Official Corruption

Policewoman kills. Crown Prosecution Service does not prosecute. Media witter about using mobile phone. CPS guidelines for Death by Dangerous Driving say she was looking at three years minimum but she was laughing as she went into court. The fix was in big time. Her father is in the funny handshake mob or........... whatever. An honest man would say this qualifies as Selective Prosecution. Poor little Emma West might well agree after they put her in a lunatic asylum for telling the truth.

This one happened while we are asking why the Director of Public Prosecutions chose to pervert the course of justice for Cyril Smith, the well known Paedophile pervert. The CPS is stalling. They are refusing to fulfill their obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Official corruption is the best sort. It means you will always get away with it, as long as you face fits. Blair could explain it.

Policewoman Kills, Policewoman Walks Away Laughing Up Her Sleeve [ 14 February 2013 ]
A policewoman who repeatedly denied that she was talking on her mobile phone to her lesbian lover when she caused a fatal crash has escaped prosecution. Despite a police investigator saying that Collette Carpenter ‘very likely contributed’ to the accident, the Crown Prosecution Service said there was no evidence she had committed an offence because the phone was on her lap and set to loudspeaker. Miss Carpenter, 23, a special constable who has handed out at least six fixed penalty fines to motorists for using their mobile phones while driving, was talking to girlfriend Rosemary Bonny when she drove into the path of David Bartholomew’s motorcycle, an inquest heard.

The father of two died hours later of horrific head injuries and multiple fractures. When interviewed by police, Miss Carpenter repeatedly lied and said she was not on her phone.
The Crown Prosecution Service chooses to claim that there is not enough evidence to prosecute one of their own. The Crown Prosecution Service chose not to prosecute Cyril Smith, a paedophile pervert, who was guilty as Hell because he was  a mate of Heath, another homosexual. Perverting the course of justice? Business as usual.

Lesbian liar laughing as she goes into court. She knew she was going to get away with it. The Crown Prosecution Service explains Death by Dangerous Driving. The Crown Prosecution Service knows what the law is, when it wants to. Other times all bets are off.


Freedom of Information Act 2000
At the time of the passing of the Act, advocates of freedom of information legislation were critical of the bill for its complexity, limited scope and the inclusion of a ministerial veto. Lord Mackay criticized the bill in the House of Lords as "toothless" for its inclusion of a provisions allowing ministers to veto applications.[11]

By contrast, former prime minister Tony Blair responsible for passing the Act as "One of the biggest mistakes of his career"
Blair's corruption is deeply sincere. A genuine gross foul up was his handling of the foot and mouth disease outbreak which cost billions.


Uddin is a Pakistani thief. She got into the House of Lords because she was a Pakistani. She carried on thieving because she was a Pakistani. She go got away with it because she was a Pakistani. That is Racism in in action, in England. It is anti-English racism. Racism is a Marxist construct. It is a Propaganda tool used by Traitors  such as the BBC.


Amyas Morse Is National Audit Office Boss
Amyas Morse, a former global managing partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, has been appointed Comptroller and Auditor General at the National Audit Office........ The announcement of his appointment comes amid growing concern over delays to the legislative timetable for reforming how the NAO is run. In 2007, Sir John Bourn stepped down as C&AG after an expenses scandal.

Morse's appointment follows a selection process chaired by Commons Public Accounts Committee Chairman Edward Leigh, and including Treasury chief Sir Nicholas Macpherson, representing Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Sir Andrew Likierman, recently appointed NAO board chairman elect, and Burr.

Leigh said: "The position of Comptroller and Auditor General is hugely important. Its independence is supported by the requirement for a nominee to be agreed by both the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Committee of Public Accounts, who is always from the Opposition.'
Brown approves evidently. That does not prove he is a criminal defrauding the public purse but it is suggestive. To be fair Private Eye does not say he is a thief or that he colluded in fraud carried out by Dave Hartnett when the latter was the head taxman but it is clearly what they think. See PE 1336/29 circa 22 March 2013. Morse is the Comptroller and Auditor General, while John Bourn, the boss of the National Audit Office abused expenses too.

In  May 2007, Private Eye released information obtained under the Freedom of Information Act detailing the travel expenses of the then head of the NAO, Sir John Bourn. These included tickets on Concorde and stops at luxury hotels.[6] In one instance, Sir John and his wife attended a three-day audit conference in The Bahamas. The conference was Wednesday to Friday. Sir John arrived on the Friday and he and his wife stayed on the island Saturday and Sunday.


Government Gave Amnesties To Irish Murderers Then Prosecutes Them [  27 February 2014  ]
You don't have to believe that Her Majesty's Government is the most dangerous criminal organisation in England; it is certainly close. The Irish branch gave amnesties to 187 IRA criminals then chose to prosecute. Now they are whining because a senior judge didn't let them get away with it. This is a case of Malfeasance in office, Perverting The Course Of Justice, Malicious Prosecution or some variant. The Director of Public Prosecutions should be sorting out War Mongers like Blair.


Rotherham Official Who 'Knew Nothing' About 1,400 English Girls Being Raped Gets £75 Thousand Bung [ 29 August 2015 ]
Is this conclusive proof of official corruption? Does it prove that Rotherham council was determined to let Pakistani Perverts get away with wholesale Rape? Could it possibly suggest to cynics that Cameron has every intention of letting them get away with it? How many police who were willfully ignorant have been investigated, charged, tried and convicted for Perjury, Perverting The Course Of Justice, Misconduct In Public Office or some combination? Not very many.
PS He got another job 'protecting' children in Buckinghamshire. God help them.