Wannsee Conference

Wannsee is a Berlin suburb where a conference was held by Nazi officials to deal with various administrative issues during the Second World War. It has been heavily marketed as evidence that the Holocaust® story is true. Now a Jew, Dr. Norbert Kampe, the director of the “Wannsee Conference” Memorial Centre in Berlin, writing in Haaretz, which is part of the Main Stream Media in Israel has told us that the conference dealt with purely administrative matters; that no policy decisions were made. This is indicated by the fact that Adolf was not there. This article comes from Gilad Atzmon, an honest Jew. His source is Haaretz, a respectable mainstream newspaper published by Jews, for Jews in Israel. Another source is #The Wannsee Conference Myth, which is published by #Arthur Kemp, a Rhodesian. It seems that it is a complete, accurate translation from the original German minutes with commentary. It rejects the Genocide allegations a deal more forcefully than #Doctor Kampe. Perhaps this is not very surprising.


The Wannsee Conference- Truth and Myth
Last week, as Jewish Lobbies continue to invest enormous efforts in dictating and imposing a rigid and unquestionable Holocaust narrative, Israeli Haaretz published a short, succinct and courageous report challenging the validity of the Wannsee Conference as proof of the Nazi ‘final solution’.

Just ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day, the Israeli paper reported that Dr. Norbert Kampe (63), director of the “Wannsee Conference” Memorial Centre in Berlin, has challenged some of the most widely-accepted historical ‘facts’ associated with the conference and its meaning.

Jewish Holocaust scholars have always insisted that the master plan for the Nazi Judeocide was conceived at the Wannsee Conference but Dr. Kampe is quoted as saying that the conference dealt only with “operational matters” instead of being a platform of any form of “decision making”. To prove his point, Kampe pointed to the fact that Hitler and his ministers were not present at the conference. Furthermore, he says, “At the time, January 1942, there was no organized plan for extermination camps.”

And yet, Haaretz admits, “Make no mistake. Kampe is not anti-Semitic. Certainly not a Holocaust denier. On the contrary. As expected of a professional historian, he studied countless relevant texts, documents and testimonies on the particular event…His conclusion is the direct outcome of an educated analysis of written material in his possession.”

So courageously, a Hebrew paper praises Kampe and his “fascinating historical lesson” and also acknowledges that the Israeli Ministry of Education lacks the capacity to engage in any form of informed Holocaust debate. Haaretz clearly admits that

“to this day no one knows with complete certainty and confidence what exactly happened on 20 January 1942, in this pretty villa in the wealthy suburb of Berlin.”

Only one copy of the Wansee Conference protocol, found in 1947, survived the war, others having been deliberately destroyed by the Nazis in an effort to conceal evidence. This protocol is the only authentic documentation as to what happened in Wannsee and one of the few that made explicit use of the term “final solution”. However, Haaretz concedes that, like any historical document, the Wannsee document should be read carefully. The words “death” or “murder” do not appear in the conference protocol. Instead, it refers to “natural diminution”, “appropriate treatment”, “other solution options” and “different forms of solutions.” In fact, the only explicit references in the document deal with deportation rather than extermination. Even the famous table attached to the protocol that counts the Jews in each occupied country, does not state that those Jews are destined to be destroyed.

Just a few days ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day, a Hebrew paper found the courage to admit that “decades of Holocaust research could not find a clear and explicit command made by high-level Nazi officials to engage in systematic mass extermination of Jews.”

According to the Israeli paper, the Nazis disguised their true intentions in some “ambiguous orders and “secret codes”, which were supposed to lead officers to interpret and to react upon what they believed to be Hitler’s will.

The moral here is simple. Once again we learn that some Israelis are far ahead of the Western press and academia in their criticism of Jewish ideology in general and the Zionist Holocaust narrative in particular.
Some newspapers tell some of the truth, some of the time. So is it with Jews.



The Wannsee Conference Myth
Published by the Revisionist Press. Written by Francis Dupont. A dramatic and cutting review of the actual minutes of the Wannsee Conference—a meeting of top Nazi leaders held in a villa outside Berlin in 1942 to discuss the “Final Solution” to the Jewish Question—which reveals that that meeting never discussed mass murder and actually just dealt with the logistics of deporting Jews to the Far East.

Despite the meeting’s minutes being very clear and explicit about what the conference was about, they have been deliberately misinterpreted and lied about for decades—because almost no-one actually read the originals.

This book contains a copy of the full original minutes in German, and a complete and accurate English translation.

From this complete reading of the famous “Wannsee Protocol,” the following facts emerge:

– The Wannsee meeting did not discuss a “plan to kill Jews”;

– Nowhere in the meeting’s minutes is genocide discussed, planned, proposed or even suggested;

– The Wannsee meeting never discussed gas chambers, mass shootings or any other means of “mass extermination.”

– The Wannsee meeting expressed its concern for “Jewish Safety” during wartime;

– The Wannsee Minutes reported that there were only 4.5 million Jews under German control (yet 4.3 million Jewish compensation claims have been lodged against the post-war German government);

– The Wannsee meeting was a planning meeting on how Europe’s Jews should be deported, via transit camps, to the East; with able bodied Jews being forced to build roads and other labor intensive tasks in those regions;

– The Wannsee conference even made also made allowance for specific exceptions to this deportation order. In particular, the following Jews were ordered to be made exempt from deportation:

  1. Jewish German World War I veterans;
  2. All Jews over the age of 65;
  3. All Jews working in industries vital to the German war effort.

There is therefore, no justification for the allegation that the Wannsee Conference was a master plan for mass murder’ and the media, Holocaust institutions and reference books which claim this, are simply lying.

This book also contains the complete transcript of SS-Obersturmbannführer’s Adolf Eichmann’s testimony on the Wannsee Minutes given during his 1961 trial in Jerusalem.

Finally, it reveals how Yehuda Bauer, the Jewish professor of Holocaust Studies at the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Israel’s own pre-eminent Holocaust scholar, has dismissed claims that “mass murder” was planned at Wannsee as a “silly story” with no truth to it. Bauer’s comments on this, as reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 1992, have been ignored by the Holocaust propaganda machine.

Note: This book is published by the Revisionist Press. The publisher aims to adhere strictly to any laws governing the content of its publications. This book will not be shipped to any state which has laws set in place by the controllers of “freedom and democracy” to control what their populations may read or think. This provision aside, it is ultimately the responsibility of the customer to ensure that they adhere to the democratic laws of their home nations, and no liability on the part of the Revisionist Press will occur in such instances.


Wannsee Conference  ex Wiki  
The Wannsee Conference (German: Wannseekonferenz) was a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel (SS) leaders, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20 January 1942. The purpose of the conference, called by the director of the Reich Main Security Office SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, was to ensure the co-operation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the Final solution to the Jewish question (German: Endlösung der Judenfrage), whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to occupied Poland and murdered. Conference participants included representatives from several government ministries, including state secretaries from the Foreign Office, the justice, interior, and state ministries, and representatives from the SS. In the course of the meeting, Heydrich outlined how European Jews would be rounded up and sent to extermination camps in the General Government (the occupied part of Poland), where they would be killed.[1]

Discrimination against Jews began immediately after the Nazi seizure of power on 30 January 1933. Violence and economic pressure were used by the Nazi regime to encourage Jews to voluntarily leave the country. After the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the extermination of European Jewry began, and the killings continued and accelerated after the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. On 31 July 1941, Hermann Göring gave written authorization to Heydrich to prepare and submit a plan for a "total solution of the Jewish question" in territories under German control and to coordinate the participation of all involved government organisations. At the Wannsee Conference, Heydrich emphasised that once the deportation process was complete, the fate of the deportees would become an internal matter under the purview of the SS. A secondary goal was to arrive at a definition of who was Jewish.

One copy of the Protocol with circulated minutes of the meeting survived the war. It was found by Robert Kempner in March 1947 among files that had been seized from the German Foreign Office. It was used as evidence in the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials. The Wannsee House, site of the conference, is now a Holocaust memorial.


Arthur Kemp ex Wiki    
Arthur Kemp is a Rhodesian-born writer and the owner of Ostara Publications[1] who was from 2009 to 2011 the foreign affairs spokesperson for the British National Party before resigning from that party. He was born in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and worked as a journalist in South Africa before moving to the United Kingdom in 1996.

Career in South Africa    
Kemp was born in Southern Rhodesia,[2] spending his early years in South Africa. Kemp worked as a journalist for the South African Conservative Party, which opposed South Africa's transition to universal suffrage.[2] Kemp also wrote for The Citizen newspaper.[3]

Kemp was conscripted and served as a sergeant in the South African Police in Johannesburg from 1987 to 1988.[3]

In 1993, Kemp was a prosecution witness in the trial relating to the murder of the South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani. Kemp gave evidence against Clive Derby-Lewis and his wife saying they admitted their involvement during a lunch the three had together two days after Hani's death. Clive Derby-Lewis and the actual assassin, Janusz Walus, were found guilty and sentenced to death (both death sentences were later commuted to life imprisonment), while Gaye Derby-Lewis was acquitted.[4]

Kemp has written that he was later expelled from the Conservative Party for publicly opposing apartheid and arguing in favour of Afrikaner separatism.[5]

British National Party
Having moved to the UK in 1996,[6] Kemp became manager of Excalibur, the British National Party (BNP)'s merchandising arm, but as of November 2010, he no longer held that position.[7] Kemp was then placed in charge of maintaining the BNP website.[8]

In 2004, he assisted Nick Griffin in the elections for the London Assembly and also attended a BNP rally in Bromley.[9]

Andrew Johnson of The Independent wrote in 2009 that Kemp "was spotted in the BNP's election headquarters in Wales preparing thousands of campaign leaflets."[6][10] The BNP released a video of the European election leaflet operation which provided evidence that the operation was under the control of the Birmingham BNP activist Richard Lumby.[11]

In March 2011, Kemp resigned from all positions in the party including that of web editor, foreign affairs spokesman and Advisory Council member. No official reason was given.[12]

On 2 September 2011, Kemp announced on his blog that he was no longer a member of the BNP.[13]

In 1990, in South Africa he published a book on the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB – Afrikaner Resistance Movement), Victory Or Violence: The Story of the AWB, which he re-published in 2009 as Victory Or Violence: The Story of the AWB of South Africa. This book was subsequently updated and revised in 2012 to include information about the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche.[14]

Kemp has written and self-published several books including March of the Titans: A History of the White Race, which says that race—understood in biological terms—is the driving engine in history.[15] An article in The Guardian says that the book questions the number of Jews killed in the Second World War, and "is popular with far-right activists around the world".[6] In the Western Mail news article he is quoted as saying, "I deny outright that my book denies the Holocaust." The book itself is quoted as saying "... certainly far fewer died than what is most often claimed. Increasingly, all the evidence urges a complete revision of this aspect of the history of World War Two."[2]

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, in 2005, some of Kemp's writings had been reproduced in National Alliance publications, and the National Alliance awarded him the "Dr. William Pierce Award for Investigative Journalism", which brought with it a $250 prize, for his article in National Vanguard, "White South Africa: What Went Wrong?".[16]

Career in the United States
In 2007 the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that Kemp had taken a senior position within the neo-Nazi group National Alliance.[17] In a 2016 report they stated that he had worked as the Alliance's media director during the mid-2000s. The report states that Kemp denied this but that they had wire transfers showing money being sent to Kemp's South African bank.[18]



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Updated on 16/08/2023 11:50