Bernard Hogan-Howe

'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe, QPM is the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, one who tells anybody who will listen that he is anti-Racist. This is true when the alleged racist is English. With foreign undesirables it is different. He refuses to prosecute racists if they are greasy little Pakistani chancers like 'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham. He also refuses to admit that he has been told that there is a prima facie case against Ahmed.

Hogan is also a chancer on the make enforcing the Racism that is anti-English and Her Majesty's Government policy. Of course Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition also colludes in its hatred of Western Civilization.

He was in the South Yorkshire Police from 1979 to 1997, which was happy to ignore Rape and Child Sexual Exploitation when the perpetrators are Pakistani Perverts in Rotherham, Rochdale or anywhere else for that matter.
PS Fun fact: Ahmed, more formally known as Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham but Hogan knows nothing - unless he wants to.

Police And Crime Commissioners To Swear An Oath Of Impartiality
Thus quoth Her Majesty's Government. So Hogan should have done it. This does not mean for a moment that he is going to obey it.


Bernard Hogan-Howe ex Wiki
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, QPM (born 25 October 1957) is the present Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (head of London's Metropolitan Police Service).

On 18 July 2011, the Home Secretary announced Hogan-Howe's temporary appointment as Acting Deputy Commissioner following the resignation of the Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, and the appointment of the incumbent Deputy Commissioner as Acting Commissioner. Hogan-Howe applied for the position of Commissioner himself in August 2011 along with other candidates,[1] and was successful in being selected for the post on 12 September 2011 after appearing before a panel of the Home Secretary and the Mayor of London and receiving the approval of the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, before he was formally appointed by The Queen.[2] Hogan-Howe was knighted in the 2013 New Year Honours for services to policing.

Hogan-Howe began his police career in 1979 with South Yorkshire Police and rose to be District Commander of the Doncaster West area. In 1997, he transferred over to Merseyside Police as Assistant Chief Constable for Community Affairs, moving onto area operations in 1999. Hogan-Howe then once again transferred this time to the Metropolitan Police Service as Assistant Commissioner for Human Resources, July 2001–2004.[9] He was then appointed Chief Constable of Merseyside Police, 2005-9.[10][11]

Hogan-Howe had called for a "total war on crime"[10] whilst Chief Constable and argued that the Health and Safety case which was successfully brought against the Metropolitan Police after the de Menezes shooting was restrictive of allowing the police to do their work.[12] He had also called for a review of the decision to downgrade cannabis from a class B to a class C drug.[13] He thereafter served as one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Constabulary, 2009–2011.[14]

On 12 September 2011, it was announced that Bernard Hogan-Howe would become Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis on 26 September.[2] He was briefly Assistant Commissioner responsible for professional standards before formally commencing the role as Commissioner. During that period, a decision was made within the department of professional standards to use the Official Secrets Act to compel The Guardian to reveal its sources regarding the News International phone hacking scandal. The order was swiftly rescinded five days prior to Hogan-Howe's formal term of office.[15] On 16 January 2012, Hogan-Howe gave a talk at the London School of Economics entitled Total Policing: The Future of Policing in London.[16] He will appear in The Met which will broadcast on BBC One in 2014.[17]

In 2013, Hogan-Howe was criticised for defending police officers who had, according to an appeal court ruling, used "inhuman and degrading treatment", in breach of the Human Rights Act, when handling an autistic boy in a swimming pool. The criticism was specifically directed against the money spent on the appeal and his refusal to apologise and to improve training police officers for the humane treatment of people with disabilities.[18] In September 2012, Hogan-Howe did ask an independent commission headed by Lord Adebowale to review cases where people with a mental illness died or were harmed after contact with police. The report arrived in May 2013[19] and contained severe criticism; Hogan-Howe responded to the commission's recommendations with a plan for change, announced in June 2014.[20]

On 11 August 2014, Hogan-Howe made his first arrest as Commissioner. The Commissioner had to pause a pre-recorded interview with Eddie Nester on BBC London 94.9 in Tottenham when a taxi driver said his passengers were refusing to pay their fare, at which point four men jumped out of the minicab and ran away. Hogan-Howe got into the minicab in pursuit with another officer. PC Gledhill managed to arrest one suspect on suspicion of theft, handling stolen goods and making off without payment. The Commissioner then got into a police car in an attempt to embark on a search for three other suspects. One of the suspects was seen nearby and arrested by the Commissioner on suspicion of theft and making off without payment.
PS Notice the colour of the 'suspects' does not get mentioned. Hogan knows. Hogan ain't saying they are black, which means they are. The media kept quiet as well.



Metropolitan Police Chief Gets Mouthy About English 'Racism' While Ignoring Pakistani Crime [ 17 June 2013 ]
Four teenagers have been arrested in connection with a fire at an Islamic boarding school on the outskirts of London. The four suspects – two aged 17 and two aged 18 – were detained on Sunday night on suspicion of arson at the Darul Uloom school in Chislehurst. The blaze is being treated as suspicious and the four remain in custody at a south London police station.

The arrests came as the Metropolitan police commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, revealed that police had stepped up security at other potential targets around the capital, with uniformed officers on guard at key sites amid fears of reprisals after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby. There have been a string of attacks since the soldier was hacked to death in south-east London on 22 May in a suspected Islamist terrorist attack........

The school was established in 1988. Its website says it aims to prepare Muslim students to be good Muslims and responsible citizens; to embed in the student a sense of discipline; to enable them to grow up to become upright, respectable and worthy citizens of their respective countries.........

Faith Matters, a group that monitors anti-Muslim hatred, has reported a sharp increase in incidents, including attacks on 11 mosques, since Rigby was killed.
Hogan pretends he is upholding the law. When 'Lord' Ahmed a greasy little chancer claimed that he went to prison because the Jews hated him. This is inciting Racial hatred. Hogan ignored reports of this incident. We are all equal under the law but some are more equal than others. Hogan has sworn an oath to uphold the law. Failure so to do qualifies as Malfeasance in office, Misfeasance in Public Office or even Perverting the course of justice. Of course the Director of Public Prosecutions will not enforce that particular bit of law. That is why he got the job.

The allegation that there has been an upsurge in crimes against Islamics is just that, an allegation. The truth is another matter - see Woolwich Massacre Propaganda Lies Exposed. If you believe the Guardian's claim that the students are being taught to be good citizens you should find a good Psychiatrist - if there is one.

Hogan making like a rough, tough guardian of the law - UNLESS Pakistanis are the perpetrators.


Police Foul Up Lets Murderer Get Away With It [ 23 January 2014 ]
Police superintendent didn't bother to caution the murderer, which meant he beat one murder rap. The pig walked too but then they are above the law.


Metropolitan Police Chief Attacks Whistleblowers [ 10 March 2014 ]
Hogan is all there when it comes to claiming that he hates Racism - if Englishmen are accused. It is very different when Pakistanis like Ahmed are named. He doesn't like open justice either. Secrecy makes it easier to Pervert The Course Of Justice


Hogan-Howe Does Not Know Why Police Destroyed Evidence Of Their Corruption - Allegedly  [ 26 March 2014 ]
"The head of Scotland Yard admitted [ stated/claimed/alleged - delete to taste ] yesterday that he did not know when, why or on whose authority a major intelligence database on corrupt officers was destroyed.

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said he had set up a team of detectives to inquire into the “mass shredding” of files from Operation Othona, a covert anti-corruption investigation."
Believe a policeman? Not me, not ever. Hogan-Howe pretends to hate Racism when Englishmen are accused but refuses to investigate when a greasy little Pakistani chancer like Ahmed is named. In fact he will not even admit that he has been told about it. Of course Metropolitan Police Corruption Is Deep Seated, Wide Ranging & Sincere.


Police Collude With Greville Janner - Establishment Corruption Is Alive And Well [ 31 May 2015 ]
The Lord Greville Janner affair shows no signs of winding down despite the best efforts by the authorities to kick it into the long grass. Each week brings new revelations about the former President of the British Board of Jewish Deputies, who is suspected of at least 22 cases of child sexual abuse...........

But even now, after all this has been raked over, there are still some curious omissions in the coverage, and perhaps one involves Lord Janner’s propensity to groom senior police officers on behalf of various Jewish organisations..........

The three included the then-serving Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police John Stevens, the former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and suspected child rapist Lord Janner QC himself, and Gerald Ronson, a billionaire property dealer who was imprisoned for his part in the huge “Guinness” financial fraud in 1991.

What the three men had in common, apart from a love of opera, was they all sat on the advisory committee of a charity called the Community Security Trust, a private investigation agency run out of the British Board of Jewish Deputies and which has been chaired by Gerald Ronson since he left prison.......

Indeed ‘A policeman’s lot is not a happy one’ could hardly be said to apply to Lord Stevens whose career has blossomed since he took a close interest in the welfare of the Jewish community. After leaving the role of Commissioner in 2005, he became chairman of a ‘corporate intelligence, investigations and risk mitigation’ outfit called Quest alongside some of the most prominent Jewish figures from the City of London as well as a former Director of Mossad and a former deputy director of the CIA.
You might get the impression from reading Bent Coppers by Graham McLagan that John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington isn't a crook. He certainly does what it takes to make his face fit. It has paid off big time. He is not the only one. The current Met commissioner, Hogan-Howe is determinedly refusing to prosecute gross Racism because the perpetrator is a Pakistani called 'Lord' Ahmed.


Metropolitan Police Commissioner Is An Anti-English Racist [ 7 June 2015 ]
Britain's top police officer controversially branded all sections of society ‘institutionally racist’ yesterday. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said it is not only police forces which fail to represent the varied communities they serve. The judiciary, medical profession, media and government are all dominated by the white middle classes [ make that Jews, especially Zionist crazies - Editor ], he suggested. And the Scotland Yard boss admitted [ stated/alleged/claimed - delete to taste ] that there is ‘some justification' for people to think of his London force as a racist organisation.
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe alleges that he is anti-Racist but refuses to investigate people who incite race hatred if they are greasy little Pakistani chancers like 'Lord' Ahmed. Hogan was talking to the BBC, a Marxist propaganda machine, which markets cultural enrichment to our Multicultural diversity, especially by Pakistani Perverts. See e.g. the next one.


Rotherham Police Told Pakistanis Were Raping English Girls In 2006 [ 29 August 2015 ]
They carried on colluding with Pakistanis or was it local Labour councillors? Police Corruption as normal. They are still getting away with it.


Metropolitan Police Chief Like Freebies [ 24 October 2015 ]
'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, flew to a five-star hotel in the Middle East for a business trip instead of answering MPs’ questions on the Leon Brittan scandal, it has emerged. He had been invited to attend a home affairs select committee hearing but instead opted for a taxpayer-funded speaking engagement in Oman.

Sir Bernard, 57, Britain’s most senior police officer, made the 8,000-mile round trip to deliver a 20-minute speech on security before mingling with security firms and delegates at a ballroom buffet at the £160-a-night Intercontinental Hotel in Muscat...........

The Met initially refused to say why Sir Bernard had sent Assistant Commissioner Patricia Gallan and Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse to be questioned in his place about the Met’s handling of the Brittan sex allegations case. But they confirmed [ stated/claimed/alleged/admitted -  see Words are Propaganda Tools ] the trip yesterday after Sir Bernard’s visit to Oman was advertised on the website of Zaun Group, a security firm.......

Giving evidence to the select committee, Mr Rodhouse denied allegations that the Met’s decision to question Lord Brittan was “unlawful” and amounted to a “baseless witch hunt”.
The Met 'investigated' Leon Brittan. Now The Establishment is complaining it because Brittan was a Jew. But 'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe didn't bother to show up. He has priorities. The Establishment has spent forty years keeping 'Lord' Janner out of prison after he was accused on oath of being a Paedophile. He was protected because he is also a Jew; in fact it why he was made into a 'Lord'. 'Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe is eager to harass the men accused of killing Stephen Lawrence because they are not Jews; they are Englishmen & Lawrence was black.

Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe is determined not to investigate 'Lord' Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham because Ahmed is a greasy little Pakistani chancer. In fact Sir' Bernard Hogan-Howe refuses to admit that he has knows anything about Ahmed because he is a Racist, an anti-English Racist and a Racist all the more for that.