on the party at Augustenborgsgatan.
Source: Sydsvenskan.
Does their wonderful government care?
Swedish Police Release Map Of Danger Areas Full Of Third World Rapists [ 6 November 1962 ]
The Swedish police recently released a map of 55 areas where they publicly admit to having surrendered control to the criminal gangs. These areas have long had problems with mailmen, fire trucks and ambulances being attacked when trying to enter, which has led to them routinely requesting police escort. Now it’s the police being attacked outright.
This is a political achievement, the surrender of Sweden to Third World aliens by Lenin's Useful Idiots who have fallen for the propaganda being used to destroy Western Civilization.
Norwegian Police Declare Oslo Lost To Third World Criminals [ 1 August 2016 ]
Grønland, a district in the city of Oslo that is said to have “apocalyptic level of culturally-enriched violence.” It is only two subway stops from the Parliament, one stop from the Central Station, and fairly close to the government offices that were bombed by Breivik.........The Grønland district of Oslo looks like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one. People sell drugs openly next to the Grønland subway station, violence is epidemic, and the police have largely given up. It’s not Norway or Europe anymore, except when there is welfare money to be collected.
The police have largely given up. Five years ago Aftenposten a pro-Islamic leaning publication that is the largest newspaper in the Oslo, stated that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away. “Immigrant Fatima Tetouani says that ‘Grønland is more Muslim than Morocco.’”
Lenin's Useful Idiots turned Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia using a flood of Third World aliens. Now Oslo may become a rival.
Only One In Five Third World Rapists Get Deported From Sweden [ 12 March 2017 ]
It is likely to be just as bad in England. Swedes are the dangerous fools who give Nobel Peace Prizes to War Criminals like Obama & terrorist Jews like Menachem Begin.
Hundreds Chant 'We Want Our Freedom Back and We’re Going to Shoot the Jews' at Rally in Malmo, Sweden [ 12 December 2017 ]
Hundreds of Muslims have gathered in multicultural Malmö, Sweden, chanting anti-Semitic slogans and warning “the Jews should remember that the army of Muhammad will return” following U.S. President Donald Trump’s pledge to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. “We have announced the intifada from Malmö. We want our freedom back, and we will shoot the Jews,” vowed demonstrators at the roughly 200-strong rally, Sveriges Radio reports.The publicly-funded broadcaster published audio of the event, but a video with crowd-sourced subtitles is doing the rounds on social media.
Malmöhus tried to ascertain who was the behind the rally, but could not pin down any organisers, with several attendees telling reporters they had gathered spontaneously. The incident follows the firebombing of a synagogue in Gothenburg, another Swedish city, and a man with a Palestinian flag smashing the windows of a kosher restaurant with a club in the Netherlands.............
Indeed, anti-Semitism among Sweden’s rapidly expanding Muslim population seems to be a growing problem, with Sveriges Radio reporting back in August that an imam had denounced Jews as the “offspring of apes and pigs” at a demonstration in the town of Helsingborg.
The presumably well meaning fools who run Sweden have imported thousands of Third World savages, turning Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia. The Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies feed the gullible with stories about Altruism in order to achieve destruction, Pathological Altruism and the destruction of Western Civilization. They are succeeding.
Violent crime in Sweden is soaring. When will politicians act?
The grenades — dubbed ‘apples’ by criminals — are smuggled into the country from former Yugoslavia. They are plentiful in the black market for weapons after the wars in the Balkans and are sold cheaply, or even handed out as freebies upon purchase of assault rifles. Stockholm police recently put a figure on it: less than £890 can buy you five automatic weapons and ammunition with 64 hand grenades as a sweetener. The grenades can, of course, be sold on. The street price in Sweden is about £100.
Are we going to admit that the whole thing is caused by vicious Third World aliens? Not a chance.
Swedish Lass Attacked By Third World Rapist In Malmö [ 31 January 2018 ]
A teenager has told how a man smashed a bottle over her head in a nightclub in Malmo, Sweden, after he sexually assaulted her and she pushed him away.Sophie Johansson, 19, told Swedish media that she had never met the man before, and that she suddenly felt his hands on her bottom and between her legs on the dance floor.
She says she hit him in order to get him to stop, to which he responded by punching her in the face and then hitting her with a glass bottle.
Miss Johansson says she had been enjoying her evening at Babel night club on Saturday when she felt a tug on her handbag and turned around to face a man she did not recognise. I turned around and then I felt his hand on my bottom and between my legs,' she told Aftonbladet. After rebuking the man, whom she describes as 5ft 10in in his mid-20s with dark hair, he punched her in the face with a closed fist..........However, just days after the incident in the night club, Malmo Police have been forced [ sic ] to shelve the investigation due to a lack of evidence to help identify the assailant.
The Daily Mail is not admitting that the perpetrator is a Third World savage but its readers know the truth it is hiding; that the Swedish government has made Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.One reader, Ms Christie said:-
A totally politically correct article. Hmmm, wonder who would have done this unspeakable thing? Political leaders have been the knowing accomplices in this Trojan Horse fiasco and the blame lies squarely on their shoulders.
You can fool some of the people all of the time.............Another victim of these presumably well meaning Left Wingers is:-
They spoilt her night out too. Merkel [ no children ] is doing the same to Germany while Theresa May [ no children ] is doing it to us. Ditto for Stefan Löfven, in Sweden & Macron of France. That's how it is. The are childless. They have no future. They are destroying ours.
More Than Half Of Swedish Women Aged Between 16 And 29 Have Been Subjected To Sexual Assaults [ 4 June May 2019 ]
More than a half of Swedish women aged between 16 and 29 claim they have been sexually assaulted or harassed, a new study has revealed. Sweden's Public Health Agency claimed this is a 'major public health issue' which needs to be stopped. [ Importing more vicious aliens is not the answer - Editor ]Officials discovered the alarming statistic after surveying about 50,000 Swedes between aged between 16 and 84 as part of a study into sex habits. The report found that, while most people are satisfied with their sex life, 42 per cent of women claim to have been sexually harassed, compared to nine per cent of men.
The Mail does not bother to mention that most attacks are carried out by Third World parasites on the make. The BBC however tells the truth for some reason - Sweden rape Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV - BBC News. The Lunatic Fringe has made Malmö into the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia.