Here is a selection of political subversives. Many of them are Jews more or less. They might claim that they are in politics because they have superior intelligence rather than a Cultural Marxist agenda. They like the money as well as the power.
Was used to break the British Empire. One might feel that the empire was more hindrance than help. At all events we are rid of it. Naturally the inmates are totally ungrateful.
Is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, a major force in American politics operating on behalf of the Zionist criminals running Israel.
Antonio Gramsci
Was an Italian and the chief theoretician of the communist party. His bright idea was that his nasty little friends could destroy civilization by attacking from the top down, using the Long March Through The Institutions. It is being done now. Just look at what your government is doing to you and yours to know why. It is the reverse of Karl Marx's approach, bottom up. That did a lot of damage in its day. It still is in fact.
Saul Alinsky, Jew And Communist
He came after Antonio and operated in America. He went in for #Community Organising.
America And Traitors
They operate in America, England and Europe; intent on destroying them all.
Louis Althusser
Althusser was a French lunatic who murdered some Jewish rat bag. He was also a Marxist who was sufficiently plausible to be taken seriously by fools and rogues.
Common Purpose
Is very private and very involved with the State, politicians, apparatchiks and other undesirables. Its web site is very vague about what it actually does apart from providing leadership training. What are they being trained in? What is their purpose? What is their agenda? People who know about it do not like it.
Jacques Derrida
Was a Marxist and Jew in France who developed Deconstruction, looking at the background assumptions in a text. He claimed that for example "police man" is not a valid classification which can follow onto police should not exist. The man was a fool, rogue or both but taken seriously by quasi -intellectuals.
Extinction Rebellion
Is another bunch of Hard Left saboteurs.
Michel Foucault
Was French and took positions which were gross abuses of common sense. Arrogant fools swallowed his stupidities. He died of AIDS brought on by homosexual perversion.
Stephen Jay Gould
Jew, patter merchant, charlatan full of Racist hatred.
Eric Hobsbawm - a perversion of Erich Obstbaum?
Was an ugly Jew with an ugly face, an ugly mind and a Marxist. He was not too enthusiastic about Joe's mass murders but advocated nuking Israel.
Human Rights Watch
It sounds worthy. It is not. It's a tool for Jews and subversion.
John Jacobs - Jew & Subversive
He founded the Weatherman, a criminal organisation committed to fomenting revolution.
The comments that go with the source are interesting.
Martin Luther King
Was a useful tool for inciting hatred among blacks in America. His handlers were Levison and Wachtel, Jews and communists.
Jews Controlling Subversive Movements
The intellectual movements Prof. MacDonald discusses in this volume are Marxism, Freudian psychoanalysis, the Frankfurt school of sociology, and Boasian anthropology. Perhaps most relevant from a racial perspective, he also traces the role of Jews in promoting multi-culturalism and Third World immigration. Throughout his analysis Prof. MacDonald reiterates his view that Jews have promoted these movements as Jews and in the interests of Jews, though they have often tried to give the impression that they had no distinctive interests of their own. Therefore Prof. MacDonald's most profound charge against Jews is not ethnocentrism but dishonesty -- that while claiming to be working for the good of mankind they have often worked for their own good and to the detriment of others. While attempting to promote the brotherhood of man by dissolving the ethnic identification of gentiles, Jews have maintained precisely the kind of intense group solidarity they decry as immoral in others.
That sounds like an entirely reasonable charge to me. The good professor does this at length and supplies the evidence which is always a good sign.
Irving Kristol
Invented neo-conservatism which is a political movement used by communists and Marxists to take over right wing politics. He has a number of followers, who are also cunning Jews. They are the thugs who brought us the American invasion of Iraq. Albeit he served.
Stanley Levison
Jew and lawyer, Managed the Very Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Was the front man for the overthrow of South Africa as a puppet of Joe Slovo, Jew and communist.
Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse [ 1898 - 1979 ] was a Jew, communist subversive, prominent philosopher, sociologist and taken seriously by various twerps.
Margaret Mead
It is not entirely certain that she was a deliberate subversive rather than one of their Useful Idiots. She definitely kept evil company.
The same forces which used the NAACP to turn the Negro into the revolutionary vanguard in the United States, the same forces which subverted the idea of conservatism, are still at work today. As Nelson Algren once said, every movement begins as a cause, becomes a business, and ends up being a racket. This is nowhere more true than in the civil rights movement, where the NAACP made the transition from cause to business, and the name of the racket is the Southern Poverty Law Centre. In case you haven�t noticed, the SPLC has declared war on Catholics. Traditional Catholicism is now featured as harbouring 100,000 anti-Semites. I have been listed as one of the most prominent of those 100,000, even though I am not now nor have I ever been a traditionalist. Another man on the list is Lt. Commander John Sharpe, who has just been suspended from his job as public relations officer on the USS Carl Vinson pending an investigation into his involvement in �supremacist� organizations.
The blacks were the tools being used by the Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies, who are Jews.
Joe Slovo
Was a Jew from Lithuania who overthrew the government of South Africa using Nelson MANDELA as his front man.
Harry Watchel
Jew and layer. Handled Martin Luther King
Community Organizing Explained
Vote Rigging
is big in England. The
Labour Party have learned
all too much from these comedians.
Community Organising Explained - Political Subversion Is An Honest Name
Saul Alinsky died in 1972. He was
a Marxist grassroots organizer who spent much of his life organizing
rent strikes and protesting conditions of the poor in Chicago in the
1930s. However, unlike Christian socialist and activist for the poor
Dorothy Day, Alinsky's real claim to fame was as strategist for
anti-establishment '60s radicals and revolutionaries. Indeed, Alinsky wrote the rule
book for '60s radicals like Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Miller
and Nancy Pelosi. He considered Hillary Rodham to be one of his
better students and asked her to join him in his efforts as an
organizer of radical leftist causes. But Hillary had other fish to
fry on her climb to national prominence. Alinsky had a true genius for
formulating tactical battle plans for the radical left. He wrote two
books outlining his organizational principles and strategies:
"Reveille for Radicals" (1946) and "#Rules
for Radicals" (1971). "Rules for Radicals" begins with
an unusual tribute: "From all our legends, mythology, and history
(and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins �
or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled
against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least
won his own kingdom � Lucifer." The devil challenged authority
and got his own kingdom, and that goes to the heart of what left is
really about. That of course is to get power any way you can,
including lying, cheating and stealing. The ultimate rule is that
the ends justify the means. Alinsky asserted that he was more
concerned with the acquisition of power than anything else: "My aim
here is to suggest how to organize for power: how to get it and how
to use it." This is not to be done with assistance to the poor, nor
even by organizing the poor to demand assistance: "[E]ven if all the
low-income parts of our population were organized ... it would not
be powerful enough to get significant, basic, needed changes." Alinsky advises his followers that
the poor have no power and that the real target is the middle class:
"Organization for action will now and in the decade ahead center
upon America's white middle class. That is where the power is. ...
Our rebels have contemptuously rejected the values and the way of
life of the middle class. They have stigmatized it as materialistic,
decadent, bourgeois, degenerate, imperialistic, war-mongering,
brutalized and corrupt. They are right; but we must begin from where
we are if we are to build power for change, and the power and the
people are in the middle class majority." But that didn't stop Alinsky and
his followers from using the middle class for their own purposes.
They counted on the guilt and shame of the white middle class to get
what they wanted. In order to take over institutions and get power,
the middle class had to be convinced that they were somehow lucky
winners in "life's lottery." Alinsky's radicals found a perfect
vehicle for their destruction of the American system and more
particularly for taking and maintaining power. That instrument was
the Democratic Party. Transition and Transaction In that cause, radicals and the
liberal-left gravitated toward the print and electronic media,
toward the university professorate and the law. The left,
consciously or unconsciously, adopted Alinsky's rules. The impact
changed the nature of the Democratic Party and the direction of the
United States. Increasingly, the left is succeeding in changing the
nature of the Republican Party as well. Suffice to say the greatest change
has taken place in the relationship between the state and the
individual. America is rapidly descending from a representative
Constitutional Republic to a collectivist empire controlled by
elites of one sort or another. Alinsky's influence on the modern
Democratic Party indicates that the ends do indeed justify the
means. As Alinsky states in "#Rules
for Radicals" it was foolish to
believe that means are just as important as the ends. He states that
"to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles ...
the practical revolutionary will understand ... [that] in action,
one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is
consistent both with one's individual conscience and the good of
mankind." Sadly, not enough Republicans and
conservatives learned Alinsky's rules until late in the game. A sign
of hope is the fact that the new media, including talk radio and the
Internet, are changing all that. One can hope it is not too late.
In any event, Alinsky's rules
include: "Wherever possible go outside
the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion,
fear and retreat." "Make the enemy live up to
his/her own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can
no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live
up to Christianity." "Ridicule is man's most potent
weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also,
it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage." "The threat is generally more
terrifying than the thing itself." "In a fight almost anything
goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if
a chance blow lands above the belt." "Pick the target, freeze it,
personalize it and polarize it." (Think Gingrich, Lott and the
success of name-calling used by the likes of Bill Clinton, Paul
Begala, James Carville, Maxine Waters and others against
conservatives and Republicans. Think of how Clinton "enemies"
like Paula Jones or Linda Tripp were treated.) "One of the criteria for
picking the target is the target's vulnerability ... the other
important point in the choosing of a target is that it must be a
personification, not something general and abstract." (Trent
Lott comes to mind. Meanwhile, a former Klansman by the name of
Sen. Robert Byrd got away with saying "nigger" on Fox News at
least three times, and he still maintains his Senate seat and
power.) "The enemy properly goaded and
guided in his reaction will be your major strength." For
instance, Democrats imply conservatives are racists or that
Republicans want to kill senior citizens by limiting the growth
of the Medicare system, they imply Republicans want to deny kids
lunch money without offering real proof. These red-herring
tactics work. Of course, Republicans reaction to
all this is to immediately go on the defensive. Seldom do they
unleash their pit bull orators or strategists. Rather than use the
immense amount of data available to prove the conservative case,
Republicans tug their forelocks, say "yes sir," and hope the
accusations and name calling will go away. Why is it that Republicans
consistently fail to point out the monumental failures of the new
Democrats? Failures such as the massive disaster that is the "war on
poverty." On that topic alone Republicans should be drilling the
public in every media venue and at every opportunity. Then and only
then should Republicans offer alternatives to the failed policies of
the Democratic left. Republicans should pound
relentlessly on the fact that the Democratic Party was hijacked by
leftist reactionaries way back in the early '70s. The reactionary
left is the obstructionist left. They do nothing but defend and
cling to the failures of the past. That fact makes them
reactionaries rather than radicals or progressives. Unfortunately, Republicans still
pretend that nothing has changed regarding the basic philosophy of
the political parties. They refuse to understand the horrendous
notion that Democrats tell us the U.S. Constitution is flexible.
That means the rule of law is flexible. If that is the case the law
and the Constitution mean nothing. It means that the law and
Constitution are twisted by the whims and fancies of the moment. In fact, in the 2000 election Al
Gore maintained the Constitution could and should be manipulated
because it was "flexible." Whatever happened to the amendment
process? Bill Clinton used executive orders
to circumvent Congress and the Constitution. He used the agencies of
the federal government against his enemies. Clinton set an extremely
dangerous precedent. Alinsky would have loved it. It is a perfect
example of the use of the
#Rules for Radicals � ends justify the
means. Hillary and Bill Clinton and other
powerful former '60s radicals learned from Saul Alinsky. It is about
time that a few more Republicans and/or conservatives did as well. Alinsky in South Dakota More importantly, think of South
Dakota in November of 2002, or Nevada in 1998 or 2002. In a brilliant bit of
investigative reporting, National Review's Byron York gave us a
grand overview of the corrupt and unpleasant outline of how
Alinsky's rules work during election season. Republicans, once again
asleep at the switch, live in the land of euphoria. They still
believe that their Democratic counterparts are among the angels on
God's right. Considering that Alinsky expresses
admiration for Lucifer, they are looking in the wrong place to find
many modern Democrats. Republicans still assume that the modern
Democratic Party, its media sycophants, its operatives during
national or state elections, will play fair. It is hard to say which
is worse, Republican naivety or Democratic cheating and law
breaking. When Democrats cheat, especially
under Bill Clinton's and Terry McAuliffe's watch, they whine when
they discover they didn't cheat enough to win. When they are caught
in the big lies, they expect Republicans to ignore it and give them
a pass. The last election in South Dakota is a case in point. In the primaries and election of
2002, lawyers from Washington started showing up at polling places
in the hinterlands of South Dakota. The Republican leadership and
the establishment should have seen it coming but they didn't.
As Byron York relates in
"Badlands, Bad Votes": "On Election Day, Noma Sazama knew something
unusual was going on the moment she arrived at her polling place,
the St. Thomas Parish Hall in Mission, South Dakota. Sazama, a
member of the local election board, noticed several strangers in the
room � an unusual sight in Mission, population 904, where most
people know one another. It turned out the strangers were all
lawyers, Democrats who had come to town to serve as poll watchers
for the race between incumbent Democratic senator Tim Johnson and
Republican John Thune. One was from Washington, D.C., another was
from New York City, and a third was from California. 'There were no
locals, and I've never seen that happen before,' says Sazama, who
has lived in the area for 73 years." Furthermore, York maintains, "The
Democratic team of lawyers confiscated the Parish Hall kitchen only
a few feet from the balloting tables." Witnesses swore in affidavits that
party hacks had rented dozens of vans and hired drivers to bring
voters to the polls. Lawyers from elsewhere made the Parish Hall
their headquarters. Seventy-three-year-old Ms. Sazama stated, "They
had the names and time-of-pickup and whether someone voted on them,
and from those he would contact the drivers." Finally she understood that the
influx of outside Democrats were going to use the polling place as
their headquarters, an action which is against the laws of South
Dakota. The lawyers tied up the phones,
which meant that the poll watchers and election officials could not
make needed phone calls. York quotes the election supervisor: "They
were on the phone using it to call I don't know where, and I needed
to call because we had some new districting. They were always
talking on it." When Wanless, the election
supervisor, protested, she got a chilly reaction from the
out-of-towners. "I felt like they were trying to intimidate me," she
recalls. In fact, all this is against South
Dakota law, which states: "No person may, in any polling place or
within or on any building in which a polling place is located or
within one hundred feet from any entrance leading into a polling
place, maintain an office or communications center. ..." There were no Republican lawyers
or authorities around to inform election officials that it was
against the law for the Democrats to be running their campaign from
a polling place. That was bad enough, but ever since November
Republicans have failed dismally to make it a BIG national issue. There was also complete failure to
understand Alinsky's second basic rule: "Wherever possible go
outside the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause
confusion, fear and retreat." The DNC counted on the locals being
intimidated by a gang of high-priced lawyers � and of course they
were. Another Alinsky rule used in the
November elections in South Dakota: "In a fight almost anything
goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a
chance blow lands above the belt." In other words, what you do is
count on the failure of will by your opponent to call a foul. The
opponent usually believes it is easier to do nothing, it is always
easier to do nothing, and so Republicans "move on." That is the kind of apathy
Hitler's forces counted on in the Weimar Republic. The
end-justifies-the-means cabal figures that even good people find it
easier to do nothing. In South Dakota, lawyers from
diverse places were part of a brigade that the DNC uses to "ensure
voters' rights are protected." But as York relates, "According to
the testimony of dozens of South Dakotans who worked at the polls,
the out-of-state attorneys engaged in illegal electioneering,
pressured poll workers to accept questionable ballots, and forced
polling places in a heavily Democratic area to stay open for an hour
past their previously-announced closing time. In addition, the
testimony contains evidence of people being allowed to vote with
little or no identification, of incorrectly marked ballots being
counted as Democratic votes, of absentee ballots being counted
without proper signatures, and, most serious of all, of voters who
were paid to cast their ballots for Sen. Johnson." According to some witnesses,
Democrats were also running car pools out of polling places on the
Indian reservations, where investigators are discovering that the
dead Indian vote had a major impact on the slim, last- minute,
524-vote Tim Johnson victory over John Thune. Affidavits from South Dakotans
also indicate that money probably changed hands in crucial areas in
the boonies. It was not gas money for van drivers either, but paying
per head per vote � shades of Tammany Hall and the elections in
Boston wards. Nonetheless, Republicans have decided to "move on." To get the entire story, including
affidavits sworn to by South Dakota residents, read York's November
article in National Review Online. Alinsky Does Nevada Democratic Senator Harry Reid's
slim, 428-vote win against Republican John Ensign raised eyebrows
and the juices of some who understand how the modern DNC and its
phalanx of wheelers and dealers, lawyers and opportunists really
work. A part of the tactic includes
breaking the law when you can and where you can get away with it.
Remember, in the minds of the hijacked Democratic Party the ends do
indeed justify the Luciferian means. In Nevada on Dec. 24, 2002, the
FBI seized ballots cast in primary and general elections. Said Daron
Borst, FBI special agent in Las Vegas, "There is an ongoing
investigation into election fraud, but I can't go into any details
due to the nature of the investigation." Ballots were taken after a
complaint was lodged that 85 voters in tiny Eureka county did not
live in that county or were long dead. The Eureka County probe
marked the second time this year the FBI has become involved in a
county election in Nevada. As in South Dakota, it is much
easier to get away with election fraud where people don't know the
law or will not enforce the law or they are intimidated by the
chutzpah and law breaking of crooks in Armani suits holding
credentials from the Democratic National Committee. Unfortunately, when Republicans
don't pay attention to the corruption and allow themselves to get
screwed time and again, they are also in league with the devil. By
this failure of will, the sins of omission are as evil as sins of
commission. Voting fraud was rampant in 2000
and again in 2002 and it will be more so in 2004. Why aren't
Republican lawmakers and the RNC making sure this does not happen
again? In 2002, Terry McAuliffe told the world that Democratic
lawyers would be out in the states keeping an eye on things. They
did more than that and it was against the law. The failure of Republicans to
impose the rule of law on the cheaters, liars and manipulators
allows those who use Alinsky's corrupt system to win. That fact
tells us that the voting process means as little to our elites as
does the Constitution. Because of that fact, Republicans
will lose future elections. More importantly, the people of the
United States will lose. The RNC and the GOP leadership
just don't get it. Otherwise they would care enough to do something
about it.
Diane Alden is a
graduate of the University of Minnesota with degrees in political
science, economics and history. Dubbed the "prairie pontificator,"
she also has grad work in international economics and international
political movements, plus extensive work in the psychology of
behavior in disordered children, women's issues in Third World
countries, creative writing, and marketing. With a sideline in
American Indian studies and independence and secession movements
worldwide, she is also working on upcoming changes in Canadian
politics and the flux in the political landscape of North America. TYSK Note: Learn more about
the Alinsky Method, the Delphi Technique and "facilitators". If you
work for a major corporation or a school district, you are sure to
have come face-to-face with this method of group manipulation or,
group mind control under the guise of using the "team" approach to
problem solving. Click
on this link for a short overview article. Once enlightened you
are sure to want to know more. Do a
Google search on
either the Alinsky Method or the Delphi Technique. You
will not only learn of its insidiousness, but also see how many
groups proudly claim to use these methods to obtain results!
Rules for Radicals ex Wiki
Divided into ten chapters, Rules for Radicals provides 10 lessons on
how a community organizer can accomplish the goal of successfully uniting people
into an active
grassroots organization with the power to effect change on a variety of
issues. Though targeted at community organization, these chapters also touch on
other issues that range from
communication, and
construction to
nonviolence and
political philosophy.[3] Though published for the new generation of
counterculture-era organizers in 1971, Alinsky's principles have been
successfully applied by numerous
community, and
congregation-based organizations, and the main themes of his organizational
methods that were elucidated upon in Rules for Radicals have been
recurring elements in
political campaigns in recent years.
Trump Voters Live In Safe Utopia That Left Says It Wants
[ 25 April 2021 ] Life in Rural America (which is where Republican Trump voters live
and govern), is clean, safe and racially tolerant. Most places in
America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, violent, and plagued
with racial hate and race riots, are cities that are almost exclusively
populated by and governed by Democrats. Outside of these Democrat-run cities, America is peaceful, safe,
clean, and racially tolerant.............. Nevertheless, Democrats and their fake-media allies still blame
Republicans for all of their problems. According to them, it is Republicans who are responsible for racism,
pollution, and gun violence — even though, out here where we all live,
our air, water, and streets are safe and clean… We all own guns, but
where we live there is no gun violence crisis… We are all supposed to be
racists and responsible for all the hate crimes, but out here where we
all live, there is no hate crime crisis. Now, there will be exceptions, but those exceptions only serve to
prove the rule........... BOTTOM LINE Until it interferes with someone else’s right to live their life how
they wish, everyone in America has the right to live their life however
they wish. So if you moron-Democrats want to live with violence, filth,
pollution, racial tensions, hate crimes, feces-covered sidewalks, race
riots, gangs, smog, mass-shootings, and homeless encampments, you have
every right to. Godspeed. And if you want to live your life blaming the
problems you are solely responsible for on us Trump voters, you have
every right to do that, as well............ You get what you vote for, and the idiots who live in Democrat-run
shitholes are getting everything they deserve.
Antifa Rioters Vandalise Portland, Oregon
[ 25 April 2021 ] A social media post called for an “Autonomous Demonstration” at Couch
Park in Portland, Oregon, on Friday night. The post called for demonstrators
to “Bloc Up” — a call to wear black bloc to “make it difficult for police to
identify lawbreakers,” police officials
stated. A group of about 50 people are marching through
NW Portland. One Starbucks had its windows smashed at NW 23rd/Overton — Drew Marine (@DrewCMarine)
April 24, 2021............ Police say rioters attacked one resident who attempted to film their
march by throwing a rock through the homeowner’s window. Errors
& omissions,
broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or
whatever; if you find any I am open to comment. Updated onWednesday, 14 July 2021 10:43:01
Mrs. Alden does not point out that
Alinsky was both Jew and communist subversive.
The transition of the old
Democratic Party to what exists today should not surprise or
confound conservatives. Nor should Alinsky's tactics seem foreign.
After all, for nearly 40 years, Republicans and the conservative
agenda have been getting hammered by the left through the successful
use of Alinsky tactics.
Remember that Alinsky's advice was that
the ends justify the means. Think of Florida in 2000 and the
manipulation of military ballots. Think of Milwaukee and unattended
polling places, which allowed leftist college students to take
handfuls of ballots to check off. Think of a million immigrants in
the 1996 election granted instant voting rights by the Clinton
When I worked at Nevada Policy
Institute in Nevada several years ago, the Post-election analysis of
the 1998 election uncovered the fact that family pets received
absentee ballots in crucial districts. Dead people were counted as
See her full bio
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer
for Realistic Radicals is a 1971
book by community
and writer
D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change. It was the
last book that Alinsky wrote and was published shortly before his death in 1972.
His goal for the Rules for Radicals was to create a guide for future
community organizers to use in uniting
communities, or "Have-Nots", in order for them to gain
legal, and
economic power.[1]
Within it, Alinsky compiled the lessons he had learned throughout his
experiences of community organizing from 1939�1971 and targeted these lessons at
the current, new generation of radicals.[2]
PS The Wiki sounds pretty relaxed
about subversion but then it has an agenda.
If I had to boil down the political wisdom I’ve
learned over four decades of observing, studying, writing, and debating,
it would be this…
Is Mr
Nolte telling it like it is or lying? Think for yourself. Decide for
yourself. Then read the next one for confirmation.
Portland Police Bureau officials declared an “Autonomous Demonstration” to
be a riot after protesters began vandalizing businesses and forcing their
way into an occupied restaurant.
It sounds like a small riot. Antifa often do
much better, destroy more, have more fun, get more publicity.
Email me at Mike
All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to
keep it
private, use my PGP Key. Home Page