Oz is one of the world's better countries. The government is the worst thing about it but that applies to most of Christendom. It has treated Abos disgracefully while claiming that it is compensating for abuse by previous administrations. Believe this or not as you will. Herewith are sources. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Pauline Hanson Offers Serious Policy Changes
Pauline runs the One Nation Party. Labor [ sic ] hates her; a point in her favour. The other lot are not keen. Vote for her? I would.
Afghan Problems In Australia
The assorted Third World aliens imported as camel drivers were often, incompetent & vicious. So what has changed? Nothing. Now it tends to be Lebos = Lebanese. They brought us the Cronulla Riots.
Monash Was A Very Competent General
He was the best general in the First World War; also an engineer & Jew.
Lawyers Destroying Civilization
Taxpayers are being forced to subsidize the demographic conquest of Australia by floating Third World hordes straight out of the highly recommended The Camp of the Saints (free PDF). Fortunately, the welfare colonists and politicians who would prefer a population less tainted by traditional Anglo-Saxon notions of individual liberty aren’t the only ones who benefit. Lawyers are making out nicely:
First, let's kill all the lawyers; a famous line from Shakespeare.
Rape in Australia
It is Third World efnicks. It is part of the war on white Australia.
Australians Should Fear The Rise Of China
The United States has been the most powerful state on the planet for many decades, and has deployed robust military forces in the Asia-Pacific region since the early years of the second world war. The American presence has had significant consequences for Australia and for the wider region. This is how the Australian government sees it, at least according to the 2009 Defence White Paper: ‘Australia has been a very secure country for many decades, in large measure because the wider Asia-Pacific region has enjoyed an unprecedented era of peace and stability underwritten by US strategic primacy.’ The US, in other words, has acted as a pacifier in this part of the world.
China is on the up. America is, of course on the down. Australia looks like a big country on the map but most of it is very poor land. The Chinese are infiltrating anyway, with the collusion of the local government. We live in interesting times.
Were the original people of Australia. That is the idea. The reality is rather more complicated but, yes they are victims - of Marxism and Gough Whitlam.
Aboriginal Genocide In Australia
Genocide sounds rather extreme for what is being done to them but it is a fair word in the circumstances. Marxists are very good at dressing their actions in nice words, blaming others too. This is such a case.
Australia and Aboriginals
Government policies can do good or harm, lots of harm at that. Leaving things alone is often the best option.
Banjo Patterson
He wrote Waltzing Matilda.
Chinese Infiltration of Australia
Chen’s apotheosis, and his account of the prosecution within Australia of a campaign against the “five poisons”—the Uighurs, Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddhists, Taiwanese splittists and democracy activists—threw into the spotlight the vitality and diversity of political, cultural and religious commitments in Chinese Australia, matching the Chinese world’s drive towards economic and diplomatic success. One of the reasons for the intensity of the debate inside the Chinese community here is that it cannot take place inside China itself. In Hong Kong and in Taiwan, yes, but in the People’s Republic, no.
Much of this applies to England with a Chinese take away on every high street.
One Nation Party
Is run by Pauline Hanson, a Nationalist hated by Left Wingers.
Looked different circa 1900. Circular Quay is recognizable. It is still square.
Keith Windschuttle and Education
Keith is a man who told the truth about the liars in Australian universities who were perverting young minds and causing genocide against the Abos.
War On White Australia
This is not military war. This is a Propaganda war carried on by our self-appointed Invisible Enemy. It is Subversion using the Main Steam Media, the Education industry to market single issue causes adopted by Marxism such as Feminism through Useful Idiots,
White Australia Policy
There were reasons for it; some were better, others less good. Left wing propagandists claim that it was grossly Racist but then Racism is a Marxist construct. Left wing propagandists lie. Keith Windschuttle explains.
Jews Control Australia's Foreign Policy [ 13 April 2014 ]
That is what Bob Carr says. Bob Carr was Australia's foreign minister so he should know. By the same token Jews set out to destroy the White Australia Policy. They succeeded. They want Australia made Multicultural, to destroy its unity, to make it easier to manipulate. They are doing the same to the whole of Western Civilization. Jews use their cry of Racism; it is a Marxist construct, a Marxist propaganda tool to flood us with Third World aliens. But in Israel it is different; they are grossly racist. It is why they have Concentration Camps at Saharonim, Ketziot & Holot.
Australia Stole $40 Billion From East Timor [ 14 December 2013 ]
The gas field is in Timor's waters. Australia wanted it. Australia got it by Espionage, by bullying. The spies told them just how desperate the Timorese were. It worked a treat. Throw them a few crumbs and have the rest. $40 billion is pretty useful to a spendthrift government.
PS Alexander Downer, a lead shit in this affair is telling Cyprus how to sort itself out.
PPS Cyprus also has gas worth billions offshore. They are there like flies on the proverbial.
Jews Control Australia's Foreign Policy [ 14 April 2014 ]
That is what Bob Carr says. Bob Carr was Australia's foreign minister so he should know. By the same token Jews set out to destroy the White Australia Policy. They succeeded. They want Australia made Multicultural, to destroy its unity, to make it easier to manipulate. They are doing the same to the whole of Western Civilization. Jews use their cry of Racism; it is a Marxist construct, a Marxist propaganda tool to flood us with Third World aliens. But in Israel it is different; they are grossly racist. It is why they have Concentration Camps at Saharonim, Ketziot & Holot.
Islamic Terrorists Captured In Australia [ 19 April 2015 ]
Five teenagers in the Australian city of Melbourne have been arrested on suspicion of planning an Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack, to coincide with the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli during World War One.Two hundred police were involved in months of surveillance of the gang, but police swooped on Saturday morning when they learnt an attack was imminent. It is believed they were planning to target police, and senior officials said that they found “edged weapons” including a sword and knife during the raids..........
The arrests emphasise Australia’s growing jihadist problem – despite its huge geographic distance from the battlefields of Syria and Iraq.
Australia's growing problem has a perfectly straightforward cause, importing enemy aliens. It is Ethnic Fouling, which merges smoothly into Genocide. It is being used by the Puppet Masters who manipulate politicians to destroy unity for the benefit of the Zionist crazies who control the Stolen Land. Oz has a Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ].
Shut Your Borders Or Pay A Terrible Price Says Australian Prime Minister [ 29 October 2015 ]
Naturally, the safety and prosperity that exists almost uniquely in Western countries is an irresistible magnet......... Implicitly or explicitly, the imperative to ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’ is at the heart of every Western policy. It expresses itself in laws protecting workers, in strong social security safety nets, and in the readiness to take in refugees.It’s what makes us decent and humane countries as well as prosperous ones — but, right now, this wholesome instinct is leading much of Europe into catastrophic error.........
Who could blame them? Yet no country or continent can open its borders to all-comers without fundamentally weakening itself. This is the risk the nations of Europe now run through misguided altruism [ aka Pathological Altruism - Editor ]..........
But unlike you, we have at least solved one of the wicked problems now afflicting Europe: we have secured our own borders.
Tony Abbott, now an ex-prime minister is very much on the right lines. It can be done. it should be done but Cultural Marxists are using this wave of illegal immigration, of Ethnic Fouling to destroy Western Civilization. Various politicians are Lenin's Useful Idiots at best. How were they perverted? Blackmail and bribery are effective tools and when you look at how much Blair's pay off have been you can see his point. Unlimited greed has effects. Creating a Trojan Horse is one.
Australia Bullying Illegal Immigrants - Allegedly [ 19 June 2016 ]
“In my entire career of 43 years I have never seen more atrocity than I have seen in the incarcerated situations of Manus Island and Nauru.”Paul Stevenson has had a life in trauma. The psychologist and traumatologist has spent 40 years helping people make sense of their lives in the aftermath of disaster, of terrorist attacks, bombings and mass murders, of landslides, fires and tsunamis. He’s written a book about his experiences, Postcards from Ground Zero, and for his efforts in assisting the victims of the Bali bombings, the Australian government pinned an Order of Australia Medal to his chest.
If Paul Stevenson really has not seen worse he must have had his eyes shut. If he is sincere his Altruism has become Pathological. Wanting Australia overrun by anyone who is fed up with living in the Hellholes created by African Tyrants is dangerous folly.The Guardian does not point out that Mr Stevenson's book, Postcards from Ground Zero came by way of Zeus Publications, a vanity publishing firm. It means that real publishers decided that the book was worthless or potentially Libellous. Of course The Guardian is also in the business of marketing White Guilt, the idea that we victimised those Noble Savages living in harmony with nature. The Guardian is a Propaganda machine run by Lenin's Useful Idiots & controlled by the Puppet Masters, that is the Zionist crazies headquartered in Tel Aviv.
Marxists Make Australian Concentration Camp Close [ 19 August 2016 ]
Australia and Papua New Guinea have confirmed that the Manus Island detention centre will be closed but offered no detail on the future of the 854 men held there – except that Australia remains adamant it will accept none of the detainees for resettlement.PNG’s prime minister, Peter O’Neill, and Australia’s immigration minister, Peter Dutton, met in Port Moresby on Wednesday.
O’Neill released a statement after the meeting saying that officials from both countries were making progress on how to close the centre........
“Our position, confirmed again today with PNG, is that no one from Manus Island regional processing centre will ever be settled in Australia.
Abuse of law courts, propaganda & political pressures are weapons being used by Marxists, which translates very largely as Jews & other Zionist crazies to infest Australia with Third World parasites. It is Ethnic Fouling leading on to Genocide. The trouble makers keep very quiet about Saharonim & other Concentration Camps In Israel. That would give their totally Racist game away.
Australia could wipe Angus McMillan off the map because he massacred Aborigines [ 17 September 2016 ]
His most notorious massacre [ at Warrigal Creek ] occurred in 1843, when he led the slaughter of between 80 and 200 aboriginal men, women and children as revenge for the death of a single white settler [ the Wikipedia's version is different ].Australian electoral authorities are now reviewing the ward’s name after activists have expressed outrage that it is named after a man [ they chose to allege is ] known as the 'Butcher of Gippsland'.
The background to this Angus McMillan story is that is being marketed by 'activists'. This means Marxists, it means Propagandists, it means unscrupulous liars with an agenda. The same sort taught university students about our wholesale extermination of Abos in Tasmania. One of them was interested enough to check the sources. Keith Windschuttle proved they were lying then went public. His book, The Fabrication Of Aboriginal History annoyed Subversives big time. They were enraged but they didn't get away with it. Now they have waited until we have all forgotten that one and tried it on with another lot of lies. More at Keith Windschuttle and Education. The 'lack of evidence' is presented as proof of guilt. Another nasty Thought Collective is marketing White Guilt & Black Hate.
PS The headline is verbatim; the Daily Mail swallowed it too. More of the same Socialist sort are Black Lives Matter Activists.
Australia Will NEVER Allow Illegal Immigrants Back [ 31 October 2016 ]
Australian PM says anyone caught sneaking into the country will NEVER be allowed back – even as a tourist
Asylum seekers trying to sneak into Australia will be banned from country
They will never be able to enter Australia again - even as tourist on holiday
Ban is set to extend to all types of visa including tourist and business visasThe Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said: 'That absolutely unflinching, unequivocal message has to be loud and clear. 'The door to Australia is closed to those who seek to come here by boat with a people smuggler. It is closed.' ...........
And after hearing of the new Australian legislation, some Conservative MPs said they supported the move.
Australia is an island. Keeping criminals out is not that hard. Britain is too but Blair, Brown, Cameron & other Enemies Within want Illegal Immigrants. Theresa May is shaping up as another Traitor going along with the Ethnic Fouling Of England, with Ethnic Fouling in general and the destruction of Western Civilization by Genocide.
Australian Judges Pervert Australian Law [ 4 November 2017 ]
But only for the political advantage of the Communist Party of Australia & other Left Wing chancers. They decided to kick out an Australian politician because his father was born in England. Judges claim that he had an "allegiance to a foreign power" But alleged "Australians" enlisting with the Islamic State and head-chopping their way across the Levant and the Sunni Triangle get a pass. It is judicial corruption at its finest; Treason if not Subversion to boot I fancy.
Australia May Protect South African Farmers From Black Racist Savages [ 16 March 2018 ]
South Africa demanded on Thursday that Australian interior minister Peter Dutton retract comments that suggested white farmers were being persecuted and deserved protection with special visas from a 'civilised country'.Pretoria hauled in Canberra's High Commissioner for a diplomatic ticking off over Dutton's remarks, which also included a description of white farmers facing 'horrific circumstances' - a characterization South Africa has rejected.
'The South African government is offended by the statements which have been attributed to the Australian Home Affairs Minister and a full retraction is expected,' the foreign ministry said in a statement.
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said his country was not heading down the road towards the type of violent and chaotic seizure of white-owned farms that triggered economic collapse in Zimbabwe nearly 20 years ago. [ He lies in his teeth - Editor ].
Blacks full of hate are torturing and murdering white farmers. The ANC are inciting them; so did Zuma, a black thief. But somehow our wonderful Main Stream Media did not seem to care. ANC In South Africa Is Going To Steal All Land From White Farmers. The media are covering that up too.
PS Theresa May could help too but she hasn't. She is not just a fool but a traitor to boot; does she hesitate to import vicious aliens? That's different somehow.
African Tribes Arguing In Australia Obstruct Appointment Of Black Crime Taskforce [ 3 April 2018 ]
Disputes between tribesmen from the Nuer and Dinka tribes—originally from the Sudan and Ethiopia—have delayed the setting up of a special taskforce supposed to “deal” with the rampant African gang crime rampaging through Melbourne, Australia, officials have admitted.............The “African-Australian Community Taskforce” was supposed to help Victoria Police deal with Melbourne’s African gang crime problem, and was announced with great fanfare at the beginning of the month. However, it is yet to “choose its members because of tribal divisions, according to the chief commissioner” of Police in Victoria.
The taskforce had “been charged with providing information to police on emerging issues and hot spots, allowing officers to act swiftly, and establishing a more efficient channel for police to engage with community leaders and receive advice on preventing youth crimes and antisocial behavior,” the reports added—as if any of this would actually stop the nonwhite crime plague.
If they were serious about stopping crime they have effective options, to wit hanging, shooting & Deportation. The latter approach works well for Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Pakistan, Zimbabwe & others. NB The Wikipedia pretends that the Nuer & Dinka are not tribes. Believe them if you want.
Australia Captures All Third World Invaders After Surveillance Failure
All the nonwhite invaders aboard the first invasion boat to reach the Australian shore in nearly four years have been captured and sent to the offshore illegal immigrant processing center of Christmas Island pending deportation, the Australian government has announced.According to a report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the boat—a fishing vessel from Vietnam—reached Australia’s coast north of Port Douglas after a “surveillance failure” allowed the boat to travel so far south last Sunday without being detected.
This is good news. Oz has too many foreign undesirables, especially Lebos [ Lebanese ].
Gestapo Resurrected In Australia By Corrupt Politicians [ 7 September 2020 ]
Pregnant Woman Arrested by Victoria Police for Incitement over a Lockdown Protest Facebook Post. Yes, the police broke in without bothering to get a warrant. Law? What law, we are the law, we make it up as we go.
Australia Buying Nuclear Submarines To Deter Chinese Invasion [ 14 March 2023 ]
SYDNEY, March 10 (Reuters) - Australian nuclear submarines are key to defending the country's 36,000 kilometres of coastline and maintaining an edge against China, whose growing military presence means conflict can erupt without notice, defence officials and government advisers said.The shift from Australia's diesel-electric fleet to nuclear-powered subs brings additional range, stealth and strike capability - crucial capabilities given Canberra's reliance on sea cargo for trade, and undersea cables for telecommunications, they said...............
Green says PLA officials told him a decade ago that Beijing sought to control the waters around the Pacific's "first island chain" of Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines - which all have treaties with the United States - to create a buffer.
They also hoped to push U.S. forces from the "second island chain" spanning the U.S. territory of Guam to the Pacific islands, which count Australia as a traditional aid and security partner.
China's failed effort last year to strike a 10-nation security and trade pact in the Pacific islands renewed concern about Beijing's naval ambitions, he said.
"They want to take the fight to our neighbourhoods so that we can't concentrate our forces to deal with a contingency in the first island chain," he said, referring to an attack on Taiwan.
The U.S. has long wanted to base its nuclear submarines in Australia, and if that is the near-term solution under AUKUS, it is a significant shift, Gill said.
AUKUS will also see the joint development of long-range missile systems, pre-positioning of material and a larger U.S. military footprint in Australia, he said................
China's diplomats have said AUKUS violates a Pacific nuclear-free treaty, and the country has told the International Atomic Energy Association the pact is an act of nuclear proliferation, although IAEA has said marine nuclear propulsion is allowed if monitored.
Beijing says its military expansion in the region is for defensive purposes.
Australia knows that China Is Setting Up A Forward Operating Base In The Solomon Islands. It is convenient for attacks on Brisbane & Sydney as well as New Zealand and other countries.
Errors & omissions, broken links,
cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 17/05/2023 14:14