The War on Drugs - a Government Con-Game

The title sums up the whole thing rather well. Other sources agree - see War on Drugs or, better still Narcotics. The problems are there; the answers are there too. Government isn't the solution; government is the problem. NB If White House Czar Calls for End to War on Drugs you just might think that whole is badly concieved, another, very expensive Boondoggle.



The War on Drugs : A Government Con-Game

by R. Belser

There's a rather vulgar expression which nicely summarizes the War on Drugs: "don't piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining". In the history of the War on Drugs, we can examine one of the prime mechanisms by which government first creates a "crisis", then rides in to the rescue with an array of freedom-killing "solutions"---solutions which (predictably) worsen the "crisis" and engender a fresh tier of agencies, laws, and policies. Just as predictable is the uncanny way in which the Propasphere melds with government in demonizing the supposed source of the problem--guns, drugs, "violence", etc.

In the case of drugs, the government first criminalized the use, possession and sale of certain drugs in the 1914 Harrison Act (it's more than mere coincidence that a panoply of other freedom-killing and NWO-preconditioning legislation was enacted at roughly the same time: creation of the Federal Reserve system, of the popular election of senators, of federal income tax, alcohol prohibition...and--some would say--women's suffrage). A precedent was set whose full import and ramifications would not be felt for decades, but an ominous principle implicitly contained in the Harrison Act had been swallowed whole : the government had the right--superceding any personal liberty guaranteed by the Bill of Rights--to decide what was good for you and what wasn't, and to enforce its decision with felony-level punishment. Not only that; the government could invoke the "common good" to infringe upon a citizen's sovereignty over his own body and mind, in matters which did not involve either force or fraud committed against others (the natural limitations of governmental jurisdiction). Even more: government's intrusion could be as arbitrary as it wished and have little or nothing to do with actual social harm represented by an individual's actions in the area of victimless crimes.

Prior to the Harrison Act, heroin, cocaine, and other drugs were easily accessible by any adult who wanted them. The law of supply and demand -- in the absence of interposing legislation -- is such that these drugs were cheap (as they would be today). Yet their easy availability and low cost did not result in the creation of enormous numbers of addicts, nor was there "drug-related" crime in the sense we see it today. In the case of the opiates (opium/laudanum, morphine and heroin), there were many "functioning" addicts. Perhaps an exemplary case is that of  Dr. William Halsted, the famous surgeon who developed one of the first effective mastectomy procedures and who was a co-founder of Johns Hopkins. While investigating the anesthetic properties of cocaine, Halsted became addicted to it and overcame that addiction-after many failed attempts using other methods--by becoming a morphine user for the rest of his life. You'll note my use of the word "user" rather than addict; certainly Halsted was addicted to morphine in the sense that he needed to take it daily in order to function, but the level of that "functioning" was such that he continued the practice of medicine and surgery for decades, with no diminution of his customary high output of journal articles and quality performance in surgery.

Of course, Halsted was an exceptional person to begin with, but in more prosaic lives, many people who were addicted to the opiates managed to fill their stations in life unremarkably, from the housewife imbibing "homemaker's ease" in the form of laudanum at the end of day, to the Chinaman smoking his pipe after a day's or week's work in the laundry. There were certainly dissolute types, living literally in the gutters, but it would be a gross error to attribute their condition to addiction. In fact, unlike alcohol, the opiates, taken daily in maintenance doses, do permit a high level of functioning--as one can observe today in Methadone Maintenance patients, whose numbers include lawyers, accountants, and members of all the professions, as well as the lower-class constituency one might expect.

The creation of a vast and lucrative black market followed drug criminalization as night follows day--and was a development which was equally predictable. The illegality of drug use/possession/sale meant high prices for small amounts (heroin today is literally worth more than its weight in gold---many times more). The logistics involved in growing, purchasing, smuggling and distribution meant that control of the drug trade would be contested among large and ruthless organizations...i.e., "organized crime". The artificially inflated prices of drugs mean that very few can afford to buy them using only legitimate sources of income. For women addicts, this means either prostitution or theft; for men it means theft, robbery, and dealing at the street level. Contrary to the Propasphere-created image of the sinister figure lurking by the schoolyard, most low-level dealers are addicts themselves, selling to "colleagues"; in an endless round of selling-to-Peter-to-pay-Paul, low-level dealers at best are in it to minimize as much as possible what they must pay for their own drugs. The usual end of this story is prison or death.

Many articles have been written detailing the billions spent by the federal, state, and local governments on drug enforcement and the high percentage of prisoners incarcerated for drug-related offenses --- so it should be clear that drug laws have a large share of the blame for clogging the court system, diverting police resources from real crime and making prison construction a real growth industry. Occasionally such articles mention the contagion of corruption these laws leave in their wake. But almost every mainstream article/documentary ignores the worst effect of these laws: more than any other single tool, these laws have been used as a wedge to attack the foundations of the Bill of Rights--and to prepare what the National Alliance's William Pierce calls the "lemmings" for a lifelong umbilical leash. The War on Drugs has been used to justify legislation which has gutted: the 1st Amendment (via the Methamphetamine Non-proliferation Act); the 2nd Amendment (gang shootings--often the result of turf wars over drug territory/profits--have been used to whip up support for killing the 2nd Amendment); the 4th Amendment (search and seizure and pre-trial asset forfeiture); the 5th Amendment (compulsory immunity); the 6th Amendment (the right to confront one's accusers has been "adjusted" to accommodate the needs of informers--i.e.., snitches, and the right to a speedy trial has become a joke); the 8th Amendment (excessive bail); and the 9th Amendment (reserved powers). More than any other single ploy, the War on Drugs, with its TIP (turn-in-a-pusher) lines and use of informants, has acclimated the public to accepting as a way of life the reporting on one's neighbors to "the authorities". It has entailed the creation of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and the naming of a "Drug Czar" and is on the verge of involving us in another Vietnam-- this time in Colombia. But the most frightening aspect of the War on Drugs is the exponential growth of Big Brother regulations, the majority of which have been put into effect without even being noticed. A good example of this kind of thing, which drew attention and opposition only because it was publicized by the Internet, was the Know Your Customer Law, a regulation which was proposed by  The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). This would have required every bank insured by that entity (i.e., almost every bank) to create a "customer profile" of every one of its customers, based upon that customer's usual pattern of transactions, to flag customer accounts showing deviation from that accustomed pattern, and to then report that customer and turn over his banking records to the FDIC, IRS, DEA, and other government agencies. Even though a wide-spread Internet-based campaign to prevent this law from being adopted was successful, something on the order of 88% of all banks have agreed to meet the provisions of this law voluntarily. The telling thing about this, is that this is but one regulation formulated by just one government agency, and that we even heard about it before it could become law was a fluke. Its justification, of course, was the need to bring attempts at money laundering (mostly from the drug trade) to light. There have been so many incursions of this sort during the course of the war on Drugs, that the Constitution resembles Swiss cheese; i.e., a lot more holes than cheese. And until recently, the mindset from the Drug War has so permeated our society, that physicians have been reluctant to prescribe morphine even to terminal cancer patients; heroin is still not available to them.

When you see all branches of the NWO-the UN , ZOG, the EU--speak as with one voice on an issue, it should be enough to make you suspect that the "other side" of the issue--whatever it might be (immigration, the "global economy", etc.)-- has merit. When it comes to the War on Drugs, all of the above are adamant in their opposition to decriminalization. For one thing, the supposedly noble objectives of the Drug War (saving people from themselves) have provided yet another platform from which these entities can issue international, border-nullifying policy positions, with a long list of regulations, agencies, and so forth as mortar to solidify the architecture our would-be masters have been constructing for some time, with the knowledge that inertia and time will favor them. The idea, of course, is that the more ad hoc "crises" over which these One World Government planners can involve their respective nations in agreements, sovereignty-annihilating international police forces, etc., the more quickly the NWO can become an over-arching reality. As with other such tactics, this one relies upon gradualism-- accustoming the peoples of the different nations to a relatively slow and incremental abridgement of personal and national autonomy.

The War on Drugs, like other initiatives taken by the NWO, incorporates itself into the fabric of society a manner congenial to the parasite-mediator class (of which the Jews  are, of course, masters) in just the ways you'd expect: so-called "substance-abuse" treatment centers have proliferated like a night-blooming fungus throughout the country, entire careers in the "helping professions" have been based upon supposed expertise in the field, and great gobs of Medicaid money and other "transfer payments" have lines the pockets of psychiatrists, program directors, and other professionals whose business it is to create nothing, repair nothing, build nothing, and to produce nothing...nothing, that is, but reams of paper filled with jargon, psycho-babble and little if any meaning. All this forms a huge part of that monster spawned by liberal-left politics, the Welfare State, and its chief industry, "social work". It's interesting to speculate about what would be the fate of the "substance-abusing" Edgar Allen Poe, were he alive today and sucked into the maw of this system. Or of Dr. Halsted. Perhaps the anonymous creator of a bumper sticker I recently saw was pondering such things when he wrote: Reality is for people who can't face drugs.

Exactly what would be the consequences of repealing drug prohibition? Well, for one thing, a lot of bottom-feeders would be out of work. Entire bloated federal and state government agencies would lose their justification for existing. There would be plenty of prison vacancies which could be filled with serious miscreants; property crimes would drop. And the main factor fueling gangs and gang warfare--drug profits--would cease to exist. Those who had nothing better to interest them than vegging out on drugs (or alcohol) would do so--as they always have done--but at sharply reduced cost to the general public. Would there be a great increase in the number of addicts? It's hard to believe that there would; drug laws have never really kept those interested in drugs from consuming them and in fact have made drugs, enveloped in the mystique of the forbidden and criminal, more attractive than they might otherwise be.

But as powerful a force as the enormous profits to be made from drug prohibition is in keeping drugs criminalized, the real reason you won't see decriminalization is that it provides irreplaceable services to the NWO. Like "guns" and "racism", the word "drugs" needs only to be articulated for the tumblers to fall into place in the brainwashed minds of the West.

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War on Drugs
The war on drugs is a dramatic title for prohibition of some drugs disapproved by the American government while others remain legal. One which is allowed is alcohol. It was prohibited with the full force of law, with criminal penalties and police action. This demonstrates that the law is not there to deliver justice or peace. It has become a tool used by various special interests for manipulating people, what is called Social Engineering. Mr R. Belser wrote a good critique of the whole thing, his War on Drugs. It has cost billions while filling prisons. It also keeps hundreds of thousands from doing useful work. But as he points out, the worst aspect has been the trampling on our Liberty, our Freedom, our human rights using narcotics as an excuse.

It got more serious, more expensive back in the 1960s. There was a fervour among the propagandists. Now in 2012 doubts are being expressed by people in power or near the levers thereof. See for example
White House Czar Calls for End to War on Drugs. This may translate into action eventually but a lot of people are making their living out of this on the legal side of matters. Even more Free Traders are making money because the price of the product has been forced up by government interference in the market place.

War on Drugs ex Wiki
The War on Drugs is a campaign of prohibition and foreign military aid and military intervention undertaken by the United States government, with the assistance of participating countries, and the stated aim to define and reduce the illegal drug trade.[5][6] This initiative includes a set of drug policies of the United States that are intended to discourage the production, distribution, and consumption of illegal psychoactive drugs. In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared that "drug abuse is public enemy number one" in speaking to the people. In January 1972 Richard Nixon coined the term "War on Drug Abuse". The only time that Richard Nixon knowingly used the term "War on Drug" was at the end of a September 1972 trip report covering his trip to Laredo, Texas. By then the media had started to refer to the War on Drugs to more appropriately describe the strategies proposed by Mr. Nixon. (see American Presidency Project). In his essay, drug war historian, Richard Gicomeng writes that "a 'War on Drug Abuse' is to a 'War on Drugs', just as a 'War on Child Abuse' would be to a 'War on Children' or LBJ's 'War on Poverty' would be to a 'War on Capitalism'".

On May 13, 2009, Gil Kerlikowske, the current Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), signaled that although it did not plan to significantly alter drug enforcement policy, the Obama administration would not use the term "War on Drugs," as he claims it is "counter-productive".[7] ONDCP's view is that "drug addiction is a disease that can be successfully prevented and treated... making drugs more available will make it harder to keep our communities healthy and safe."(2011)[8] One of the alternatives that Mr. Kerlikowske has showcased is Sweden's Drug Control Policies that combine balanced public health approach and opposition to drug legalization. The prevalence rates for cocaine use in Sweden are barely one-fifth of European neighbors such as the United Kingdom and Spain.[9]
Biased? Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.


White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs' -
BBC News - Global war on drugs 'has failed' say former leaders
Mexican Drug War During... 18 months the Mexican government has spent about $7 billion USD in the war against drugs.
Commentary: War on drugs is insane
Chris Christie Calls War On Drugs 'A Failure'
Ending the War on Drugs: The Moment is Now   
Why America Can't Quit the Drug War But Should - Rolling Stone


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 11:50:38