London was a great city once. It always had its thieves. Now they run the place. This is not say that all of the perpetrators are Pakistanis or Islamics. There are blacks too. But it is the Jews pulling the strings, controlling the politicians, driven by Paranoia & hate that are the real problem.
Victorian London
London has changed a lot, mainly for the better apart from the crowding. Victorians lived differently. See it; believe it.
London Looters
The London looters were brought to us by Her Majesty's Government with the enthusiastic collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. They are traitors all.
The Islington Mafia
Blair lived there once. His acolytes followed. They are very much like the Mafia in Italy albeit more inclined to protecting Paedophiles.
Tower Hamlets
Controlling Tower Hamlets council means controlling £1 billion a year, every year, enough to keep a lot of Pakistani snouts firmly in the trough - and doing whatever it takes to keep it that way.
How much of that £1 billion finds its way back to Pakistan? Quite a lot is my guess, several millions at the very least.
Lutfur Rahman, the corrupt former mayor of Tower Hamlets is a Pakistani & naturally enough bent as a nine bob note. Once he lost the prosecution he went bankrupt to avoid paying £250,000 costs - see Former Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, 'declares himself bankrupt', court hears.
Livingstone Has Five Bastards Out Of Three Women [ 4 April 2008 ]
Ken Livingstone has defended his private life after it was revealed he had five children by three different women........... "What Londoners want to discuss in this election is transport, crime, housing, good community relations and the environment."
Londoners do want good service. They don't want light fingered politicians robbing them blind and giving their money to ethnics and buying votes. Livingstone has been pandering to the wrong undesirables which is why various swine are telling the truth about him as voters go the polls.
Livingstone, Fraud And Islamics [ 3 April 2008 ]
AT CHRISTMAS, political commentators assumed Ken Livingstone was a shoo-in for mayor of London. As Easter comes, he is fighting to save his career. To understand why, you have to grasp the outrage on the left at his decision to turn his back on liberal British Muslims and ally himself with ultra-reactionary Islamists........
Revulsion at his strange alliances lies behind the devastating leaks about public money going astray and six-figure salaries going to members of Socialist Action, the tiny Trotskyist sect Livingstone employs at public expense............
"Livingstone was more interested in the Muslim vote and thought that by pandering to al-Qaradawi he could get it. He began to say things he would never have said before, calling a Jewish reporter a concentration camp guard and telling Jewish businessmen to leave the country."....... For the past two months, Singh has been, er, singing like a canary and telling the papers how Socialist Action appointees fundraised and campaigned for Livingstone when they were meant to be neutral civil servants.
Islamics don't mind thieving as long as they are getting the profits. Fraudulent misapplication of public funds is good reason for the police to do something useful. But I am sure that dear Mr Livingstone will be able to confirm that he did not give various foreigners money in order to buy their votes.
PS It seems that inciting murder is not a crime when Pakistanis do it.
PPS Singh Babbles
PPPS Feathering their own nests is part of the pay off
City of London Corporation ex Wiki
The City of London Corporation (formerly known as the Corporation of London)[1] is the municipal governing body of the City of London. It exercises control only over the City (the "Square Mile," so called for its approximate area), and not over Greater London. It has three main aims: to promote the Business City as the world's leading international financial and business centre; to provide high quality local government services; and to provide a range of additional services for the benefit of London, Londoners and the nation.The City of London Corporation is formally termed the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, thus including the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and the Court of Common Council.
Local government legislation often makes special provision for the City to be treated as a London borough.
The City of London does not generally exercise authority over two historic extra-parochial areas, the Middle Temple and the Inner Temple, which are adjoining enclaves for two of the Inns of Court in the west of the City. Some statutory functions of the Corporation extend into these two areas.
Metropolitan Board of Works ex Wiki
The Metropolitan Board of Works (MBW) was the principal instrument of London-wide government from 1855 until the establishment of the London County Council in 1889. Its principal responsibility was to provide infrastructure to cope with London's rapid growth, which it successfully accomplished. The MBW was an appointed rather than elected body. This lack of accountability made it unpopular with Londoners, especially in its latter years when it fell prey to corruption.London's growth had rapidly accelerated with the increase in railway commuting from the 1830s onwards. However London's local government was chaotic, with hundreds of specialist authorities (few of them elected) representing parts of streets. All had to agree in order to provide services which crossed their boundaries.
In 1835 elected municipal boroughs had been set up covering every major city except London. The City of London, only the very core of the sprawling metropolis, was untouched by the Municipal Corporations Act 1835 and resisted all moves to expand its borders to include the poorer inner-city districts surrounding it. This meant that three counties had authority over the metropolitan area: Middlesex covered the area north of the Thames and west of the River Lee, Surrey the area to the south and south-west, and Kent the far south east.
In 1837 an attempt was made to set up a London-wide elected authority, however the wealthier districts of Marylebone and Westminster resisted this and ultimately defeated the move. In 1854 it was proposed to divide London in to seven boroughs, each represented on a Metropolitan Board of Works. The proposal to divide the city into boroughs was abandoned but the board of works was set up in 1855.
Lambeth councillor found with 94,000 images and videos of abused kids escapes jail [ 9 May 2011 ]
A former Lambeth councillor who admitted possessing more than 94,000 images and videos of abused children, and was looking at porn when police raided his house, has escaped jail. Toren Smith, of Lilford Road, Camberwell, was given a two year suspended sentence at Southwark Crown Court today, after earlier pleading guilty to 24 counts of possessing and making indecent images of children.Detectives from the paedophile unit of Metropolitan Police’s child abuse command, searched the former Tulse Hill ward Councillor’s home on May 21 last year, after inquiries revealed Smith had, on two occasions, paid to download material which included a number of Level 5 images and footage - the most serious kind..........
Smith, who was a respected senior Labour member of the council who had been an elected member for 16 years and was co-chair of the council's planning committee, resigned from the council three days later “for personal reasons”.
He was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment for the Level 1 - 3 images; 6 months for the Level 4 images; and 12 months for the Level 5 images - all to run concurrently. His sentences were suspended for 24 months.
He got off lightly.
Pakistani Rape Epidemic [ July 2013 ]
It is being concealed by the Main Stream Media, the Propaganda machines that betray us, just like Her Majesty's Government which imports the swine in the first place. It isn't just London of course.
London Borough Overwhelmed With Third World Aliens [ 6 April 2014 ]
Two thirds of the children at school in Barking and Dagenham are ethnic aliens imported by Her Majesty's Government, by Treason with the whole hearted collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. They are part of the Trojan Horse operation being used to destroy Western Civilization. Tories want cheap labour while the Labour Party wants Vote Rigging.
Pakistani Mayor Of Tower Hamlets Investigated For Fraud [ 6 April 2014 ]
Tower Hamlets get the business rates from Canary Wharf. With an income around £1 billion it is easy to see that several million find their way to Bangla Desh. In fact its is difficult to believe they don't. Trial by Jeory tells us where the dirt it. Dirt there is aplenty.
PS Meic Sullivan Gould, a Past President of the Association of Council Secretaries & Solicitors has chosen to allege that the town hall is clean. I choose to allege that I don't believe him.
Racist Pakistani Incites Hate In London [ 2 April 2016 ]
In one of the most blatant recent displays of anti-white Racism, the UK Labour Party's nonwhite candidate for London mayor has said that there are “too many white men” working for the city’s underground train service.Any white person saying such a thing about nonwhites would most certainly be charged with “racial hatred,” but because it was said by a nonwhite about whites, there will be no consequences.
Speaking at a public meeting in the suburb of Brixton—which has been majority nonwhite since the 1970s—the Labour Party’s Sadiq Khan said that he would “reshape” the Transport for London (TfL) board—which runs the world-famous London Underground—if he was elected.
“It needs to better reflect London’s diversity in the interest of Londoners,” he said “Did you know there are sixteen people on the board of TfL? “Thirteen of them are white men. Thirteen. Think about it. It only has three women on it. That’s less than one in five.”
He went on to say that the “needs” of women and nonwhites were being neglected on the London Underground, specifically referencing the dramatic rise in sexual assaults on that service............
Reports of sexual offences on the London Underground almost tripled over the past five years. As mayor I will take these problems seriously.” What Kahn failed to point out was that the rise in sexual assaults on the London Underground service has closely paralleled the demographic shift in London to a majority nonwhite population.........
He currently leads most opinion polls for the race, and is likely to be elected in the minority white city.
Sadiq Khan is a de facto Marxist i.e. a member of the Fabian Society. He is allowed to incite Black Hate because he is a Pakistani.
London Borough Is A Third World Hell Hole [ 15 May 2016 ]
Cockneys are becoming an endangered species in a London borough after 70,000 immigrants have moved in over the past 15 years, a BBC documentary has revealed.The white population of Newham is leaving in droves, according to the Last Whites of the East End, which claims 73 per cent of the local population is now made up of ethnic minorities and Black British.
It was previously almost all white working class, with the majority dockworkers, but has now become the most multicultural place in the UK, with 147 languages spoken across the borough.........
The programme, which airs on BBC1 on May 24, explores the reason why there has been a huge drop in the white British population [ but there will be no mention of the BBC's treason ]
The BBC is a corrupt Propaganda machine, one that markets Feminism, Homosexuality; just why do you think they were so keen to protect Jimmy Savile, 'Lord' Janner & other Paedophile perverts? But their major effort was inciting Ethnic Fouling In England by pushing Racism, if and only if Englishmen were accused. They were happy to cover up for the racist Pakistanis who murdered Kriss Donald, a Scots lad. They incite White Guilt & Black Hate. The fact that the Beeb is running this programme shows that they are still Marxists who know they will escape retribution.
London Lost, An Empire Lost - England Too? [ 1 June 2016 ]
The Fall of London: Thoughts on White Dispossession
Ruin’s wheel has driven o’er us,
Not a hope that dare attend,
The wide world is all before us—
But a world without a friend.
Robert Burns, “Strathallan’s Lament,” 1787.Of all the great sorrows that may attend a dispossession or defeat, perhaps the greatest is that it should go unmourned. Few examples in the annals of poetry come as close to capturing this particular sense of despair as Robert Burns’ “Strathallan’s Lament.”..................
This powerful poem came to mind one evening recently as I pondered the loss of London, an ancient and pivotal capital of our people and our culture. Much worse than the events recalled by Burns, there have been no rebellions attempting to hold back this awful dispossession..........
Although the problem is widespread, I’ve been provoked by two recent events to give particular attention to London. The first was the election of the city’s first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan. Alarmed as I was by the advent of a Muslim mayor, I actually view Khan’s race and religion to be of only secondary importance to the broader context of his election. After all, the sleepwalking constituencies of Britain have been ceding political power to outsiders ever since they began electing Jews in the early nineteenth century, Indians in the 1890s, Africans in the 1980s, and Muslims from the Indian subcontinent since 2001. As I see it, Khan would merely represent just another nail in the coffin of White British autonomy if it wasn’t for the fact that there was something fundamentally different about this election. The difference lay in the fact that London has passed a demographic tipping point from which, barring the advent of revolution, it is unlikely to recover.........
As the population of the city has changed, so has its social character. We see the familiar and predictable increase in the crimes that accompany a multicultural onslaught. In the last year alone there has been an overall increase in violent crime of 27%, with a 36% increase in sex crimes and a 14% increase in homicide. Bear in mind that this is an annual increase, and that if we were to compare present crime statistics with those from a more ethnically homogenous era, the true image of decay would be even more profound..........
Pushing the White man out in fact seems to one of Khan's goals based on his recent statement that there are “too many White men” on London’s transport board. Mr. Khan obviously prefers diversity to efficiency. In fact, I am quite prepared to agree with senior London conservative David Dean, who was recently suspended from the party for informing a White voter that, if Khan was elected mayor, “as a White man … you will be a pariah in your own town. Khan will treat you like dirt.” It is a sad and tragic commentary on the current condition of our people that this voter, his suicidal sense of morality obviously offended, was moved to complain to Dean’s party rather than accept his sage advice......
The BBC recently aired a documentary titled “The Last Whites of the East End,” the second reason why I have been moved to focus on London in this particular article. The film explored the rapid decline of the White population of London’s Newham district (17% during the last census, now estimated at 12%) and how dramatically life has changed among its remaining White inhabitants. Although the documentary predictably avoided posing the moral question of this great displacement, and equally avoided any discussion of the undemocratic manner in which it was brought about, it has been subject to a furious reaction from the advocates of multiculturalism..........
Our media manipulators continue to indoctrinate us with the lie that a multicultural paradise lies on the horizon. But we can already see the horizon in our midst.......
Ladies and Gentlemen, all of us in this movement are aboard a ship of sorts. We are on a fateful expedition. It is hazardous, the wages are small, and the times are dark indeed. Success may or may not be possible. But honor and recognition, and the secured existence of our descendants are the prize if we should succeed. I am sure that Strathallen, as he stood on the field at Culloden, knew in his heart that his chances of victory were slim. He fought on, and was remembered. And so, in the ancient spirit of our people, let us get to work.
Jews flooded England after wearing out their welcome in the Russian Empire, especially Poland; one of them was almost certainly Jack the Ripper. Now they are at it again but they have infiltrated the Main Stream Media making it unfashionable to tell the truth about their evil. They are destroyers driven hate and greed.
Third World Mobs Attack In London [ 29 July 2017 ]
A furious mob has lit bonfires and hurled petrol bombs at officers in Dalston, east London, after a protest over the death of a black father 'who was wrestled to the ground by police' turned violent. Earlier today, demonstrators barricaded part of Kingsland Road - close to where Rashan Charles died last week - with wheelie bins, mattresses and household debris. Dramatic footage showed more than a dozen officers retreating from protesters who launched objects at them.Tonight's violence has drawn parallels with the London riots in 2011, which were sparked by the police shooting of 29-year-old Mark Duggan in Tottenham.
It is government policy to import Third World parasites, especially Illegal Immigrants. The Main Stream Media collude with them by inciting Black Hate and White Guilt. Then black criminals riot; cause and effect.
Blacks Being Murdered In London [ 22 February 2018 ]
QUOTE mother says Somalis walk the streets with 'knives used for killing cattle'
Somalia achieves 599 recorded murders, a rate of 5.56 per 100,000 inmates. That is plus thousands of war dead. The United Kingdom has a few less, 594. Our rate is 0.92 per 100,000, which is six times less. Of course it is blacks killing each other after being imported by Blair, Brown, Cameron, Theresa May & others of their ilk, the Enemies Of The People. Notice that the Mail wants sympathy for the losers but keeps very quiet about the perpetrators.
Rapes In London Are 20 Percent Up - But Police Don't Know Why - Allegedly [ 1 March 2018 ]
Rapes recorded by the Met have risen by almost 20 per cent in a year and policing chiefs have warned that the new figures could reflect a genuine increase in sex attacks in the capital.Police recorded 7,613 rapes in the 12 months to the end of January compared with 6,392 for the previous year. Rises in recorded rapes have in the past been attributed to increased confidence among victims to report crimes, rather than a growth in the number of attacks................
Asked at a London Assembly hearing if he had any idea what was behind the rise, Sir Craig said: “No, is the honest answer. It’s not as simple as saying this is increased confidence. Of course, that plays a part but there is something going on with sexual offending in London that we don’t fully understand, the causes of it. We see the end of it, [but] we don’t understand the causes.”
The Metropolitan Police know who reports Rape and who they accuse but pretend they do not know who the perpetrators are. Police are expert liars; it goes with the territory. Recall that South Yorkshire Police spent over a decade protecting Pakistani Perverts who raped some 1,400 English girls in Rotherham alone. Allowing them to do it was the quid pro quo for industrial scale Vote Rigging to keep Labour politicians in power. Are the Met less corrupt? Believe it if you want.
Murderer In London Gets One Shot Kill [ 3 April 2018 ]
In England pistols are 100% illegal so it couldn't possibly have happened, could it? Yes, it can, it does. The perpetrator will turn out to be another Third World alien imported by Treason but that point will be concealed by the Media. It is the same in Chicago, where firearms are outlawed. Only 98% of murderers use them. 75% of perpetrators are black, 20% are brown. The odd 5% or so are white or even yellow.
London Murder Rate Overtakes New York [ 2 April 2018 ]
The streets of London are now more deadly than New York, with the capital recording a higher murder rate for the first time in modern history in February.The past two months of bloodshed in London have overtaken New York’s murder rate, official police figures show, as Scotland Yard battles a 38 per cent surge in killings since 2014.
Fifteen people were killed in London in February, compared to 14 in New York.
The Mail does not point out that one of the victims might be English; that the other eleven are Third World aliens. It is not going to tell us that a large most of the perpetrators are also Third World infiltrators imported by Her Majesty's Government and by Treason. What is Theresa May doing about it? Importing more criminals.
PS While the Daily Mail Is Marketing Anti-Gun Propaganda the number of murders in Chicago is greater than Britain's. Crime in Chicago tells us that in 2017 the number of kills dropped to a mere 665. That is where pistols are 100% illegal so only 98% of killers use them. In Blighty it is was 594 killed. Over there three out of four perpetrators are black. It is much the same in England. They are why we need the Armed Citizen. His raison d'etre is protection against criminals and corrupt governments, e.g. those that import blacks.
Boy Shot In London Slum Area [ 15 March 2018 ]
The Mail pretends ignorance but its readers know the perpetrator was black. So do the police in the Trident Gang Crime Command. This wonderful bunch mounted a major Malicious Prosecution against Mick Shepherd, a totally legal firearms dealer. Mick could and should do them for the ten months he spent inside.
Ugly Black Murdered In London [ 7 May 2018 ]
He is one of a series that got London's murder rate above New York's. The Main Stream Media witter about the number of kills but keep very quiet about the colour of the perpetrators. Hint: They were imported by Her Majesty's Government with malice aforethought. NB The Mail is censoring comments to block the truth. Ditto for the next one.
London Acid Attack Puts Three In Hospital [ 7 May 2018 ]
Three out of four murders in Chicago are perpetrated by blacks. Most of the rest are carried out by browns. Obama kept very quiet about that bit of reality. So do the media. Is it different here? Believe it if you want.
Third World Intruder Becomes Victim 65 [ 21 May 2018 ]
A fatal stabbing on the streets of London has brought the capital's 2018 murder toll to 65 people. The victim, named by police as 28-year-old Arunesh Thangarajah, was stabbed to death in a senseless and frenzied attack in the early hours of Sunday in Mitcham, south-west London. Police arrested a 44-year-old man on suspicion of murder at the scene and he remains in custody.
The Mail is blocking comments about the colour of the perpetrator suspect because it is in Propaganda mode. It knows that its readers have not all been Brainwashed.
Three Prisoners Taken After 116 Murders In London [ 29 October 2018 ]
Three people have been arrested after a 47-year-old man was stabbed to death in north London.Police and paramedics were called at 11.39pm last night to the £600,000 semi-detached house on Greyhound Hill, Hendon, near Middlesex University.
The man, aged 47, was found with a stab injury and he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Another domestic job. Were there more in New York? It depends on who you believe. See e.g. Why London Has More Crime Than New York but Chicago is much more successful with 466 Homicides. Of course guns are 100% illegal there, just like New York and London for that matter. That is why only 405 killers used firearms, mainly pistols. 373 victims were black, that is 80%. Their attackers were very largely black too.Compare this with the media fuss about London's murder rate being higher than New York's. They are both much lower than Chicago's. See the Sun for a decent appraisal - London murder rate 2018 - how many murders have there been and which city has the world's highest murder rate-rate? The same applies to Los Angeles, currently at 603 in a larger population. See their Faces to know that most of them look third raters. The most successful city is Los Cabos in Mexico with 560 deaths. The runner up is Caracas in Venezuela with 3,387 kills - it has a larger population. Another exciting American city is Baltimore; its current score for the year is 260. Major City Police Chiefs Crime Report 2017 gives an overview.
London Had 134 Murders In 2018, The Highest In A Decade [ 1 January 2019 ]
London's bloodiest year in a decade will end tonight with more than 130 people murdered in the capital over the past 12 months. Rising gun and knife crime has brought the total 2018 figure of homicides being investigated by Scotland Yard to 134 - the highest since 2008 when there were 154. Police are battling against 180 violent gangs across London dragging children into crime, amid more than 70 deaths this year involving a knife, and a dozen with a gun.
The Mail tells us about the victims, who are largely black but keeps very quiet about the perpetrators, also very largely black. It is mainly Negroes killing each other.Chicago, a smaller city has achieved far more. An interactive graphic shows the currently known murders @ Chicago Homicides 2018. The score stands at 542, dwarfing London's performance. Use the filter to see that 425 victims were black, just under eight out of ten. A lot of losers and killers will have been drug dealers. NB that guns are 100% illegal. That is why they were used in only 466 cases or 85%. Does gun control work? No. The Armed Citizen does however. That is why the new President Of Brazil Is Making Guns Legal For All.
Somalis Send Offspring Back Because London Is More Dangerous [ 29 May 2019 ]
Hundreds of [ allegedly ] British parents are sending their teenage children back to East Africa to avoid the knife crime epidemic that has struck London and seen 51 murders this year.And the teenagers say they feel safer there, despite the Foreign and Commonwealth office advising against all travel to Somalia and warning against the threat of terrorism across Kenya.
One Somali mother, Amina, was interviewed on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme and told the harrowing story of how her 15-year-old son was stabbed four times, just 17 days after he returned from a year-long stay in their homeland.
Somalis have an advantage over civilized people; they can get Kalashnikovs, thus becoming Armed Citizens or armed bandits but safer. They don't get aggravation, they give it. This little matter proves rather adequately that the invasion of Third World parasites we have been subjected to is a fraud. It is allowed by the political elite, it is encouraged by them, it is financed by them using our money to bribe them.
754 Violent Attacks Every Day In Third World London
Official police statistics from the UK’s capital city—which became majority nonwhite nearly a decade ago—have revealed that there are at least 754 violent attacks there every day, and that crime overall is increasing at the rate of over ten percent every six months.According to the Metropolitan Police’s “Crime Data Dashboard” reporting service, from January to June 2019 there were
125,190 thefts reported ( January to June 2018 105,596);
108,084 assaults and violent attacks (January to June 2018 102,829);..............This gives a total number of crimes for the period January to June 2019 of 448,309, compared to 407,354 in the first six months of June 2018—a ten percent increase.
These figures also translate to 688 thefts per day; 594 assaults and violent attacks per day; 388 vehicle offenses per day; 222 burglaries per day; 154 arson and criminal damage cases per day; 137 public order offenses per day; 120 drug offenses per day; 105 robberies per day; and 55 sexual offenses per day.
In addition, the number of homicides committed in the same six-month period stands at 67, with a significant proportion of those killed resulting from the black and mixed-race gang wars which have laid waste to vast stretches of suburban London...........
London became majority nonwhite in 2010, according to the 2011 census, and the clear link between the slide into a majority Third World population and the staggering increase in crime is obvious to all but the willingly blind.
The arithmetic may not be reliable but the reality is there for anyone who wants to see. Importing Third World parasites is Public Policy, government policy, Ethnic Fouling and Genocide. It is also Treason. Take the point that Saudi Arabia Has Captured 3.4 Million Illegal Immigrants Since 2017. If you think that Boris has the slightest intention of doing the same think again.
Third World Alien Is 81st Murdered In London In 2019 [ 4 August 2019 ]
In Chicago they have achieved 288 Kills even though the place is a third the size. Of course it is largely blacks killing each other. The Mainstream Media are not telling us about it of course.
Man Murdered In London - 2019 Score Is 93 [ 3 September 2019 ]
A 24-year-old man has been murdered and another has been badly injured after a double stabbing inside a busy London Tube station last night.A fight broke out between two groups inside Elephant and Castle station in south London with the two knifed men collapsing outside after trying to flee. Police were called at just before 11.30pm on Sunday after the two men were found seriously injured with stab wounds.
Both victims were rushed to hospital but the 24-year-old man succumbed to his wounds, becoming the capital's 93rd murder victim in 2019.
This is different to Chicago. You can see up to the minute results by courtesy of a Graphic in the Chicago Sun Times. The current score is 337 of whom 281 are black. NB London has three times as many people. America is infested with Blacks. They are now being inflicted on England by Useful Idiots perverted by the Education Industry and the Mainstream Media.
Two Blacks Murdered In London
Baptista Adjei, 15, who was due to have trials with a top football club, was stabbed shortly after leaving St Bonaventure's School, Forest Gate, in east London. He died in the street outside a McDonald's in nearby Stratford at around 3.20pm on Thursday. Police said a 15-year-old boy who handed himself in to an east London police station on Friday was arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody.Five hours later officers were called to the Brandon Estate in Camberwell, south London, where they found an 18-year-old man with stab wounds. That teenager died an hour later, the Metropolitan Police said.
The Mail does not admit that both losers are black but the high probability is that they are. Nor does it admit that the murderers are also black but that is what the percentages say. Take the point that some eight out of ten Murderers In Chicago are black. Follow the link to see the current score; 330 blacks out of a total 401. May and other traitors import them as a matter of policy; it gets the murder rate up. It also drives wages down for the honest Working Class, good news for Capitalist Swine.
London's Most Wanted For Christmas [ 13 December 2019 ]
The faces of 19 suspects will be plastered on the side of Metropolitan Police vans in a bid to bring them to justice. Details of their targets are being released as part of a crackdown on ‘violent and priority crime in the capital’. Scotland Yard is trying to hammer home the message that sharing information with them should be seen as ‘helping your communities’, rather than just assisting police.Those among the list of 19 are wanted for a wide scope of offences including kidnapping, robbery, GBH, possession of offensive weapons and drug offences.
Head of the Met’s Violent Crime Taskforce Detective Chief Superintendent Lee Hill said: ‘We are asking the public to be additional eyes and ears to help us locate people we need to speak to in connection with a number of serious offences.
Notice that a minimum of 16 are Third World undesirables inflicted on us by political criminals like Theresa May. Three might be English but East European is likely. You doubt it? Go to the police website and see far more - they are at Metropolitan Police Latest Media. One star turn is a Police Sergeant on the run.
London Achieves 144 Murders In 2019 [ 22 December 2019 ]
A 29-year-old man was stabbed to death in London's Royal Docks last night as the capital's 2019 death toll ticked 144.The suspected murder victim was found with knife wounds on Hanameel Street in Newham, east London, at around 2am following reports of people fighting in the area. He was pronounced dead 45 minutes later, bringing the number of killings in London to the highest since 2008. One man was arrested in connection and remains in custody as Scotland Yard detectives launched a murder investigation.
The violence is the latest in a shocking spree of six brutal murders that has rocked the UK - just five days before Christmas.
That is 144 dead so far this year with ten days to go. But they are doing much better in Chicago with 479 victims, 390 of whom were black, just like the perpetrators. It is largely gang warfare. See the evidence at Chicago Homicides.
South London's Worst Criminals For 2018 - Play Spot The Englishman [ 3 February 2020 ]
Paedophiles, murderers, rapists and fraudsters were among the South Londoners to be locked up this year............There were plenty of abhorrent crimes committed in 2018, but here is a round up of the most shocking, heinous and horrifying convictions that have seen criminals in south London put behind bars.............
[ Would you want to meet them on a dark night without a pistol in hand? - Editor ]
Were they all imported by Her Majesty's Government with malice aforethought? Not all. Some were born here, the offspring of vicious Third World aliens. NB Boris Johnson is also a foreign undesirable.
Man Murdered In London, 43rd Kill Of The Year [ 29 May 2021 ]
A man in his 20s was shot dead this morning near a London Tube station as police launched a hunt for the gunman. Emergency services were called to Turnpike Lane in Haringey, north London at 1.21am after locals heard gunshots. Paramedics found the young man seriously injured with a gunshot injury but were unable to save him, and he died at the scene just before 2am.This brings the total number of murders in London this year to 43.
This compares with the score in Chicago where they do so much better. They have achieved 251 dead but only 240 were due to gunshot wounds. 203 were blacks, largely killed by their own. Is this why Boris Johnson is so keen on importing them? Go to https: to get the numbers in real time.
PS The Mail is censoring comments in case people tell the truth about the Colour of Crime. That means largely Black.
Man is rushed to hospital after gang armed with foot-long knives attacked him in front of screaming onlookers in London's Hyde Park - following string of Bank Holiday weekend stabbings [ 2 June 2021 ]
The Mail has chosen the footage to make it difficult to see that the perpetrators are Blacks. It is also why they are blocking comments. Of course the Mail has nothing to say about Trahison des Clercs, the Establishment's enthusiasm for importing Third World aliens, for Ethnic Fouling In England & Genocide.
PS The headline is verbatim.
London's Teenage Murder Toll Is Record High At 30 In 2021 [ 1 January 2022 ]
London's teenage murder toll has hit a record high of 30 killings in a single year after two boys, aged 15 and 16, were killed within minutes of each other last night.The brutal new high of deaths will inevitably heap more pressure on Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has today claimed knife crime in London has gone down, to seize control of the gang and stabbing epidemic sweeping the capital's streets.
And anti-knife crime campaigners warned today not enough was being done to tackle the problem as they criticised what they called London's 'scattergun' approach.
'It is a societal problem which will continue unless it is addressed properly.'
See the mug shots & read the names to know that over eight out of ten are Third World aliens. They are largely murdered by their own. Compare this with Chicago, which logged 786 murders in 2021, with 633 black, 104 brown, 9 unknown(!) & 30 white. THE issue? Gang wars over drugs. What is the answer? Export the Third World parasites that Johnson is inflicting on us. BTW, a large most of the serial killers in Britain are blacks benefitting from a Mainstream Media cover up. You doubt it? Then go to The Rogues' Gallery or Massive Immigrant Criminality Exposed! and see for yourself.
London Had 107 Murders In 2022 - Detroit had 692 [ 8 January 2023 ]
106 people were murdered in London during 2022 compared with 132 in 2021 - the lowest since 2014 There has also been a dramatic fall in the number of teenage boys killed in the capital, down from 30 to 13
Another year of bloodshed in the capital: Interactive map reveals EVERY London murder of 2022 with grim tally of 106 victims - despite Met chief Sir Mark Rowley claiming city is 'fantastically safe'The number of murders in London fell by 17 per cent during 2022 according to provisional figures collated by MailOnline, declining from 132 in 2021 to 106 at the end of last year, with the country's top police officer insisting the capital is 'fantastically safe'.
Among teenage boys, in 2021 there were a record 30 murdered. Last year this fell to 13 - a 57 per cent drop - but knife crime is still a major problem in the capital as almost 60 per cent of those killed, died from knife wounds. One teenage girl, Sabita Thanwani, 19, was murdered. Her body was found at the halls of residence at City University on March 19...............
Yesterday, Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley insisted that the capital was not dangerous. Addressing the media, he said: 'London is a fantastically safe global city. Of course no city's perfect, but if you look at crime rates... it's a safe place to live and work and enjoy yourself.'
The wonderful people in Chicago are so much more exciting to have around. But be aware that most of the losers, the dead are Blacks, 526 of them, largely murdered by their own. It's turf wars over drugs and women. See for yourself at Murder In Chicago. NB They have murdered 10 more this year so far.
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you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 04/02/2023 11:21