There are Jews in Israel of course. There are even decent Jews in Israel - I think that is possible although it sometimes seems unlikely. Herewith are some of the comedians that have made it into the news one way or another. That usually means by being evil.
Former Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer To Face Criminal Charges
He is in for thieving, bribery etc. putting him out of the running for president so he is working the ill health routine.
PS The Wiki did not bother to mention these trifles.
Shas Party - The Rampant Racists
The Shas Party in Israel was set up by rampant Racists, Zionist crazies & thieves. It has one redeeming virtue. It says what it thinks about Homosexuals. What do the Main Stream Media say about it? Nothing because they are corrupt as well.
The Demjanjuk Affair - The Rise and Fall of a Show-Trial
"Told for the first time, this is the full story of the infamous show-trial of John Demjanjuk, falsely accused of being one of the most monstrous of the Nazi war criminals, Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka. Controversial lawyer Yoram Sheftel, a fervent Israeli nationalist, was not an obvious candidate for defence counsel. Yet he was convinced that Demjanjuk's trial, far from an attempt to establish facts, was rather an expression of a nation's desire for retribution. In spite of the court's overt prejudice and harassment, in spite of vilification and an acid attack, Sheftel persevered, finally tracking down evidence in old KGB files to prove conclusively his client's innocence. Sheftel's real-life courtroom drama - fast paced and absorbing exposes a shocking international conspiracy to withhold evidence and send a scapegoat to the gallows. Raising questions about the prosecution of criminals many years after their alleged crime, about public perception and media commentary in serious criminal cases, this is an immensely readable, important and stimulating book which addresses vital questions about democracy, law and order.".
Malicious prosecution does not surprise me, not even slightly. The Jews have got thousands of war criminals walking the streets laughing up their sleeves. Corruption, malice, hate, evil; that is how it works in Israel.
Yoram Sheftel confirms that it was a malicious prosecution in an interview.
The Awareness Centre Inc.
Tells us about Jews who are perverts.
Atzmon ex Wiki
Attzmon [ sic ] has
caused some controversy with his outspoken political statements.
These are often criticised as anti-Semitic, or cited as evidence of
Atzmon being a self-hating Jew. He frequently criticises the Israeli
state, comparing it to Nazi Germany, and questions the political
framing of the Nazi Holocaust....
In an August 2006
article for, Atzmon wrote that "Hence, there is
no room for comparison between Israel and the Nazis. If a comparison
is to be made, then it is the Israelis who win the championship of
ruthlessness and the reasons are obvious. Nazi Germany was a tyranny,
Israel is a democracy led by a centre-left national unity
Jew and a sound man, music apart which is why the main stream media
keep very quiet about him. They are there to suppress the truth. He
is spot on; Jews are worse than Nazis.
Bronfman and Others
Did `Mega' Bucks Help Sharon Steal Israeli Elections?
A small group of American and Canadian mega-billionaires, tied to organized crime and right-wing Zionist causes, has joined in the effort to steal the Jan. 28 Israeli elections, on behalf of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is committed to drowning any Israel-Palestine peace process in a sea of blood.
The article fingers Bronfman, Michael Steinhardt, Max Fisher, the World Jewish Congress, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, the United Jewish Fund, Marc Rich, Grigori Loutchansky, Ariel Sharon, Mikhail Chernoy, Benya Stilitz's, Grigori Lerner (a.k.a. Zvi Ben-Ari), Natan Sharansky et al.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.B'Tselem
Works for human rights in Palestine.
Chief Rabbi
Chief Rabbi of Israel Has Light Fingers [ 5 April 2006 ]
According to the Attorney General. He's going to sack him if he doesn't resign but he is not going to put him in prison.
Effie Eitam
Israeli MP predicts attack on Iran
Israeli Knesset member Effie Eitam.... believes he speaks for the country’s mainstream strategic thinkers. Diplomatic and political manoeuvres...... are doomed to fail, leaving Israel,..... no alternative but to use military force to put an end to the [ non-existent - Editor ] nuclear threat, he says.
Paranoid liars, hooligans on the make, whatever; they are the prime threat to civilization and the world. These are the comedians who caused the Bolshevik Revolution with a cast of millions dead. Are they going to care how many Americans die fighting for them? It gets easier to see why Adolf didn't like them.
Goldstone Report
Richard goldstone, a Jew and Zionist tells us about the shameless evil which is the Gaza Massacre. Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel claims that it is the second greatest problem facing them.
Jew On The Run Cuts Down His Bribes [ 7 July 2008 ]
TheMarker has learnt that over the past few months, Russian-Israeli tycoon Arcadi Gaydamak not made good on promises to transfer large funds to a number of Israeli charities. Attorney David Brodetzky, the legal adviser for Gaydamak's Social Justice political party, confirmed Saturday that the billionaire businessman had halted the flow of financial donations. Gaydamak's donations in recent years had totalled in the tens of millions of dollars......... The tycoon's promises to donate tens of millions of shekels to different charitable organizations were made under much media exposure, with particular attention given to his claims that the state authorities were not fulfilling their role, and that he was merely doing their job for them.
France wants him for gun running. Buying publicity was part of his answer to getting away with it.
Jew Guilty Of Gun Running [ 27 October 2009 ]
A French court on Tuesday sentenced Israeli-Russian businessman Arcadi Gaydamak to six years in jail and a 5 million euro fine for his role in illegal arms sale to the Angolan government in the 1990s and in laundering hundreds of millions of dollars. Gaydamak was one of 42 people charged in the case, popularly known as Angolagate. Others include the son of former French President Francois Mitterrand; a former French interior minister, Charles Pasqua; and several senior French government officials. All but six defendants were convicted.
Guns, narcotics, slaves, you name it and Jews sell it. If it is illegal it costs more but there are major advantages in the tax position.
Baruch Goldstein
Was a medic who murdered 29 Islamics and wounded 150. He is regarded as a Saint in Israel.
Israel's justice ministers Ramon and Hanegbi go on trial Tuesday [17 October 2006 ]
Ramon is accused of kissing a soldier[ess] against her will, Hanegbi of improper political appointments.
Life in Palestine the Stolen Land can be interesting as well as dangerous. The corruption starts at the top with the president [ in the frame for rape ] and works on down. Sharon, the last prime minister beat the fraud raps by being ill.
Israel's ultra-Orthodox drive a thriving kosher economy
Some 60 percent of ultra-Orthodox men do not work regular jobs, preferring religious study. More than 50 percent live below the poverty line and get state allowances, compared with 15 percent of the rest of the population, and most families have six to seven children, said Momi Dahan, an economist at the School of Public Policy at Hebrew University.
The plain English of it is that religious Jews are bunch of lay abouts and dole bludgers who send their wives out to work. To be fair they do not go into the Jewish army so perhaps they do not enjoy rape and murder.Jew Pretends To Commit Suicide After Getting 20 Years For Fraud [10 June 2008 ]
Disgraced, physically incapacitated, and suffering from depression, hedge fund trader Samuel Israel III, failed to show up to begin a 20 year federal prison sentence today on charges of defrauding investors of $400 million,........ New York State police now are investigating whether he committed suicide after a car registered to him was found abandoned at the Bear Mountain Bridge along with a rambling suicide note, other officials confirm.
Israel will not extradite Israelis and there are direct flights from New York. A second passport in a different name makes it easy. Did the main stream media give him saturation coverage? No! They are run by Jews too.
Jewish Child Molesting Rabbis who got no media coverage
Shlomo Aviner (Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel)
Rabbi Lewis Brenner
Rabbi Ephraim Bryks
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen
Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen
Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg - Boca Raton, Florida
Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg
Cantor Joel Gordon
Rabbi Israel Grunwald
The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender
Yehudah Friedlander
Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL
Rabbi Solomon Hafner
Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz
Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement
Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum
Rabbi Robert Kirschner
Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch
Rabbi Baruch Lanner
Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy
Rabbi Pinchas Lew
Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey
Rabbi Richard Marcovitz
Rabbi Juda Mintz
Rabbi Yona Metzger
Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz
Cantor Howard Nevison
Rabbi Michael Ozair
Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld
Rabbi Charles Shalman
Cantor Robert Shapiro
Cantor Michael Segelstein
Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovitch
Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum
Rabbi Isadore Trachtman
Rabbi Hirsch Travis
Rabbi Matis Weinberg
Rabbi Yaakov Weiner
Rabbi Don Well
Cantor Phillip Wittlin
Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov
Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
Rabbi Max Zucker
Arie Adler and Marisa Rimland, NY
Simcha Adler
Eugene Loub Aronin
B'Nai Torah Congregation - Hillel Community Day School janitor, Boca Raton
Chaim Ciment
James A. Cohen
Larry Cohen
Lawrence Cohen
Phillip "Eli" Cohen
Stuart Cooperman
Delaware Family
Mordechai (Morton) Ehrman
Hbrandon Lee Flagner
Arnold and Jesse Friedman
Richard "Steve" Goldberg
Ross Goldstein
Several Child Sex Offenders in Har Nof 0 Jerusalem, Israel
David B. Harrington - School Principal / Big Brother, Rockville, MD
State of Israel Vs. a Sex Offender
Eric Hindin - Jewish Big Brother Volunteer
Judge Ronald Kline, CA
Kosher Butcher in Chicago
Lawrence Nevison
Stuart Nevison
Students of Ner Israel Yeshiva
New York Society for the Deaf's Home
Ozzie Orbach, M.D.
Rogers Park JCC, Chicago Illinois
Jonathan Rosenthal - Community Police Liaison, London, England
Adam Theodore Rubin
Georges Schteinberg
Aryeh Scher
David Schwartz
Jerrold Schwartz
Irwin Silverman
Paul Slifer
Ari Sorkin
Tel Aviv Arts School
Dr. Saul and Judith Wasserman
David Douglas Webber
UNQUOTE ex Jewish Child Molester Rabbis
When the media covers up it means that they are corrupt too.
Jewish Saints
Jews treat them as saints. Honest men regard them as murderers.
Jewish Racism is Acute in Israel [ 15 June 2006 ]
68% of Jews refuse to live in the same building as an Arab
Your tax dollars at work: hatred, bigotry and support for apartheid in the Israeli state are highest among those who are members of Orthodox Judaism. i.e. among the "observant," those who observe the rules of the Talmud. But even among Israelis as a whole (non-religious as well as religious), the majority won't live in the same building as an Arab.
Is anti-Arab racism a crime, like anti-Semitism? It cannot be a crime, since Arabs are identified as Amalek by God's beloved Orthodox rabbis and slated for extinction.
Would you want your daughter to marry one?
Meir Kahane
Kahane was known in the United States and Israel for his strong political and nationalist views [ and enthusiasm for genocide? - Editor ], exemplified in his promotion of a theocratic Greater Israel. He founded two controversial movements: the Jewish Defence League (JDL) in the USA and Kach, an Israeli political party...........In 1986, Kach was declared a racist party by the Israeli government and banned from the Knesset, and, in 1994, following the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre by Baruch Goldstein the movement was outlawed completely. Kahane's Knesset career was ended by section 7a of Basic Law: The Knesset (1958): "Prevention of Participation of Candidates List." Kahane was assassinated in Manhattan in 1990, after concluding a speech in a New York hotel.
Kahane argued that observance of Torah was the only reason to be Jewish. He saw secular Jews as hypocritical racists:.......
He believed that democracy and Judaism are two opposite things. One absolutely cannot confuse them. The objective of a democratic state is to allow a person to do exactly as he wishes. The objective of Judaism is to serve God and to make people better. These are two totally opposite conceptions of life. ............
To deter Arab terrorism and to frighten the Arab population into leaving, he advocated Jewish terrorism:
I want to scare them and I want to make them realize that, contrary to what they have believed for fifteen years, time is not on their side... And I approve of anybody who commits such acts of violence. Really, I don’t think that we can sit back and watch Arabs throwing rocks at buses whenever they feel like it. They must understand that a bomb thrown at a Jewish bus is going to mean a bomb thrown at an Arab bus.
What a nasty bit of work. Even his own didn't like him. His point about Judaism and democracy sounds like policy in Israel then and now.
Killing for Fun in Israel
Murder is fun, isn't it? Not for honest men but in Israel it is different.
Moshe Katsav President of Israel
Israel's Parliament votes against impeaching the President [ 7 March 2007 ]
The impeachment process against President Moshe Katsav died out with barely a whimper Wednesday, as only seven of the 25 Knesset Members on the House Committee voted in favour of impeachment.
This is a guilty verdict for the politicians rather than a not guilty verdict for Katsav. The police and judiciary might act honestly albeit given the current state of Israeli public affairs it is a question.
PS See Rape Special
Yisrael Katz, ex Agriculture Minister
Israeli police recommend charging MP with fraud and breach of trust [ 23 March 2007 ]
The police have recommended former agriculture minister and Likud MK Yisrael Katz be tried for fraud and breach of trust over alleged political appointments at the ministry.
The police also recommended indicting Katz's aide Michael Ayalon for fraud, breach of trust, falsification of corporate records, forgery and misuse of power.
The investigation began two years ago after the state comptroller reported political appointments in the ministry and its units. The report found Ayalon was illegitimately involved in hiring.
To lose one minister is unfortunate. To lose several is incompetence, at best.
David Kretzmer Lawyer
David Kretzmer, LL.B, LL.M (Jerusalem), Dr. Jur. (York University, Canada), held the Bruce W. Wayne Chair of International Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has been a visiting professor at Columbia University, the University of Southern California, Tulane University and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University, and a visiting fellow at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of London University, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Foreign Law in Heidelberg. He was the founding director of the Centre for Human Rights at the Hebrew University and from 1997-2002 served as Director of the Minerva Centre for Human Rights of the Hebrew and Tel Aviv Universities. Professor Kretzmer was member of the UN Human Rights Committee from 1995-2002, and vice-chairperson in 2001 and 2002...........
He was a founding member of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and is a member of the executive board of B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
Looks arrogant but presumably on the right lines. Not keen on torturing Arabs.
David Peri, Fugitive From Justice, Rapist And Jew
Fugitive Israeli rapist caught in Ukraine with forged passport
The former deputy bailiff of the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court who fled the country after being convicted of various sex offenses - among them rape, sodomy, indecent assault, and sexual harassment - was apprehended by authorities in Ukraine two weeks ago. Quote:
David Peri was tried on three separate counts as cited in the indictment against him, including exploiting his authority against female employees under his charge, sexual harassment, indecent assault, rape, and sodomy.
HAARETZ article.
Haaretz have deleted this one but Stormfront is an honest source unlike much of the main stream media.
Yesh Din
Is a human rights outfit run by Jews who held senior positions. They want justice for Palestinians.
Israeli Drug Dealers
Israelis at centre of ecstasy drug trade [ 14 October 2006 ]
Israel is at the centre of international trade in the drug ecstasy, according to a document published last week by the U.S. State Department.
In recent years, organized crime in Israel, some with links to criminal organizations in Russia, have come to control the distribution of the drug in Europe, according to a Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs document.
Perhaps this is what the Israeli ambassador was talking about when he said that we should collude with them.
Israeli Police
Israeli Police Murder Cover Up [ 27 October 2006 ]
Sharon, the murderer visited the Temple Mount to provoke Arabs. He succeeded. Jewish police killed 13 Arab civilians and one Jewish civilian on Sunday, October 1, 2000. But now, six years later the records have been destroyed and we are never going to know who done it. It is a routine police fraud.
Israeli Settlers
Jews Chant We Killed Jesus We'll Kill You Too [ 20 November 2006 ]
They claim that they are guilty. They are proud of being guilty but when it comes to being victims they want their pound of flesh. The Pope claimed that they were not guilty, contrary to 700 years of Church policy. Was he got at? Is he a Catholic? Did the mainstream media give this saturation coverage or even any? [ Hint - No! ] Actually they didn't murder the Swedish lass, merely breaking her cheek bone and the Israeli police let them get away with it. Source at Swedish human rights worker viciously attacked by Israeli settler.
Israeli soldiers
30 Israeli soldiers accused of raping minor [ 1 May 2006 ]
The victim was a Jew otherwise it would have been a non-issue. They are not nice people.
Itzhak Levanon
Israel tells UN panel human rights do not apply to Palestinians [ 10 March 2007 ]
Israel argues that the U.N. committee's remit, to ensure compliance with a 1965 international treaty against racial discrimination which the Jewish state has ratified, does not apply to the Palestinian territories it has occupied since 1967. The committee rejects that position.
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Itzhak Levanon, told the committee last month it was crucial to understand the pressing security threats faced by his country.
Human rights apply to Jews big time. They are still whining about The Holocaust and making millions to boot. Palestinians are Untermenschen as Adolf would have said while Jews are the Master Race. That is why they are entitled to Lebensraum.
Avigdor Lieberman
We Jews can never live with Arabs, says Israel's vice PM [ 5 December 2006 ]
When Avigdor Lieberman, a populist Israeli politician frequently compared to Austria's Jörg Haider and France's Jean-Marie le Pen, proposed to bus thousands of Palestinians to the Dead Sea and drown them there, he was just a fringe member of government. [ Isn't this what Adolf did to the Jews? - Editor ]
That was three years ago. But last week the controversial nationalist joined the coalition government led by Ehud Olmert in a much more senior role, as vice prime minister with special responsibility for Israel's most pressing issue: the threat from Iran.
In his first interview since taking office – exclusively with The Sunday Telegraph – Mr Lieberman said that the best means of achieving peace in the Middle East would be for Jews and Arabs to live apart [ this is called Apartheid in South Africa and then it is very naughty - Editor ], including those Arabs who now live inside Israel.
Israel was on the "front line of a clash of civilizations between the free world and extremist Islam," he said. [ Inciting it would be nearer the mark. See the previous article - Editor ]
Iran, he said: "Every week, the president of Iran declares his
intention to destroy us."
Lieberman is a sincere
Jew and a sincere Zionist who is prone to tell the truth about his
aims, just like Adolf Hitler in his latter days.
big mouth of Israeli Fascism - An Israeli explains [ 7 March
2007 ]
And the appointment of Avigdor Liberman [ sic ], the primitive racist
bully, as minister in charge of dealing with the Iranian problem is
like introducing a deranged elephant into a porcelain shop.
And this government remains in power only because practically everybody believes that another one would be even worse.
That is what a main stream Israeli newspaper has to say.
Advocated Castrating Lunatics - Herr Doktor Mengele Vindicated
[ 3 March 2008 ]
the mentally ill, encouraging reproduction among families "numbered
among the intelligentsia" and limiting the size of "families
of Eastern origin" and "preventing ... lives that are
lacking in purpose" - these proposals are not from some program
of the Third Reich but rather were brought up by key figures in the
Zionist establishment of the Land of Israel during the period of the
British Mandate. It turns out there was a great deal of enthusiasm
here for the improvement of the hereditary characteristics of a
particular race (eugenics). This support, which has been kept under
wraps for many years, is revealed in a study that examines the
ideological and intellectual roots at the basis of the establishment
of the health system in Israel.
In various
countries laws were passed that allowed for the forced sterilization
of "hereditary paupers, criminals, the feeble-minded,
tuberculous, shiftless and ne'er-do-wells." In the United
States, up until 1935, about 20,000 people - "insane,"
"feeble-minded," immigrants, members of ethnic minorities
and people with low IQs - were forcibly sterilized, most of them in
California. The Californian law was revoked only in
God's Chosen People are deeply racist. They have
the gall to complain about the Nazis who were much nicer people.
Searching for "Dr. Joseph Meir" on the Haaretz site draws
blank. It is there but they are not very proud of the swine.
Tzipi Livni
Mossad, lieutenant in the Jew army, politics, war criminal, old man was Irgun
thug and that is just the Wiki has to say.
Born in
Tel Aviv,
Livni is the daughter of
Her father served as the chief operations officer of the Irgun. Tzipi Livni
served as a
lieutenant in the
Defence Forces.
According to an interview in
Yediot Aharonot, described in
The Sunday Times, she served in the elite
Mossad unit
responsible for
Operation Wrath of God (also known as Bayonet) in the 1980s.
Self righteous with it all to boot.
Sammy Ofer
Turkish officials indicted over Sam Ofer's oil tender [ 6 May 2007 ]
Indictments in Turkey were handed down yesterday involving Sammy Ofer's acquisition of a stake in the government's Tupras oil refinery.... Ofer bought a 14.8 percent stake in the Turkish oil refinery for $446 million based on a value of $3 billion... After just half a year the remainder of the sales went as part of the privatization process based on a value of $8.1 billion.
Moving the goal posts to help your mates can be crime. If the Turks are crooks then presumably Sam is too. He did a similar try on with a lease on the central port in Istanbul. He owns Zim which by good luck or good management moved out of the Twin Towers in New York two days before the 9/11 Job. He is number 4 on Forbes' Israeli Rich List
Poll says Olmert, Peretz and Lieberman seen as most corrupt ministers [ 8 November 2006 ]
They live in Israel. They should know. Sharon got away with it but he was more murderer than thief. This happened just after Lieberman got promoted to Deputy Prime Minister which implies that his promoters are just as corrupt.
Olmert is on the skids after another bit of chicanery came to light. To be fair it was only thieving not murder or sexual perversionHow Ehud Olmert Became A Millionaire
...In actuality, however, Olmert has acted throughout all his years of parliamentary activity to make money. A lot of money, and quickly. Without being accountable to anyone. From time to time he throws a bone to his voting public. During the period in which Members of Knesset could act as lawyers, several lawyer-Members of Knesset were not squeamish about taking advantage of their parliamentary activity to do more for themselves and their families than for the public that sent them to the Knesset.
Ehud Olmert
In the 1970s, Olmert was rumoured to be a party to a complex scheme involving well-known Jerusalem businessmen, organized crime, corrupt legislators, and retired General Rechavam Ze'evi. This affair was documented in investigative journalist Aryeh Avneri's Ha'tvusa in 1992. During the run-up to the Ze'evi libel suit, Olmert allegedly took funds from the Likud treasury for his defence fund, although his lawyers were from his own law firm. All accusations against Olmert were eventually settled out of court.
Israeli businessman David Appel has been suspected of bribing both Sharon and Olmert, while the latter was the Mayor of Jerusalem, in what is known as the Greek island affair. However, in June 2004 Israel's Attorney General decided to close the case without criminal proceedings, because of lack of evidence.
On 7 March 2006, it was disclosed that an inquiry was being carried out on the 1999 sale and lease-back of Olmert's Jerusalem house, which allegedly was done on financial terms very favourable to Olmert, in what would amount to be an illegal campaign contribution and/or bribe.[32] A criminal investigation regarding this matter was formally launched on 24 September 2007.
On 16 January 2007, a criminal investigation was initiated against Olmert. The investigation focused on suspicions that during his tenure as finance minister, Olmert tried to steer the tender for the sale of Bank Leumi in order to help Slovak-born Australian real estate baron Frank Lowy, a close personal associate. Israeli Police who investigated the case eventually concluded that the evidence that was collected was insufficient for indictment and no recommendations to press charges were made.
After the Winograd Commission decided in its Preliminary report that Olmert was responsible for the failure of the second Lebanon war, many expected him to leave office. His remaining in office after the committee published its negative findings was perceived in many circles to be highly unethical.
In April 2007 it was further alleged that, during his office as Minister of Trade, Industry and Labour, Olmert may have been guilty of criminal behaviour by taking an active part in an investment centre. During a parliamentary inquest in July 2007, Olmert flatly denied these accusations.
The Wiki can be depended on to minimize Jewish crime.
Poll says Olmert, Peretz and Lieberman seen as most corrupt ministers [ 8 November 2006 ]
They live in Israel. They should know. Sharon got away with it but he was more murderer than thief. This happened just after Lieberman got promoted to Deputy Prime Minister which implies that his promoters are just as corrupt.
Sever Plocker
Is an honest Jew and journalist writing for YNet. He told the truth once in Stalin's Jews
Shirley Porter and Light Fingers
Porter aka Old Mother Tesco [ OMT ] is the daughter of Jack Cohen. He founded Tesco, a very large chain of grocers. So naturally Shirl is seriously rich. But when she got done for gerrymandering [ vote fraud ] she was ordered to pay £48 million. She claimed on oath that she only had £300 thousand and hid in Palestine. Was she telling he truth? Is the Pope a Catholic. Now she has bought a flat for £1.5 million so she thinks she is in the clear regarding perjury.
PS Porter was in Israel but only when she was on the run.
Israel's justice ministers Ramon and Hanegbi go on trial Tuesday [17 October 2006 ]
Ramon is accused of kissing a soldier[ess] against her will, Hanegbi of improper political appointments.
Life in Palestine the Stolen Land can be interesting as well as dangerous. The corruption starts at the top with the president [ in the frame for rape ] and works on down. Sharon, the last prime minister beat the fraud raps by being ill.
Tzuriel Refael
Israel recalls 'naked ambassador' [ 13 March 2007 ]
Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador after he was found drunk and naked apart from bondage gear. Reports say he was able to identify himself to police only after a rubber ball had been removed from his mouth. She confirmed that lurid reports of the incident in the Israeli press were accurate.
The English language Jewish press did a total news black out on this one. Believe that the media are there to tell us the truth if you want.
Trouble for Zionists - Russians are Infiltrating 'Israel'
Haaretz has uncovered Internet
sites put up by Israelis in their 30s who immigrated from the CIS
that supply Nazi and Russian nationalist content.
from Russia are one thing. Real Russians are another. Their loyalty
to Israel is supposed to come first just as it does with Wolfowitz,
Frum and other NeoCons in the White House.
Web sites post Nazi, Holocaust-denial material went down like a
cup of cold sick with Zionists.
Avi Shaked
Jewish Tycoon Offers Money for Peace [ 9 December 2006 ]
US$1 billion is useful - until grasping politicians grasp. But it does show a genuine interest in stopping the killing. Not all Jews are evil. The man doing the offering is an Israeli businessman Avi Shaked. His ackers came from running internet gambling sites.
Natan Sharansky
Was a very nasty bit of work in Russia giving them the standard line about human rights. But that was until he made it out. In Palestine, the Stolen Land he is an oppressor and loves it. Bush thinks he is wonderful.
Sharon, Jew, Murderer and Thief
Sharon was the Prime Minister of Israel and under investigation for fraud when he keeled over.
Reuven Schossen
I am an Israeli citizen, Jewish by ethnic group, Christian by religion. As far as I know, I am as well the first Jewish-Israeli refugee recognized by a sovereign country. I guess the others (like Mordecai Vanunu) were less lucky or less resourceful when the Moment of Truth arrived. Unlike Vanunu, I did not violate Israeli laws; I have been persecuted due to my ideas..."
Esterina Tartman
The big mouth of Israeli Fascism - An Israeli explains
She [ Esterina Tartman ] could have been a popular member of the Knesset.......... From the very first moment, she aroused strong feelings of rejection, disgust and even loathing.
The Esterina Affair has even eclipsed another major new disclosure: that Ehud Olmert, in his former capacity as Minister of Industry and Trade, distributed jobs and other benefits to some 115 members of the powerful Likud Central Committee, of which he was then a member, in order to ensure his place on the party's list for the next elections. And indeed, how could such routine corruption compete with the juicy affair of the "Tartarina" (as she was dubbed by one Knesset member.)
And this government remains in power only because practically everybody believes that another one would be even worse.
An Israeli Member of Parliament can't see the funny side of it but he does know where the skeletons are. Corrupt hardly begins to describe it. God's Chosen People show what awful taste he [ God that is ] had.
Ovadia Yosef - ex Chief Rabbi of Israel, loud mouthed, arrogant Racist
The old fool says we are Here To Be Robbed By Jews
Yitzhak Zamir
Yitzhak Zamir (born in Poland on April 15, 1931) is a professor of public law and Dean of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Faculty of Law, Attorney General, first Dean of the University of Haifa's Law Faculty, and Judge in the Israeli Supreme Court.........In the Years 1978-1986 Zamir served as Attorney General. During this period, Zamir is remembered for his fight to investigate the GSS during the Kav 300 affair, after two terrorists caught alive were secretly murdered by GSS officer Ehud Yatom (brother of Danny Yatom). Zamir demanded from Moshe Arens, then Minister of Defense, to appoint a committee to investigate the accusations. On May 18, 1986 Zamir demanded to prosecute Avraham Shalom, head of the GSS. Prime Minister Shimon Peres refused and removed Zamir from office, replacing him with Joseph Harish.
He was sacked for being honest. This makes him a remarkable Jew. Mazuz was another honest attorney general but he did his time and went; having sorted the Israeli President - A Crooked Liar And Rapist [ multiple rape, perjury ], the Israeli Prime Minister [ Still - January 2011 on trial for thieving ] and Israeli Security Minister [ perjury ]
PS He was sacked because he was the only honest one in re the Kav 300 Massacre
Jew Murdered 13 Year Old Girl - Jews Lied About It [ 17 April 2015 ]
That more or less sums up the story of Zionist crazies in the Stolen Land that Jews call Israel. Source at The reporter Chris McGreal couldn't see the funny side of it.
Racist Police Give Black A Good Kicking [ 8 September 2015 ]
Renewed protests from members of Israel's Ethiopian community against racism and police violence will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday outside of the national police headquarters in Jerusalem. Protests from the community began in May following outrage over the beating of Damas Pakada, an Ethiopian Jewish soldier who was brutally assaulted by a police officer in Holon. The protests - which ranged from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv - often turned violent and saw dozens of demonstrators arrested.
When American police in Los Angeles gave Rodney King a beating, blacks rioted. The Main Stream Media spread it all over the headlines; they incited Black Hate. When Racist Jews do precisely the same the Main Stream Media conceal the truth because they are run by corrupt Jews. The Attorney General who let these thugs off the hook is just as bent.
Racist Jews Attack Bedouin [ 8 September 2015 ]
Jew Hates Homosexuals - Jew Murders [ 8 September 2015 ]
Jew murdered one & injured six. He is a lunatic.
Jews Support Rabbi Who Perverted The Course Of Justice [ 8 September 2015 ]
The rabbi tried to help Paedophile perverts get away with crime. Jews like buggering children. See e.g. Jews Rape Children In Bathhouses
Terrorist Jews Achieve Third Murder By Arson [ 8 September 2015 ]
Wife Of Thieving Jew Wants To Be On Judicial Committee [ 8 September 2015 ]
The thief robbed the poor. He kept the loot at home but she got away with being an accomplice. He will still be in prison while she is choosing judges - if she is voted into power.
Head Rabbi Wants Illegal Immigrants Inflicted On England [ 8 September 2015 ]
Sacks is a smarmy rogue. He does not want Third World criminals imported into Israel any more than Netanyahu even though it much closer. He is an enemy of England.
Jews Refuse To Take In Any Syrian Refugees [ 7 September 2015 ]
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected a call by Israel’s opposition leader to provide refuge to Syrian refugees, saying the country is too small to take them in.Images in recent days of thousands of refugees herded on and off trains in Europe as they sought a safe haven from Middle East conflict struck a chord in Israel, a state created three years after the Nazi Holocaust® which [ allegedly ] killed six million Jews [ They then made more than $63 Billion tax free out of it ].
Though there have been no international calls on Israel to open its borders to Syrians, Herzog said Netanyahu had a moral duty to accept refugees........
At the cabinet session, Netanyahu coupled his remarks on Syrian refugees by saying that Israel must further secure its borders against African migrants and Islamist militants.
He announced the start of construction of a new 30-km (18-mile) stretch of fence along the frontier with Jordan, which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.
Israel is run by Zionist crazies, by Racists who hate Palestinians. Their prime objective is Ethnic Cleansing followed by Genocide. What are the Main Stream Media saying about Netanyahu's contemptuous indifference to refugees? Very little; the Cyprus Mail is the honourable exception to what would have been a total news black out.
PS A Jew tells us that Netanyahu is a non-stop liar according to , the Jew Sarkozy & Obama - see Fed Up With Netanyahu
PPS To be fair about Netanyahu, he is an evil thug but he is not betraying his own. This makes him different from Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron & Obama.
Jews Bully People In Palestine [ 17 October 2015 ]
Jews show their true nature. It isn't pretty but it is why people don't want them. See e.g. 109 Places Jews Have Been Expelled From
PS The headline
Israelis crack down to head off new intifada
is a lie. Jews are causing a new Intifada, not preventing one.
Jews Are Above The Law In Jerusalem [ 25 October 2015 ]
Of course Jews are different to civilized human beings. They are Racists claiming that they are superior to us because they are God's Chosen People, even a Light Unto Nations, while we are Untermenschen [ what the Nazis called Untermenschen i.e. subhuman ] or, worse still lebensunwertes Leben [ German for Life Unworthy of Life ]. That is why beating up journalists for telling the truth is all right.
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Updated on 15/12/2015 21:33