This is what I published in July. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons, propaganda machines being used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the Main Stream Media, i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and Books. For earlier offerings go to 2019 or contact me at Mike Emery
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
Lord Acton quoted
Think e.g. of
Strauss-Kahn or
Theresa May
Blair Is A War Criminal On The Run
Top Stories 2019
15 July 2019
Third World Doctors Enjoy Raping Patients
Foreign-trained doctors commit six in ten cases of sexual misconduct with patients, even though they make up only a third of NHS medics, shock new figures reveal.They accounted for 23 of 38 proven incidents in the past three years, according to figures obtained by The Mail on Sunday. Allegations include indecent behaviour, sexual assault and even rape.
The alarming statistics have emerged just as the NHS has introduced targets to reduce the numbers of black and ethnic minority staff – almost two-thirds of whom trained abroad – being hauled before disciplinary hearings. Britain’s 95,000 doctors from black and minority ethnic backgrounds (BME) are more than twice as likely to be referred to the GMC as their white colleagues. There is a similar pattern with other staff such as nurses.
The Mail is not overstating the case, quite the reverse. And NHS policy is Go Easy On Them. It has hired a Third World alien, an Indian woman called Prerana Iissar to push this idea and make the service worse. Buying into the Western Guilt propaganda pushed at universities is part of the Culture War being waged against Western Civilization. See more and better details at Doctors Can Damage Your Health. Doctor Joyce's source is the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, an arm of the General Medical Council. His analysis is confirmed by The Telegraph at Three Out Of Four Danger Doctors Are Third World Ethnics. NB The Mail is censoring comments; business as usual.
Third World Alien Attacking Brexit Again
Hardline Remain activist Gina Miller has vowed to take the government to court if the next PM tries to ram through a No Deal by suspending Parliament. In a clear threat to Tory leadership front runner Boris Johnson - who has refused to rule out proroguing the Commons to stop MPs blocking the UK from leaving at the end of October - the anti-Brexit campaigner said it would be an extraordinary 'abuse of power'...............Mr Johnson has insisted that Brexit must happen by October 31 'come what may', saying the impact of No Deal could be 'vanishingly inexpensive' if the UK prepares properly. He has refused to rule out using any tactics to secure his aim, although he insists he does not want to suspend Parliament.
Notice that there is no mention of Democracy, something politicians hate. They have spent three years proving their loathing of it and Brexit. This nausea is being set up by Miller, a sour faced Sikh from Guyana and a Third World alien. He old man is a rich Jew Alan Miller hiding behind the scenes. Parliament can be shut by the Queen acting on the advice of the Privy Council. See Prorogation for definitive comment. Can Boris shut it? I doubt it but he can offer Her his resignation. She might accept, which really would upset him.Andrew Joyce has something to say about the perpetrators - see Jews Are Leading the Legal Fight Against Brexit. One is Alex Chesterman; the Wikipedia does not admit that he is a Jew. The Jewish Business News does, implicitly at all events - see Zoopla's founder Alex Chesterman execute with $34.2 million deal.
Donald Trump Tells Third World Aliens To Fix The Shitholes They Came From First
Donald Trump told progressive representatives Sunday morning to go fix the countries they are originally from before getting involved with American politics.The president is likely referencing a group of four freshmen congresswomen who have recently been at odds with Democratic House leadership, which includes Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was born in Somalia.
'So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,' Trump posted to Twitter Sunday.
'Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,' he suggested. 'Then come back and show us how it is done.'
Don tells it like is. Does this mean that he wants people to vote for him? Quite possibly. The enemy will call him a Racist but then they do anyway. So what? So, nothing. NB Progressive is a political code word meaning Hard Left. By the same token Liberal in America means left wing. In fact Don did not use that vulgar word this time. He did before. The comments are amusing; most are on side even though the Mail is censoring.
14 July 2019
On this day in 2016 Islamic thugs carried out the Nice Massacre,
getting 84 dead.
Today is
Bastille Day in memory
of the mob storming the Bastille in 1789;
they released a few
prisoners. The aftermath was very ugly. See e.g.
Why Robespierre Chose Terror
Pakistani Policeman Gets Off With 14 Months After Fornicating With Customers
A married police officer who had sex with vulnerable women after he 'treated his job as a dating agency' was today jailed for 14 months. PC Palvinder Singh used his police-issued phone to text four women and meet a sex worker in full uniform over a five-month period.The 39-year-old had sex with two of the women he contacted and sent a victim of revenge porn naked pictures of himself.
Singh admitted Corrupt or other improper exercise of police powers and privileges. They could have done him for Misconduct In Public Office. Recall that a Secret Report Brands Muslim Police More Corrupt. They went easy on him because he is a Pakistani.
Black Thief Took A $10 Million Bung
A former Caribbean soccer official fighting extradition in the FIFA bribery scandal has been ordered to pay $79 million in damages from a related U.S. lawsuit.U.S. District Judge William Kuntz ordered the default judgment against Jack Warner in the 2017 civil action accusing him of embezzling tens of millions of dollars from the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football.
The written ruling was issued in federal court in Brooklyn on Tuesday after Warner failed to contest the claim.
Is Kuntz fool enough to think the black will pay? Probably not. His priority is staying out of prison. Of course the Mail is censoring comments again. It is nervous about the truth, about people's real opinions.
Royal Navy Doubles War Effort
Two warships are twice as many as one. Her Majesty's Government decided to indulge in Piracy, stealing an oil tanker on the High Seas. The Iranians are counter-attacking. One sees their point. The real issue is Zionist crazies using American forces to blockade Iran. It is a power play by the Puppet Masters. The fact that Iran can and will block the Straits of Hormuz and a quarter of the world's oil is a matter of indifference. Jews control Iraq's oil wells after Desert Storm. China will not be amused and they have nukes. Sabre rattling could lead to World War III.
Pope Tells Us To Pray For Illegal Immigrants
Pope Francis has been bombarded with abuse from Italian Twitter users after urging Catholics to pray for migrants. 'Migrants are first of all human persons, and that they are the symbol of all those rejected by today's globalised society,' the pontiff tweeted on Monday.But his charitable sentiments garnered him abuse from social media users in Italy.
Is the Pope a Catholic? Is the man an Enemy Of The People or just a fool? Italians vote for Matteo Salvini because he is doing something useful about Illegal Immigrants, the criminals that the Pope is inciting.
13 July 2019
Rochdale Police Perverted The Course Of Justice To Protect Pakistani
Paedophile Perverts
Pakistani Perverts walk free. So do the
Vicious Black With 30 Previous Murdered An Englishman
Over Nothing
CCTV captured the terrifying moment career criminal Darren Pencille flew into a
murderous rage at his innocent victim Lee Pomeroy on a train to
Today Pencille, 36, was convicted and sentenced for the murder of Mr Pomeroy, 51, on the Guildford to Waterloo train in January.
It was the thug's 25th criminal conviction for 30 offences - including slicing a man's neck in a row over a Rizla cigarette paper - since joining notorious London crime gang the South Man Syndicate in his teens. Footage shows how cannabis-addicted gang enforcer flew into a rage after becoming frustrated Mr Pomeroy and his son were standing in the aisle of the train..................
Immediately prior to launching into his vicious attack Pencille can be heard
shouting: 'You heard what I said, I dare you, I dare you. 'You were laughing at
me, I dare you.
Another black, another thug imported by
Her Majesty's Government with malice aforethought and the enthusiastic
collusion of Her
Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition. And, Yes the
Mail is censoring comments in case people
say what they really think. It is a racist rag.
Psychiatrist Said Black Murderer Was Not Dangerous 24 Hours Before He Killed
One fellow gang member who knew him well told MailOnline: 'He [
career criminal Darren Pencille ] smoked weed constantly
and was a complete psycho. I feel so sorry for the man he killed and his
son'. Today it can be reported for the first time he was seen by a
psychiatrist 24 hours before murdering Mr Pommeroy but was certified as 'no
risk to himself or others' - months after he told a hostel worker: 'I'm
going to kill you you c***'.
Are psychiatrists a bunch of chancers trying it on or just gross
incompetents with a lot of waffle? NB See the one before. You doubt it? Then
read the
Rosenhan Experiment. Think for yourself.
Decide for yourself.
PS Freud was a charlatan and surprise, surprise a
Vicious Black Gets 17 Years For Murder
Another import, another evil thug, another success for the
Traitors of
Her Majesty's Government.
Blacks Kick Car Thief To Death In Philadelphia
The Mainstream Media are suppressing the truth , refusing to tell us that it is all black
affair. But when white men do
something they are all too eager to tell us.
Half Caste Gets 22 Years For Three Rapes
A paratrooper who served in
Afghanistan was today jailed for 22 years after turning sex predator to
attack lone women in the street. Private Joshua Jolly, 27, grabbed his three
victims from behind as they walked alone in the early hours. Soldier Jolly left
his base with
1 PARA in St Athan, South Wales, to travel into Cardiff to stage the
sex attacks on the terrified women. A court heard he wrestled the women to the
ground and sexually assaulted them - on two occasions covering their mouths to
stop them from screaming.
He will not be doing it again for a while. The judge is obviously a sound sort
of chap.
12 July 2019
This day in
2006 was the first of the Lebanon War 2006
- Jews left behind a million
anti-personnel mines as a going-away present, to maim children and other civilians.
Police Protected Pakistani Perverts In Rochdale
They were robbed of their childhood by a gang of Asian paedophiles and dismissed as ‘white trash’ by people who should know better. To me, however, the two sisters at the heart of the Rochdale scandal are like my surrogate children.Amber and Ruby [not their real names] are both grown-up now, with children of their own, but I know they still don’t feel safe. This week, Amber told me that one of her abusers works in a takeaway close to her home in Rochdale. Her worst fright, though, came last year, when she allowed her daughter to play outside a friend’s house with some other children. Later, after saying goodbye to her friend, Amber turned and found one of her abusers in front of her, staring at her little girl. Smirking, he walked calmly to his car and drove away.
Oh, he knew who Amber was, all right. He was also fully aware that he’d escaped justice — like so many of his mates, who’d also raped or sexually abused the sisters. They, too, still freely walk the streets of Rochdale. So why weren’t they prosecuted?
As the former police officer who was once at the centre of the Rochdale sex‑gang investigation — and as the whistleblower who exposed its appalling flaws — I believe I know the answer. It’s politics.
Yes, the Police do pander to politicians. This was collusion in Criminal Conspiracy, Perverting The Course Of Justice & Misconduct In Public Office; all offences carrying long sentences but the guilty walk free. NB The 2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry is still going on, making lawyers richer and doing nothing for the victims. They do protect the Third World perpetrators, who are experts on wholesale Vote Rigging. They keep Labour in power. The Mail isn't merely censoring this article, it is blocking any comments. They are going easy on evil - if the perpetrators are Islamic scum.
Half Caste Gets 22 Years For Three Rapes
A paratrooper who served in Afghanistan was today jailed for 22 years after turning sex predator to attack lone women in the street. Private Joshua Jolly, 27, grabbed his three victims from behind as they walked alone in the early hours. Soldier Jolly left his base with 1 PARA in St Athan, South Wales, to travel into Cardiff to stage the sex attacks on the terrified women. A court heard he wrestled the women to the ground and sexually assaulted them - on two occasions covering their mouths to stop them from screaming.
He will not be doing it again for a while. The judge is obviously a sound sort of chap.
Policeman Gets 18 Years For Raping Two Women
A former police officer who raped two women and viciously beat one of them while keeping her 'captive' has been jailed for 18 years. Matthew Essex, 38, had a 'twisted ideology' towards women, a court heard, and left his victims 'deeply traumatised' after subjecting them to horrific ordeals.Leeds Crown Court heard he still blamed his victims despite being convicted of rape, assault causing actual bodily harm and false imprisonment.........
The court heard Essex, who was no longer a police officer at the time of the offences after previously being convicted of theft, was 'vicious and jealous' and treated his victims with 'contempt'.
Police like power. Police like abusing it.
11 July 2019
Parliament Forcing Homosexuality Onto Northern Ireland
MPs tonight voted to make same-sex marriage and abortion legal in Northern Ireland - despite fury that they are 'driving a coach and horses' through the devolution settlement. By a margin of 383 to 73 the Commons backed an amendment demanding the province be brought into line with the rest of the UK by October 21 - unless Stormont returns and decides otherwise. The House also endorsed a move to liberalise abortion laws by 352 to 99 in another crucial vote. The dramatic results came after MPs 'hijacked' a government Bill in a bid to force the changes in Northern Ireland.But the DUP has accused them of abusing the impasse at Stormont to impose Westminster's will............
After the success of the amendment pushed by Labour MP Conor McGinn, ministers will be obliged to legalise same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland by October 21 if a new Stormont Executive has not been formed.
The DUP is being screwed after having their fun as power brokers, using their chance to hassle May. Did the Church of England notice? Does it care? Is it a church? Sodomites have them on the run. Paedophiles are gloating. This comes "Gay Pride Month".
Gunboat Diplomacy Works In Gulf
Three Iranian ships unsuccessfully tried to seize a British oil tanker in the Persian Gulf Wednesday, the UK government has confirmed. Armed vessels from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps tried to capture the British Heritage tanker while it was sailing through the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic bottleneck that sits partially in Iranian waters. Iran's ships reportedly ordered UK vessel British Heritage to divert its course and stop before Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose, which was escorting the tanker, trained its guns on the Iranian ships and ordered them to back off. The Iranian boats complied without a shot being fired.Iran has been threatening to seize a British tanker in retaliation after the UK stopped one of its vessels - the Grace 1 - off the coast of Gibraltar last week..... Iran denied that it had attempted to seize the vessel, rebuffing 'claims by American sources.'
'There were no clashes with alien boats, especially English boats,' the Fars news agency, which is linked to the Revolutionary Guards, said...........
It comes after Royal Marines seized an Iranian oil tanker off the coast of Gibraltar last week, which Britain says was violating EU sanctions by carrying fuel to Syria.
One can see why Iran attacked, a straightforward tit for tat job. But why would Her Majesty's Government enforce American bullying of Iran's ships and traders?
Jews Murder Baby In Syria
The government of Russia, the International Human Rights Committee, and the Arbishop of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem have joined in the condemnation of the latest Israeli missile bombardment of civilians in Damascus that killed four people—including a baby—in an attack clearly designed to hamper ongoing Syrian operations against the last remaining Jihadist “rebels” in that country.
Murdering women and children is easier and fun, fun, fun for Psychopaths and Zionist crazies.
Memphis Murders More Than Chicago
An orgy of nonwhite violence since the beginning of this year has seen Memphis, Tennessee, beat even Chicago in the homicide rankings, with a 64 percent higher murder rate in the southern city.Both cities are 70 percent nonwhite, but because Chicago has a much larger population, the murder rate per 100,000 people in Memphis is substantially higher.
According to a report in the local Commercial Appeal newspaper, Memphis has experienced a violent first three months with 60 people killed in 2016 at the end of March, compared to 35 homicides this time last year.
Those numbers mean that the homicide rate was 9.13 victims per 100,000 population.
In the same time period, 151 people had been killed in Chicago, but with a population of 2,722,389, the homicide rate is “only” at 5.55 per 100,000.
If the murder rate in Memphis continues at this pace, the city is on track to reach 240 homicides in 2016, shattering the previous record of 213 homicides in one year which was set in 1993. Last year, the city recorded 161 homicides.
Death comes to us all; for some it is faster. The homicide rate in Honduras [ Look in Murder ] is an impressive 108 per 100,000, a world record, making America sound nicer.
10 July 2019
This day in 1940 was the start of the
Battle of Britain,
the Royal Air Force versus the
Luftwaffe. RAF pilots were
The Few against The Many. The term comes from
Winston Churchill's phrase "Never,
in the field of human conflict, was so much owed by so many to so few." It
also alludes to
Shakespeare's famous speech in his play,
Henry V: "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...
Would they have tried so hard if they had known about
Trahison des Clercs, the
Treason of politicians like
Brown, Cameron,
Heath & May?
Undercover Footage Shows Child Rape is Rampant within Homosexual Community
The Mainstream Media wants us to have a perception of homosexuals (and other perverts) that they are wholesome and lovable, but many are abusers.
The BBC markets Homosexuality and protects Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Ted Heath, Stuart Hall, Peter Jaconelli, Cyril Smith, Janner the Jew etc. as a matter of policy. It is all part of the Culture War being waged against us. Watch the video. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
FBI Finds Paedophile Pornography In Jeffrey Epstein's Home
Amateur cell phone video filmed by a passerby in New York City shows the dramatic moment law enforcement officials raided the Upper East Side home of Jeffrey Epstein on Saturday................ as officials with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York Police Department force their way into the billionaire’s house, where they allegedly uncovered a large cache of child pornography..............The raid turned up thousands of graphic photos which included images of underage girls and a safe filled with compact discs labeled as 'nude girls'. Agents also found Epstein's massage room set up just as victims described it from up to 17 years ago, with a table and assortment of sex toys.
Jeffery Epstein is a nasty bit of work and a Jew on the make.
9 July 2019
Pakistani Medic Charged With GBH After Poisoning Customer
A doctor charged with the use of a 'noxious substance' on a woman who was taken to hospital in an 'unresponsive and serious' condition faced court today.Dr Hossam Metwally, 58, appeared before magistrates today after he was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and administering a noxious substance.
Police removed items yesterday from a house in Grimsby, where he lives with his younger partner. A woman was taken away from the property in an ambulance on Friday.
Dr Metwally is yet to enter a plea and was remanded in custody to appear before Grimsby Crown Court on August 5.
Another Third World alien, another dangerous medic. He might not be and Illegal Immigrant. NB Doctors Can Damage Your Health especially if they are foreigners. Egyptians are usually the worst.
These Jewish Activists Aren't Afraid to Call Out Trump's 'Concentration Camps'
Concentration Camps are bad unless they are run by Zionist crazies in Israel. Some of theirs are at Keziot, Maasiyahu Prison, Nachal Raviv, Kishon,
Holot, Saharonim & Sadot. This headline from Haaretz is verbatim. They don't understand irony but they are on the ball when it comes to hypocrisy.
How Israel systematically hides evidence of 1948 expulsion of Arabs
Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide are all right when Zionist crazies are the perpetrators. This is another verbatim headline from Haaretz. It was prone to tell the truth until it got leaned on by Mossad.
Jews And Arabs Love Censorship, They Hate Free Speech
Jonathan Sacks is the former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. Wes Streeting is a homosexual Labour MP and vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism. You wouldn’t expect either of these two men to offer aid and comfort to us hate-filled haters at the Occidental Observer.The process began with Jews
But they have offered aid and comfort to us. At the Occidental Observer, we say that the organized Jewish community has been central to anti-White identity politics and to the war on free speech. In 2007, Sacks told the world that Britain “had been poisoned by … identity politics,” which “began with Jews, before being taken up by blacks, women and gays.” In 2019, Streeting, who also co-chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims (APPGBM), announced that the APPGBM’s deplorably vague definition of Islamophobia — “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness” — was “presented within a framework resembling the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism.”
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Ditto for Jews.
8 July 2019
Jews started
Gaza Massacre III on this day in 2014. They enjoyed the
first two so much that they are doing it all over again and yes,
the Main Stream Media
are going easy on Zionist
committing mass murder. The
UN HRC settles for 2,251 dead.
Smugglers Import 41 Third World Parasites
Forty one shipwrecked migrants were rescued by a charity vessel and brought into port at a Mediterranean island. Mediterranea's Italian-flagged Alex arrived in Lampedusa in defiance of far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. It is the second boat to do so and the migrants were met by a strong police presence.Everyone was forced to remain onboard after a two-day wait with the rescued migrants and asylum-seekers on the small sailboat's deck.
'In view of the intolerable hygiene conditions aboard, the Alex has declared a state of emergency and is sailing towards Lampedusa, the only possible safe port for landing.' Mediterranea said in a tweet earlier.
Mediterranea had its Illegal Immigrants in "intolerable conditions" because it caused them. Colluding with Barbarians in Libya who making lotsa money out this racket is crime, it is Ethnic Fouling, it is Genocide, it is destroying Western Civilization. That is why these Useful Idiots are financed by Zionist crazies like Soros.
PS Notice that 90% of these alleged refugees are men of fighting age, the sort that helped Malmö to become the Rape Capital Of Scandinavia. They get the murder rate up too.
Saudi Arabia Has Captured 3.4 Million Illegal Immigrants Since 2017
Saudi Arabia—whose rulers contributed at least $25 million to the pro-illegal immigration Clinton Foundation—has arrested at least 3.4 million illegal immigrants since November 2017, according to their Interior Ministry.A report in the Saudi-based Albawaba Business News service, quoting officials from the Saudi Interior Ministry, said that security forces apprehended a total of 3,443,455 “expatriates” in a campaign formally dubbed as a “Nation Free of Illegals.”
The campaign was launched in mid-November 2017 with the participation of 19 ministries and government departments including the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the Directorate General of Passports.
The officials said 2,684,975 people were arrested for violating the system of residency, 531,195 for not adhering to labor regulations and 227,285 for trying to breach border security.
They said 58,032 people were arrested while sneaking into the Kingdom through its southern borders. About 47 percent of the infiltrators were Yemenis, 50 percent Ethiopians and 3 percent from various other nationalities.
Reporting Illegal Expats is worth up to £11,000. The Saudis can do it. Her Majesty's Government will not because it is run by Enemy Of The People. A mob called Human Rights Watch is annoyed about illegals being dealt with as criminals.
Black Murdered Black In London
A man has been shot dead in north west London bringing the capital's murder toll to 69 so far this year.The victim, who police believe was aged in his mid-20s, was found suffering gunshot wounds in Harrow Road in Wembley shortly after 8pm on Friday. He was taken to hospital where he later died. Scotland Yard said his next of kin have been informed, but he has not yet been formally identified.
No-one has been arrested. Police said there will be an enhanced police presence in the area.
Black killed black? The Mainstream Media aren't saying. If they did know they still would not say. So this is an informed guess. NB London has scored 69 dead this year. Chicago is doing better with 251 to date. Only 202 were black. 225 were shot. Blacks Carry On Killing In Chicago - 98% Of Murderers Use Pistols Where They Are 100% Illegal.
7 July 2019
Is the anniversary of
the 7/7 Massacre in 2005 - or
bombings when Third World aliens imported by
Her Majesty's Government &
Treason murdered 52 people, injuring 700. We were told
in four Muslims sympathises with motives of terrorists
of Islamics think that Western society is decadent and immoral and
should be brought to an end.
24% of
Islamics sympathize with the motives of the suicide bombers.
16% of
'British Islamics' do not feel loyal to Britain.
6% of
'British Islamics' think that the suicide bombers were justified.
is just what they were naive enough or honest enough to say. The
true numbers have to be higher. Blair said that he was shocked by
the fact that the murderers were home grown and that his attacks on Iraq had nothing to do with that.
Anyone silly enough to believe him shouldn't have the vote. NB Chilcot let him off the hook
- see
Blair Gets Away With Murder
On this day in 2014 the
United Kingdom Child Sexual Abuse Panel Inquiry was announced by the British
Home Secretary. It is still making lawyers rich but doing nothing for
English girls raped by Pakistani Perverts
in sad little towns like Rotherham.
The Establishment Keeping Comrade Corbyn Out Of Power
In the latest of the interminable media “furores” about Jeremy Corbyn’s supposed unfitness to lead the Labour party – let alone become prime minister – it is easy to forget where we were shortly before he won the support of an overwhelming majority of Labour members to head the party.......................Corbyn was extremely unusual in many ways as the leader of a western party within sight of power. Personally he was self-effacing and lived modestly. Ideologically he was resolutely against the thrust of four decades of a turbo-charged neoliberal capitalism unleashed by Thatcher and Reagan in the early 1980s; and he opposed foreign wars for empire, fashionable “humanitarian interventions” whose real goal was to attack other sovereign states either to control their resources, usually oil, or line the pockets of the military-industrial complex.
It was difficult to attack Corbyn directly for these positions. There was the danger that they might prove popular with voters. But Corbyn was seen to have an Achilles’ heel. He was a life-long anti-racism activist and well known for his support for the rights of the long-suffering Palestinians. The political and media establishments quickly learnt that they could recharacterise his support for the Palestinians and criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism. He was soon being presented as a leader happy to preside over an “institutionally” anti-Semitic party.
Jonathan Cook knows about evil done by Jews in Palestine. Yes, these wars are about power and Oil for Zionist crazies. Allegations of Anti-Semitism may well be fraudulent but Jonathan's enthusiasm for Comrade Corbyn makes him sound like a Marxist.
Black Councilman Suggests Using Army To Patrol Alabama City Due To Black Crime
Also, remember Birmingham, Alabama is 75 percent black in 2019. It’s called the “Tragic City” for a reason. [Councilman, frustrated by violence, suggests Birmingham look to the National Guard, Birmingham News, June 18, 2019]:Birmingham City Councilor Steven Hoyt suggested the city bring the National Guard to “help us control this city” after a violent weekend left five people dead in Jefferson County.
More blacks, more crime. It is that simple. In Chicago eight murders out of every ten are black, victims and perpetrators both. You doubt it? See the next few.
Prayers for Landen Hoffman: 5-Year-Old White Boy Thrown from 3rd Floor Balcony at Mall of America by Black Career Criminal Still in Intensive Care
See if you can detect the theme here.
6 July 2019
Indian Teenager Murdered By Her Parents For Wearing A Short Sleeved Top
Shafilea Ahmed, 17, suffered years of abuse from her mum and dad before they decided to end her life for bringing ‘dishonour’ to the family. The couple pinned their daughter down on the sofa and stuffed a carrier bag into her mouth until she turned blue and suffocated in September 2003. Her parents tried to curb her ‘rebellious’ nature and one year arranged a holiday to Pakistan, where they intended to marry her off to a cousin. Shafilea refused to go and so her father drugged her with sleeping pills as a result...................During a furious row over her short-sleeved top, they killed her in the living room and made her siblings watch. Shafilea’s body was found five months after her death in the River Kent near Sedgwick, Cumbria. The family put on a funeral and pretended to grieve, but her sister Alesha later went to the police and bravely told them what had happened.
These aliens have their funny little ways but we must learn to love them in spite of things like this. The fact is that they are grossly Racist, wanting their own to marry their own but the Mainstream Media do not mention this aspect. Only White men can be racist - allegedly.
Pakistani Policewoman Plays Race Card
One of Britain's top Asian policewomen is suing Scotland Yard for 'racial and gender' discrimination after being cleared of misconduct allegations.Superintendent Parm Sandhu could receive a six-figure payout if she is successful in her claim against Britain's biggest force, led by its first lesbian female commissioner, Cressida Dick.
The £82,000-a-year officer believes a year-long investigation into her allegedly breaking nomination rules for a prestigious police gong was disproportionate and carried out because she is Asian and female, sources said.
They worm their way in then carry on acting as they were still in the ghastly Hellholes they created. Scotland Yard sorted out Ali Dizaei, not just a bent copper but cunning to boot. He got four years. Recall that Secret Report Brands Muslim Police More Corrupt. Of course the Mail is censoring comments in case people say what they really think.
London's Most Wanted Are All Foreign
Given the names there are maybe three Irish. Not one is English.
5 July 2019
Germans Take The War To The Enemy
Violent white German resistance to the Third World invasion of that country is at an all-time high, and invader centers are being attacked at the rate of one every two days, according to newly-released official figures.According to the latest report issued by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (“Verfassungschutz,” or BfV) titled “Verfassungsschutzbericht 2018,” the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) reported that the number of attacks carried out by Germans against invaders and those supporting the invasion rose by 3.2 percent. In addition, the number of violent assaults resulting in bodily injury rose by seven percent.................
In addition to this, at least 300 of the approximately 1,000 Muslims living in Germany who went to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq have already returned to Germany.
Islamics took over the Middle East [ see Early Muslim Conquests ex Wiki ] and infiltrated Europe but they were held at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. They were expelled from Spain in 1492. Now they are back with the active assistance of Merkel and other Left Wing traitors. As Americans reminded themselves yesterday on July 4th they are just like us; they have the Right Of Revolution against tyranny, against politicians controlled by the Puppet Masters that treat the Consent Of The Governed with contemptuous indifference. Getting a grip of politicians makes lotsa sense. Having an honest political party makes even more.
Islamic Thugs Murdered Eight People At London Bridge
A rookie firearms officer today revealed how he fell over and shot one of the London Bridge terrorists on the ground through his legs fearing he was about to be killed. City of London Police officer 'BX44' said the confrontation with Khuram Butt, Rachid Redouane and Youssef Zaghba was his first spontaneous firearms incident. As he got out at Stoney Street at Borough Market, he saw three Asian men with large knives emerging from a crowd 'closing us down', he told jurors at an inquest.Members of the public had a look of 'terror' on their faces as the men charged at officers - but within six seconds all three had been shot, the hearing was told.
Police killed all three attackers back in June 2017. The inquest is late. Islamic crazies seem to have given up on these random attacks for the moment, making it easier for traitors like Blair, Brown, Cameron, Heath, & May to fill more Trojan Horses. Recall Cameron's allegation that Islam Is A Religion of Peace. He lied deliberately and with malice aforethought. Pat Buchanan, an honest American politician tells us that ISIS Is True Islam; it is about world conquest.
4 July 2019
On this day in
1776 Americans made their
Declaration of Independence. Tom
Paine triggered the revolution by writing
Common Sense, the all-time best-selling American book that advocated
colonial America's independence. He was a
Norfolk man who viewed all government as, at best, a necessary evil.
The Declaration says:-
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute new Government........
you see any similarity to the corrupt tyranny of
& May you are an
intellectual malcontent - and absolutely right.
On this day in 1976 Jews did the
Entebbe Job, rescuing prisoners held by terrorists. It may well have been a
propaganda operation set up by Mossad to garner
sympathy for the world's worst criminals. Recall the their motto
way of deception, thou shalt make war".
British government
Meet The New European Overlords - Another Bunch Of Crooks
After several days of opaque backroom dealings and horse-trading between 0.000005% of the EU’s population, the EU’s slate of new ‘Presidents’ was finally unveiled last night. Not a single one was on a ballot paper anywhere at the last EU elections, it’s a ragtag collection of undistinguished second-tier politicians unloved in their own countries and scandal-ridden appointees from the Davos circuit. Meet your new EU overlords:European Commission President: Ursula Von Der Leyen. Who?
- Daughter of a senior Eurocrat who was born in Brussels, she’s been German Defence Minister under Angela Merkel for five years. Her scandal-ridden stint in charge is widely regarded as a failure back home in Germany.
- She thinks Brexit is a “burst bubble of hollow promises by populists”, supports a “United States of Europe” and is an enthusiastic cheerleader for an EU army, she even wrote about the importance of preventing “more democratic involvement” from “impeding Europe’s ability to act.” Nick Clegg eat your heart out…
- It turns out she also plagiarised large parts of her doctoral thesis, but her university let her off as they said their had been no intent to deceive. She’ll fit right into Juncker’s shoes…
European Council President: Charles Michel
- Former Prime Minister of Belgium who was ousted in a no confidence vote last December, naturally because it’s Belgium he’s still ‘interim Prime Minister’ more than six months later. He now gets rewarded for failure and doesn’t even have to move cities. Theresa May must be gutted she didn’t think of it first…
European Central Bank President: Christine Lagarde
- Everyone’s favourite scandal-hit oompa-loompa is back, evidently the EU didn’t decide that being criminally negligent with €400 million of taxpayers’ money was a barrier to giving her the keys to the Central Bank.
- She might actually have to take a slight pay cut from her whopping half a million tax-free a year from the IMF. Will she still be able to keep her delightful suntan topped up?
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs: Josep Borrell
- Spain’s pugnacious Foreign Minister and onetime European Parliament President has been embroiled in more scandals than Juncker’s had boozy lunches. He was forced to resign from the European University Institute over an undeclared €300,000-a-year conflict of interest. One insider tells Guido the board were just relieved to have any excuse to get rid of the worst president the EUI ever had…
- He was fined €30,000 just last year for a “very serious breach” of insider trading rules on the Spanish stock market, his defence was that it was only 8% of his portfolio. I’m rich, it doesn’t matter!
- He’s fiercely hawkish over Gibraltar and says that the UK will split before Spain, and would welcome an independent Scotland into the EU. Despite his visceral opposition to an independent Catalonia…
- He says that “you have to live with” how Iran wants to wipe out Israel and also likes being highly aggressive with journalists and innocent Catalan protesters. Makes Trump look diplomatic…
You didn’t vote them in, you can’t vote them out, in fact they can do pretty much whatever they like while living off hugely generous salaries and expense accounts funded by your taxes. EU democracy at its finest once again…
Democracy? It is just a word. Tyranny, Yes but whisper it. The New World Order is thriving at your expense and mine.
Brits Are Victims Of Shoddy Building In Cyprus
People buy retirement homes. The land slips from under them. It is bad news. There is no mention of crooked bankers who stitched up thousands using Swiss Francs but Trip Advisor says it is a great place to be.
YouTube Censors Video About Censorship
Tell the truth about Israel's evil and get attacked by Zionist crazies.
3 July 2019
Afghan 'Refugee' Tried To Murder Englishmen [ Allegedly ]
An Afghan asylum seeker who allegedly attacked random members of the public with a knife was 'fuelled' by a desire to kill English people, a court heard.Samiulahaq Akbari, 32, is accused of swinging a 10ins kitchen knife at three 'total strangers' within a 10-minute period in Thornton Heath and Croydon in south London after 'demanding to know their nationality'.
Jurors at the Old Bailey in London were told he approached the first alleged victim, Nicholas Speight, in a Tesco Extra in Thornton Heath on January 8, tapping him on the shoulder.
After Mr Speight confirmed he was English, Akbari allegedly 'took a powerful swing at him' with the blade.
Vicious alien thugs like this are one reason why we need the Armed Citizen. Another is corrupt politicians who outlawed him so that they could get away with importing Third World crazies to cause Genocide and other acts of Treason.
Black Thug Gets 24 Years For GBH
Paul Ashe, 46, struck Simon Bradbury, 53, after their dogs fought in the street and the violent assault was captured on CCTV. He was arrested but attacked two others with a knife while on bail causing injuries to their faces and bodies. Ashe was jailed for 24 years with an extended licence period of four years - meaning he will be considered for release after serving two-thirds, or 16 years, of his sentence. He was convicted after trial of three charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.Ashe, of Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, also admitted possessing a knife and breaching a suspended jail term for battery.
The black's dog is vicious too; the result of training. The judge is on side. The Mail is at it again, censoring comments. Free Speech is on the skids.
Sikh Truck Driver Charged With Murdering His Family
Well they are foreign undesirables after all but the Mainstream Media are there to suppress the truth not reveal it. It is Fake News, it is Propaganda, it is policy.
Israel Inciting World War Against Iran
Israel, which has been regularly accusing Iran of building one atom bomb since at least 1979, has at least 90 nukes of its own, according to the latest released yearbook on the state of armaments and international security issued by the internationally respected Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). According to the SIPRI report, there are currently nine nations that have nuclear weapons. These countries are the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, North Korea)...............Israel, which maintains a policy of neither confirming nor denying the possession of nuclear weapons, has between 80 and 90 warheads in its stockpile, the same as the year before, the institute said.
It comes as tensions between Iran on one side, and the US and Israel—which, thanks to the Jewish lobby’s control of the US government, are one and the same thing—continue to escalate.
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute is right about Zionist crazies. They are murderous thugs prepared to start World War III. It might even be worth doing, as a way of wiping them out. Recall that Bolsheviks, who were largely Jews achieved at least 85 million murders using the Russian Revolution and subsequent trouble making. You can see the pictures from the Jews' atomic bomb factory at Dimona circa 1985.
2 July 2019
Boris Talks About Cutting Immigration Because He Really Wants To Be Prime Minister
While Nigel Farage keeps quiet about the flood of vicious Third World parasites that May let in.
Dutch Railways Paying Tens Of Millions To Holocaust® 'Victims'
That only applies to Jews who allege that they were victims. They have taken German Mugs For €63.2 Billion and rising. Are Jews compensating their victims in Palestine, the Stolen Land they call Israel? No! They are committing Genocide on them. In fact Racist Rabbis Praise Adolf Hitler; they just think he targeted the wrong lot.
Jews In London Ban Women Drivers
Some men will feel that this is not a bad thing. It seems that a few Feminist Jews are objecting but not very loudly.
1 July 2019
This day in 1916 was the start of the
Battle of the Somme,
when thousands of men died advancing into German machine gun fire.
In 1942 it was the beginning of the
First Battle
of El Alamein. The Wehrmacht
held by Brits +
ANZACs and South Africans
On this day in 2013
West, an Englishwoman was convicted after she was
arrested, put in a lunatic asylum & had her baby stolen from her because she
alleged to be a Racist & importantly because she was
not a Third World alien.
Left Wing Education Camp Floods TV With Corbyn's Fans
A Labour ‘re-education camp’ has been training journalists to flood the BBC's airwaves with pro-Corbyn commentators.Pundits who have taken courses with the hard-Left New Economy Organisers Network (Neon) have made more than 60 appearances on the Corporation’s shows since January. When they appear, they rail against the ‘mainstream media’ and traditional capitalism, and are taught how to ‘swerve’ difficult questions.
The New Economy Organisers Network does not admit to being Hard Left or Marxist but it does training courses for Press Officers if they are Progressives, a code word for left wing loons. Of course the Beeb does not need any help in marketing Marxism, or protecting Paedophile Perverts for that matter.
Smuggler Arrested After Importing 40 Third World Criminals And Ramming Italian Boat
The captain of a migrant-loaded German aid ship which rammed an Italian border force boat has been arrested.An extraordinary standoff between the two vessels off the coast of the Mediterranean's Lampedusa island was broken when Captain Carola Rackete, 31, plowed into the smaller motorboat which was blocking her ship from port..........
On Friday, Italy's foreign ministry said five countries had offered to take the remaining 40 on board Sea-Watch 3 - Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Portugal.
The Education Industry markets White Guilt then Useful Idiots taken in by Pathological Altruism try to destroy Western Civilization by Genocide.
Mueller Investigation Of Donald Trump Was Deeply Corrupt
Mueller, the allegedly independent investigator was appointed because he is not independent, because he is a Washington insider who hates Donald Trump. The people he used are all solidly Deep State criminals. They have kept Hillary Clinton out of prison so far but they failed with Don. Mark Steyn explains so very well.
30 June 2019
More at 2019 or News This Month
What lies ahead? Pass but there could be some good things.
Today's Girl
Is for light relief.
Her Majesty's Prime Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
Brown is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the man. Does he wash his hands first? See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch him clean his fingers on his tie.
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& omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
me at Mike Emery.
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Updated on Monday, 15 July 2019 12:41:02 +0100