Politics In Switzerland

Politics do happen in Switzerland but rather quietly. One reason is that Switzerland is the nearest country to having democracy in the world. This means that they have referenda when they want them as distinct from having them when politicians see fit, if at all. They also keep their rifles at home ready to use. That is democracy too. Armed Citizens are real citizens.

The Swiss have views about Immigrants. This matters because corrupt politicians cannot treat them with contemptuous indifference. A referendum is held. A referendum has effect. International media get abusive because they are run by enemies of civilization. They are brushed off as Propaganda. How To Frame A Patriot tells us why.

One party does not want black free loaders importing disease and crime. It says so. Good for them.
> .


Swiss Gun Law and Practice
The basic system is very good. There are the occasional mishaps due largely to vicious immigrants.


Deport Convicted Foreigners Say Swiss [ 30 November 2010 ]
Foreign convicted criminals should be deported from Switzerland, early results of a referendum have revealed. Figures released on national television showed 53 per cent of voters are in favour of a proposal to automatically deport immigrants convicted of serious crimes such as murder, rape and trafficking drugs and people. The initiative - put forward by Switzerland's right-wing Swiss People's Party  (SVP) - is the latest indication of an increasing hostility towards immigration...... Foreigners make up more than one fifth of Switzerland's 7.7m population and a disproportionate number are convicted criminals, officials have revealed.
53% is disappointingly low but it is more than 50% so it will do the trick. The nice thing about a democracy like Switzerland is that things can be done, which is why Her Majesty's Government hates the idea. Ditto for Her Majesty's Allegedly Loyal Opposition of course. Tyranny is their preferred style.


Swiss Voters Reject Disarmament [ 14 February 2011 ]
Majority of 26 cantons reject move to ban army rifles from homes, which reformers hoped would lower firearms suicide rate

Activists in Switzerland's gun law reform referendum used graphic images in their campaign.........

This is good news for once. Weapons protect against the enemy without and the enemy within. The Swiss do not have to tolerate corrupt politicians who are in fact far more of a danger. They kept Adolf out during the last war. Now they needed against Marx and the Useful Idiots pushing his agenda. It is a little known fact that naughty Adolf and Marx were both heavily influenced by Hegel, a dismal rogue.

PS Notice that people who object to disarmament are activists while the activists working to destroy democracy would be progressives. That is the view from the Guardian. Before the war their man on the spot, Malcolm Muggeridge reported on the Ukraine  Massacre being carried out by dear old Uncle Joe. They were so pleased that they suppressed the truth. Mr Muggeridge did publish in spite of them - see Winter in Moscow by Malcolm Muggeridge but it was never reprinted. Ask your library; it will be in the reserve collection.


Swiss Vote For Immigration Quotas [ 10 February 2014 ]
It was a close run thing with a majority of 50.3%. Big Business will be annoyed but then they are Capitalist Swine, want cheap labour. A majority matters in Switzerland because they have Democracy. It means that politicians cannot treat the people with contemptuous indifference the way they do in England & France. They cannot outlaw Free Speech when someone like Dieudonné annoys the Jews.

The Swiss government objected; clear proof that we need democracy more than politicians.


Europe Turns Nasty With Swiss Who Don't Want A Flood Of Immigrants [ 11 February 2014  ]
'Europe' means the politicians who run it. They want us overrun with Third World undesirables. They hate Democracy. To be fair Swiss politicians don't like it either.


Swiss Vote Against Illegal Immigrants [ 21 October 2015 ]
The anti-immigration Swiss People's Party  (SVP) won the biggest share of the vote in Sunday’s national parliamentary election, keeping pressure on Bern to introduce quotas on people moving from the European Union...... Immigration was the central topic for voters amid a rush of asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe.

“The vote was clear,” SVP leader Toni Brunner told Swiss television. “The people are worried about mass migration to Europe.”....... It won 29.4 percent of the vote, according to the final tally from Swiss broadcaster SRF, up from 26.6 percent in the 2011 vote and far exceeding expectations. It was the best performance by a party in at least a century.
Switzerland is the nearest thing to Democracy in a wicked world. If the politicians decide to betray their own the Swiss have their rifles waiting at home, ready for the enemy without and the Enemy Within.


Islamic War Criminals Are A Growth Industry In Switzerland [ 18 May 2016 ]
Switzerland—another nation being flooded with nonwhite “refugees”—currently has no less than 60 Jihadists being investigated for possible terrorist links, that country’s attorney general has announced.

Speaking to the Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Michael Lauber confirmed that the number of criminal investigations into Islamist groups in Switzerland has doubled in the past four months.
They have not doubled, not quite. This is Ethnic Fouling


Man Runs Amok In Switzerland - Mail Alleges He Is Not An Islamic Terrorist [ 14 August 2016 ]
They have stopped stalling, stopped refusing to tell us who the 'suspects' are. Now they claim that perpetrators are lunatics or locals. The Main Stream Media are Propaganda machines lying to us. So are the police and other government apparatchiks. Too many people know we are being lied too, screwed, overrun by Third World aliens, by policy, by Treason.


Three Islamics Shot In Zurich [ 20 December 2016 ]
In fact this one might be a domestic, family or tribal. He wasn't much of a shooter; he didn't get any kills; his incompetence implies being an enemy alien, a Third World parasite.


Third World Parasites In Switzerland Use Dole To Fund Holidays Back Home  [31 January 2017 ]
Tens of thousands of nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees in Switzerland are using their welfare payments to fund extended holidays back home in the countries from which they supposedly “fled in fear of their lives,” it has emerged.

An investigation carried out by the Basler Zeitung (BAZ) newspaper revealed that more than 45,000 invaders pretending to be refugees have traveled back home in the past few years.............

All of the invaders, the BAZ reported, have been given travel vouchers by the authorities which allow them to travel in and out of Switzerland.......... The BAZ revealed that “thousands of permits” had been issued for travel abroad, and between 2010 and 2014, a total of 46,213 such “permission to travel” applications were submitted for travel abroad by so-called refugees. Of that number, the BAZ added, 45,080 were granted. 2016 has been no exception to this rule...........

In fact, the paper said, “refugee money is a major source of income for Eritrea.”
More Third World parasites, more fraud.


Projekt-26 ex Wiki
Was the Swiss stay behind army. Its first iteration was to operate against the Wehrmacht. The second, presumably last version was to work against the Soviets. Marxists there still hate it. It connected with Italians, etc.

The Germans are thought/known/believed/whatever to have had their very own similar people to attack Soviet supply lines.

Projekt-26, best known as P-26, was a stay-behind army in Switzerland charged with countering a possible invasion of the country. The existence of P-26 (along with P-27) as secret intelligence agencies dissimulated in the military intelligence agency (UNA) was revealed in November 1990 by the PUK EMD Parliamentary Commission headed by senator Carlo Schmid. The commission, whose initial aim was to investigate the alleged presence of secret files on citizens constituted in the Swiss Ministry of Defence, was created in March 1990 in the wake of the Fichenaffäre or Secret Files Scandal, during which it had been discovered that the federal police, BUPO, had maintained files on 900,000 persons (out of a population of 7 million).[1]

Since the existence of P-26 was revealed a month after similar revelations made in Italy by the premier Giulio Andreotti, who disclosed to the Italian Parliament the existence, throughout the Cold War, of a Gladio stay-behind anti-communist paramilitary network headed by NATO and present in most European countries, Switzerland formed a parliamentary commission charged of investigating alleged links between P-26 and similar stay-behind organizations. It was one of the three countries, along with Belgium and Italy, to create a parliamentary commission on these stay-behind armies.

On November 21, 1990 Swiss authorities declared the dissolving of P-26, since the clandestine organization operated outside of parliamentary and even governmental control, being an autonomous structure hidden inside the secret military services.[2]
Interessant, nicht wahr.


Projekt-27 ex Wiki
Was related to P26; it was about know the Enemy Within. It had 90,000 in its sights.


Stay Behind Armies ex Wiki
has more and better details.


Swiss Court Says All Eritrean Asylum Seekers Are Fraudulent  [ 17 July 2018 ]
A Swiss court has struck a lethal blow against the fake “asylum” claims by Eritrean invaders in that country by ruling that being drafted into military service in that country is no grounds for “asylum.”

According to Switzerland’s Federal Administrative Court, rejected Eritrean “asylum seekers” may still be deported to their home country even if they face being called up for compulsory national service.

All Eritreans—both men and women—must complete national military service, which can last between five and ten years, and it is this rule which is most commonly used by Eritrean invaders seeking to invade Europe.
The real problem with Eritrea is that we don't run the place anymore. Marxists incited blacks to hate us, incited Decolonisation. We left them too it, now they are destroying it, reverting to the Stone Age. The same Marxists feed us the lies about White Guilt, our moral obligations to our alleged victims. Of course none of this applies to Zionist crazies running Palestine, the Stolen Land that they call Israel,


Swiss Vote For Repressive Gun Laws  [ 21 May 2019 ]
Swiss voters approved stricter gun laws to bring the country more into line with the EU, but angered many firearms owners. Despite the objections of local gun enthusiasts the measures to tighten the Alpine nation's gun laws were approved on Sunday, the Swiss media reported. 

More than 63 per cent of voters nationwide agreed to align with European Union firearms rules adopted two years ago after deadly attacks in France, Belgium, Germany and Britain, Switzerland's public broadcaster said. The vote on Sunday was part of Switzerland's regular referendums that give citizens a direct say in policy making. 

It had stoked passions in a country with long, proud traditions of gun ownership and sport and target shooting. Switzerland, unlike many other European nations, allows veterans of its obligatory military service for men to take home their service weapons after tours of duty.
This is a disappointment. Swiss was perhaps the nearest country to a Democracy but they have become too trusting. The Armed Citizen has protected them very effectively against political criminals. Recall that naughty little Adolf decided to invade Russia instead of Switzerland. They gave women the vote in 1971, a bad decision, power without responsibility. It has been downhill ever since. The Mail's readers are not keen on this one.


Swiss Reject Green Tax But Not Fertilizer Ban  [ 15 June 2021 ]
The Swiss shot down a plan to reduce carbon emissions, sending their government back to the drawing board in order to meet its commitment under the Paris Climate Agreement.

Voters rejected a higher CO2 levy by 51.6% to 48.4%, swayed by claims the measure was too costly. In a separate vote, they approved of the government’s response to Covid-19, including financial aid to businesses. “Today’s ‘no’ is not a ‘no’ to protecting the environment,” said Environment and Transport Minister Simonetta Sommaruga. “Many people want to strengthen protections of the environment but not in this way, not with this law. The government has understood this message.”

The proposal would have raised the maximum tax on carbon dioxide emissions to 210 francs ($234) per ton from 120 francs previously. It would also have introduced a new surcharge on airplane tickets and private jet usage..........

An initiative promoting clean drinking water failed, with 60.7% of voters turning it down. It would’ve limited the use of pesticides and antibiotics for farm animals but the government warned it would lower agricultural yields in Switzerland. Moreover, drinking water is already clean.
Switzerland has Democracy unlike the rest of Europe. The tax decision makes sense, the industrial poison issue rather less.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 01/07/2021 13:26