The American Supreme Court has nine judges who are appointed by the Senate and President. They are political choices with long lasting effects. It currently [ July 2010 ] has no Americans. Three Jews are a bad start and enemy aliens. Hispanics are not much better. Commentary follows. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
You might think that the supreme court, any court should
apply the law as it is, a simple idea but naive in these foul times. The
Left Wing, especially the
Hard Left use the Supremes to impose corrupt judgements, to act
Mala Fide, in bad faith. They were inventing laws,
destroying America. Now in 2022, they have changed tack by revoking
Roe versus Wade.
PS Now in 2016 we
have lost Antonin Scalia the leading
conservative on the bench. He was the supreme proponent of
Originalism in the Supreme Court, a great loss to
boot. This is clear from the torrent of
hate coming from the Left Wing. They want him
replaced with one of theirs.
2018 UPDATE:
Don appointed
Neil Gorsuch, infuriating the
Left Wing thereby. This is a good sign. He replaces
Antonin Scalia.
2020 UPDATEs:
Bader Ginsburg, a deeply obnoxious Marxist Jew died long after her
sell-by-date. Don has nominated
Amy Coney Barrett who might well be honest
Hillsdale College does an Online Course on The U.S. Supreme Court. They take it down the middle.
There are people, lots of them who believe that Judges
should apply the law honestly, impartially, without fear or favour. Then there
are those in power or wanting power who know better. Judges are in a position to
make arbitrary decisions, to abuse power, which is why so many judgements have
been made in contravention of the
Second Amendment; the right to keep arms shall not be infringed:-
well, let's just ignore it. We can
Pervert The Course Of Justice
Court Oaths of Office
There are two:-
The Constitutional Oath
As noted below in Article
VI, all federal officials must take an oath in support of the Constitution:
.......... During the 1860s, this oath was altered several times before Congress settled on the text used today, which is set out at 5 U. S. C. § 3331. This oath is now taken by all federal employees, other than the President:
“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
The Judicial Oath
origin of the second oath is found in the Judiciary Act of 1789: The current
version is:
“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
It does not take a lawyer to work out that Justices have a sworn obligation to take it down the middle. That does NOT mean inventing additions to the Constitution. It is precisely what they did in Roe versus Wade. They could and should have been dismissed en masse and preferably given fair trials convicted then hanged.
Nobody is naive enough to believe they are honestly obeying their oaths. That goes double when they are corrupt Jews like Kagan and Ginsburg.
The Supremes have original jurisdiction, as distinct from appellate power in a limited number of cases, largely State versus State disputes.
Elena Kagan and the new (unprincipled) elite [ 29 June 2010
Kevin MacDonald: Harvard Law professor Noah Feldman had a bit of Jewish triumphalism published recently in the NY Times (”The Triumphant Decline of the WASP“). Now that the WASPs have gone down to zero seats on the Supreme Court and there’s a Black president, it’s time to congratulate the WASPs for holding onto their principles even though their principles caused their demise: WASPs as the first and only proposition ethnic group.Satisfaction with our national progress [ by having 3 Jews on the Supreme Court and no WASPs ] should not make us forget its authors: the very Protestant elite that founded and long dominated our nation’s institutions of higher education and government, including the Supreme Court. Unlike almost every other dominant ethnic, racial or religious group in world history, white Protestants have ceded their socioeconomic power by hewing voluntarily to the values of merit and inclusion, values now shared broadly by Americans of different backgrounds. The decline of the Protestant elite is actually its greatest triumph.
I would go beyond Feldman by saying that no other elite has ever voluntarily allowed itself to be eclipsed because of steadfast adherence to principle. Feldman is doubtless quite happy because he realizes that the new elite (including himself) will not allow itself to be eclipsed by such madness–suicide by principle.
Indeed, Kagan’s arrival on the Supreme Court is a sort of official coming out party for the new elite. It’s been there for quite some time, but the Kagan nomination is an in-your-face-demonstration of the power of Jewish ethnic networking at the highest levels of government. And the first thing one notices is that the new elite has no compunctions about nominating someone for the Supreme Court even though she has no real qualifications. So much for the principles of merit and inclusion: Inclusion does not apply to WASPs now that they have been deposed. And the principle of merit can now be safely discarded in favor of ethnic networking. As I noted previously,
This is a favorite aspect of contemporary Jewish self-conception — the idea that Jews replaced WASPs because they are smarter and work harder. But this leads to the ultimate irony: Kagan is remarkably unqualified to be a Supreme Court Justice in terms of the usual standards: judicial experience, academic publications, or even courtroom experience. Rather, all the evidence is that Kagan owes her impending confirmation to her Jewish ethnic connections (see also here).
The same goes for Jewish over-representation in elite academic institutions–far higher than can be explained by higher Jewish IQ. Does anyone seriously think that Jewish domination of Hollywood and the so much of the other mainstream media (see, e.g., Edmund Connelly’s current TOO article) is about merit rather than ethnic networking and solidarity? And then there’s the addiction of the new elite to affirmative action for non-Whites.
Whatever else one can say about the new elite, it certainly does not believe in merit. The only common denominator is that Whites of European extraction are being systematically excluded and displaced to the point that they are now underrepresented in all the important areas of the elite compared to their percentage of the population. The new elite distinguishes itself mainly by its hostility to the traditional people and culture of those they displaced. It is an elite that cannot say its name. Indeed the ADL was all over Pat Buchanan for merely mentioning that Kagan is Jewish and that, upon her confirmation, Jews would be one-third of the Supreme Court.
This lack of principle at the foundation of the new elite extends to every area of the culture: The financial elite that produced the greatest economic recession since the Great Depression by participating in and massively profiting from wholesale fraud in the mortgage market; the academic elite that systematically excludes ideas related to the legitimacy and reasonableness of White ethnic interests; the media elite that routinely provides invidious depictions of Whites and especially Whites with a sense of White identity and ethnic interests; the political elite that fails to perform the most basic function of government: protecting the people and culture from invasion and displacement; the organized Jewish community with its influence spread throughout the government, routinely supporting an expansive ethnonationalism in Israel while condemning any hint of ethnonationalism in White Americans.
This lack of principle will certainly extend to Elena Kagan once she accedes to the Supreme Court. Her academic publishing record, meager as it is, indicates someone who does not believe in principles such as free speech:
Kagan [will] be quite willing to fashion her legal arguments to attain her liberal/left policy goals, and that is exactly what her other writings show. Her 1993 article “Regulation of Hate Speech and Pornography After R.A.V,” (60 University of Chicago Law Review 873; available on Lexis/Nexis) indicates someone who is entirely on board with seeking ways to circumscribe free speech in the interests of multicultural virtue: “I take it as a given that we live in a society marred by racial and gender inequality, that certain forms of speech perpetuate and promote this inequality, and that the uncoerced disappearance of such speech would be cause for great elation.” She acknowledges that the Supreme Court is unlikely to alter its stance that speech based on viewpoint is protected by the First Amendment, but she sees that as subject to change with a different majority: The Supreme Court “will not in the foreseeable future” adopt the view that “all governmental efforts to regulate such speech … accord with the Constitution.” But in her view there is nothing to prevent it from doing so. Clearly, she does not see the protection of viewpoint-based speech as a principle worth preserving or set in stone. Rather, she believes that a new majority could rule that “all government efforts to regulate such speech” would be constitutional. All government efforts.
I suspect that the new elite will continue to pay lip service to the founding documents, the rule of law, and high principles like merit. But in reality these documents will be interpreted in ways that benefit the new elite and allow it to consolidate and maintain its power. I believe that with one more vote after Kagan’s confirmation, the First Amendment will be a historical curiosity.
And the principle of merit will mainly come down to promotional hype in the media (when not obviously a matter of affirmative action). Feldman represents Kagan as an exemplar of the shift to an American meritocracy – despite her remarkably undistinguished record. (A Google search for “Elena Kagan” and “Harriet Miers” yields dozens of articles on the very real question of her qualifications.) Senator Jeff Sessions correctly called Kagan the least experienced nominee “at least in the last 50 years.” He also noted that his main concern about her is his fear that she lacks a firm sense of the rule of law–in other words, that she does not see law as defending the principles that were so sacrosanct to her WASP antecedents: “Will she as a judge subordinate herself to the constitution and keep her political views at bay?”
That is the question precisely. And all the evidence is that Kagan, like the rest of the new elite, will reject principle in favor of interest. We already see that honest, empirically grounded analyses of the Jewish role in the new elite and how this new elite serves Jewish ethnic interests will continue to be proscribed. As in the USSR, the topic will be officially off limits. (Solzhenitsyn makes this point in 200 Years Together.)
Finally, I agree with Feldman that the WASP elite was extraordinarily principled–uniquely so. This is not the entire story, however, since the WASPs did mount an ethnic defense culminating in the 1924 immigration law. It failed, in my opinion mainly because of the rise of Jews as a hostile elite who attained their position by seizing the moral high ground and making alliances with and promoting the more principled (suicidal) component of the WASP elite. (WASPs like Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, and A. Lawrence Lowell were not part of the WASP suicide mission; they could see the writing on the wall and I think they understood who the enemy was.) As Israel Zangwill said in opposing the 1924 immigration restriction law, “You must make a fight against this bill; tell them they are destroying American ideals. Most fortifications are of cardboard, and if you press against them, they give way” (see here, p. 266).
Jewish intellectuals understood that WASP dedication to principles and ideals was their soft spot. We can expect that the new elite will not be similarly inclined to adhere to principles at the expense of self-interest. The result will be a catastrophic loss to the people who founded and built America.
America is going to the dogs which is a pity. Taking over the government, education, the media, business, law is all part of the Long March Through The Institutions, the Marxist Takeover Of The Ruling Classes. The Invisible Enemy is no longer quite so invisible. God's Chosen People are winning with the aid of Lenin's Useful Idiots. It is a Culture War aiming for Cultural Genocide.
Commentary follows. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Donald Trump Says Supreme Court Judge Is Off Her Rocker [ 14 July 2016 ]
Loud mouthed Jew abuses Donald Trump. He gives as good as he gets. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a harridan & Jew. She got the job because she is a Jew. "Only" three of the nine judges in the Supreme Court are Jews. They are the Enemy Within used in Antonio Gramsci's approach to destroying Western Civilization, the top down method. It means infiltrating governments et cetera by a Long March Through The Institutions. Antonio reverses Karl Marx's method, attack from the bottom up. That is less dangerous. It merely murdered 85 -100 million.
Elena Kagan and the new (unprincipled) elite
Donald Trump Nominates Conservative Judge For The Supreme Court [1 February 2017 ]
President Donald Trump has nominated circuit court judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacant seat on the US Supreme Court, setting up a showdown with congressional Democrats and activists over a pick that could shape the ideological bent of the court for a generation.Gorsuch, 49, the youngest supreme court nominee in 25 years, was among a group of federal judges reported in recent weeks to be on Trump’s shortlist. A strict adherent of judicial restraint known for sharply-written opinions and bedrock conservative views, Gorsuch, a Colorado native, is popular among his peers and is seen as having strong backing among Republicans generally.............
The nomination landed at a moment of sharply-increasing alarm amongst progressives that the Trump administration plans to pursue extremist policies on core questions likely to come before the court, from religious equality to abortion rights, voting rights, access to healthcare, LGBT rights, anti-discrimination protections and more.............
Interest groups across the political spectrum will spend millions on a public campaign to legitimize or tear down a supreme court nominee. Already, conservative groups are running ads to pressure Senate Democrats in red states into siding with Republicans over the nominee.
Supreme Court appointments are for life and very political. Its decisions about what the law means and the American Constitution mean vary from reasonable to blatantly fraudulent. This one matters but Don is playing for keeps, not wimping out. The Democratic Party [ sic ] will stall big time. The Republicans might be on side or using it as a lever for their own power plays. This fight matters. The Wikipedia's mug shot makes him look all right.
PS The Guardian's first paragraph is honest; the rest is propaganda.
Neil Gorsuch ex Wiki
Neil McGill Gorsuch is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.[4] Gorsuch was appointed by President Donald Trump to succeed Antonin Scalia, following an almost year-long vacancy[5][6] and took the oath of office on April 10, 2017.Gorsuch is a proponent of textualism in statutory interpretation and originalism in interpreting the U.S. Constitution, but also a proponent of natural law jurisprudence along with Justice Thomas.[7][8][9] He is the first Supreme Court justice to serve alongside another justice for whom he once had clerked (Anthony Kennedy).
Gorsuch clerked for Judge David B. Sentelle on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1991 to 1992, and then for U.S. Supreme Court Justices Byron White and Anthony Kennedy, from 1993 to 1994. From 1995 to 2005, Gorsuch was in private practice with the law firm of Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel. Gorsuch was a Deputy Associate Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice from 2005 to his appointment to the Tenth Circuit. Gorsuch was nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit by President George W. Bush on May 10, 2006, to replace Judge David M. Ebel, who took senior status in 2006.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University, Juris Doctor from Harvard University, and Doctor of Philosophy in Law from the University of Oxford, where he was supervised by Professor John Finnis.[11][12]
Socialist Judge Retires From American Supreme Court [ 30 June 2018 ]
And the Guardian is worried because Donald Trump is not going to appoint another Marxist. The Grauniad is admitting en passant that the Supreme Court is a political weapon, that its rulings are about perverting the law, not upholding the American Constitution. Its claim that Kennedy is moderate is a Propaganda lie.
Donald Trump Nominated Brett Kavanaugh For The Supreme Court
He is a first rate choice says Judicial Watch. The more the left object the better he must be.
Donald Trump Nominates New Supreme Court Judge [ 10 July 2018 ]
The opposition sound very annoyed. This means that Don might have chosen well.
But he [ Kavanaugh J ] did make an appeal to the Senate that will confirm him.'I will tell each Senator that I revere the constitution,' he said. 'My judicial philosophy is straight forward - a judge must be independent and interpret the law, not make the law,' he said. 'A judge must interpret the constitution as written.'
'If confirmed by the Senate I will strive to keep an open mind in every case,' Kavanaugh noted. 'And I will always strive to preserve the constitution in the United States.'................
Replacing Kennedy, often seen as a 'swing vote' on tight 5-4 decisions with enormous societal implications, with a conservative nominee is a far weightier exercise.
Supreme Court judges are political appointees for life, which is why these things matter but shouldn't.
Supreme Court Nominee Accuser Is An Expert On 'Recovered Memories' [ 1 October 2018 ]
Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who chose to accuse Brett Kavanaugh on oath of being a rapist is a professor of psychology who helped write a research paper on "Recovered Memory Syndrome" a fraudulent technique used by quack doctors on the make. She tried to stitch him up and remain anonymous but corrupt politicians dragged her into the open and made her testify. A couple more women have come out of the woodwork with other stories about drunken gang rapes that were never reported until they became useful as political weapons.
PS You might care to look at The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Elizabeth Loftus PhD
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Feels That Brett Kavanaugh Is An Unscrupulous Liar [ 6 October 2018 ]
Ambrose is a sound sort of chap who was there at the time, investigating Clinton's crimes & the heavyweight collusion of the Deep State. Feinstein has found testimony given to Kenneth Starr's investigation and alleges malfeasance. She ignores Clinton's murders etc.
Christine Ford's Testimony Was Deeply Suspect
It was nowhere near provable to the civil matter [ 51% versus 49% ], far less criminal standard [ 99% versus 1% ]. There is more on the point at Kombatting Kavanaugh Rape-Hysteria and the Void of Vagynocracy
Supreme Court Nominee Perpetrated Numerous Gang Rapes - Allegedly [ 4 October 2018 ]
The Democrats are using this Ford woman and her story to abuse the selection process. Now another woman has come out of the woodwork claiming at least ten gang rapes starring Brett Kavanaugh. This one is provable Perjury unlike the other fairy story with no witnesses at all. Will she be used? Yes. Will she get charged with lying in order to pervert the political process? She should but it is very unlikely. The Democrats are proving that the Supreme Court is a political tool used to pervert democracy.
Brett Kavanaugh Sworn Onto Supreme Court Notwithstanding Socialist Orgy Of Hate [ 8 October 2018 ]
Judge Brett Kavanaugh's mine-laden trek to the U.S. Supreme Court ended Saturday with a narrow Senate approval, his skids greased by a November-shy Democrat and a president who defended him against an onslaught of uncorroborated sexual assault claims.The court returned from eight to nine justices on Saturday night when Chief Justice John Roberts swore Kavanaugh in during a private ceremony.
Also present was retired Justice Anthony Kennedy, who Kavanaugh once clerked for and whose retirement opened up a seat on the nine-member panel. The political fallout won't be known until November 6, when more than one-third of the senators and every House member will face voters.
The Hard Left went for the kill and failed. They are criminals who disrupted the hearing - see YouTube at 3:50 onwards. Ben Shapiro [ ] quotes Ford's ex to the effect that she is liar with light fingers.
Julie Swetnick's Statement Sworn Under Oath
She claims that Brett Kavanugh was a multiple rapist. It should be easy to prove Perjury.
Brett Kavanugh Rape Accuser Never Met Him [ 3 November 2018 ]
WASHINGTON - Just days before the midterm elections, Sen. Chuck Grassley asked the federal authorities on Friday to investigate another person he says made false claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.Grassley, in a letter to the Justice Department and FBI, said a woman by the name of Judy Munro-Leighton took responsibility for authoring an anonymous letter that made allegations that Kavanaugh and a friend raped her. After she was tracked down and interviewed by Senate investigators, the woman recanted and said she was not the author and had never met Kavanaugh...................
Grassley has thus far asked federal authorities to investigate: Julie Swetnick, who accused Kavanaugh of drunken behavior and sexual assault; Michael Avenatti, her lawyer who also represented porn star Stormy Daniels in a suit against President Donald Trump; and a man, who was never publicly identified but recanted an allegation he'd made against Kavanaugh.
Munro-Leighton was brought into the saga after a graphic and anonymous letter was sent to Sen. Kamala Harris in California. The letter included a story about Kavanaugh and another male groping, sexually assaulting and ultimately raping a woman in a vehicle after a party.
So another woman full of hate committed Perjury in order to Pervert The Course Of Justice. Appointing corrupt judges to the Supreme Court is a heavyweight move to pervert law and Democracy. That is why the Left Wing object to Kavanaugh J. Notice the hostile tone of this report, the use of words like allegedly, claims etc. Words Are Propaganda Tools.
Corrupt Supreme Court Judge Is Out Of Action [ 9 November 2018 ]
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a critical liberal voice on the Supreme Court, was hospitalized on Thursday morning with three broken ribs after falling in her office the day before...............The next sitting of the Supreme Court begins Nov. 26, and Justice Ginsburg’s history suggests the injuries are not likely to keep her away. She broke two ribs in 2012, without missing work. And she returned to work quickly after undergoing a heart procedure in 2012. She is also a cancer survivor and returned to work less than three weeks after having surgery.
Justice Ginsburg is the linchpin of the four-member liberal minority on a Supreme Court that has shifted ideologically to the right under President Trump. In less than two years in office, he has appointed two justices, and he has vowed to fill any further openings with more staunch conservatives. A third Trump appointment to the court would give it a dominant [ Make that less blatant - Ed. ] 6-to-3 conservative majority.
The New York Times tells us that the judges are political, that they have their agendas. Applying the law is their sworn obligation and duty. Inventing bad law and applying it is what they do. Republicans let Ginsburg, an ugly Marxist Jew have the job knowing that she would Pervert The Course Of Justice. America has suffered as a result. Abuse of power is the reason why the Democrats made such strenuous efforts to pervert the selection process for Brett Kavanaugh.
Left Wing Liars Committed Perjury To Derail Supreme Court Hearings [ 1 December 2018 ]
Yet another leftist who launched outrageous accusations of sex attacks by Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh has been revealed to be a liar and now faces criminal prosecution for misleading Congress.News of the lie was revealed by Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, in a letter to the FBI and Justice Department, in which he asked them to prosecute one Judy Munro-Leighton for lying to and obstructing Congress. Munro-Leighton admitted that she made up her tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Grassley said Munro-Leighton is a left-wing activist who sent in an anonymous report about a backseat rape, calling it a “vicious assault.”
Ford's allegations might not be provable Perjury but Swetnick's stories about multiple rapes that were not reported for thirty years after are going to be proven lies.
Jew Threatens Supreme Court Judges [ 6 March 2020 ]
During a speech about the abortion case before the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated to Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, “you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”Schumer said, “Now, we stand here today because behind me, inside the walls of this court, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments, as you know, for the first major abortion right cases since [Justice] Kavanaugh and [Justice] Gorsuch came to the bench. We know what’s at stake. Over the last three years, women’s reproductive rights have come under attack in a way we haven’t seen in modern history. From Louisiana, to Missouri, to Texas, Republican legislatures are waging a war on women, all women, and they’re taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Jew with power abuses that power but then he is a Jew. The Jew was never going to get away with it but that is a detail. Schumer is a vicious Jew full of hate. He would have done whatever he could if these Judges hadn't played along with his deeply nasty prejudices.Schumer proved that the Supreme Court has political power; that is power it can abuse. He has no objection to that as long as they see things his way & Democracy be damned. Schumer Apologised After A Fashion. He is an example of the kind of bullying swine in the Israel Lobby.
PS Schumer is protecting the mass murderers of the Abortion Industry. One of them, Kermit Gosnell has 40,000 murders to his credit.
Supreme Court Of America Perverts The Law Again [ 22 June 2020 ]
Chief Justice Roberts and four liberal Supreme Court Justices ruled against the Trump administration’s effort to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program.In doing so it has undermined the Constitution. Obama’s decision to provide amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens under the DACA program was unlawful, and the court interfered with President Trump’s duty and absolute right to rescind it.
Tom Fitton speaks at length, saying inter alia that Left Wing trouble makers have tried to amend the law dozens of times by going through Congress, by doing it legally. They failed every time so now they are cheating. "Judicial Supremacism" is crime. Judges are acting against their sworn oaths of office.
Donald Trump Can Beat The Supreme Court [ 30 June 2020 ]
When addressing the concerns of the Anti-Federalists that the proposed office of president would function like a monarch, Alexander Hamilton detailed a list of stark distinctions between the two powers in Federalist #69. He used the power over immigration as the quintessential example of what distinguishes the power of a president from that of a king. Whereas "the one [a president] can confer no privileges whatever," wrote Hamilton, "the other [a king] can make denizens of aliens."Well, Hamilton never accounted for a post-constitutional era where the federal courts would also be able to make citizens of aliens.
It's not even worth delving into the details of today's 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court that President Trump cannot rescind an illegal executive amnesty of his predecessor in the same way it was initially promulgated. The same way it's not worth trying to parse a decision redefining marriage or sexuality in law. These are powers a court simply does not possess.
The question for Trump and conservatives headed forward is where to go from here, now that so many have realized what I've been warning about for years: namely, that the minute you agree to the premise of judicial supremacism – that the courts stand above the other branches in deciding fundamentally political questions – no amount of "appointing better judges" will rectify a judicial North Korea. The solution is to uproot the concept of judicial supremacism altogether...........
No. The courts are defying the law, the Constitution, and 130 years of their own settled case law that illegal aliens have no standing to sue for a right to remain in the country against the will of the political branches of government. It is they who are defying the law. Moreover, as Hamilton noted in Federalist #78, the courts "must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm for the efficacy of its judgments." Thus, Trump declining to actively use his powers to violate immigration laws duly passed by Congress is not defying the courts; it's following the law being defied by the judiciary.
The Supreme Court is trying it on. At all events five of them are. Their long winded, convoluted pretentious drivel is a standard trick they use to make it look as though they are not just making corrupt, political decisions. It would be useful to sack the crooked five for disobeying their sworn oath to uphold the American Constitution.
Trump selects Amy Coney Barrett to fill Ginsburg Supreme Court vacancy [ 26 September 2020 ]
Barrett's selection will come just a week after Ginsburg died from complications due to cancer found on her pancreas.
She looks human unlike that Ginsburg ratbag. The Wikipedia manages to sound unbiased at Amy Coney Barrett. She believes that the American Constitution means what it says unlike so many corrupt left wing liars.
Supreme Court Appointment Hearings Abused By Systematic Lies And Liars [ 13 October 2020 ]
Here Tucker Carlson explains what is going on; who is lying, what the agenda is. The American Supreme Court has great power, which it can abuse and does. Deciding if a law is Constitutional or not is their rightful job. Inventing new is not - but they do it anyway.Recall what the terrorists of the Weather Underground said:-
The issue is not the issueDecoded it means:-
The issue is not the real issue; it is just an excuse to incite hatred, to achieve power.They really meant it.
So Tucker is right or is he wrong? Watch for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Amy Coney Barrett [ 14 October 2020 ]
Is Donald Trump's choice for the ninth Supreme, to replace RBG. Democrat Politicians hate her because she is not a corrupt, hard left crook who will pervert the Constitution. She is currently [ 2020-10-14 ] en route to being confirmed. The Democrats are lying in their teeth about the legitimacy of her prospective confirmation.
Amy Coney Barrett Replaces Corrupt Marxist Jew On The Supreme Court [ 27 October 2020 ]
Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in, inter alia because she is clean, unlike many politicians. See e.g. Bloody Hillary Clinton And Five [ 5 ] Mysterious Murders
Congress Can Overrule The Supreme Court Said Ginsburg [ 27 November 2020 ]
From 1979 until her retirement in 1998, Lilly Ledbetter worked at Goodyear Tire and Rubber’s plant in Gadsden, Alabama. Once she had left the job, she learned a disturbing fact. When Ledbetter had started, her supervisor salary was comparable to men in similar positions. But with each performance review, the men she worked alongside got bigger raises, and she gradually fell further and further behind. By the time she retired, she was earning $3,727 a month: hundreds of dollars less than the lowest-paid man in her position, and significantly below the average man.................The Supreme Court had issued what’s known as a statutory ruling, which is distinct from a constitutional ruling. In other words, the court had not deemed the law itself to be unconstitutional but merely ruled that the way the statute had been written rendered it unavailable to Ledbetter.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a dissent that urged Congress to intervene. The court’s interpretation, Ginsburg said, was out of step with modern wage discrimination and the realities of the workplace. She recommended Congress amend the law and fix the court’s “parsimonious reading” so workers like Ledbetter could have a shot at restitution. Ginsburg added: “The ball is in Congress’ court.”............... The very first piece of legislation President Barack Obama signed in 2009 was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act............
But a joint review of dozens of Supreme Court cases by The Intercept and the American Prospect finds dozens of statutory rulings similar to Ledbetter’s that Congress could overturn simply by tweaking the statute to remove whatever ambiguity the court claimed to find in its text. Even where the court has ruled on constitutional grounds, there is often much room left to legislate the boundaries, just as conservatives have done in relation to Roe v. Wade and abortion restrictions.
The two writing this, Cohen and Brown see Congress as a tool for screwing the Supreme Court when it invents bad law. It is an approach that cuts both ways. Ginsburg was evil, a Marxist Jew full of hate for America.
Supreme Court Perverted Law To Steal Don's Victory [ 26 January 2021 ]
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a lawsuit by Texas that had asked the court to throw out the election results in four battleground states that President Trump lost in November, ending any prospect that a brazen attempt to use the courts to reverse his defeat at the polls would succeed.The court, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue the case, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”
The order, coupled with another one on Tuesday turning away a similar request from Pennsylvania Republicans, signaled that a conservative court with three justices appointed by Mr. Trump refused to be drawn into the extraordinary effort by the president and many prominent members of his party to deny his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., his victory.
This decision of the Supremes meant that Don had lost. Election 2020 was stolen from him by monstrous collusion between the Mainstream Media, the Deep State, the Establishment generally, RINOs and now the Supreme Court. NB You might care to Read this article closely, to Deconstruct the assumptions, the implications, insults and omissions. Believe the media? NO, there are so many better sources out there on the Internet
Jews Are Victims Alleges Jew [ 3 March 2021 ]
It takes a certain type of mind to see interfaith activists from the Jewish and Muslim communities making chicken soup together for the homeless, in an East London mosque on a cold November day, as evidence of a deep conspiracy by the Israeli state.But UK university professor David Miller sees nefarious conspiracies in lots of things. He is so keen to explain away President Bashar Assad’s gassing of his own people that he claims victims of a chemical attack may have been killed by their White Helmets rescuers in a "managed massacre to lay a false trail" against the Syrian dictator.
And let’s be clear, the actual dead bodies (including of children) in the cases we examined, have not pretended to die, they have rather been killed in a managed massacre to lay a false trail.
— David Miller (@Tracking_Power) October 18, 2018............Miller is a director of a larger group of academics, who work under the title of ‘The Organisation for Propaganda Studies’ who have also published work supporting 9/11 conspiracy theories, the anti-vaccine movement and the contention that COVID-19 was an American bioweapon.
But it is with Jews he has a particular, persistent problem. According to Miller, the Jewish-Muslim chicken soup-making was Israel’s new innovation with which to ‘target’ the left. It is an "Israeli-backed" project, he raged, a "Trojan horse for normalizing Zionism in the Muslim community."
While the Israelis targeted Muslims by using interfaith as a "Trojan horse" to "normalize Zionism in the Muslim community" by a “project of making chicken soup”
— The Golem (@TheGolem_) June 19, 2020..........He left the Labour party earlier this year, before he was pushed, saying new party leader Sir Keir Starmer took money from "the Zionist movement.".........
Nicole Lampert is a London-based journalist who has written for the Daily Mail, The Spectator, The Independent and The Sun. Twitter: @nicolelampert
Haaretz was, once a splendid newspaper, telling some of the ugly truth about Jews, about God's Chosen People. Then they were leaned on by Mossad. Now it is a waste of newsprint. But little Miss Lampert understands Trojan Horses. She infiltrated England. She knows why Jews are pretending to be nice to Islamic aliens. It is all part of the Long March Through The Institutions being used by Zionist crazies to destroy Western Civilization. She has nothing to say about conspiracy facts like the Dancing Jews who went to New York to film the 9/11 Job. Does she see fit to mention that Starmer is married to a Jew and allows his children to be brought up that way? NO.
Biden Threatens Supreme Court [ 10 April 2021 ]
President Biden on Friday announced his Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court, which is better understood as the commission on packing the Supreme Court. The White House is trying to make this seem like routine political business, but don’t be fooled.Packing the Court hasn’t been actively debated since FDR's attempt flopped in the 1930s. Then again, many things Democrats are doing these days haven’t been tried since the 1930s. Democrats had a meltdown over Donald Trump’s three High Court appointees, and Mr. Biden’s commission idea was a way to appease progressives and avoid taking a firm position during the 2020 campaign...........
The commission will have an unwieldy 36 members, who tilt markedly to the political left. The co-chairs are Bob Bauer, Barack Obama’s former White House counsel, and Cristina Rodriguez, a former official in the Obama Justice Department. Mr. Bauer has argued publicly against court-packing, but he’ll have his hands full with the commission.
The White House release says Duke law professor Guy-Uriel Charles “writes about the relationship between law and political power and law’s role in addressing racial subordination.” Caroline Fredrickson is a former president of the American Constitution Society, the left-wing legal lobby. Michael Waldman runs the Brennan Center for Justice, the highly partisan legal shop at NYU that wants to restrict political speech. Laurence Tribe is the Harvard professor whose Twitter feed hasn’t helped his reputation for judgment or reason.
Former appellate Judge Thomas Griffith, a Bush appointee, was a member of the Code of Conduct Committee of the U.S. Judicial Conference that tried to ban judges from belonging to the Federalist Society. Judge Griffith was going along for that ride until we reported the news and hundreds of federal judges objected..........
The danger is that these conservatives will lend a bipartisan patina to a commission that by its very existence is meant to pressure the Supreme Court. The threat of court-packing is intended to make the Justices think twice about rulings that progressives dislike. Many of our legal friends think the threat has already had a notable impact on Chief Justice John Roberts on gun rights and abortion cases........
Public trust in American institutions is dangerously low, and the Supreme Court isn’t immune. If the commission endorses court-packing, or some other “reform” that smacks of an attempt to shape legal outcomes, the political backlash will be furious. As Mr. Biden himself said on the subject way back in 2019, before he moved left in 2020, “we’ll live to rue that day.”
Real power is the power to abuse power. That is the point of being in the White House. Or on speed dial from Tel Aviv.
Black Supreme Court Nominee Weeps During Interrogation [ 26 March 2022 ]
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson broke down in tears during the evening session of the third day of hearings of her Supreme Court nomination on Wednesday after Democratic New Jersey Senator Cory Booker gushed over her appointment.Jackson had been sitting silently listening to Booker when suddenly the pressure of the moment appeared break through. It was the first time in three solid days of questioning from senators that she had showed such raw emotion. Jackson reached for a tissue and wiped away tears that had begun to stream down her cheeks.
But Republicans had little time for her tears, noting the glee Democrats took when GOP-nominees Brett Kavanaugh was left sobbing during his hearing.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz pointed out that Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett faced a much tougher grilling under questioning during the Trump administration. 'You played clips of the Democrats slamming Republican nominees, going personal, going into the gutter, going after their character,' Cruz said to Fox News. 'If you look at the hearing the last two days, the questions that Republicans focused on were her record and in particular, her judicial record.'
Politicians know that Supreme Court judges have the power to pervert the Constitution, one they use and abuse without hesitation. They are chosen for their political bias. But fortunately the Republican senators have switched on at last. Biden chose Jackson because she is black. Her ability is irrelevant. Her determination not to explain what woman is reveals that she is a liar pandering to Hard Left subversives & their Transgender try ons. Tucker Carlson Explains Jackson's Refusal To Define A Woman. The crazies are perverting the truth, pretending that men can become women.
Black Supreme Court Nominee Went VERY Soft On Black Paedophile Pervert [ 26 March 2022 ]
Jackson let Hawkins off with three months instead of the eight to ten years required by Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Was she Perverting The Course Of Justice? Her excuse was that he had never been caught before.
Supreme Court May Overturn Roe Versus Wade [ 4 May 2022 ]
WASHINGTON—A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and published late Monday by Politico indicated the court may be preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 precedent that established [ invented ] a constitutional right to an abortion.The draft, dated from February, couldn't be independently confirmed, but legal observers said it appeared authentic. The Supreme Court’s spokeswoman declined to comment.
The 67-page opinion, marked as a first draft, declared that Roe was “egregiously wrong and deeply damaging,” and that Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a 1992 decision that limited but didn’t eliminate abortion rights, prolonged the court’s error.
“Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion,” the draft opinion said. “Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.”
This opinion is right; also an admission that the Supreme Court is able to make arbitrary decisions, to invent law as distinct from interpreting it. There is no Democratic check on their power. They use Misconduct In Public Office as a working tool; it is de facto crime. This will go down very badly with the Hard Left, with pregnant sluts and other undesirables. The excuse used by the Judges was the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; it was bad law in the first place and has been used to set up various abuses.
PS One Abortionist was Kermit Gosnell. His operation was appallingly filthy; he just didn't care about hygiene. He was convicted of first degree murder of three babies & involuntary manslaughter in the death of a customer & 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law. He got LWOP [ life in prison without the possibility of parole ] One sensible commentator, Molly59, who was long in the business says the real problem is fathers refusing to take responsibility.
Hard Left Counter-Attacks Supreme Court Abortion Opinion [ 5 May 2022 ]
From Politico:Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows [ 5 May 2022 ]
“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Justice Alito writes in an initial majority draft circulated inside the court.........
The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.
The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes............
Here is Politico’s posting of what they say is Alito’s draft.
Leaks of drafts from inside the Supreme Court are highly rare. Norms and all that.
Lefties like Abortion. They like fornication too & Morals be damned. They are destroying Western Civilization but Sam Alito is different. Sam served; he's a Catholic to boot. He is clearly right about abortion not being part in the American Constitution. Earlier Supreme Court decisions were ultra vires, an abuse of power and Misconduct In Public Office. They were able to get away with inventing bad law because there is no higher legal authority. The leak might well have come direct from one of the Judges.
Fred Comments On Judicial Malpractice
Still, it is interesting to recognize that the protesters are, perhaps deliberately, confusing the incapacity of blacks with systemic racism. In truth, America has made the greatest effort ever essayed by one race to uplift another. Reflect: In 1954 an entirely white Supreme Court unanimously ended segregation. Later it found the use of IQ tests by employers illegal because blacks scored poorly, then found “affirmative action,” racial discrimination against whites, legal (hardly oppression of blacks, this). An overwhelmingly white Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the Voting Rights Act the next year. A white President sent troops to Little Rock to enforce desegregation. There has been an enormous flow of charity to blacks: Section Eight Housing, AFDC, Head Start, hiring quotas, set-asides, sharply lowered standards in police and fire departments. We now have free breakfasts for black children, then free lunches, in addition to outright welfare. In aggregate they resemble a distributed guaranteed basic income. Which is interesting.These measures sprang from the best of intentions. Most I think should continue. I for one do not want to evict blacks from public housing or have their children go hungry. Yet none of these programs has had its desired effect. The crucial academic gap has not closed, crime remains horribly high, illegitimacy verges on universal. This is a great shame. Blacks are decent enough people, likable if they don’t hate you, and phenomenally talented. But it hasn’t worked.
Nothing has worked. There is no indication that anything will. The great black cities are in something approaching custodial care.
You cannot solve a problem without knowing what it is. This we dare not know. Democracies, however approximate, cannot deal with chronically underperforming minorities.
They cannot even try. Anything that might help is politically impossible, and anything politically possible won’t help.
Fred says it might have been well intended. I am dubious.