Who is Behind the Climate Change and Carbon Trading Scams?

Stormfront was the source but now it is a broken link; bit rot takes its toll.


Who is Behind the Climate Change and Carbon Trading Scams?
Who is Behind the Climate Change and Carbon Trading Scams?
Todd D. Stern (Jew)

Notice the sneer - a chancer getting away with it.


Richard L. Sandor (Jew possibly, even probably. He certainly mixed with them )


Nicholas H. Stern (Jew)

A surly looking rogue.

Ignacy Sachs (Jew)

A scruffy rogue without a tie.

Stephen H. Schneider (Jew)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Schneider - see AIPAC - Learn About AIPAC and Changing Europe

Another scruffy one.

Michael E. Mann (Jew) - unconfirmed
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_E._Mann - under investigation - ClimateGate's Michael Mann To Be Investigated By Penn State

More on Mann at Mann. An arrogant con man by the look of him. Mann invented Mike’s Nature trick to defraud us and defraud other alleged scientists. Mann's Emails Are Wanted As Evidence that show that he is a shit on the make. But then the man is almost certainly a Jew. QED.


Joseph J. Romm (Jew)

Would you buy a used car from him?


Benjamin D. Santer (Jew) - see SCIENTIST AT WORK - Benjamin D. Santer - At Hot Center of Debate ...

At least he is a bit smarter, not that I would not be seen in clothes like that.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 11:50:38