Lawyers Destroying Civilization

Somebody explains Australian lawyers. He might just as well be describing English lawyers, chancers on the make using a corrupt system  to destroy Christendom. The Marxist Takeover Of The Ruling Classes has succeeded. It keeps many snouts in troughs paid for by taxing honest working men. See more at Lawyers On The Make.

Australian Lawyers Get Rich Facilitating Third World Conquest
Taxpayers are being forced to subsidize the demographic conquest of Australia by floating Third World hordes straight out of the highly recommended The Camp Of The Saints (free PDF). Fortunately, the welfare colonists and politicians who would prefer a population less tainted by traditional Anglo-Saxon notions of individual liberty aren’t the only ones who benefit. Lawyers are making out nicely:

Taxpayers will pay at least $60 million in free legal advice for asylum seekers this year as new figures reveal 80 per cent of detainees are winning their appeal for refugee status.

A Herald Sun investigation reveals $32 million has been paid to 22 refugee legal firms since July – and the surge in boat arrivals is likely to see their slice of the immigration budget soar higher.

Labor’s immigration review scheme is also on track to cost up to $30 million as record numbers of asylum seekers use the court system to challenge refugee visa rejections. …

New figures show the proportion of asylum seekers winning their appeals to become refugees has jumped from 46.8 per cent in 2009-10 to 79.3 per cent.

Australia’s immigration system is referred to as Hotel California, because once the welfare colonists arrive, they rarely leave.

If Australians have any interest in surviving as a nation, they will direct their navy to torpedo the boats of incoming colonists as they would with a more conventional hostile invasion. Otherwise they will be displaced — Ethnically Cleansed, as liberals would say — from their own country, after being bankrupted by their parasitical conquerors. But first they will have to torpedo the leftist Labor government that is inflicting this disgraceful form of national suicide.


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Updated  on Thursday, 07 January 2016 11:35:02