FBI is short for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They say FBI stands for Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity as well. It is powerful, vicious and corrupt.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity
The Wikipedia tells us that:-
The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.
It reads well. It is meant to read well. It might even be a real aspiration from time to time. Practicalities get in the way of the theory though. Their track record has some very ugly incidents in it and these are just some:-
This is a response to the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago circa 10 August 2022.
FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives
Villains? Yes, obviously. American? You would expect them to be locals. Most are foreign undesirables.
FBI Man Beats Murder Raps
NEW YORK (AP) — It was like a classic episode of "Perry Mason," with an FBI agent charged with murder, a mouthy mob moll and a twist at the end: The FBI guy walked after a reporter with a secret tape exposed the gangster's girlfriend as a liar who couldn't keep her story straight.
There is a story behind this. Malicious prosecution perhaps. Office politics turned nasty? Trust the FBI? Not me.
FBI and Kidnapping
The FBI kidnapped an Arab in 2002. They made him a prisoner. He was refused access to a lawyer and justice. They sent him to Syria to be tortured. The FBI is a criminal organization working at the behest of a criminal President.
Free Edgar Steele
Ed is charged with trying to murder his wife. His wife is a passionate supporter of his; she has a belief in FBI corruption. They, the FBI are the perpetrators of the Ruby Ridge Massacre and the Waco Massacre. They murdered, they destroyed the evidence, they investigated. They got away with it both times. See for yourself what Ed's family have to tell us about the man and their belief in them.
Hal Turner ex Wiki
Harold Charles "Hal" Turner (born March 15, 1962) is an American white nationalist, Holocaust denier and blogger from North Bergen, New Jersey. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Prior to Turner's arrest, his radio program, The Hal Turner Show, was a webcast from his home once a week.
Hal Turner a Trained FBI Agent Provocateur
Radio talk show host and blogger Hal Turner was an FBI trained agent provocateur, his attorney told reporters in Hartford today. The supposed white supremacist worked for the agency from 2002 until 2007. “His job was basically to publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest,” Michael Orozco told the Associated Press.........Hal Turner specifically attempted to appeal to the patriot movement and the constitutionalists. It should serve as a wake-up call that the FBI trained him as an agent provocateur.
If Hal was an FBI agent, he is a disgruntled one. They used him; they screwed him. The FBI is the enemy of democracy.
Was also carried out by the FBI. They murdered Randy Weaver's wife and son then put him in prison for their pains. They got away with that too.
The Waco Massacre.
Was carried out by the FBI. They murdered about 80 men women and children. The survivors were put in prison for their pains. The FBI investigated their own murders and let themselves get away with it. This happened on Clinton's watch and with, at least, some degree of his authority but that got covered up too.
The FBI, Vicious, Murderous, Incompetent and Corrupt
What makes the FBI dangerous is not just that it employs stupid people--dickheads--but that it is an un-Constitutional organization, not chartered by Congress, that harbors malevolent people with guns who lie and kill and falsify evidence......... What are some of the facts in this regard?.........
Waco, Texas, - mass murder
Ruby Ridge, Idaho, - murder
PhD chemist and FBI agent Frederic Whitehurst has complained about sloppy practices, evidence contamination, slanted reports and inadequate training at FBI laboratories.
Filegate affair,
.... The simple fact is that the FBI freely sells its information and services to selected bidders. Consider the matter of the FBI giving the Colombian Cali cocaine cartel access to Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) files.
The FBI do not like J Olin Grabbe for telling the truth. He doesn't like them for lying, murdering, perverting the course of justice et cetera.
J Edgar Hoover Gets A Smear Job
His biographer does not like Ed but seems to think that the Very Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King is a wonderful human being.
American Government Thugs Back Down From Ruby Ridge II Confrontation [ 13 April 2014 ]
This hostile report complains about the Armed Citizen [ actually a thousand or so ] confronting armed government thugs stealing an American's cattle where his people have been ranching since 1870. Remember that Clinton's lot brought us the Waco Massacre, when the FBI murdered dozens using tanks, tear gas and arson. Then the FBI did the investigation and Perverted The Course Of Justice. The FBI also brought us the Ruby Ridge Massacre, murdering a boy and a woman with a baby in her arms. They got away with that one too. A hostile report? Would Yahoo lie to us? Believe it or read How To Frame A Patriot then know. The Daily Mail's article is less tendentious.
FBI Will Not Prosecute Nuclear Spy Because He Is A Jew [ 14 March 2014 ]
The ADL complains that Jonathan Pollard, a spy is still in prison even though he is a Jew. The fact that Jews get away with Treason because of their tribe is duly ignored.
FBI Robs Nevada Rancher Using 200 Heavily Armed Thugs [ 10 April 2014 ]
The FBI are the bunch of thugs who brought us the Waco Massacre. Their star performer at the Ruby Ridge Massacre was Lon Horiuchi who murdered Vicky Weaver as she held her baby.
PS Horiuchi recommends H-S Precision rifles for killing people with.
FBI Video About Spying Is Anti-White Propaganda [ 26 April 2014 ]
"An American was caught in 2010, and sentenced to four years in prison. His story is the basis of “Game of Pawns,” a recent video produced by the FBI to warn students studying abroad against being lured into espionage. This effort by the FBI completely fails to mention that the people who spy for China are almost always ethnic Chinese. And they don’t need promises of money and sex.When Chinese intelligence approaches overseas Chinese—or even naturalized citizens of other countries—all they have to do is emphasize shared ancestry. Even the FBI admits this. A government handbook on intelligence states that 98 percent of the people that China targets for espionage are Chinese-Americans, and warns that ethnic solidarity is the main recruitment tool."
The FBI is the gang of criminals who brought us the Ruby Ridge Massacre, the Waco Massacre but not the Fort Marcy Massacre; that was a CIA job. The American government is one of the world' most dangerous organizations.
FBI Perverted Truth About Orlando Pervert Massacre [ 3 July 2016 ]
The FBI has now admitted that it deliberately censored the transcript of the Orlando homo club shooter Omar Mateen so that all references to Islam were removed and “Allah” was replaced with “God.”The FBI said the initial censorship was “not to give publicity platform to hateful propaganda”—in other words, not to confirm the link between Islam and terrorism.
In the original transcript of Mateen’s call to the emergency services on June 12 from the homo club in which the shooting took place, he claimed responsibility, praised Allah, wished peace upon the prophet, and spoke in Arabic during the 50-second call......
The FBI’s censoring of Mateen’s statement is in marked contrast to their behavior in any incident involving white people or “nationalists,” where even the wildest and unsubstantiated link is immediately given great prominence by both the authorities and the controlled media.
Is the FBI corrupt? It most certainly is. Recall that they carried out then 'investigated' The Waco Massacre, giving themselves a clean bill of health. NB they murdered more at Waco [ 82 ] than the Islamic got in Orlando [ 50 ].
FBI Ordered To Keep Very Quiet About Clinton Investigation [ 14 July 2016 ]
FBI agents who worked on the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server reportedly had to sign an unusual non-disclosure form banning them from talking about the case unless they were called to testify.
Unnamed sources tell the New York Post they'd never heard of the special form — known as a "case briefing acknowledgment" — being used before, though all agents initially have to sign nondisclosure agreements to obtain security clearance......."FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the [Attorney General] Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting" just hours before the release of a House report on the Benghazi, Libya terror attack in 2012, one unnamed source tells the Post.
This is another FBI investigation that is political; start with the result and work backwards. Keeping Hillary Clinton out of prison was the big issue. Justice was a bad second. Recall that the FBI Perpetrated the Waco Massacre, murdered dozens, destroyed evidence and walked without a stain on its character.
FBI Fraudulent Russian Hacking Report [ 31 December 2016 ]
The FBI's much-vaunted “report on Russian hacking”—issued at the request of the outgoing Obama regime to “prove interference in the U.S. election”— is one of the most shocking instances of deliberate misdirection yet seen from the U.S. government and the controlled media.The 13-page report contains eight pages of irrelevant “advice” on how to avoid being hacked, and nowhere in the remaining five pages is a scrap of evidence offered linking the Russian government with influencing the election process.
The report’s title “Grizzly Steppe—Russian Malicious Cyber Activity,” is possibly the most direct “evidence” that the entire report contains, as from then on, the handful of references to “Russian civilian and military intelligence Services” or “RIS” for short, are all made as “allegations” and “assessments”—and the FBI statement is careful to distance itself from the “U.S. government,” which, it says, are the ones making the “assessments.
Let us not forget that the FBI is the bunch of hooligans that carried out the Waco Massacre, murdering at least 75 people so pushing out a pack of lies is a trifle. They don't even pretend to believe it themselves. You doubt? See the disclaimer at the top.
PS They did the Ruby Ridge Massacre too but they weren't so successful, killing one woman with baby & one boy. The innocents killed one attacker. The Armed Citizen paid off again.
FBI Couldn't Break Encryption In Seven Thousand Cases This Year - Allegedly [ 24 October 2017 ]
The FBI hasn't been able to retrieve data from more than half of the mobile devices it tried to access in less than a year, FBI Director Christopher Wray has claimed [ stated/said/alleged ]. In the first 11 months of the fiscal year, federal agents were unable to access the content of more than 6,900 mobile devices, Mr Wray said in a speech.The news turns up the heat on a debate between technology companies and law enforcement officials trying to recover encrypted communications................
'It impacts investigations across the board - narcotics, human trafficking, counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, gangs, organised crime, child exploitation.'
They come through with the same lies, the same excuses every time. Recall that the FBI is the bunch of thugs who perpetrated the Waco Massacre, murdered around a hundred harmless Christians, investigated their own crimes, destroyed the evidence and gave themselves a clean bill of health. They also did the Ruby Ridge Massacre. We are getting same Propaganda, here in England from May & Rudd. Their claims are fraudulent too.
FBI Deputy Director Worked For Hillary Clinton [ 4 November 2017 ]
Senior FBI officials have a duty to America, NOT political parties or politicians. They are not allowed to lie about it either. McCabe did both. NB He is a lawyer do he should live by the law, not abuse it.
FBI Destroyed Evidence About Trump Hating Investigator [ 22 January 2018 ]
The FBI on Sunday said it "failed to preserve" five months of text messages involving a senior agent who was taken off Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team following a report he made derogatory comments about President Donald Trump, The Washington Post reports.The revelation came after the Justice Department turned over additional text messages to Congress involving Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence agent who also worked the Hillary Clinton email case. He was discharged from Mueller's team after Mueller learned that he had traded politically charged text messages — many anti-Trump in nature — with an FBI lawyer who was also detailed to the group. The lawyer, Lisa Page, left Mueller's team before the text messages were discovered.
The FBI destroyed evidence when it was tasked with investigating the murders it carried out during the Waco Massacre in order to protect its own & Pervert The Course Of Justice.
Robert Mueller's Corruption Exposed [ 20 February 2018 ]
Pat Buchanan explains why we need Nunes Memo Number 2, Nunes Memo Number 3 and criminal indictments of arrogant civil servants of the Deep State, who are attacking Donald Trump & Democracy.
FBI Investigation Of Clinton Was Deeply Corrupt [ 11 June May 2019 ]
The Deep State, the wonderful people that run the FBI, Department of Justice etc. are Perverting The Course Of Justice, destroying evidence, whatever it takes to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison where she belongs.
FBI Lawyer Forged Evidence To Get A Corrupt Surveillance Warrant [ 14 December 2019 ]
In his report, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz revealed that Clinesmith, who has since left the FBI, altered an email from the CIA to the FBI that said that Page was a source for the CIA to falsely say that Page was “not” a source for the CIA.The report showed that after the FBI obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Page in October 2016, Page told news outlets in April and May 2017 that he had assisted the U.S. intelligence community in the past.
As a result, one of the Supervisory Special Agents (SSAs) supervising the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign asked for additional information about whether Page was correct.
Kevin Clinesmith, a Jew [ probability > 90% ] tried to Pervert The Course Of Justice because he hates Donald Trump, to achieve a fraudulent impeachment. He is a Deep State criminal.
FBI Tried To Fit Flynn Up [ 5 May 2020 ]
Michael Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general and the former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, is back in the news after his attorneys released documents purporting to show that FBI officials considered trying to get Flynn to lie in order to prosecute him or get him fired. Flynn resigned in February 2017. In December 2017, he pled guilty to charges that he intentionally lied to the FBI about his connections and communications with a Russian ambassador.The documents, released by Flynn's attorneys on Wednesday, show handwritten notes that discuss strategies for interviewing Flynn. One note asks "What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?" Fox News reports that the notes were written by Bill Priestap, the former head of FBI counterintelligence................
Much of that context is lost in an online uproar over a supposed "perjury trap" meant to bring down Trump by first bringing down Flynn. Whether or not there were individuals or factions within the agency that wanted to attack Trump, what the FBI did to Flynn is normal FBI behavior for interviewing suspects. They've been doing it for decades. (Remember Martha Stewart?)
The FBI is a criminal organisation, part of the Deep State dedicated to breaking Donald Trump, to defeating the little people who voted for Don in spite of their Propaganda. They hate Democracy. Another source, another view comes from the American Thinker telling us How Michael Flynn Became Target Zero In Obama's Russian Collusion Plot. It agrees in essence.
FBI Lawyer Admits Forging Email To Get Fraudulent Search Warrant In Deep State Attack On Donald Trump [ 15 August 2020 ]
Kevin Clinesmith, a former Federal Bureau of Investigations lawyer, will plead guilty to a felony count for falsifying an email that was used to obtain a wiretap on Trump campaign aide Carter Page, according to court documents.Clinesmith, 38, was an Assistant General Counsel in the National Security and Cyber Law Branch of the FBI’s General Counsel, and was assigned to provide legal support for the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign for alleged collusion, known as Crossfire Hurricane.
Part of his job was to help FBI agents working on the investigation prepare Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications to present to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain wiretaps warrants................
Clinesmith then, from his office at the Hoover Building, forwarded the liaison’s email to the SSA, but with alterations to falsely indicate that the liaison had told him that Page was not a source for the CIA. Clinesmith added the words “and not a source” into the liaison’s email to him before forwarding it to the SSA, a material change of a document used for a federal investigation.
We were told that the FISA warrants were mala fide, in bad faith. Now we know.
FBI Refused Evidence Of Biden's Crimes [ 7 May 2021 ]
Thursday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who formerly served as former President Donald Trump’s legal counsel, criticized the FBI raid on his Manhattan apartment during an interview with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson.According to Giuliani, the agents were “very professional and very gentlemanly,” however they refused to accept hard drives that Giuliani claimed contained incriminating evidence on Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden.
Yes, Joe Biden did use his son as a conduit for Bribes from the Ukraine and China. Yes, the FBI is part of the Deep State protecting the Biden Crime Family, helping it destroy America.
FBI Fraud Failing - Julian Assange Is Still Being Victimised [ 6 July 2021 ]
On the final day of the Assange extradition hearing, magistrate Vanessa Baraitser refused to accept an affidavit from Assange’s solicitor Gareth Peirce, on the grounds it was out of time. The affidavit explained that the defence had been unable to respond to the new accusations in the United States government’s second superseding indictment, because these wholly new matters had been sprung on them just six weeks before the hearing resumed on 8 September 2020.The defence had not only to gather evidence from Iceland, but had virtually no access to Assange to take his evidence and instructions, as he was effectively in solitary confinement in Belmarsh. The defence had requested an adjournment to give them time to address the new accusations, but this adjournment had been refused by Baraitser. She now refused to accept Gareth Peirce’s affidavit setting out these facts...........................
Edward Snowden has tweeted that Thordarson recanting will end the case against Julian Assange. Most certainly it should end it, but I fear it will not. Many things should have ended the case against Assange. The First Amendment, the ban on political extradition in the US/UK Extradition Treaty, the CIA spying on the preparations of Assange’s defence counsel, all of these should have stopped the case dead in its tracks.
It is now five months since extradition was refused, no US government appeal against that decision has yet been accepted by the High Court, and yet Julian remains confined to the UK’s highest security prison. The revelation that Thordarson’s allegations are fabricated – which everyone knew already, Baraitser just pretended she didn’t – is just one more illegality that the Establishment will shimmy over in its continued persecution of Assange.
Assange democratised information and gave real power to the people for a while, worldwide. He revealed US war crimes. For that his life is destroyed. Neither law nor truth have anything to do with it.
The truth shall set you free? Not if the American government has anything to do with it. The FBI is a corrupt bureaucracy, part of the Deep State, the one that brought us the Waco Massacre. Having the English judge onside is helping them. So is obstruction by the people running HMP Belmarsh.
FBI Admits Not Tracking Antifa Vandalism [ 13 October 2021 ]
During the misnamed "Summer of Love," riots, looting, vandalism, and political violence was carried out by radical leftists under the (often literal) Antifa and Black Lives Matter banners. The violent leftists besieged federal property, private businesses, law enforcement, and private citizens with costly, deadly, and devastating outcomes.Joe Biden and other Democrats turned a blind eye to the violence for political reasons in a stunning show of hypocritical double standards. In too many cases, Democrats even encouraged more leftist violence. As it turns out, the Federal Bureau of Investigation turned a blind eye to those carrying out the riots and looting too.
In a congressional hearing last week titled "Confronting Violent White Supremacy (Part VI): Examining the Biden Administration’s Counterterrorism Strategy," FBI Assistant Director of Counterterrorism Timothy Langan said that the Bureau doesn't consider Antifa to be an "organization," and as such does not have specific information on the group's activities.
In response to a question about how much violence or domestic terrorism Antifa committed in recent years from Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), Langan had nothing to offer.
"Under the anti-government category or subcategory of domestic terrorism — would that include groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter, folks who commit violence or acts of domestic terrorism?" Mace asked.............
Mace's questioning sought answers to what many Americans wonder — how American cities could be held under siege by Antifa and BLM for months while elected officials failed to address the situation. There was no concern for the Wuhan coronavirus as massive maskless crowds took to city streets and few arrests or charges filed by Democrat district attorneys for those who vandalized and burned businesses or government property.
Liberal mayors allowed so-called autonomous zones to become festering pits of crime and filth. And now it turns out the nation's top law enforcement agency doesn't even have numbers on Antifa violence and apparently arrested fewer than 100 people for engaging in anti-government activities.
Recall that during the George Floyd riots, the mayor of Minneapolis told police to let the enemy burn their headquarters down. He was a de facto co-conspirator, just like thousands more Left Wing officials. The result of allowing criminals to run riot was billions. It was the FBI that brought us the Waco Massacre. They murdered dozens of people but their investigation cleared themselves.
FBI Corruption Exposed
Monday was a sad day for our democracy and a dark day for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The search of Donald Trump’s Florida residence was a politically sensitive operation that would have tested the FBI’s reputation for fairness and impartiality in the best of circumstances. But the bureau’s behavior since Mr. Trump came onto the political scene has already left its reputation in tatters.There is a small bright spot: Whistleblowers are coming forth from within the FBI. Last month the public learned of two such cases via letters from lawmakers. On July 25 Sen. Chuck Grassley wrote to [ the Jew ] Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray that he had received credible whistleblower reports attesting to FBI manipulation of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Rep. Jim Jordan wrote to Mr. Wray two days later that whistleblowers had approached him about FBI efforts at “artificially padding domestic terrorism data.”
The alleged conduct is dispiriting, but we can take heart that whistleblowers are coming forward. No one did so during Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI’s probe into the Trump campaign’s purported ties with Russia. Insiders told me this silence resulted in part from the nature of the investigation: It was a “headquarters special” in which only a handful of people had the full picture. Staff simply assumed the headquarters clique “must have had more.” It didn’t.
Now FBI insiders are taking their concerns to lawmakers. Mr. Grassley named two high-ranking men, an agent and an intelligence analyst, who whistleblowers said had acted to thwart the investigation into Hunter Biden. According to the whistleblowers’ allegations, the analyst “opened an assessment” that was used “to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation,” and the agent “ordered the matter closed without providing a valid reason.”
According to Mr. Grassley, the agent had “a pattern of active public partisanship in his then public social media content.” In May he reportedly tweeted, from his now-private account: “Can we give Kentucky to the Russian federation?”—an echo of the infamous text exchanges between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the Trump-hostile duo working at the FBI during the Russian-collusion fiasco.
Mr. Grassley also wrote that in August 2020 he and Sen. Ron Johnson received “an unsolicited and unnecessary briefing” from the FBI as they began their own investigation of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Word of the briefing was then leaked to the Washington Post, which presented it as an effort by the FBI to alert Congress that it risked being used by Russia. That, too, was an echo of 2016, when Central Intelligence Director John Brennan briefed Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, just as Crossfire Hurricane was getting under way. Both briefings were attempts to cast domestic politics as being under Kremlin influence.
A deep-seated cultural problem continues at FBI headquarters, even years after the Crossfire Hurricane misdeeds were exposed. Still, a ray of hope shines through—whistleblowers who’ve had enough are now coming forward. The FBI needs their bravery, and America needs an apolitical FBI.
Mr. Baker is a retired FBI special agent and legal attaché and author of “The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy,” forthcoming in December.
So it may be that not all FBI men are bent, just the ones at the top where it all gets political.
FBI Man Perverted Course Of Justice To Put Biden In White House [ 31 August 2022 ]
Timothy Thibault, the FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the case, reportedly retired from the bureau at the end of last week and on Friday was escorted out of the building for the last time, according to Fox News.Thibault was one of 13 assistant special agents assigned to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop saga and was removed from the supervisory role by FBI Director Christopher Wray earlier this month after agency whistleblowers shed light on an alleged pattern of political bias from multiple high-ranking officials.
The agent was also singled out by Senate Judiciary ranking member Chuck Grassley, who on July 18 penned a letter to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland imploring the pair to act on allegations of political bias influencing agency operations.
It took them over a month to get a grip of this crook. The surprising thing is that he wasn't promoted for betraying his Oath of Office and his country.
FBI Shooting Statistics Are Fraudulent [ 7 October 2022 ]
FBI Undercounts Frequency of Good Guys With Guns Stopping Mass ShootingsHow often does a good guy with a gun save lives by ending an attack? In the wake of today’s mass shooting at a daycare center in Thailand that killed 30 people, mostly children, it’s a question worth asking.
And one that the FBI has dismissed by undercounting instances of bystanders stopping attackers before the police can arrive. That’s according to a new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC). Besides data showing that armed citizens stopped over 34.4% of active shootings between 2014-2021, CPRC argues the Bureau’s “pattern of distortion” in its numbers was deliberate.
The Daily Caller reports:
Data provided by the CPRC shows that 34.4% of active shootings were thwarted by a good guy with a gun between 2014-2021. The FBI, however, only lists 4.4% of active shootings as having been thwarted by an armed citizen during the same time frame. The CPRC identified 360 active shooter situations during 2014-2021, 124 of which were stopped by an armed citizen. The FBI identified 252 active shooter situations, with just 11 stopped by an armed citizen.
The report quotes Gary Mauser, a gun violence researcher and an emeritus professor at Simon Fraser University, who said that “the FBI database of active shooters cannot be trusted” and that the FBI’s underreporting could be the result of “bias or just incompetence.”
The CPRC report found 25 incidents in the past eight years it considered imminent mass shootings only stopped by vigilant bystanders and reported 83 mass shooting incidents that the FBI allegedly overlooked during the same period.
Would the FBI lie to us? Would it do anything else? But it got away with 82 murders during the Waco Massacre.
FBI Attacks Free Speech - A Criminal Attack Om The Constitution [ 26 December 2022 ]
Twitter has maintained “constant and pervasive” contacts with the FBI and other US intelligence agencies for several years, according to internal company documents leaked to reporters. The files appear to show a concerted government campaign to blacklist content labeled as “misinformation.”Published by journalist Matt Taibbi on Friday, the sixth installment of the ‘Twitter Files’ revealed additional pressure placed on the website by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) between January 2020 and as recently as last month, largely focused on moderating particular posts and accounts discussing American elections.
While earlier documents indicated high-level coordination between intelligence agencies and Twitter, the latest files suggest such collusion took place on a larger scale than was previously known. In a period of less than three years, the company's former Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth alone exchanged more than 150 emails with the FBI.
Prior to Friday, Roth was the only executive said to have had regular, direct contacts with the bureau, however the new files show that legal exec Stacia Cardille also held weekly meetings with not only the FBI, but the DHS, Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) beginning in September.
In a letter addressed to Twitter’s former Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker – himself an ex-lawyer for the FBI – Cardille noted that she asked whether there would be “impediments” to passing along classified information to industry partners. In response, the FBI was “adamant” that there were “no impediments to sharing.”
“This passage underscores the unique one-big-happy-family vibe between Twitter and the FBI. With what other firm would the FBI blithely agree to ‘no impediments’ to classified information?” Taibbi asked.
A number of messages sent to Twitter by the FBI contain explicit requests to take down certain posts, or even ban accounts altogether. In one case, the agency flagged so much “possible violative content” that Twitter staffers were later seen congratulating each other in an internal company chat for the “monumental undertaking” of reviewing it.............
Spearheaded by Taibbi and fellow reporter Bari Weiss, the Twitter Files have been published on a rolling basis with the blessing of the site’s new owner, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk. To date the documents have shed light on several controversial decisions made by the company, including material surrounding the suspension of ex-President Donald Trump, the practice of shadow banning, as well as a site-wide ban on a New York Post report about the foreign business dealings of Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.
This article comes from rt.com, the link to Russia Today, which is itself censored in the UK and other places that hate Democracy and Free Speech. The American Deep State is a criminal organisation.
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Updated on Thursday, 19 January 2023 10:04:41