This is what I published in June. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons, propaganda machines being used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the Main Stream Media, i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and Books. For earlier offerings go to 2021 or contact me at Mike Emery
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less
formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves
amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.... he appeals to the
baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation,
he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the
city,... he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.... The
traitor is the plague."
Cicero quoted
"Power tends to
corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad
Lord Acton Quoted
Think e.g. about
Boris Johnson,
Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Heath, Juncker,
Strauss-Kahn & May
Her Majesty' Government Incites World War III
To begin, let’s recap what just happened in the Crimean waters. First, the HMS Defender deliberately entered the Russian waters under the pretext that the Brits don’t recognize what they call the “annexation” of Crimea. The Brits deny it, but after seeing 4 bombs explode ahead of the HMS Defender, they altered their course as the Russians demanded.Next, before looking into this deeper, let’s also keep in mind the following fact: the entire Black Sea is a de facto “Russian lake” meaning that Russia has the full military control of the Black Sea............
In other words, the HMS Defender was a sitting duck with no chance of survival had the Russians decided to fire in anger. General Konashenkov, who is in charge of contacts with the media, had this to say about the outcome of the British provocation: (emphasis added)............
Interestingly, the Brits deny that the Russians fired any munitions ahead of the Defender. Why would they do that? My personal explanation is that the British government does not want to freak out the British and European public opinion. But if they are hiding the truth, it means that this is a truth which makes them uncomfortable. What do you think they might be hiding?
Still, the two UK reporters who were on the Defender (by total coincidence, I am sure), both reported hearing explosions and seeing Russian combat aircraft. The Russian FSB also released video footage taken from the Russian border patrol ships which were shadowing the HMS Defender. You can clearly see the Russian firing their guns ahead of the HMS Defender:
How did the captain of HMS Defender feel about the order to commit what could well have been suicide? The alternative was disobeying a "lawful command" and a court martial. Was he acting on the direct orders of Boris Johnson, our beloved prime minister? It certainly was not an accidental command from a minor official with delusions of grandeur. They would have claimed the Right of Innocent Passage by lying in their teeth. Sabre rattling is all very well if you have the force to back it up. We haven't.
PS Craig Murray, lately Her Majesty's ambassador to some ghastly little Hellhole or other comments on British Warmongering. He had dealings with International Law and he is damning.
New York Election Goes Wrong
The Democratic primary for mayor of New York City was thrown into a state of confusion Tuesday when election officials retracted their latest report on the vote count after realizing it had been corrupted by test data never cleared from a computer system...........Then the Board of Elections tweeted that it was aware of “a discrepancy” in its report on ranked choice voting results. It didn’t initially explain what that discrepancy was, even as it pulled the data from its website. Just before 10:30 p.m. it released a statement saying that 135,000 ballot images it had put into its computer system for testing purposes had never been cleared.
A new system goes wrong. Surprising? No. Was it intentional? Pass but this one only chooses the Democrats' candidate. The same system should work for the Republicans. It is R versus D that matters; that decides who has power.
David Cameron Snivels To Indians & Proves Our Ignorance Of History
It is 5.15pm on Sunday, April 13, 1919, in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar in the Punjab. An open-topped motorcar pulls up near the Jallianwala Bagh, a seven-acre area of waste ground, and Brigadier Reginald ‘Rex’ Dyer steps out.He then attempts to bring an armoured car, with its machine gun, into the area, but is foiled because the street is too narrow. No matter, he orders his force of Indian and Gurkha troops to open fire into a peaceful crowd of local men, women and children who are listening to Gandhian speeches about non-violence.
The shooting continues until the ammunition runs out and, in the words of the memorial there, the ground is ‘saturated with the blood of about 2,000 Indian patriots’. Then he calmly goes back to his headquarters, triumphantly successful in his premeditated plan to murder innocents in the name of the British Raj.
That is the popular view of the Amritsar Massacre, sedulously promoted by the 1982 movie Gandhi and the one taught in India and in British schools today..................
Yet the true story of what happened that day in Amritsar is far more nuanced and David Cameron, at the end of his trip to India last week, was quite right not to make a formal apology for it, merely reiterating what Winston Churchill correctly said at the time, that it was ‘monstrous’. For everything stated in my opening paragraphs above is either completely wrong or was certainly not what it seemed............
Three days before the massacre, a mob had gone on a rampage in the city and three bank officials were lynched in their offices, their corpses burnt in the street. Two other officials were murdered, and an elderly female missionary, Miss Sherwood, was hauled off her bicycle, beaten to the ground and left for dead......................
A deputation of Indian merchants and shopkeepers soon after the massacre actually thanked Dyer for preventing looting, and he received many other such tokens of gratitude; the guardians of the Golden Temple invested him there as an honorary Sikh. If one wants to find examples of large-scale killing going on in Amritsar in the 20th Century, one might also look at Indira Gandhi’s 1984 storming of the Golden Temple, in which as many as 1,000 died.
What was Cameron doing out there? Touting for business perhaps. Pandering to Third World aliens was part of it. He oversaw the fun that Punjabis had when they raped 1,400 English girls in Rotherham but that's water under the bridge, isn't it?As George Orwell told us:Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. Yes, history books are written by liars with agendas. That goes double for anything written after circa 1960. Recall that QUOTE only a million died when India and Pakistan separated. UNQUOTE.
29 June 2021 
Institute for Family Studies (IFS), a conservative think tank, found that the number of children growing up in a two-parent home rose last year to over 70 percent for the first time in nearly 30 years.542 Percent Increase In Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested At Border
DEL RIO, Texas—Border Patrol agents have arrested 353 illegal aliens with sex-related criminal convictions so far this fiscal year. A large number of the detainees had prior convictions for crimes involving a minor.In all of fiscal 2020, agents apprehended 156 criminal sex offenders, and 58 total in fiscal 2019. The number of criminals illegally crossing the southwest border has spiked in tandem with the border crossing surge this year. Convicted criminals are the most likely population of illegal aliens trying to avoid capture by Border Patrol.
Border Patrol has detected more than 250,000 illegal aliens who have evaded capture so far this year, according to the newly-appointed Acting Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on June 24. It’s impossible to estimate how many have evaded Border Patrol without detection..............”
Once a relatively quiet region for illegal border crossings, the Del Rio Sector in Texas is now the second busiest, after the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas.
“We’ve seen a tremendous increase. So far this year, this fiscal year, today, we’ve caught 144,000 people in the Del Rio sector,” said sector chief Austin Skero on June 24.
It is another success for Joe Biden and his handlers, the ones with their head office is in Tel Aviv. Their policy is Ethnic Fouling. But the next piece is much better news.
The Number Of Two Parent Families Has Gone Up
A recent report from the
In its report, which is based on U.S. Census Bureau data, the think tank, whose mission is to “strengthen marriage and family life, and advance the well-being of children,” found that the proportion of children in two-parent homes in the United States has risen gradually from 67.3 percent in 2005 to 70.4 percent in 2020.
“It is too early to say for certain but growing numbers of actual and would-be parents seem to be heeding the conventional wisdom that a stable two-parent family helps children flourish educationally, socially, and economically,” Nicholas Zill, a research psychologist and senior fellow at IFS, commented on the findings.........
One caveat that takes some of the sheen out of the findings, Zill argued, was that the U.S. Census Bureau lumps step-parent and adoptive families into birth-parent families, giving the headline number perhaps an overly optimistic appearance..............
The report also singled out as “one of the most encouraging developments”
the sharp rise in the proportion of black children being raised by both
biological parents, with the figure growing from 24 percent in 2012 to 30
percent in 2019.
In the early 1950s The Catholic Church was
telling us that the Family was under threat. It
was right. Their analysis was spot on; their responses were a failure.
The attackers, disciples of Antonio Gramsci,
the leading intellectual of the communists in Italy used priests'
shortcomings and the Mainstream Media to great
effect. Be aware that the
Sourcewatch account of the
Institute for Family Studies is deeply hostile.
28 June 2021 
BBC Is Run By Anti-White Racists
The BBC has announced that it is banning White people from applying for its latest fully paid trainee internship. The £18,000 trainee job in Glasgow will only be given to a non-White candidate. Young White people applying will be denied the opportunity on the grounds of race and the colour of their skin.“Black, Asian and ethically diverse candidates” is the description of the group eligible to apply, which covers everyone other than ethnically White people.
Racial discrimination has long been illegal in Britain, but BBC legal advisors have coined the new term of ‘positive action’ to bamboozle the courts.............
Despite watchdogs finding that BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) people were massively over represented in the BBC and on television, the corporation is doubling down. Native Brits are being actively replaced in our own homeland by anti-British Establishment institutions.
The BBC is just another lot of Anti-White Racists, one that got away with marketing Homosexuality. It is also publishing Paedophile Propaganda and protecting Paedophiles like Rolf Harris etc. It will do the same later with Bestiality & Incest when they think they can get away with it.
Black Murderer Ran Amok In Germany
The face of the Somali immigrant who killed three people while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' in a knife attack in Germany on Friday has been revealed in a never-before-seen photograph.The suspect, identified as a 24-year-old Somali immigrant, was shot in the leg by police and arrested after the Friday afternoon attack in Wurzburg, Germany. Now, an image has emerged of the attacker's arrest, with the man lying on the ground with his cheek pressed on the pavement as he is pinned down by a police officer.
A police officer can be seen kneeling on the suspect's back as he makes the arrest, while the suspect is seen with his eyes closed after being shot in the leg..........
The knifeman killed at least three people and wounded at least five others in the street rampage at Barbarossaplatz in Wurzburg's downtown area, according to local media reports.
These alleged refugees, claiming that they are victims are Third World parasites on the make when they are not vicious rogues driven by hate and Islam.
Critical Race Theory Being Inflicted On Schools By Government And Police
In Loudon County Virginia parents are continuing to fight against the Critical Race Theory (CRT) indoctrination of their kids. On Tuesday, two parents were arrested at a school board meeting, that had been declared an unlawful assembly. This declaration came despite the fact that airing of grievances at a school board meeting is definitely protected under the First Amendment.............The police officers that carried out these arrests must have been momentarily confused about the oath that they took and/ or the country they live in. Tucker Carlson hosted one of the arrested parents, Jon Tigges, and played the video of his arrest on air.
Jon Tigges: “You guys are actually supporting the suppression of people’s rights?”
Police Officer: “Are you refusing to leave at this time?”
You might wonder why Americans are pushing this particular form of nastiness. One answer is Mob Psychology being used by the Puppet Masters.
Critical Race Theory Being Inflicted On American Army By Black Racist
26 June 2021
Panama City, PanamaQuick mind dump, sans edit. I am preparing to head to Africa on migration research and then back to Texas.
This morning, General Mark Milley is Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. Top officer in the most powerful military in known human history. Thousands of nuclear weapons, for starters. Up the food chain, one more notch, is Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III. Overt racist.
And one step higher is Joe Biden........ General Milley defends teaching Critical Race 'Theory' to military officers.
For folks who may have missed it, the quality of US military officers is plummeting. The Navy can hardly sail without crashing. One officer, at her trial for her involvement in crashing a fighting ship, broke down and cried. It's fallen that low. Crying is a defense.
While China grows. And Russia plots. ...
Michael Yon served for real. He knows the differences between an army, an armed mob and a bunch of Brainwashed place men.
27 June 2021 
Kamala Harris Is Incapable Of Being President Of America
After an uninspiring beginning to her tenure as Vice President, Donald Forbes argues that talk of her ascension to the Oval Office if anything were to befall Joe Biden is now even more worrying.Veteran Chicago columnist John Kass hoped recently that President Biden hangs on until 2024 when his mandate ends............... Kass was expressing the fear that Vice President Kamala Harris would inherit the Oval Office by default should anything untoward befall Biden before his time is up. There were doubts about her when she was nominated. Five politically clunky months as Vice President have demonstrated she is not up to the job. In that time, she has probably talked her way out of contention for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024.
That would change, however, if she arrives at the convention as the sitting president which is far from impossible. Blood would flow at the Democratic convention before feminists, progressives and minority rights activists allowed a woman of Indian and Jamaican descent to be robbed of the chance to fight in her own right for the office she had assumed. That Kamala is a dud is irrelevant...........
Having been borne to the summit of the White House by a coalition of vested interests that will defend her as a symbol of their political goals, it is of concern that she could suddenly find herself president, as equally out of her depth as Biden but lacking the half century of political muscle memory he can fall back on........
Biden is a non-entity.
Donald Forbes, a journalist thinks Kamala Harris might get to be the President. I think it certain. Joe Biden is clearly senile. There is no way back from that. Is Don right about Harris? Is she incompetent? Quite possibly. Is she dangerous, a woman intending to destroy America? Obviously. She lost out early on in the race to be the presidential front runner, implying her inability.
26 June 2021 
Critical Race Theory Attack On Education Uses Apartheid
Massachusetts School District Segregates Students/Staff Based on RaceOne by one, school districts across the country are being overcome by a racist madness, and we are doing everything we can to expose this leftist totalitarian assault on children and teachers. The latest horror story occurs in Massachusetts.
We received 111 pages of records from Wellesley Public Schools in Massachusetts which confirm the use of “affinity spaces” that divide students and staff based on race as a priority and objective of the school district’s “diversity, equity and inclusion” plan. The school district also admitted that between September 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021, it created “five distinct” segregated spaces.....................
The Wellesley Public School records include a document detailing the school district’s “Equity Strategic Plan 2020-2025,” which includes a “District Equity by Design” plan with the stated goal of amplifying student voices by providing “opportunities for affinity spaces for students with shared identity.”...........
In addition, the school district admitted that it does not have any records analyzing whether such segregated spaces violate the U.S. Constitution, the Massachusetts Constitution or any other law.
These documents confirm how Wellesley Public Schools segregated students and staff by race in pursuit of extremist critical race theory agenda.
Wellesley marks the latest battle in our fight to expose the hard-left “Critical Race Theory” agenda being pushed nationwide........
The documents launch reveal that students of “Maryland’s Largest School District” who attended Thomas Pyle Middle School’s social justice class were taught that the phrase “Make America Great Again” was an example of “covert white supremacy.” The phrase is ranked on a pyramid just below “lynching,” “hate crimes,” “the N-word” and “racial slurs.” They were also taught that “white privilege” means being favored by school authorities and having a positive relationship with the police.
Apartheid, meaning separate development was Public Policy in South Africa after the war. It was used by the South African Communist Party, that is to say Jews from Lithuania as a Propaganda tool, an excuse to harass the country. It was a Culture War waged against the Boers, but fundamentally Anti-White Racism. Of course the very same Apartheid used by Zionist crazies in Israel is ignored. Now it is being exacerbated in America by those very same Zionist infiltrators.
Singhalese Mother Goes Mad & Murders Her Child
A mother who killed her five-year-old daughter by knifing her 15 times in the throat and chest before turning the blade on herself has been sent to a mental unit.Sutha Sivanantham, 36, has been left with a colostomy bag and spent several months in hospital after stabbing herself in the stomach at her home in Mitcham. She stabbed her daughter Sayagi 15 times in the bedroom of their south London flat in June last year, the Old Bailey heard, with two wounds puncturing the little girl's heart. The mother had been complaining of mystery ailments for almost a year and her husband said fear of the virus and lockdown restrictions pushed her over the edge.
Sainsbury's employee Suganthan was working when he received the call that his wife had killed their daughter. He sobbed loudly in the dock as his impact statement was read to the court.
Stress can cause lunacy.
25 June 2021 
Miami Beach Apartment Block Collapses
The moment Miami firefighters waded into flooded basement of collapsed 12-story condo in desperate search for 99 missing people is seen in a new dramatic video.The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue video shows the rescue teams seemingly trying to drill through concrete in the basement parking garage at Champlain Towers. The firefighters are continuing to try to locate the possible victims while dealing with 'heavy damage and changing conditions 'in the parking garage.
Police have opened an investigation into the 12-story Miami apartment building collapse that left one dead and 99 missing - as hundreds of rescue crews continue to scour through tons of rubble and desperate families wait for news of any survivors.
Officially, only one woman has been confirmed dead after the Champlain Towers South beachfront building collapsed at about 1.30am on Thursday in Miami's Surfside neighborhood.
Whoops. Things like that shouldn't happen in civilized countries but then America is being destroyed from within. See e.g. The Natives Are Restless.
Florida Citizens Demand The Upholding Of The Bill Of Rights
In a contentious three to two vote, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (CCBOCC) agreed on June 22 to postpone the vote on a proposed ordinance that would establish Collier County as a Bill of Rights sanctuary. However, even after the county sheriff, one state representative, a United States congressman, and a parade of determined citizens demanded that the CCBOCC “have the courage to do what is right,” two board members seemed more concerned about personal liability than supporting the will of their constituents.Of the 67 counties in the state of Florida, 42 have already adopted Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions. However, Collier County may be the first to pass an ordinance protecting all freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights.
All American officials swear that they will uphold the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights so it should not be a problem. But some of them prefer to temporise.
24 June 2021 
Metropolitan Police Commissioner In Waiting Is A Convicted Criminal
Now I know there are some among you who, on looking at this picture, will assume the lady in question to have escaped from a prison for the criminally insane or to have been captured in the wild and forced into the White debil’s clothes. But not me. One glance was enough for me to identify her as a top English law officer. Why? Well first there’s the classical English looks. That bit was easy. Then there’s the obvious intelligence, culture and erudition. As for being a top cop there’s the steely righteous gaze, the thirst for justice shining through, the incorruptible demeanour. Your typical top British bobby. And I was right. Well up to a point anyway.You see Acting Chief Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams was one of the top London Metropolitan Police officers, scheduled to be the first black Commissioner, no less. But then she became the victim of racism in that she failed to report a child abuse video that her sister sent her to investigate, with a 2019 jury not believing her insistence she had not even viewed it. In fact it was quite obvious that she planned to “square” the crime as it would have reflected badly on her family. “Prosecutors said there was no way the officer could have missed the 54-second clip, pointing out that Ms Williams had messaged her sister saying ‘please call’ after it was sent.” This resulted in her being prosecuted and fired.
But…..racism. “Race played a part in the sacking of a high-flying Met police officer, an ex-chief superintendent has claimed. Former Met Chief superintendent Dal Babu said he has thought about whether the treatment of Acting Chief Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams would have been different if she was white.” Well I’m sure the opinion of someone named Babu is completely impartial. And I’m sure race had nothing to do with her being affirmative actioned into a top Met position.Anyway the good news is that the Police Appeals Tribunal has agreed with Babu and upheld her appeal against her dismissal which they deemed to be ‘unfair’ and ‘unreasonable’. Yeah, covering up child sex abuse is part of the top cop job spec. I’m serious. Anyway she’s to go back into uniform and is expected to receive full back pay for missed earnings after a police appeals tribunal ruled her dismissal.
And if Labour wins the next General Election this lady [ Could that be Diane Abbot? ] will likely be Novlett’s boss. British justice is in safe hands.
The Irish Savant writes with tongue in cheek - I think. Now Acting Chief Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams is back in the Metropolitan Police and, perhaps the most senior convicted criminal in the force. Recall that Robert Mark, a previous Met boss told them that "a good police force is one that catches more crooks than it employs" Be aware that The Guardian thinks Dal Babu should have been promoted even more because he is a Pakistani who hasn't been convicted yet. See Senior Asian police officer retires after promotion snub over media. Of course they wouldn't say it like that. The Grauniad does not mention Ali Dizaei, another corrupt Third World copper; he got four years for Perjury. NB The Times' headline was Metropolitan Police rushes to get rid of Novlett Robyn Williams.. The Thunderer wants her to get away with it because she is black. The Establishment is now part of the Lunatic Fringe.
Black Rapist In Rochdale Sexually Abused Six Girls - Allegedly
A footballer sexually abused six girls and a woman over a five year period, a jury has been told.Former Rochdale AFC goalkeeper Jonathan Diba Musangu, 23, denied 13 offences at Lowry Nightingale Court, in Salford, Greater Manchester, today.
Diba Musangu denied three counts of raping a child under 13, three counts of rape, two counts of sexually assaulting a child under 13, two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, and three counts of sexual activity with a child. Prosecution barrister Mark Monaghan told the jury that the youngest alleged victim was abused by Diba Musangu between the ages of seven and eight. The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said that she was raped three times.
On other occasions, Diba Musangu is alleged to have touched her inappropriately and shown her a pornographic video.
Mr Musangu [ Congolese(?) ] looks convincingly thuggish. He has been fingered by South Yorkshire Police unlike the hundreds of Pakistani Rapists because he is not helping the Labour Party with Vote Rigging, the quid pro quo that makes a difference by keeping them in power..
23 June 2021 
In June
2016 it was
Referendum Day
when Englishmen voted for
Brexit, for freedom from the European Union and the
New World Order. We
treated the lies of the Propaganda machines with
the contempt they deserve. But the Establishment spent
years blocking it, obstructing Democracy but
Nigel Farage
beat them. Brussels is still making trouble.
Education Industry Has Been Oppressing White Children For Decades
A furious row has broken out among Tory and Labour MPs after a landmark report exposed how 'divisive' and 'politically controversial' terms such as 'white privilege' have led to the 'systemic neglect' of white working-class children by England's education system for decades.The Conservative-dominated Commons Education Select Committee said white working-class pupils are one of the worst-achieving groups in the country, and 'feel anything but privileged'.
It said they are behind many of their similarly disadvantaged peers of other ethnicities at ages five, 16 and 18 - and that 'politically controversial' and 'divisive' phrases such as 'white privilege' may have contributed to poor white pupils being forgotten by the system 'for decades'.
The MPs also warned against 'pitting different groups against each other' and suggested that schools which promote ideas of 'white privilege' could be in breach of the Equality Act 2010.............
But Tory chairman Robert Halfon [ a Jew ] was forced to deny claims by Labour MPs his committee was trying to peddle a 'fake culture war' by branding the term 'white privilege' as 'wrong-headed' because it 'says there is collective guilt when it should be individual responsibility for racists acts'.
Labour MPs including former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott accused the Tories of hijacking the committee to 'divert attention' from government cuts to spending. They added that 'their attack on the term white privilege is designed to cause division'...........
Tory MP for Mansfield Ben Bradley told MailOnline: 'Come to my constituency and talk to these kids, very often young white lads but girls too, who are dropping out of school with no qualifications, who have often had zero help from home or parents, and who have no financial or cultural capital.
'Tell them their skin colour makes them privileged, as if that is any kind of indicator of their life chances. It's not. It's total nonsense, and the fact that so many rich people complain when this is pointed out just shows that these kids really have been forgotten.'
He added: 'I think it is a sad sign of the times and of the state of the Labour Party that from all of the hugely important content of that report, they have chosen not to pick up on the appalling disparity evidenced within it, but instead to focus on about two paragraphs that fit their identity politics narrative.
The Mail is censoring comments. People are very much on side. Yes, our children are being screwed through the malice of Left Wing teachers, who are incited by Hard Left infiltrators. One unpleasant example was Vince Reid A Black Racist. He was not just dirty, idle and stupid; he was also a malicious liar full of hate for Homosexuals. That was why he almost came unstuck. Inciting hatred is contrary to Part III of the Public Order Act 1986, which deals with Racial Hatred. It is a criminal offence, an Act intended or likely to stir up racial hatred. He was liable to seven years in prison and a fine - see Section 29L or would have been if he was not black. Recall to that Diane Abbot, an ugly black racist wasn't fool enough to send her son to a government school. He got to go to a public school but he still turned out to be vicious and dangerous. The Labour Party was founded to help the honest Working Man. It betrayed him. Robert Halfon is a Jew with a keen interest in money and fornication but seems to have some decent instincts.You can see the report for yourself at or go directly to The Forgotten: How White Working-Class Pupils Have Been Let Down And How To Change It.
Biden Defies Catholic Church Policy By Supporting Abortion
Last week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 168-55, more than 3-1, to provide new guidance for receiving Holy Communion. Behind the decision?Bishops’ alarm that the public religious practice of President Joe Biden is conveying a heretical message to the faithful and the nation. At Sunday Mass, Biden regularly receives Communion. Yet he not only supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to have an abortion, but his new administration also provides ample funding of abortions.
Restrictions that existed in the Trump era, such as the Hyde Amendments that prohibit taxpayer-funding of abortions, are about to be lifted in the Biden presidency.............
For that majority of U.S. bishops, who believe pro-choice Catholic politicians should be denied Communion, will likely collide not only with Biden and their fellow bishops but with the Vatican. Pope Francis had wanted to avert this now seemingly inevitable showdown on the issue...........
Abortion is the killing of an unborn child, a grave moral crime and sin. No Catholic may be a party to it. Political leaders who endorse abortion rights and vote to fund abortions contribute to a systemic moral evil and a scandalizing of the faithful. And they should neither receive nor be given Holy Communion. To do so is to give moral sanction to their misconduct..............
With many states having adopted new restrictions on abortion that appear to conflict with Roe v. Wade, the issue of abortion appears about to be returned to the Supreme Court — and to the front burner of U.S. politics.
Not good news for Joe Biden.
Abortion, the killing of the unborn, the innocent is transmogrified by atheists, the Hard Left, the Lunatic Fringe et cetera, into a woman's right to choose. This means ignoring a woman's right not to fornicate. The abortion industry is guilty of grossly awful malpractice. One who came unstuck was Kermit Gosnell, a black unsurprisingly. He got life for three murders. See Gosnell - The Trial of Americas Biggest Serial Killer; he killed some 40,000 babies. There were narcotics violations too. NB the current Pope is pro-abortion but then he is a heretic, who has been referred to as the Antichrist.
Black Policeman On Trial For Sexual Assault
A woman found it 'shocking' that a male police officer was sent to do a welfare check on her during which he sexually assaulted her after she fled to a hotel to escape her husband, a court has heard.The woman, who is in her 20s and cannot be identified for legal reasons, said she expected a female officer to be sent to her hotel room after her husband contacted police to report her missing following an argument.
It was during the welfare check that Metropolitan PC Rudvelle Walters, 48, is alleged to have put his hand into the woman's underwear after earlier saying he would only leave her hotel room if her friend, who was also present, gave him a kiss.
He denies one count of sexually assaulting the woman while carrying out a welfare check at the Best Western hotel in Wembley, north-west London, where she was staying on February 5, 2019.
Doing it in front of a witness is asking for trouble. The Mail is blocking comments due to Contempt of Court nausea.
22 June 2021 
Pakistani Terrorist Appeals Against Being Deported
A bomb plotter who wanted to blow up a nightclub will be kicked out of Britain within weeks after losing his court appeal for freedom.Jawad Akbar, 37, plotted to blow up Bluewater shopping centre in Kent, bomb the Ministry of Sound nightclub in London and set off a radioactive 'dirty' bomb.
Akbar, of Crawley, West Sussex, waged a human rights battle funded by legal aid in 2018 to move to an open prison, but appeal judges have thrown out his bid, according to The Sun.
This thug hates us but he doesn't want to go back to the Hellhole his fathers created. There is something odd about that. The Mail's readers display their confidence in the corruption of the lawyers lying in their teeth, to help him beat justice AND abusing the Legal Aid gravy train.
Lunatic Fringe At Cambridge Blocked
A controversial group which was set up at a Cambridge college to examine the links between Winston Churchill, race and the empire, has been scrapped. The team of academics and students at Churchill College decided to disband the group after heavy pressure to cancel a series of its events, it is understood.The Working Group, which had been organised in the wake of George Floyd's murder [ Suicide by fentanyl poisoning in fact - Editor ] in May last year, was to examine the former Prime Minister's views on race - but was accused by critics of being stacked with left-wing academics intent on smearing the World War Two Prime Minister.
It held an event called ‘The Racial Consequences of Churchill’, during which a panellist said wartime leader Sir Winston was the ‘perfect embodiment’ of ‘white supremacist philosophy’. The event also included claims that the British Empire was ‘far worse than the Nazis’.
These Quasi-Intellectual twerps complain about white supremacism but ignore the ugly reality of Jewish Supremacism. Do they even know what it is? The Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Cambridge are operational here, proving that the Education Industry is at the forefront of the Culture Wars being waged against us by Zionist crazies.
Sesame Street Propaganda Level Stepped Up By Including Homosexuals
There's a new family moving to Sesame Street, and they continue to break boundaries by welcoming the beloved children show's first gay family during Pride Month.The decades-long running show's recent 'Family Day' episode, which premiered Thursday on HBO Max and YouTube, features a family with two gay dads.
'Sesame Street has always been a welcoming place of diversity and inclusion. So I’m so excited to introduce Nina’s Brother Dave, his husband Frank, and their daughter Mia to our sunny street,' one of the beloved show's actor Alan Muraoka, who co-directed the episode, wrote in a Facebook post.
'Love is love, and we are so happy to add this special family to our Sesame family.'
Actors pander to Hollywood and its agenda. That means being used by the Puppet Masters, by Zionist crazies. For good looking young women that means being available. Can they? Will they? Do they? With whom? The competition is fierce. There was only one Marilyn Monroe; she did. The alternative? Stay on the dole.
21 June 2021 
Turkish Oaf Throws Old Sofa Out Of The Window
A man who was 'too lazy' to take his old sofa downstairs narrowly avoided seriously injuring his neighbour when he threw it out his window. The flat owner, named as Mesut Duran, had bought a sofa to replace the one in his home.And as this dramatic video shows he chose to take the more direct route to throw away his old sofa by hurling it from his third floor window and risked hurting his neighbour in the process.
This is not a matter of world shattering significance but it does indicate the nature of the plebian Third World parasites imported into Western Civilization by a corrupt ruling class, by Boris Johnson, Biden, Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Heath, Juncker, Merkel, Obama, Patel, May and other misbegotten rogues.
20 June 2021 
BBC Executive Set Up Attack On GB News
Yesterday companies considering an ad boycott of GB News clearly irritated the broadcaster, with Andrew Neil taking to Twitter to point out the hypocrisy of IKEA. Guido can now reveal the campaigner behind the boycott website may have ulterior motives for trying to take down the new competitive channel: they’re a former senior BBC producer.The website, which has spent the last 24 hours celebrating various corporate boycotts, says it is a “campaigning website from Ripples”. A quick search of Companies House shows Ripples Campaigning was co-founded, and is run, by Louise Wikstrom. Louise, who appears to be their only employee, was a senior content producer at BBC Worldwide for three years.
Co-conspirators may have theories as to why someone closely linked to the BBC’s commercial arm might want GB News to fail?
Louise’s previous Facebook profile picture also makes clear her political allegiances:
Of course she is a leftie; that's why she worked for the Beeb. But she had her eye firmly on the main chance and Devil take the hindmost.
19 June 2021 
American Infrastructure Is Falling Apart
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—An emergency closure of the Interstate-40 bridge across the Mississippi River has jammed traffic for over a month, denting companies’ bottom lines, hampering the region’s economic recovery from the pandemic and further straining an already stretched national supply chain.The six-lane bridge linking Tennessee and Arkansas helps make Memphis a critical U.S. distribution hub, along with the headquarters of FedEx Corp. , a large port and five major freight railroads. It has been closed since May 11, when a contractor for the Arkansas Transportation Department spotted a large crack in a steel support beam that officials said put the span in jeopardy of failing.
Typically, about 40,000 cars and trucks a day would cross the bridge, a double-arch steel structure that is almost 2 miles long.The bridge’s deficiencies highlight the aging of U.S. infrastructure amid a debate in Washington over a multibillion-dollar funding package. Despite disagreements between Republicans and Democrats over the scope and funding sources for the legislative package, bipartisan support has emerged for boosting federal spending on roads and bridges.
The inspector didn't notice it the first couple of times so he was released into the community, This not a one off. Things do wear out. Billions are needed, lots of them. See e.g. the Infrastructure Report Card
Black Lives Matter Trouble Maker Head Shot - Prisoners Taken
Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson was shot in the head by silent disco gatecrashers as they gunned down a security guard who confronted them, a court heard. Mother-of-two Ms Johnson, 27, dubbed the 'Black Panther of Oxford', was shot at a 30th birthday party in Peckham, south London. She remains in a critical condition in hospital.Prince Dixon, 25, of Gravesend, Kent, and Troy Reid, 19, of Southwark, south London, appeared in custody at Bromley Magistrates' Court charged with conspiracy to murder today.
Shot by her own? Probably. Why did they need guards to protect them? Because Blacks are part of a criminal culture. Prince Dixon is on Twitter, saying My new CDs coming soon. "Good morning" "Dairy [ sic ] of a Street Nigga" "Born a Winner" and "The G.O.A.T". TP and nothen else. Is he the one in the frame? Probably not but he is a semi-literate black.
18 June 2021 
On 18 June 1940, after the
Dunkirk evacuation, after France sought
an armistice,
Churchill told the
House of Commons and the Country that we would fight and win. It was said to
be our
Finest Hour.
Jury Takes Two Hours To Find Black Murderer Not Guilty
See the face, know the guilt
Lots of events in the Southeast are celebrating the first anniversary of the Racial Reckoning: keep that spirit alive! For example, from the Hilton Head Island Packet:Man who told police he fatally shot ex-Hardeeville fire chief in 2017 found not guilty
MAY 27, 2021 01:15 PM,Although Devon Dunham confessed to fatally shooting former Hardeeville volunteer fire chief Ernest Martin Stevens in a public parking lot in 2017, a Jasper County jury found him not guilty of murder Thursday.
Dunham breathed an audible sigh of relief through his face mask after hearing the verdict and softly fist-bumped his attorney.
The jury deliberated less than two hours...............
Gun violence ushered in the Memorial Day weekend in South Florida when dozens of shots were fired outside another gathering in Miami’s Wynwood area. The shooting late Friday killed one person and injured six others.
“Gun violence ushered in the Memorial Day weekend” — no evasive use of the passive voice there! The Associated Press is telling us exactly who did what: “Gun violence” is the subject who acted, “ushered in” is the verb phrase of what Gun Violence did, and “the Memorial Day weekend” is the object that Mr. Violence did it too.
Yeah, if you watch the local if-it-bleeds-it-leads TV newscast, this was another African-American party drive-by shooting in accord with Sailer’s Law.
Trust the media? Not me, not ever. Was it a black jury? Did they vote tribal?
Enid Blyton Was A Racist And Xenophobe Alleges English Heritage
Famous Five author in charity’s sights as it says it will review all blue plaques for links to 'contested' figures.
The Hard Left's infiltration of the Education Industry is succeeding brilliantly. If people want good degrees they pay £9,000 a year and pretend to believe the Propaganda. It is Mob Psychology in action. Antonio Gramsci, the leading intellectual of the Italian communists development of the Long March Through The Institutions is paying off big time.
17 June 2021 
Illegal Immigrants Die Getting To America
Several weeks ago, deep in Panamanian jungle, a flotilla of about 300 migrants passed by on 27 May 2021. We were ferrying Congressman Tom Tiffany and another VIP deep into the Darien jungle. All in dugout canoes to Bajo Chiquito village...........It is clear after months of interviews the vast majority of migrants are not running from war. For instance, there is no war in Nepal. And wars in some countries are limited in scope to finite areas. Examples from wars and conflicts I have spent years in include Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines, Thailand, Nepal — during each of these wars and conflicts, most areas within the countries were not in war. All of these countries have immediate neighbours where safety abounded............
Migrants are moving for many reasons............. The vast majority are economic migrants who will take low-paying jobs and leave millions of Americans jobless. They make a lot of babies and form anthroinsulae [ ghettoes ] in the United States. Human islands. Voting blocks. At this rate, within a couple more generations, communists and the products of this tsunami may be in control — through creative ‘voting’ and demographics — of an incredibly powerful nuclear arsenal............
Our migration mistake is of utmost consequence. We are under attack from within...........
Yet there are others...who are nothing but trouble. Military aged males who pal around like gangsters. Military aged males who will be seeding more fatherless babies across America.
Michael Yon is a man on the ground, telling it like it is. Yes, it is Ethnic Fouling & Genocide in the making. Yes, most of these Illegal Immigrants are men of fighting age. Michael does not write about the perpetrators causing these problems. Manipulating Joe Biden, a senile figurehead, using him to open the borders, to legalise immigrants, to destroy Western Civilization are some of their objectives. The real capital of America is in Tel Aviv.
Johnson Imports 5 Thousand Known Criminals This Year
Migrants detained by Border Force officers trying to cross the English Channel in small boats has reached more than 5,000 in number - despite [ alleged ] efforts from the Home Office to crack down on the crisis.Yesterday 110 people were intercepted making the dangerous [ sic ] crossing of the busiest shipping lands in the world taking the tally to 5,007 who have been detained so far in 2021.
Just 1,865 migrants were picked up by Border Force in the same period from January 1 to June 14 in 2020 - which turned out to be a record year with 8,410 eventually making crossings last year.
French authorities intercepted a further four crossing attempts overnight on Monday involving 45 people.......................
A Home Office spokesperson said: 'Criminal gangs are putting profits before people's lives through these dangerous and unnecessary crossings.
'Almost 5,000 people have been prevented from making the dangerous crossing so far this year and we are cracking down on the despicable criminal gangs behind people smuggling.
Inaction is not an option whilst people are dying. The Government is bringing legislation forward through our New Plan for Immigration which will break the business model of these heinous people smuggling networks and save lives.'
Dover and Deal MP Natalie Elphicke called for "more robust deterrents" to ensure migrants crossing the Channel by small boat know "they have no chance of breaking into Britain in this way" [ Bollocks ].
Reacting to the news of more than 5,000 migrants arriving in 2021, she said: "Small boats crossings have gone on for too long. It's time these crossings came to an end
Boris Johnson pretends that he is using Patel and Border Force to keep Third World parasites out. He is a treacherous liar.
16 June 2021 
GB News Attacked By Hate Driven Left
The channel launched earlier this week promising to “lend an ear to some of Britain’s marginalised and overlooked voices”. This rhetoric appears to have gone down well with viewers as chairman Andrew Neil and host Dan Wootton helped it attract higher figures than both the BBC and Sky News channels on its launch night.Despite the mainstream channel clearing having a wide appeal, woke lefties determined to silence any opinions other than their own seem out to get it.
A website called Boycott GB News has adopted a similar campaign to Stop Funding Hate - by publishing the names and contact details of the channel’s advertisers.
It then urges people to bombard them with messages urging them to stop advertising with the channel. Kopparberg, Grolsch, Nivea and the Open University have since announced that they are pulling their advertising.
Andrew Neil seems a reasonable sort of chap. Is he a Marxist Paedophile? I seriously doubt it; after all he did leave the BBC, where protecting the likes of Jimmy Savile & Rolf Harris is policy. The Hard Left propagandists know he is not going to pander to them.
Black Murderer Shot On The Spot
A cashier was shot dead and an off-duty deputy was wounded after a male customer pulled out a gun and opened fire when told he had to pull up his face mask in a Georgia grocery store on Monday.![]()
Victor Lee Tucker Jr., of Palmetto, Georgia, had got into an argument with staff at the Big Bear grocery store in DeKalb County, on Monday over their store's mask policy.The 30-year-old appeared to leave after the argument, but returned moments later, holding a handgun, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Tucker hit the casher, killing her, before he was shot and injured by an off-duty officer, a 30-year veteran of the DeKalb County Police Department, who was working as a security guard.
DeKalb County Sheriff Melody Maddox said Tucker managed to fire back twice, hitting the off-duty cop both times.
The Armed Citizen pays off more often than not. The fact that shop needs an armed guard is a sad commentary on American reality. The fact that a black thug feels free to murder willy nilly is another. Black Hate is being incited by corrupt Propaganda machines, by the Mainstream Media. NB The Mail is censoring comments because the criminal is black but the readers know that weapons are not the problem; it is the users.
Pakistani Fool Dies Falling Off A Cliff At Durdle Door
The woman who fell 100ft to her death off a cliff at a coastal beauty spot after attempting to take a 'short cut' to the beach has been named as a Birmingham mother-of-five.Tahira Jabeen, who was in her 40s, is believed to have died in front of her adult daughter, as they walked near to Durdle Door in Dorset.
Witnesses say Ms Jabeen was attempting to take a 'short cut' to the beach at the popular tourist site......................
A witness to the horrifying incident said: 'The woman was about 20 metres down the cliff when she fell. She chose to climb down the rocks while her daughter took the steps.
The path is safe enough. Rock climbing is a different matter.
PS The Mail is censoring comments again.
Metropolitan Police Murdered Copper Investigating Their Corruption
Police who took bungs in brown envelopes, 'moonlighted' in other jobs and sold lucrative information to criminals may have scuppered the probe into Daniel Morgan's murder, today's report revealed.Father-of-two Mr Morgan was killed with an axe to the head in the car park of the Golden Lion pub in Sydenham, south-east London, on March 10, 1987 while he was probing corrupt officers. And bent cops may have sunk the investigation having 'thought that their police careers and pensions were under threat' and that 'future, potentially lucrative corrupt practices' would be stopped, today's report says.
Officers were even paid not to arrest criminals who controlled their bosses, who also demanded 10 per cent of detectives' overtime and expenses payments to be paid to them each month, it is alleged.........
The panel accuses the Metropolitan Police of a 'form of institutional corruption' for concealing or denying failings over the unsolved killing - and said its handling of the case means that his killers will likely escape justice...........
'There have been indications since 1987 that Daniel Morgan had been going to report police corruption, and to sell a story about corruption to the media. The nature of that corruption has never been established.
It was over thirty years ago; evidence has been lost or destroyed. So this report only confirms what we know already. They are bent. The fact that police, including the current police commissioner obstructed investigations is interesting/proof of guilt/confirmation of one's worst suspicions.
15 June 2021 
On 15 June 1215 AD Magna Carta was sealed at
Runnymede; it limited Royal powers.
While this day in 1996 the
Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) detonated
a truck bomb in the middle of Manchester, England, devastating the
city centre and injuring 212 people. They failed to murder anyone.
Nevada Counties Go Constitutional
Elected officials have declared that the Bill of Rights will be upheld in their jurisdictions, even if it means standing against unconstitutional acts by state and federal authorities.According to a resolution approved in Elko County on June 2, abuse of the constitutionally protected rights of citizens in Elko and Lander counties will be “dealt with as criminal activity.” Officials in Lander County approved a similar effort.
Under the leadership of constitutionally minded sheriffs and elected commissioners, the two rural counties in Nevada decided to become “constitutional counties” where the rights of citizens will be protected from all attacks.
That means local authorities intend to uphold the entire Bill of Rights in those jurisdictions, and that even federal and state officials must comply with the U.S. Constitution there, they said.
This is good news. It means that the officials will obey their Oaths, that they will uphold the American Constitution, that Free Speech will be free, that the Right To Keep And Bear Arms will mean what it says. Only two counties have done this to date. It's a movement that's time has come.
Swiss Reject Green Tax But Not Fertilizer Ban
The Swiss shot down a plan to reduce carbon emissions, sending their government back to the drawing board in order to meet its commitment under the Paris Climate Agreement.Voters rejected a higher CO2 levy by 51.6% to 48.4%, swayed by claims the measure was too costly. In a separate vote, they approved of the government’s response to Covid-19, including financial aid to businesses. “Today’s ‘no’ is not a ‘no’ to protecting the environment,” said Environment and Transport Minister Simonetta Sommaruga. “Many people want to strengthen protections of the environment but not in this way, not with this law. The government has understood this message.”
The proposal would have raised the maximum tax on carbon dioxide emissions to 210 francs ($234) per ton from 120 francs previously. It would also have introduced a new surcharge on airplane tickets and private jet usage..........
An initiative promoting clean drinking water failed, with 60.7% of voters turning it down. It would’ve limited the use of pesticides and antibiotics for farm animals but the government warned it would lower agricultural yields in Switzerland. Moreover, drinking water is already clean.
Switzerland has Democracy unlike the rest of Europe. The tax decision makes sense, the industrial poison issue rather less.
14 June 2021 
How To Save The World, In Three Easy Steps
Watch Bret Weinstein, a Jew with high level expertise discussing a solution to the Covid-19 problem with Robert W Malone, MD, the inventor of RNA Vaccine and Steve Kirsch, a serial entrepreneur, who had the money and the drive to solve a medical problem, saving his life. Do they sound like Boris Johnson, the loud mouthed ignoramus who is Her Majesty's prime minister or the bunch of chancers around him? No! They actually understand the technology & agree that the current vaccines are experimental rush jobs being used after very inadequate trials while various people who know better are suppressing the truth. NB Bret's wife is a medical doctor.
Netanyahu Sacked As Prime Minister So Now He Can Go To Prison
Naftali Bennett has become Israel's new Prime Minister after the country's
parliament voted in his coalition government, ending
Benjamin Netanyahu's record 12 years in
power. Israel's parliament narrowly voted 60-59 in favour of the new government
on Sunday and shortly afterwards, Bennett was sworn in as prime
minister. Bennett, a former ally of Netanyahu turned bitter rival, will now
preside over a diverse and fragile coalition comprised of eight parties with
deep ideological differences.
Netanyahu sat silently during the vote. After it was approved, he stood up to leave the chamber, before turning around and shaking Bennett's hand...........
Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, remains the head of the largest party in parliament and is expected to vigorously oppose the new government. If just one faction bolts, it could lose its majority and would be at risk of collapse, giving him an opening to return to power...................
He added: 'If it's our destiny to be in the
opposition, we'll do so with our heads high until we take down this bad
government and return to lead the country our way [ by mass murder, by
War Mongering, by torture, Apartheid,
oppression, whatever - Editor ].'
Let us not forget that the previous prime minister went to prison for thieving.
The president was different. He got six years for rape. Jews can act honestly
when they are judges - unlike our lot.
Learned Hypocrites Of Oxford Refuse To Work
Oxford dons who have joined a boycott at Oriel
College in protest against the decision to keep the Cecil Rhodes statues are
themselves being funded by imperialists. Several professors have refused to teach
undergraduate students after the college refused to take down the controversial
statue of the colonialist.
But it has now emerged they are benefiting from financial legacies built on forced labour as they were accused of 'biting the hand that feeds them'.
Four of the dons have received funding from the Leverhulme Trust, created with funding from Lord Leverhulme, a soap magnate who established plantations in the 1910s in the Belgian Congo..............
Dr Agnieszka Kościańska is a visiting professor funded by the programme and is eligible to £150,000 of funding from the trust, while Dr Kathrin Bachleitner's research is fully funded by the IKEA foundation. The Swedish company has previously admitted using East German political prisoners as forced labours [ sic ] to make its goods during the Cold War.............
Nigel Biggar, regius professor of moral and pastoral theology at Oxford, said: 'These boycotters occupy positions or hold grants made in the name of Rhodes or other imperialists which they are happy to accept whilst berating the people who actually provided the funds.
'There is a certain moral inconsistency in doing that: you are biting the hand that feeds you, in effect.'............
An Oxford student in the 1870s, Rhodes left money
to Oriel on his death in 1902 and his statue stands on the college's building on
Oxford High Street. An imperialist, businessman and politician, he played a
dominant role in southern Africa in the late 19th century, driving the
annexation of vast swathes of land.
The Quasi-Intellectuals of Oxford have long had
strange obsessions. Consider the
Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford. It was in 1555 AD that they captured the
Archbishop of Canterbury and a brace of bishops, gave them fair trials then
burnt them at the stake. The current bunch of self-righteous twerps don't care tuppence about the Archbishop but believe passionately that
Blacks are victims and that
Global Warming is real. They are prepared to
take Rhodes' money though. The other lot are just bad. See the
Protocols Of The Learned
Elders of Cambridge and know that the Lunatic
Fringe is thriving. Notice that the Barbarians
of North Africa are slaving to this very day. They have no qualms about making a
living. Apologise? Not them.
13 June 2021 
Gates Meets His Strategic Media Partners Without Publicity
Behind the scenes with the Gates Foundation’s ‘strategic media partners’...........I wasn’t actually allowed behind the scenes at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s recent meeting in Seattle entitled “Strategic Media Partnerships.”
The Gates Foundation funds a lot of media – more than $25 million in media grants for 2012 (but still less than 1% of the budget). I’m media but I wasn’t invited. I asked if I could come and report on it, but was told the meeting was off the record. Those attending included representatives from the New York Times, NPR, The Guardian, NBC, Seattle Times and a number of other news organizations, non-profit groups and foundations. Not all were grant recipients, or partners. Some just came to consult........
The news business is in a tailspin, coverage has shrunk and philanthropic funding of journalism is increasingly what keeps many news operations (like Humanosphere) up and running. But this shift from selling lingerie to rich do-gooders supporting the news likely deserves more public attention. What does it mean for the Gates Foundation to move from mere underwriting or media sponsorship to more active involvement as a strategic media partner?................
Well, as a journalist who covers global health and poverty and is expected to double-check and unpack the often carefully packaged messages put out by the Gates Foundation, I can tell you that quite a few people – again, mostly ‘off the record’ – do kick. They’re not opposed to the overall goal, but many are concerned about the immense influence the philanthropy already has over the aid narrative............
“Our research has shown that people see, or at least remember, the stories that highlight waste and ineffectiveness in foreign aid more than they do the positive stories,” said Tom Scott, director of global brand and innovation at the foundation. “It’s harder to break through with the stories of success so that’s our emphasis.”
Here’s a recent post by Tom, about the Gates Foundation’s support for a new Oxfam [ One of the nastier operations - Editor ] ad campaign that takes a positive tack on Africa.
Does Gates mean well? Perhaps. Does he know how to run our lives better than we do? That is his unstated assumption. One major story that is not being promoted here is that the well meaning(?) Charity Industry is being used as a weapon to destroy Western Civilization by Ethnic Fouling and Genocide. The self righteous use Criminal Charities such as Save The Children for wholesale smuggling of Third World parasites into Europe and England.
Zulu 'Prince' Comes Unstuck Attacking Police In Hawaii
Police bodycam footage shows the moment a Zulu 'prince' who once appeared on South Africa Idol was shot dead by cops during burglary call at a Hawaii home. Lindani Myeni, a married father-of-two from South Africa, was killed Wednesday evening by Honolulu police officers in the Nuuanu neighborhood.Officials have released clips from two of the three bodycams worn by cops from the night of the incident; a third was not activated during the struggle.
The clips released show three gunshots rang out before an officer says, 'police.' Police had said Myeni, who is black, 'charged' at two officers with a third cop arriving and deploying their taser before gun shots were fired. Acting Deputy Chief Allan Nagata acknowledged police did not initially identify themselves but said: 'They were in the fight for their lives. They were very brave. They didn't shoot or discharge the firearm right away. This was not a case of overreaction.'..........
Myeni had assaulted the officers, punching one of them until the officer briefly lost consciousness, Nagata said.
He had entered a home, sat down and took off his shoes, prompting the scared occupants to dial the police, Chief Susan Ballard said Thursday.
Another black thug, a "gentle giant" attacks police and winds up dead. The moral? Don't attack armed police.
PS The Mail is censoring comments which is why only five remarks got through.
12 June 2021 
Bill Gates Is Building A Nuclear Power Plant Near A Volcano
NOT content with being the biggest private landowner in the US, blotting out the sun and jabbing the world, Bill Gates is getting over his divorce by building a ‘next-generation’ nuclear power plant in Wyoming. The Republican state’s governor Mark Gordon announced the deal between Gates’s TerraPower Company, PacifiCorp owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, and the US government on June 2.He said the multi-billion-dollar project, called ‘Natrium’, is to be constructed on the site of a ‘soon-to-be-retired coal-fired plant over the next several years’. TerraPower President Chris Levesque said costs would be split evenly between government and the two billionaires..........
According to the press release, the nuclear plant will feature a 345-megawatt sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system, which will produce enough power for 250,000 homes. New storage technology will be able to boost output to 500 megawatts of power for about five and a half hours, equivalent to the energy needed to power 400,000 homes.
Wyoming is both a leading coal mining and uranium mining state, and Governor Gordon promised that the development did not signal any lack of commitment to fossil fuels or to making the state ‘carbon negative’.................
Wyoming is a glorious, sparsely populated state of 97,000 square miles and 580,000 people. It is also home to a ‘hyperactive volcanic region’, the 3,472-square-mile Yellowstone National Park.
At the park’s centre lies a bubbling caldera that is the scar of a supervolcano eruption 640,000 years ago. The Norris Geyser Basin to the northwest of the caldera has more than 500 hydrothermal features, with dynamic geysers and pools that often change from day to day, but a much larger transformation has been taking place as well. For more than two decades, an area larger than Chicago centred near the basin has been inflating and deflating by several inches in erratic bursts............
A nuclear power plant, built in partnership with two of the world’s most notorious egoists with funding from questionable sources, using technology developed in tandem with the Chinese, and sited on one of the most active seismic systems on the planet. What could possibly go wrong?
To be fair, fewer people died in the Three Mile Island "Accident" than the back of Ted Kennedy's car. The media are eagerly forgetting the Chappaquiddick Massacre and the Florida Rape Trial. But Bill is out there telling us how to run our lives, to get vaccinated. Telling us where to run when his power station blows up like Chernobyl comes later.
11 June 2021 
Blacks Murdered 24 White People In May But We Care More About The Alleged Tulsa Massacre
Last month: 29 Whites Dead: April 2021—Another Month In The Death Of White America
Our beat, interracial crime, made a rare appearance in the national Regime Media recently. But they lied about it as usual.
So did Joe Biden. He delivered an “emotional” speech in Tulsa OK June 1 decrying a “horrific” “massacre” the that took place exactly 100 year before, over 20 years before the 78 year-old Biden was born. Steve Sailer calls this “antiquarian” white guilt—see, for example: Antiquarianism: Apparently, White People Were Violent In 1918.
Herewith some more antiquarianism: One hundred years ago, the USA was engulfed in a seven-year “race war,” a series of racial conflicts between blacks and whites. The riots began in 1917 when whites responded to a black-on-white murder in East St. Louis, Missouri. Scores of blacks were killed (some say as many as 200), and an estimated 6,000 blacks were displaced; forced out of their homes and out of the city.............
The race war persisted through 1923 as rioting marred the cities of Ocoee, Florida; West Frankfort, Illinois; Perry, Florida; and Rosewood, Florida. Leftist historians have chosen to emphasize the battle near Tulsa, Oklahoma where whites burned a large swath of the black Greenwood neighborhood. That incident has been reframed as an example of untethered White Supremacy unleashed upon the America’s “Black Wall Street.”
But in reality, nearly every riot during this era was triggered by black-on-white crime. Whites responded with a vengeance—only to be vilified by Leftist historians as racist aggressors..........
This seven-year American race war has been largely ignored by historians. But its underlying cause—black-on-white violence—persists into the 21st century. Currently, however, whites are not fighting back.
Why do they murder the good lookers? Envy perhaps. Of course rape is fun. NB Boris Johnson & Patel are importing them for us too. Aren't we lucky? You can check the ugly reality of this story by going to
Mainstream Media Cover Up Biden's Talk About Niggers
The liberal media in the US are coming under fire for completely ignoring Hunter Biden's n-word [ The word being Nigger ] scandal after it was revealed by that the president's son had used the racial slur multiple times in text messages. The texts, which were exchanged in late 2018 and early 2019, were recovered from Biden's laptop and published by on Monday.The messages showed Biden repeatedly used the n-word in conversations with his white Chicago lawyer George Messires. In the days since the texts surfaced, the majority of US media outlets have chosen not to cover Biden's use of the racial slur. Left-leaning networks, including CNN and ABC and MSNBC, haven't dedicated notable air time to the story. The front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post have also not featured it. And online searches for articles on major left-leaning news websites do not come back with any mention of Biden and the n-word...
President Trump's two eldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, argued they would have been crucified by the liberal outlets if it had been them that had used the racial slur.
Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in conversation with his white, $845-per-hour lawyer, his texts messages reveal.The shocking texts may prove embarrassing for his father President Joe Biden, who just last week gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre, and has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration.
Hunter Biden is a corrupt rogue benefitting from Joe Biden's abuse of his power and corrupt Mainstream Media collusion. You can see why his lawyer didn't mind about this awful word at $845 an hour. Corrupt Propaganda machines are marketing the horrors of the "n-word" to incite Black Hate and White Guilt. They are self appointed Enemies Within, part of the Culture War being waged against us.
10 June 2021 
The Guardian Protects Third World Rapists
Like most human things, the Guardian is at its funniest when it doesn’t mean to be. For example, it’s currently celebrating its bicentenary under this slogan: “200 years of chasing the truth.” Which is a very good joke. Maybe the paper was honest in its early days, but it has spent most of the last hundred years fleeing the truth about key aspects of the world like racial and sexual difference.That’s perfectly understandable. The truth about racial and sexual difference doesn’t fit leftism or feed the narcissism of leftists. And so the Guardian routinely suppresses essential but inconvenient facts. For example, who are the aggressors in what the Guardian calls a “disturbing surge in physical attacks and harassment” against Asians in the US? It’s Blacks, of course, but the Guardian flees this truth, makes no reference to Blacks, and falsely blames the violence on “racist rhetoric” by the now-departed Donald Trump. The Guardian knows perfectly well – and often approvingly reported – that Trump gets almost no support from Blacks. But it’s a leftist newspaper and refuses to let reality get in the way of ideology.................
Brazen celebration of rape-culture
That’s why Guardianistas must have shaken their heads in sorrow when they saw right-wing newspapers like the Daily Mail prudishly using “f***” with asterisks in a recent story about misogynistic men brazenly celebrating rape-culture in London. Worse still, from the Guardian’s point of view, the misogynistic men were specifically targeting women and girls in a vulnerable ethnic minority. Those right-wing papers should have printed the full truth and exposed rape-culture to merciless scrutiny – just as the Guardian surely did................One of its pet minorities was behaving badly, so it fled the truth instead. Cuckservative commentators like Mark Steyn will claim that this was yet another example of how poor Jews are not valued or protected by the anti-Semitic left. But that isn’t true: the Guardian censored the story because the aggressors were non-White Muslims, not because the targets were Jewish. If White Christian men had done the same thing in a Jewish district of London, there would have been an explosion of outrage not just from the Guardian and other leftists in Britain, but right around the world. Sadly for the Guardian and other leftists, White Christian men aren’t encouraged by their religion to celebrate rape in public. Or indeed in private.
But brown-skinned Muslim men definitely are. There is a genuine and highly pernicious rape-culture in Islam stretching right back to the Prophet Muhammad, who permitted his followers to take sex-slaves and who committed statutory rape with his nine-year-old wife Aisha. The slogans “Rape their daughters!” and “Fuck their mothers!” are authentic Islam, which is why the Guardian refused to report them.
The Guardian hates the truth. So do Feminists when English women and girls are being Raped in Rotherham and elsewhere when it is Pakistani Perverts doing the crime. This is part of the perversion, the official corruption of the de facto ruling class. It also helps politicians & police protect them.
9 June 2021 
On this day in 1983 Maggie Thatcher won a landslide victory for the
while this day in 2017 Theresa May achieved a
hung Parliament when she needed a strong hand for dealing with the enemy in re
In fact she achieved something more like treason.
Yale University Encourages Racism If It Is Anti-White
........Recently it has come out that a psychiatrist of Pakistani background expressed visceral hatred toward White people in a lecture titled, appropriately enough, “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.” You’ve probably read about it, but it’s important to emphasize these things. Get used to it. They are part of the culture now, and emanating from very high places.The lecture was not held at a local BLM event, but at Yale University and attendees could use it for course credit—it would “fulfill the licensure requirement set forth by the State of Connecticut.” Some of her statements:
This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil. ….................
Yale did absolutely nothing about her talk until mainstream conservatives started talking about it. Here’s Tucker Carlson from last night (~40′) [ broken link ]
Whatever you think about Tucker, it’s good that he is publicizing this.
Exactly the sort of thing that Whites need to hear repeatedly. And in the story on the border disaster, he made it clear once again that it’s all about Democrats getting a permanent majority..............Liberals need to know that their expressions of moral superiority will not appease the White haters.
Yale did nothing to distance itself from her talk until conservatives started publicizing it. “When Herzog asked about Yale’s response when Khilanani submitted her talk and materials, she said there was none.” And in the immediate aftermath, there was nothing but praise: “Dr. Khilanani noted that her lecture had initially been well received. After she gave it, several attendees praised her comments on the online feed. One woman who identified herself as a Yale psychologist called it “absolutely brilliant.” A man said, “I feel very shook in a good way,” and a Black woman thanked Dr. Khilanani for giving “voice to us as people of color and what we go through all the time.”
Yale is now busy distancing itself from the talk, but it is still available to students and presumably still counts for the licensure requirement. Khilanani is now saying that she was speaking in metaphors: “My speaking metaphorically about my own anger was a method for people to reflect on negative feelings. To normalize negative feelings. Because if you don’t, it will turn into a violent action.”
This is Mob Psychology in action. It is controlled among the peasant masses by the Mainstream Media and a corrupted Education Industry. Compare Yale's shenanigans with the Quasi-Intellectuals who brought us the Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Cambridge and the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford.
PS The New York Times chooses to claim that "Dr" Khilanani just happened to be there and that Yale does not approve of her; it lies knowingly & with Malice Aforethought
Illegal Immigration - It's About Power
Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains.
Tucker explains so clearly, so well. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton et al ad nauseam, the deeply corrupt Democrats lusting after power want Third World parasites to vote for the dole, the free everything, for them. They are just like the Labour Party in England.
8 June 2021 
Benjamin Netanyahu Is A Murderous Thug Says Shin Bet Boss
Israel's security chief has warned of bloodshed if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu incites violence from his supporters as he leaves office. Netanyahu hit back at his own security agency boss over his calls for calm and warnings of bloodshed.Head of Shin Bet Nadav Argaman issued a rare public warning that the current atmosphere could incite violence. He criticised anyone 'that endorses violent and illegal activities which could even lead to harm to individuals.'
It comes as Netanyahu earlier this week began the fight of his political life after rival parties signed a coalition deal that could end his 12 years in power. Speaking on Sunday, the Israeli leader spoke of a double standard in which statements by figures on the right are viewed incitement, while those of the left are seen as legitimate.
Without mentioning Argaman by name, he said: 'Incitement is a call for violence.
'For a long time, there have been such horrible calls, including clear calls to murder me and my family that have been met with silence in the public discourse and in the press.'
Yes, Netanyahu is a mass murderer as well as being a thief & Psychopathic liar. It will be good to see him prison when the judges convict him. It is what they did to the previous PM. The Mail is censoring comments again. Only two made it through.
Pakistani Paedophile Is A Blackmailer Who Sold Child Abuse Videos
Abdul-Hasib Elahi, 26, posed as a stockbroker during his sick reign of terror and blackmailed victims into committing horrific abuse of themselves, siblings and children and sold the footage as "boxsets" to other offenders. His victims were as young as eight months old.Elahi had previously admitted 158 offences including blackmail, disclosing private photos, distributing indecent images, causing a child to engage in sexual activity, fraud, possessing extreme pornography, causing or inciting the sexual exploitation of a child and possessing more than 65,000 indecent images of children – including babies being raped.
A court heard the offences were committed between January 1, 2017 and August 7, 2020...............
Elahi of Sparkhill, Birmingham, provided online ‘master classes’ on the encrypted Telegram app to other offenders teaching them how to blackmail victims and obtain indecent images from children without being caught. He operated by pretending to be a stockbroker or rich businessman on ‘sugar daddy’ websites.
He singled out victims who were in debt or too young to legitimately be on the sites and tricked victims into sending him naked or partially clothed images of themselves. He also targeted some victims on social media................
He then sold the content as ‘box sets’ through the cloud and via the encrypted app Telegram making more than £25,000.
Chicago police talking to Connie Fletcher in What Cops Know say there is one of them in every square mile of a big town. See more at Paedophiles. Be aware that the BBC doesn't just protect them; it incites them. You doubt it? Go to Paedophile Propaganda, read for yourself, think for yourself, decide for yourself.
Donald Trump's Chief Manipulator Moves On
Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald Trump and a former White House senior advisor, has reportedly told some of Trump's closest advisors that he wants "a simpler relationship" with the former president, according to The New York Times.While former Trump campaign managers Bill Stepien and Brad Parscale are still tied into Trumpworld, Kushner, who is married to the former president's oldest daughter, Ivanka, has stepped back. According to The Times, Kushner "wants to focus on writing his book and establishing a simpler relationship" with the former president.............
The news would confirm a new trajectory for Kushner, who was intimately involved in a myriad of legislative and political initiatives in the Trump years, from engaging in peace talks in the Middle East to aiding the president's reelection campaign.
Kushner is a crooked Jew that wormed his way into the White House and power. Now he has done his worst by disrupting Don's work. He is an Enemy Of The People, a very successful one.
7 June 2021 
Mainstream Media Changes Its Lies about Covid-19 On The Fly
But this situation has now entirely changed, and in recent days the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and our leading electronic media outlets have carried top stories treating that former heresy in a very respectful manner, and even suggesting that the weight of evidence might favor it. The Senate has voted in favor of immediately declassifying all our intelligence documents related to the origin of the virus, and massive political pressure upon President Joe Biden has forced him to order that a full intelligence review be produced and released within 90 days. It appears that an emerging elite consensus may soon favor theories that had previously been consigned to odd corners of the Internet.The triggering event for this remarkable reversal in American elite sentiment was a closely reasoned and persuasive 11,000 word article by journalist Nicholas Wade. Although the author had spent more than four decades as a top science reporter at the New York Times and other leading outlets, his work was quietly released May 2nd on the Medium blogging site, lacking any endorsements or prestigious imprimatur, then republished on May 5th by the low-traffic website of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists............
Despite such extremely inauspicious beginnings and the cautious and subdued tone of his text, the consequences were dramatic. Although nearly all the facts and evidence that Wade discussed had already been publicly available for most of the past year, his careful analysis and considerable journalistic credibility quickly transformed the intellectual landscape. He began his long article by explaining that from February 2020 onward a huge ideological bubble had been inflated by political propaganda masquerading as science, a bubble that was afterwards maintained through a combination of journalistic cowardice and incompetence. President Donald Trump had proclaimed that the virus was artificial, so our media therefore insisted that it must be natural, even if all the evidence seemed to suggest otherwise.
Do you believe everything you read?
Do you believe anything you read in the Mainstream Media?
I'll prefer Ron Unz every time even though he is a Jew.
Pakistani Sisters Lied To Get A Three Bedroom Council House
Two sisters have admitted lying about being victim of 'honour-based' domestic violence to scam a council out of a three-bed house they never lived in.Hannah Rafiq, 29, and Ayshia Rafiq, 30, told Kirklees Council their father was beating them and they were homeless and in desperate need of refuge despite having a place to live with their mother in Huddersfield.
They have now made a public apology for 'depriving a family in real need' of a house in Batley which they kept for four years.
With the threat of prison hanging over their heads, they said in a statement: 'Neither I nor my sister or brother lived at the house in Batley, and I accept that I should not have said that it was our only or principal home.
'We remained during this time at the family home in Huddersfield which is owned by our mother.
'I am very sorry for the damage caused by our actions in depriving a family in real need of accommodation by making unavailable a three-bedroom house for four years.'
Pakistani Perverts lie. They learn it with their mothers' milk but the Tories import them as cheap(?) labour. The Labour Party import them for their expertise in fraud, in Vote Rigging. It is how they keep power. The Working Class? Who cares about them? Not Blair for starters.![]()
6 June 2021 
Black Thug Murders Another Of Our Permanent Visitors
Chilling footage has emerged of the final moments of a YouTube music star's life before he was stabbed to death with a 'fearsome' sword outside a city shopping centre. Keany Kissingou-Mabiala, 20, from the St Ann's area of Nottingham, was on the phone to his bank when Mazin Abdelmonim, 19, attacked him 'out of the blue' in front of dozens of shoppers.Abdelmonim stabbed Keany twice in the chest before the 20-year-old took several steps and fell to the ground outside Victoria Centre, Nottingham, on October 12 last year.............
Abdelmonim, who did not know the victim, was found guilty by a jury at Nottingham Crown Court and was jailed for life, with a minimum of 20 years, on June 4.
See the face, the stupidity & know the guilt.
Johnson, Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, Juncker, Merkel, Priti Patel, May etc. collude in importing vicious aliens like this. They are Enemies Of The People betraying us because they are another ZOG [ Zionist Occupation Government ], tools of the Puppet Masters.
PS Only four comments made it past the Mail's censor.
13% of Irish Voters Would Vote For Donald Trump Poll ex Gript
The bad news for Donald Trump, in this new poll from the excellent Ireland Thinks (which increasingly does polling on interesting questions that other companies just don’t) is that if Ireland was the 51st state of the Union, it would be the most Democratic state there is. Even in ultra-liberal Vermont, Trump will get something like a third of the votes next Tuesday.In Ireland? A measly thirteen per cent:
Irish Trump supporters, then, are more likely to be male (18% versus 8% of women), most likely to be young adults (19% of 25-34 year olds, compared to just 9% of 65 and olders), and vastly more likely to support socially conservative parties like Aontú, or independents (62% of Aontú voters, 55% of “other”) compared to traditional parties.
The interesting thing here, of course, isn’t that the Trump vote is so low by comparison with even the most liberal, lefty, American state. It’s that the Trump vote is so high, compared to the make up of the Irish political system.
We have a proportional representation system here in Ireland. That means, at least in theory, that the differing ideological stripes of the population should be represented, roughly proportionally, in our political system. So where are the TDs [ law makers, MPs ] and Senators representing the more than one in ten Irish people who want to – sorry now – make Ireland great again?
There are, after all, more Trump supporters in Ireland than there are supporters of Labour, the Social Democrats, and the various far-left parties put together. And yet, when was the last time you heard an Irish TD speak about the urgent need to build a wall, or cut taxes, or strengthen our immigration system?
Thirteen per cent would equate to somewhere between ten and twenty Dáil seats. If there was an effective Trumpist party, with decent candidates, that achieved thirteen per cent in an election, it would be comfortably the fourth largest party in the Dáil.
And it’s not just politics, either – where is the representation of these Trump supporting Irish voters in the media, and culture? A lot of them, of course, get their news from this website, but we’re very small, and routinely ignored by our larger competitors.............
And mainly, of course, the problem is finding candidates and leaders willing to speak out and lead. Those who would lead a putatively Trumpist Irish political party would immediately be assailed by the media, and our cultural gatekeepers, as beyond the pale. They would have to be willing to sacrifice their respectability, employment prospects, and reputations. And it would not be one person, either – you would need good candidates in about 43 constituencies who could make the case credibly without diverting into conspiracy theories or fringe obsessions..............
Still, the strong support amongst younger voters is very interesting. If the Irish populist right can meet that openness in the electorate for a new approach with something sane, and credible, that doesn’t embarrass its own potential supporters, there might well be an opening.
The Irish are just as much victims of Propaganda machines as the rest of us. Effective leadership is a serious problem.
5 June 2021 
Google Axes Black Diversity Hire For Dissing Jews
Google fails to fire head of diversity who said Jews have an 'insatiable appetite for war and killing' and simply moves him to new post. Google has been blasted after it failed to fire its head of diversity over anti-Semitic blog posts - after the tech giant merely moved him to a different job.Kamau Bobb, who is also an 'Equity in Computing' don at Georgia Tech, wrote a 2007 blog post, which remains on his website, titled: 'If I Were A Jew.' The most offensive section of the blog read, 'If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war and killing in defense of myself............
'These writings are unquestionably hurtful,' the statement added. 'The author acknowledges this and has apologized. He will no longer be part of our diversity team going forward and will focus on his STEM work.'
Mr Bobb is a Diversity Hire because he is black, i.e. under-qualified/incompetent/stupid/whatever. The Urban Dictionary tells us that it means an unqualified employee who was hired to appease rich white liberal guilt and people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Reduces fair competition and as a result makes industry less efficient. The Wikipedia bottled out of explaining. Google went easy on him because he is black. They also told him very firmly to keep his mouth shut. For a wonder the Mail isn't censoring comments. Their article shows claims made by Jews that they are victims; this a couple of weeks after they finished Gaza Massacre IV, when Jews murdered 256 people. They wounded 2,000.
Covid-19 Lies Exposed by Neville Hodgkinson
TWO of the scientists leading Britain’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic have been implicated in an alleged cover-up of the virus’s origins.Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, and Sir Patrick Vallance, formerly president of research and development at the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and chief scientific adviser to the Government since March 2018, both feature in the ‘Fauci files’, an explosive batch of emails released this week under freedom-of-information legislation in America.
The Wellcome Trust is an immensely wealthy foundation which distributes £1billion annually for global health research. It was formed in 1936 after the death of Sir Henry Wellcome, who founded the company that went on to become GlaxoSmithKline. Farrar also has a position on the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) and is on the board of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which gave $1billion to Covid-19 vaccine development............
Dr Anthony Fauci has for the past 40 years led the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and has been the most public face of the US handling of the crisis. Despite clashes with President Trump, he is a hero to many, and the emails are being interpreted by some of his supporters in the media as evidence of the huge pressures he faced.
But Tucker Carlson, a Fox News television host and political commentator who has called for a criminal investigation of Fauci’s behaviour, says the emails show that from the beginning, Fauci was worried the public might conclude Covid had originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. ‘Why would Tony Fauci be so concerned that Americans would conclude that? Possibly because Tony Fauci knew perfectly well that he had funded gain-of-function experiments at that very same laboratory. The emails prove that Fauci lied about this under oath.’
The first email Carlson showed viewers was dated January 31, 2020 – the day the World Health Organisation declared that Covid represented a global health emergency.
It was sent to Fauci late that evening by immunologist Kristian Andersen, PhD of the Scripps Research Institute in California, considered the most influential in the world for its role in scientific advances. It was copied to only one other person – Jeremy Farrar.
Anderson warned that the virus had features which might make it look as if it could have come from a laboratory (as the British vaccines expert Angus Dalgliesh has been trying to tell us for more than a year)...........
‘On the afternoon of February 1 last year, Fauci held a conference call with several top virologists. Most of the details of that call remain hidden from public view – they have been redacted. We know the call was related to a document entitled “Coronavirus sequence comparison”.
‘Jeremy Farrar, a British physician who runs a major research non-profit, reminded everyone on the call that what they said was top secret.’...................
Two days later, British [ sic ] scientist Peter Daszak, one of those whom Fauci had funded to conduct the experiments in Wuhan, wrote to thank him for his help in ‘stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for Covid-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology’.
Daszak, president of the EcoHealth alliance, which has received tens of millions of US taxpayers’ dollars for investigating coronaviruses, is a leading member of a World Health Organisation team whose investigation of the pandemic’s origins was widely regarded as a whitewash when published on March 30. He heads a Lancet committee with the same remit.
Thousands have died, billions have been lost. You can see Tucker Carlson putting the prosecution case at But politicians and Civil Servants have given very nice little earners to friends, to Capitalist Swine. Not you? Didn't go to Eton? More fool you. Complain to your father.
4 June 2021 
Conditions In Napier Barracks UNLAWFUL Alleges Judge
Home Secretary Priti Patel this afternoon vowed the barracks will stay open amid increasing calls from campaigners to get the site shut down, which was described by inspectors as 'filthy'. Meanwhile, Labour has called for ministers to urgently explain 'how this injustice occurred'.The six asylum seekers who brought the legal challenge all used tax-payer funded legal aid - with two top law firms taking on the case against the Home Office over the 'appalling' conditions............
Today, Judge Mr Justice Linden ruled that Napier provided inadequate accommodation. The judge also said the process for selecting people to be accommodated there was flawed and unlawful and found residents were illegally detained under purported Covid rules.
Is Mr Justice Linden a fool or rogue, guilty of Misconduct In Public Office? Perhaps he believed the lies told lawyers in court. It is his business to sort out fact from blatant lies. He failed. This place was good enough for men of the British Army but apparently vicious Third World infiltrators must be treated better. Recall that Phil Shiner, a left wing shit on the make and Martyn Day procured fraudulent affidavits in order to Pervert The Course Of Justice when dealing with the Iraq Historic Allegations. They were allowed to get away with it. Are these legal aid vultures any different? The Mail's readers know crime when they see it.
The Tulsa Massacre Allegations
History doesn’t change to fit our wishes. We wish whites hadn’t imported blacks as slaves and had not changed immigration policy in 1965. However, in a multiracial society, history often isn’t about facts. It’s a weapon. A story about the past justifies current policy. When history doesn’t provide a suitably horrific example, invent one.The 1921 “Tulsa Race Massacre” is for now the most important story in the country. It is so important that President Joe Biden issued a Proclamation about it on Memorial Day itself, a sign of what post-white America will be “memorializing” in the future. Yesterday, he visited Tulsa to talk about the “massacre.”
I must respectfully disagree with Mr Hood on one point. So would Louis Farrakhan, the very forthright leader of the Nation of Islam. Black slaves were imported by Jews, not white men. The evidence is in his book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Take the point that Joe Biden does not have a policy; he is just a puppet saying what he is told. For some reason the Wall Street Journal is going along with the story.
PS The number of dead blacks is allegedly as high as 300. Compare this with Chicago where 792 people were murdered in the last twelve months. 623 were blacks, largely murdered by their own in robberies, drug wars etc. You doubt it? See Do Black Lives Matter? They don't seem to think so.
3 June 2021 
Illegal Aliens Pour In And Complain About Their Treatment
Britain is braced for a summer of migrant chaos after more than 1,600 arrived across the Channel in the past month - more than double last year's total for May - and 500 were brought in over the final four days of last month alone.This is despite Priti Patel's announcement of an immigration crackdown in March, and following an agreement with the French authorities to crack down and effectively stop migrant crossings by last spring.
But the Home Secretary's vow lies in tatters this summer as Home Office sources blame the French for not doing enough to stop the crossings and intercept boats before they even set sail, despite being handed a £28million fund of UK taxpayers' money to do so..............
Friday was the busiest day of the year so far with 336 migrants reaching Britain aboard 19 dinghies and other small boats - and Border Force workers have warned that the soaring numbers of crossing will lead to 'mob unrest' in crowded accommodation centres.
At present, most of the migrants who arrive in Kent are initially housed at a former army barracks in Folkestone which was set on fire in a riot over conditions in January amid a coronavirus outbreak.......
Friday was the busiest day of the year so far with 336 migrants reaching Britain aboard 19 dinghies and other small boats - and Border Force workers have warned that the soaring numbers of crossing will lead to 'mob unrest' in crowded accommodation centres.
At present, most of the migrants who arrive in Kent are initially housed at a former army barracks in Folkestone which was set on fire in a riot over conditions in January amid a coronavirus outbreak.
Johnson & Patel are using Border Force to import them. Bribing the French is a waste of money. Using the Royal Navy to discourage them would help. Setting up Concentration Camps is cheap and simple; they just need barbed wire and machine guns. Catterick would be a splendid location for them. It's cold, wet, miserable. Jews do it with their Concentration Camps In Israel but the media keep quiet about them.
PS The Mail's readers are not amused by Ethnic Fouling In England. It is being used by Traitors to cause Genocide.
2 June 2021 
Kings College Panders To Lunatic Fringe After They Abused Prince Philip
Ministers have slammed 'silly' King's College London while its alumni have suggested withdrawing funding after the university apologised for causing 'harm' by sending staff a photo of Prince Philip opening one of its libraries. Left-wingers reacted angrily to an email bulletin they received after the Duke of Edinburgh's death in April which featured an image of him opening the Maughan Library with the Queen back in 2002.The complaints against the late duke - who was made Life Governor of the institution in 1995 - refer to his 'history of racist and sexist comments'. Following weeks of simmering tensions, Joleen Clarke, the associate director at King's College libraries, sent out an extraordinary apology for the 'harm' caused by including the photo in her email.
But King's College's apology has since caused its own backlash, including among free speech campaigners and MPs.
The embarrassed donors seem thin on the ground but no matter. The serious point is that Hard Left crazies have been exposed for what they are. Compare this stupidity with the Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Cambridge and the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Oxford then wonder whether to pay £9,000 per annum to learn about mediaeval Latin or similar nonsense while being subjected to Marxist Brainwashing. The Education Industry is rotten to the core.Man is rushed to hospital after gang armed with foot-long knives attacked him in front of screaming onlookers in London's Hyde Park - following string of Bank Holiday weekend stabbings
The Mail has chosen the footage to make it difficult to see that the perpetrators are Blacks. It is also why they are blocking comments. Of course the Mail has nothing to say about Trahison des Clercs, the Establishment's enthusiasm for importing Third World aliens, for Ethnic Fouling In England & Genocide.
PS The headline is verbatim.
1 June 2021 
Benjamin Netanyahu On The Skids?
Israeli nationalist hardliner Naftali Bennett has said he will join a coalition government that could end the rule of the country's longest-serving leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu................Each of the past four elections was seen as a referendum on Netanyahu - who has become a polarising figure as he stands trial on corruption charges - with each ending in deadlock.
Netanyahu is desperate to stay in power while he is on trial. He has used his office as a stage to rally support and lash out against police, prosecutors and the media.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of Palestine, the Stolen Land that he calls Israel is a Psychopathic liar & mass murderer on trial for thieving. He may well have laid on Gaza Massacre IV as a publicity stunt to garner public support. It has been done before; it worked with Gaza Massacre I. NB Olmert, the previous PM is also a thief, one who got six years. The previous president is different. He got seven years for Rape.
PS The Mail is censoring comments, hiding the truth but the readers have the measure of the swine.
31 May 2021 
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I was brought up with lies
all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life
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2010 Gold G-String Award In New Orleans
Jewish Pimp Pleading Guilty In Spitzer Case
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Top Stories 2021
What lies ahead? Pass but there could be some good things.
Monica Lewinsky [ a Jew ] Explains All In
The Quote of the Century
This is a rare opportunity to
exercise your skill and judgment. Have you got what it takes? NB It may not
qualify for the Job Seekers' Allowance. See
Stormy Daniels, a past winner and think for yourself.
An Israeli man [ the Jew,
Mark Brener ] accused of running an escort service that brought
down New York governor Eliot Spitzer
in March was set to plead guilty on Thursday afternoon to money laundering,
prostitution and conspiracy, according to his lawyer......... "It does
appear that there's a continuing investigation," noted criminal defence
attorney Gerald
Shargel told WCBS-TV. "The manner in which the investigation is being
conducted strongly suggests that Gov. Spritzer is a target."
You have to admit that the pimp had a quality product, albeit there is no
kindness in her face. You might also wonder why Mr Spitzer got aggravation.
He was fingered while the rest of her clients walked away. Spitzer did annoy
Bush as well as other rich criminals. See
Eliot Spitzer Was Screwed for
more on this one.
This is not one of the 18 known pictures of her at
Kristen the definitive gallery so she'll just have to do until one comes
Brown is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to
boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the fellow. Does he wash his hands first?
See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch
him clean his fingers on his tie.
Email me at Mike Emery. All financial
contributions are cheerfully accepted.