Jews In England

Some wear silly hats,  making themselves obvious. Most are crypto Jews. They can pass themselves off as White Men, pretending that they are not enemy aliens. Reflex lying could be blamed onto a history of being hated but one might wonder why they got to be hated in so many times and places by different people. So many? See Jewish Expulsions - 109 of Them. They complain about Anti-Semitism but keep very quiet about how they cause it. Here are some of the guilty.

Jewdas ex Wiki      
Jewdas is a Jewish diaspora group based in London. It describes itself as "radical" and is described by The Jewish Chronicle as a "Jewish diaspora group, known for its far-left anti-Zionism."[1] It has a satirical-communal website and stages events in London and elsewhere.

Its first event was held at rampART Social Centre in London's East End, the traditional home of London's immigrant Jewish community; a free (albeit accepted donation) Purim party on Saturday, 18 March 2006, which was open to anyone of any ethnic or religious background, was attended by over 600 people and was covered by the national press.[citation needed] Its second main event was a subject of great controversy, being called "The Protocols of the Elders of Hackney" (a reference to the antisemitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion), with a flyer parodying traditional antisemitic images. Members of the group were arrested, an incident condemned by The Jewish Chronicle in an editorial entitled "In Praise of Jewdas". More recent events have included a "Radical Cosmopolitan Yeshiva" at the Shunt Lounge, a film festival ("Treifspotting"), a secret Channukah party, which involved recreating the Temple of Jerusalem in Dalston, and an antifascist Yom Kippur Ball.[citation needed]

In 2011, Jewdas hosted ¡No Pasaran!, a party commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street.[3]

The group became more active again in 2014, especially around the Israel–Gaza conflict. This included protesting at pro-Israel events[4] where it has been labelled as "extreme[ly] far-left".[4]

In May 2015, the group brought over thirty people on its inaugural Birthwrong trip to Andalusia, Spain.[5] Advertised as "a trip for anyone who's sick of Israel's stranglehold on Jewish culture and wants to get away on a raucous holiday", the itinerary included: "See Maimonides! Get pissed! Do some Jewish tourism! Spend Shabbat with Andalusian Jews! Shvitz in a hammam! Visit a communist village! Get pissed!"[5][6] Attendees reflected on the trip in articles[7][8] and a short film.[9]

At the beginning of April 2018, the United Kingdom's leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn attended a Passover Seder held by the group. He said the visit was made in a personal, rather than official, capacity.[10] That the group's Twitter account called Israel “a steaming pile of sewage which needs to be properly disposed of”, Jon Lansman, the founder of the pro-Corbyn organization Momentum and himself Jewish, said on BBC Radio 4: "It's certainly not helpful to Jeremy or the cause of opposing antisemitism in the Labour Party as it happens".


Roman Abramovich has been enjoying a close friendship with a beautiful socialite 16 years his junior
Abramovich is at it with some wench or not as the case may be. His wife is amused or not as the case may. He tried to stop publicity and failed. The wench's father is out of prison and rich. Abramovich is seriously rich but has not spent it on a tie. Abramovich has managed to stay out of prison though. This may well be because he scarpered before getting done. See Oligarchs


Abramovich's wife prepares divorce for her husband's 40th birthday
The floozy looks rather nice though.


John Julius Angerstein (1732 -1823)
Slave trader & Jew. The Wiki is coy about his being a Jew. The Angerstein Collection | Online references | at is not.


Anglican Friends Of Israel
The Church of England was the Conservative Party at prayer. Now it is a bunch of homosexual chancers pandering to undesirables. This particular bunch of oiks are ruthless in suppressing the truth about Jews. They are now what Willi Münzenberg, the communist party master propagandist called an Innocents Club, fronting for evil whether they know it or not. Ditto for the next lot.


Gilad Atzmon
Is a rare beast. He is an honest Jew.


John Bercow
Is now the Speaker of the House of Commons and a shit on the make.


Geoffrey Bindman
Big name lawyer. All right on Palestine and ethnic cleansing, maybe. His start up, Independent Jewish Voices was active for a whole week - see Gilad Atzmon - Anthony Julius and a journey to the dark Zionist world


Black and the $400 million that got nicked
Some one did it. Can some one spend that much? Not without monstrous greed.
PS See #Conrad Black Wanted His Day in Court


Victor Blank
The Wiki does not admit that he is a Jew. He is none the less. But see List of British Jews, which does not include Jewish thieves.


John Bloom
An exceptionally nasty bit of work. Screwed a young woman on her honeymoon. Her husband topped her. The Wiki treads lightly on this one but then the Wiki is bent.


Conservative Friends of Israel
This group of political associations with similar names tells us about Jewish infiltration. The similarity of names is not just coincidence. Nor is the fact that the Wiki's articles on them were written by the same hand. This piece fingers several Tories but claims over two thirds of the party. There are no BNP Friends of Israel. Willi Münzenberg, the great puppet master of the German communist party set up lots of theseInnocents Clubs, full of Useful Idiots and cunning rogues manipulating them. Ditto for the next few entries.


 Labour Friends of Israel
Names 37 Labour wallahs. It does not include David Miliband, the grandson of a Jewish mass murderer.


Tom Bower [ ex Bauer? ]
Is part(?) Jew. At all events he claims that his great grandmother Malvina Reichenstein, a Jew escaped from naughty Adolf then got robbed by Barclays. He has written some good biographies of Jews. That of Fayed was very hard hitting. But see Tom Bower ex Wiki. Bower is a variant of Bauer, one used to conceal the truth.


John Bloom
A very nasty bit of work. Made lotsa money out of selling washing machines. He seduced Christine Holford, a young wife. Her husband topped her but got off with three years. See Taunted to death. Bloom's Wiki page is protected, preventing the truth about him being put in but then he is a Jew.


Britain's Richest Jews ex Stormfront -
Stormfront fingers Andrew Rosenfeld/ Dr David Gabbay/ Lady Hamlyn{? husband jew Lord Paul Hamlyn}/ Ronald & Peter Goldstein/ Alison Goldberg/ 'Sir' Ronald Cohen/ John Rittblatt/


Christian Friends of Israel - UK
Believe in the Brotherhood of Man unless he is an Islamic - or something of the sort. The head office is in Jerusalem unsurprisingly. See also:-
CFI Jerusalem
CFI Germany


Mick Davis
Another Jew that works the Holocaust® Racket. Was the Tories' money man.


Paul Eisen
Is a Holocaust® denier.


European Friends of Israel
European Friends of Israel (EFI) is a European lobby organization for Israel. It was established in September 2006, where 300 MEPs and national MPs took part in an opening ceremony.
Their tentacles spread throughout Europe.


Richard Ferrer
Jew, journalist & liar - see David Cameron Wants Animal Cruelty For Jews - Allegedly [ 17 December 2015 ]


Friends of Israel Initiative
The Friends of Israel Initiative is an international effort,..... initiated and led by former Prime Minister of Spain and People's Party leader José María Aznar in 2010.... John Bolton, Forza Italia's former President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera, Peru’s former President Alejandro Toledo, and David Trimble. On 19 July 2010 a launch event was held at the British House of Commons, hosted by the Henry Jackson Society and Robert Halfon MP [ A Jew - Ed. ].
They cluster round power like flies going to the proverbial.


'Lord' Goldsmith
Aka Peter Goldsmith, ex attorney general, Jew, War Criminal, colluded with Blair in setting up Iraq and in getting away with it.. - Tony Greenstein's Blog Jew, a Left Winger, can tell the truth.


Honorary Officers of the Board of Deputies
PRESIDENT Henry Grunwald QC - barrister
VICE PRESIDENT D. Jerry Lewis  - journo
VICE PRESIDENT Flo Kaufmann, JP  - woman
VICE PRESIDENT Eleanor Lind QC - barrister
Treasurer Clive Lewisohn JP

Israel Friendship Associations
Names other groups with similar names. Some are foreign. The Nazis did something similar before the war. One of them, American Israel Public Affairs Committee has two men on trial now [ November 2007 ] for espionage against America.


Greville Janner
He was accused on oath of being a Paedophile pervert who had abused a boy over a two year period. He came out smelling of roses after the DPP, a crooked Jew called Allan Green chose to allege that there was not enough evidence.


Jewish Brigade
Was inflicted on the Army, which was not amused. The Army was right about them; they were vicious, politically motivated murderers & subversives.


Jewish Care Trustees


Jewish Exchequer
Was a system used by the Jews as an Engine of Extortion.


Jews Who Betrayed England
Any gratitude for taking them in when Adolf was giving them well deserved hassle? Not a chance.


Jews with Power 1 - 100 in 2014

Jews with Power 11 - 50 in 2015 

Jews in British Aristocracy
It is from 1940 and reads as all too likely true. More from the same source is at Truth about Jews the Case Against Judaism NB is On Message.


Jews in England ex Heretical
This concentrates on legal aspects.


Jews In Public Life On The British Isles
Ex Metapedia, an outfit telling the truth about Jews and evil.


Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel
Names four but then it is a small party and likely to stay that way.



Northern Ireland Friends of Israel Started By The Very Reverend Ian Paisley
The Northern Ireland Friends of Israel marked its launch in Belfast last week with addresses from trade unionists, politicians and community leaders, including veteran unionist Rev. Ian Paisley. Paisley, "the controversial firebrand preacher turned peacemaker,"...........

More than 200 people attended, including Northern Ireland government ministers, British MPs, and members of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Also in attendance were members of the Belfast Jewish community and representatives of Christian groups.......

Protestant trade unionist Terry McCorran co-organized the event. He is a member of UNISON - The Public Service Union, the second largest trade union in the United Kingdom, with more than 1.3 million members.
Northern Ireland is not in England of course. Nor is Paisley, thank God. Jews will deal with anyone in power. Jews will manipulate them. That is how they stole Palestine from the Palestinians.
PS They are not keen on naming the guilty - see Northern Ireland Friends of Israel. Nor is the Wikipedia


But it wasn't in the main stream press. It might give us ideas about who really runs England. The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews fingered  Sir Victor Blank [ the Daily Mirror ], Sir Trevor Chinn [ car salesman ], Lord Janner [ MP until he was accused of playing with boys ], Lord Levy [ trader, Labour Party finance scandal, Gerald Ronson [ trader, thief, the Guinness job - out of prison now ], Lord Rothschild [ big time  finance ], Alan Sennitt (Chair of UJS), Sir Sigmund Sternberg, Jo Wagerman, Lord Weidenfeld [ publishing ] and Lord Woolf [ LCJ? ].


Revisionist Zionism
Jews were terrorists in England as well as Palestine, which is why MI5 took an interest in them. Paper has now been declassified. It can be seen in the National Archives. There are five files on post-war Jewish terror operations, including assassination targets. They are numbered from KV3/437  through to KV 3/441).


Runnymede Trust - A Propaganda Operation Set Up By Jews
The Runnymede Trust is a leading pro-multiculturalism think tank founded in 1968 by Jim Rose [ Jew, in-crowd, RAF, Bletchley, racist, traitor? ] and Anthony Lester [  Jew ], with aim of acting as an independent race equality think tank by generating intelligence for a multi-ethnic Britain through research, network building, leading debate, and policy engagement. Its current Director is Dr. Rob Berkeley and its current Chairman is Clive Jones CBE.

Who Cares About the White Working Class?
In 2009, Runnymede published a collection of essays by leading thinkers on race and class considering the relationship between social class and race equality. They argued that while the white working class is discriminated against on a range of different fronts, but they are not discriminated against because they are white.
Jews on the make will tell any lie they think they can get away with. The claim that honest working men are not screwed because they are English is an example.


Jonathan Sacks
Is a slimy rogue, a front man for the paranoid thugs who run the bandit state, of Israel


Juliet Samuel Journo
Writes for the The Telegraph, alleges that she is the "descendant of Jews". Alleges that immigration is not a problem.


Simon Schama
Mouthy, face fits.


Stephen Sedley aka Lord Justice Sedley ex Wiki
The Wiki is being smarmy. David Irving is not. See his position at Lord Justice Sedley. He doesn't go in for this nonsense about taking it down the middle. Sedley is a former(????) [ see Beneath the mask of the Human Rights industry - Prominent British Jews Advocate Increases in Refugees ] communist who wants England overrun with blacks.


Ehud Sheleg     
The Tories' treasurer, one has managed to stay out of prison.


Alan Sugar
A foul mouthed little oik, another de facto enemy of Civilization


Simon Wolfson Manipulating England
Wolfson is a Jew bunging Cameron [ part Jew ] money to help crowd more Third World undesirables into England. He would probably claim that he is not a Traitor. I would certainly claim that I did not believe him.


Conrad Black Wanted His Day in Court [ 12 March 2007 ]
For years he has longed for his day in court and this week he will get it. The former 'Telegraph' proprietor is accused of using a listed company as his own personal piggy bank....... he faces 14 counts of fraud, racketeering and obstruction of justice, accused of looting more than $80m (£41m) from Hollinger International, the stock market-listed part of a media business that was once the third-largest in the English-speaking world.
He has been very noisy which means he is liable to go down noisily. He threatened to sue Private Eye. They aren't worried.
PS The accused are an all Jew line up. So is the defence lawyer.
PPS The Wikipedia are not telling us that Black is a Jew or ex-owner of The Spectator but they admit to his ownership of the Jerusalem Post
PPPS He got 6.5 years which was not a lot considering how much he stole.
PPPPS It seems that Black is not really a Jew but he is quite definitely a Zionist.


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has agreed to become patron of the UK arm of the Jewish National Fund, whose funds have contributed to Israeli ethnic cleansing, the destruction of Palestinian villages and the expropriation of Palestinian land, and whose constitution requires it to promote and implement policies that discriminate against Israel’s Arab population.

Gordon Brown has crossed a new threshold on the path to becoming a fully-fledged Zionist.....

Since becoming prime minister at the end of June 2007, Gordon Brown has appointed several Israel apologists to key positions in the British government. He has also been at pain to stress his Christian Zionist credentials. [ but only among Jews - Editor ].... Brown will join a club that includes prominent British politicians and religious figures who,..... promote and defend the racist Jews-only state of Israel. They include Tony Blair, Conservative leader David Cameron and Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.
Brown knows a lot about thieving. As Chancellor his policy was to screw more out of the tax payer. Well over £500 billion and rising was not enough for him.
PS Was this all over the main stream media? No. Why not? The media is a propaganda machine.
PPS The Jewish National Fund is confirmed as a bunch of Jewish thieves by the Wikipedia albeit in a rather low key way. The Wikipedia is, of course another Jewish propaganda operation.


In a speech given to the Labour Friends of Israel in April 2007, Brown stated:-
"Many of you know my interest in Israel and in the Jewish community has been long-standing... My father was the chairman of the Church of Scotland's Israel Committee. Not only as I've described to some of you before did he make visits on almost two occasions a year for 20 years to Israel – but because of that, although Fife, where I grew up, was a long way from Israel with no TV pictures to link us together – I had a very clear view from household slides and projectors about the history of Israel, about the trials and tribulations of the Jewish people, about the enormous suffering and loss during the Holocaust, as well as the extraordinary struggle that he described to me of people to create this magnificent homeland."
Presumably the Jews took the point when they heard this tosh; the man wants something. Money or cooperation in applying his agenda? The quid pro quo? Sending the British Army to die for Israel in Iraq. Brown was put into Parliament by communists.


Cameron, the Tory leader calls himself 'Zionist'; U.K. Jews campaign against boycott
The leader of Britain's Conservative party, David Cameron, called himself a "Zionist" Tuesday as he slammed a British initiative for an academic boycott against Israel. Cameron, responding to questions at the annual luncheon of Conservative Friends of Israel, said the academic boycott was completely uncalled for, and that attacks against Israel often slid into anti-Semitism. "If by Zionist you mean that the Jews have the right to a homeland in Israel and the right to a country then I am a Zionist," the Tory leader said, adding that support for Israel is "in the DNA" of members of his party. 
He won't be getting my vote ever.


Alex Carlile
Jew with dodgy spelling, politician, Liberal mob. Subversive - see Jew Says Christian Religious Orders Should Be Barred From Education, an ugly rogue.


Tony Cliff
Tony Cliff (20 May 1917 – 9 May 2000) was a Trotskyist political theorist and revolutionary activist who founded the Socialist Workers Party in Britain. Born Yigael Gluckstein to a Jewish Zionist family in Palestine, Cliff moved to Britain, becoming a Trotskyist and rejecting Zionism from a Marxist perspective. He eventually changed his name to Yg'al (Yg'al: "Will Redeem"; Yigael: "Will Be Redeemed"), although in later years he would become far better known by his pen name Tony Cliff.
The Wiki alleges that he was just a writer. I allege that I do not believe the Wiki.


Richard Desmond
Jew, foul mouthed oaf, pornographer and owner of the Daily Express. He is a bully who threatened to murder some one too.


Cameron’s big Jewish backers  [ 20 October 2006 ]
They back Cameron. They back Labour. They back Liberals. They win. It what is known in the gambling industry as a stacked deck. The BNP is different. They infiltrate them, sabotage them then they will back them if they get anywhere near power.
The Jewish Chronicle fingers:-
Lord Steinberg, gambling industry £530,000 plus a loan of £250,000
Stanley Fink, hedge fund owner £103,000
Dame Vivien Duffield. philanthropist, a loan of £250,000
Trevor Pears, "philanthropist", around £20,000
Poju Zabludowicz, the Jew who runs BICOM, a mob that lobbies for the murderous thugs who run Israel in England, £15,000 to Cameron plus £25,000 to the party
Simon Wolfson,  Next chief executive, £10,000 plus £50,000 to the party)
Michael Green, former Carlton TV boss £10,000
Andrew Feldman, Baron Feldman of Elstree, his family firm, Jayroma, £10,000
Influential rather than good for ackers are:-
Howard Leigh, party treasurer and managing director of Cavendish Corporate Finance
Oliver Letwin, head of policy, former shadow Home Secretary and shadow Chancellor,  Eton.
Grant Shapps, Welwyn Hatfield MP
Lord Kalms - keen on murdering Arabs
Richard Harrington, Conservative Friends of Israel "chair" 

The Key Players

Andrew Feldman - Destined to be charged with raising money for the new-look Conservative Party, Andrew Feldman (circled, at the left of the picture), 40, met Mr Cameron (circled, right of picture) at Brasenose College, Oxford. He is a close friend and tennis partner of the leader.

Said to be a member of the Tories’ so-called Notting Hill set, he lives in West London with his wife and two children. Mr Feldman attended Haberdashers’ Aske’s school, and, after qualifying as a lawyer, entered the family’s ladies wear firm, Jayroma. Having acted as fundraiser for Mr Cameron’s leadership campaign, he is now deputy treasurer of the party and is in Mr Cameron’s economic-policy group.

Michael Green - Michael Green, former chairman of Carlton Television, gave financial support to David Cameron’s leadership campaign but would not discuss details.

“I am a big supporter of David Cameron but I want to make it clear that I have not supported the Tory Party. I have supported David Cameron’s quest to become leader,” he said.

Lord Steinberg - Lord Steinberg — formerly Leonard Steinberg — became a life peer in 2004 and is a major donor to the Conservatives. Raised in Belfast and educated at Royal Belfast Academical Institution, the 70-year-old Baron Steinberg of Belfast was a founder of Stanley Leisure plc, the gaming company, serving as executive chairman from 1957 to 2002 and non-executive chairman since then. He is a former deputy treasurer of the Tory party and is a founder and chairman of his family charitable trust. His political interests are listed in Dodd's, the parliamentary guide, as Northern Ireland, tax and gambling, and Israel.

Simon Wolfson - A donor to David Cameron’s leadership campaign and to the Conservative Party, Simon Wolfson, 38, will be continuing a family tradition when he becomes an adviser to Mr Cameron on improving economic competition and wealth creation.

The son of Lord Wolfson, who was chief of staff to Margaret Thatcher, Mr Wolfson, chief executive of the Next clothing chain, is one of the youngest advisors to be appointed by Mr Cameron.

Along with MP John Redwood, Mr Wolfson will jointly chair the advisory group that will seek to reduce red tape and improve education and skills in the workplace. It will also examine the country’s transport infrastructure.

Grant Shapps MP - As vice-chairman of the Conservative Party and seconder to David Cameron’s campaign, backbencher Grant Shapps will find the next few months extremely busy as he tours the constituencies to persuade Tories of the virtues of the new leadership.

Speaking to the JC, he acknowledged that there would be doubts in some quarters but he has no doubt that the party has chosen the right man.

“I persuaded my colleagues at the parliamentary level and I shall now have to do the same thing all over the country,” said the MP for Welwyn Hatfield. “The thing that people will like about David is that he is very optimistic.”

To subscribe to The Jewish Chronicle Newspaper plus full access to website and archives click here
Blair's Jewish paymasters  [ 19 March 2006  ]
Radio Islam does not beat about the Bush. Radio Islam does not need to beat about the Bush - yet. Bush is going to invade them and then they will kow tow to Bush/get murdered/die/go to prison/get tortured/get robbed - delete to taste.
They finger Levy, Gavron, Hollick [ Lords all for a price ], Bernstein,   Hatter,  Kaye,   Ritblat,   Chinn [ knights at a price ],   Goldman,  Kaye,  Cohen, Felix Dennis [ waiting for recognition for services presumably rendered ]. Blair's accountant is Michael Goldstein of Blick Rothenberg.
Board of Deputies' agents Caught Red-Handed as Burglars
Isn't it awful? We thought that they were so respectable. Fancy robbing that nice David Irving but they have got him prison now so that is all right.
Michael Cherney - Jew
A Jew from Russia who lives in Palestine and is fairly clean if the Wikipedia is to believed.


Alan Coren, Cohen misspelt, Jew, communist, media, alleged humourist, helped put Punch out of business.


Giles Coren - Cohen misspelt Jew, foul mouthed oaf, big in the media, pushes the Holocaust® story
In his next article, on 26 July 2008, Coren said his Jewish ancestors had been persecuted by Poles. He stated that Poles used to burn Jews in synagogues for entertainment at Easter; and that Poland is in denial about its role in the Holocaust. He used the racial slur "Polack" to describe immigrant Poles, arguing that "if England is not the land of milk and honey it appeared to them three or four years ago, then, frankly, they can clear off out of it".....

On 14 January 2010 Coren attracted criticism after he posted on his Twitter feed: "Next door have bought their 12-year-old son a drum kit. For fuck's sake! Do I kill him then burn it? Or do I fuck him, then kill him then burn it?" Vivienne Pattison, director of watchdog Mediawatch UK, condemned the remark as "very bad taste". Coren later posted: "Oh hell's bells. Look, can I just say I didn't kill the kid, or have sex with him. And anyway he's not real. And I live in Vienna."
His father was a Jew and communist who helped run Punch into the ground.


Roald Dahl On Jews
In 1983, Dahl reviewed Tony Clifton's [ a journalist  ] God Cried, a photo book on the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon that depicted civilians who had died during Israeli bombardment of Beirut. Dahl's review stated that the book would make readers "violently anti-Israeli." Then Dahl told a reporter during an interview touching on the controversial review, "There's a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity ... I mean there is always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason." Dahl stated that he was anti-Israel rather than anti-Semitic, and he maintained friendships with a number of Jews, including philosopher Isaiah Berlin, who said, "I thought he might say anything. Could have been pro-Arab or pro-Jew. There was no consistent line." Several of his short stories featured derogatory caricatures of Jews, including the tale of "a little pawnbroker in Housditch called Meatbein who, when the wailing started, would rush downstairs to the large safe in which he kept his money, open it and wriggle inside on to the lowest shelf where he lay like a hibernating hedgehog until the all-clear had gone."
That is an honest assessment from Roald Dahl, late of the RAF, a fighter pilot with five kills to his credit. He was doing things about Adolf while Jews were doing very little apart from whining about their problems.


Theodore Dalrymple
A Jew who made a career out of telling the middle classes to despise the lower classes - if they were English but not if they were Pakistani or some such. He did this in The Spectator. His entry in the Wiki does not admit that he is a Jew but he has a background that is utterly typical for one. Failing to admit it is often indicative. So is using a very English name. He is fingered in Theodore Dalrymple On The Frivolity Of Evil
PS Some of his output is quite decent.
Deborah Fink and Hate
Deborah Fink is a singer and music teacher living in London. She is also Jewish. Last month, out of the blue, she received a deluge of hateful emails - more than 150 in the space of a week.
One came from a rabbi in New York, informing her: "Your soul, my dear, is petrified and lost." Another said, menacingly: "Hitler killed the wrong Jews."
Yet another - ostensibly from a Jewish doctor of medicine in the US - elaborated on the Holocaust theme. "Too bad Hitler didn't get your family," it said. "With six million Jews dieing [sic] 60 year [sic] ago it's a shame scum like you somehow managed to survive."
Ms Fink is a member of Just Peace UK, a mainly, but not exclusively, Jewish group opposing the Israeli occupation and seeking "a viable and sovereign Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel, with Jerusalem as the shared capital of both states". 
Hate speech is a very Jewish thing. Some decent ones are at Jews for Justice for Palestinians "... Maggie Cowen, Mike Cushman, Naomi Dale, Ann David, Prof Miriam David, Sara Davidson, ... Prof Richard Werbner, Martin Wilson QC, Naomi Wimborne- Idrissi, ..."


Martin Gilbert
The Jerusalem Post fingers him as a Jew; not something he admits to in public because he is a front man. Among his own it will be different.


Tzofit Grant
Her old man is the Chelsea manager. His boss is Abramovich, a Jew on the run from Russian justice. She is unexceptionably vile which tells us something about Abramovich. Source is Wife of new Chelsea boss is a Wag like no other

David Hart
Rather a good bloke. Mate of Maggie.


Margaret Hodge nee Oppenheimer
Has a nasty track record including covering up for paedophiles and colluding with light fingered accountants.


Greville Janner An Accused Paedophile
Greville Ewan Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone (born 11 July 1928) is a British Labour politician, lawyer and author. A QC since 1971, he was a Labour MP from 1970 to 1997

JANNER is a alleged child molester well known to the police. An active file on his activities has been maintained at Scotland Yard since even before the eruption of the Leicester Children’s Home scandal of 1991, which led to the jailing of the notorious paedophile Frank Beck. Damning evidence concerning JANNER’s sustained sexual abuse of a 13 year-old boy in care emerged during Beck’s trial, but JANNER was shielded by the then Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Alan Green [ another Jew ]—who resigned shortly after as the result of a “kerb-crawling” incident.
A nasty bit of work but influential. Do the rest know he's bent? Too true; they helped him get away with it.


Jews In London - 
At the same time he records momentous events that marked the course of Jewish history in the city, from the expulsion of 1290 to the Jack the Ripper case and the Sidney Street Siege. The story comes right up to the present day,
A sympathetic look at Jews and their infiltration of England. He mentions their evil too in places. The Catholic Church allowed itself to be suckered into borrowing to build. Courts were a spendthrift lot who found themselves in the hands of the Jews.
PS It confirms that William the Bastard brought the Jews back to England circa 1170 AD from Rouen.


Jews In England A History
The source is a Jew so take it with a pinch of salt.


Jews In Parliament
This covers the Commons in 2010 AD, not the Lords.


Jews In Politics
This ranges wider than the previous entry. There are lots. Janner is one.


Boris Johnson pro-Israel Conservative sworn in as London mayor
That is what Jews say about Boris Johnson. He wouldn't have made it if he had been straight. The little matter of a murder discussion is water under the bridge - unless he goes the other way. It turns out that he is married to a Pakistani but we weren't told that until the votes were safely counted and he got to be the Mayor of London.


Anthony Julius
Julius did Lady Di's divorce and robbed her blind, I fancy. Mouthy, cunning and a Zionist. Gilad Atzmon explains. He is an honest Jew.
PS Moses was a nasty bit of work too.

Wilfred Kritchevsky, the Beast of Jersey?
Horror home victim tells of rapist politician
A POLITICIAN dubbed The Fat Man was last night accused of being a child abuser at the Jersey horror care home.

An ex-resident claims he was repeatedly raped by Wilfred Krichefski in the early 1960s.
The victim claimed he would be woken by a worker and told: "There is someone here to see you."
Then he would be presented to his abuser in a small room with the chilling words: "Here's a boy for you, sir."

It is nice to see that men who matter still get treated with the respect they deserve. They can so they do. Just like the next one.
PS Wilfred Krichefski - Beast of Jersey. include Krichefski, Peretz and Feldman families

    "to Wilfred Krichefski (on hearing of the death of his father Alfred). noting: ‘I had always, during the bad times, thought “one day this will ..."
6. Dear Friends,
    "The Wilfred H. Krichefski Memorial Scholarship Fund, Jersey, Channel. Islands. for students of Jewish studies. The Samuel Kristianpoller Scholarship Fund ..."


Lord Levy -  Tony Blair's Jew
Is not fool enough to pay tax when he doesn't have to but he objects to people knowing that he got off with giving them  £5,000 tax free. Blair used him to sort Labour finances. Finagling is just fine when it is him. It is  the peasants who are going to get screwed.

'Lord' Levy
Made it from zilch and lots of money in the record industry. Hard man in the money line.  Met Blair. Made a lot of money for Blair. Paid off with a peerage? A quid pro quo? Illegal? May be not. Corrupt? Don't ask. Do your own thinking.


Levy arrested in cash-for-peerages inquiry [ 14 July 2006 ]
Levy knows what happened and he has already said that he is not going keep his mouth shut just to get Blair off the hook [ 'Cash for honours' grilling ]. I wouldn't either. Blunkett has told the filth to lay off or charge him. Is he attempting to pervert the course of justice? I think we have to pretend that we do not think so. He would say not.


Livingstone Panders To Jews


Jew, crook and politician.


Maxwell - War Criminal, Traitor, Oaf And Thief
He claimed that he murdered a German mayor in 1945. He stole circa £400 million from the Mirror News Group's pension fund. See also "War crimes police tracked Maxwell"

George Melly
The jazz singer, author and raconteur leched, drank and blasphemed his way around the clubs and pubs of the British Isles and provided pleasure to the public for five decades.
Jew. Public school man. Took it both ways.


David Miliband
Communist subversive, liar from a family of traitors and liars.

David Miliband - Grandson Of A Mass Murderer
.. the elder son of Polish-born Marion Kozak and the late Belgian-born Marxist theoretician Ralph Miliband..... his grandfather, Samuel "Sam" Miliband, joined the Red Army in the Polish-Soviet War, where Samuel, then Shimon, fought under the command of Trotsky 'eliminating' white Russians opposed to Communism.
Grandson of a mass murderer, now has power. Is he good for England? Believe it if you want.
PS The Wiki has written out their reference to mass murder. Perverting the course of history is the name of the game. The 2 November 2007 version links to The Miliband family and anti-Sovietism (HTML). David Osler (2007-08-06). On  6 February 2008 it was gone.
Look at the face. Think about it. Decide about it. Trust him? Not me.

Jew And Mass Murderer Is Grandfather Of Her Majesty's Foreign Secretary
The grandfather of British Foreign Secretary David Miliband repeatedly was denied entry to Britain after World War II. Samuel Miliband, a Polish Jew, was branded untrustworthy and misleading by British government officials when trying to immigrate to Britain,... David Miliband, an outspoken critic of the Israeli government [ believe that if you want - Editor  ], is the son of influential Marxist academic Ralph Miliband,........

Samuel Miliband, originally a resident of Warsaw, fled to Belgium after WWII broke out, leaving Ralph's mother, Renee, behind in Poland. In 1940, after the Germans conquered Belgium, the Milibands were given refuge in Britain.
The Times head line is rather more to the point - David Miliband’s family ‘lied’ to enter UK. He got away with it because Harold Laski another Jew and  a nasty bit of work interceded. The Times does not mention Miliband's enthusiasm for murder. The Daily Mail does - see Miliband - Jew And Racist


Ed Miliband
is a British economist and British politician. He has been chairman of the Treasury's Council of Economic Advisers, which directs the UK's long-term economic planning. He was elected Labour Member of Parliament for the South Yorkshire constituency of Doncaster North in the 2005 general election. He was appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister of the Cabinet Office on 28 June 2007..... Miliband was also appointed to the Privy Council. In June 2007, he was appointed Cabinet Office minister in Gordon Brown's first Prime Ministerial cabinet and given the task of drafting Labour's manifesto for the next general election.
Another grandson of a mass murderer, now has power. Is he good for England? Believe it if you want.

Ralph Miliband
Adolphe Miliband he was born in Brussels of Polish-Jewish emigré parents. Both his parents lived in the Jewish quarter of Warsaw, before his father, Samuel "Sam" Miliband, joined the Red Army in the Polish-Soviet War.  He is buried in Highgate Cemetery close to Karl Marx and many other celebrated left-leaning minds of the 20th Century....... Once in England he changed his name to Ralph.
Being called Adolf was not a good career move especially for the son of a mass murderer. The Wiki skips over this detail but see David Miliband on the point.
Melanie Phillips
She is Jewish, and married to Joshua Rozenberg, [ also a Jew - Editor] formerly legal affairs correspondent for the BBC, now Legal Editor of the Daily Telegraph newspaper. They have two children.
Phillips is a propagandist Jew who pretends that she is British. She writes for the Daily Mail but was with the Grauniad.

Jonathan Mendelsohn
Has a track record of deviousness and an enthusiasm for being near the levers of power. He is currently [ December 2007 ] getting aggravation for covering up anonymous donations by another Jew, one David Abrahams.

The Most Influential Jews In England
Today we reveal the top places in our list of the people who exert the greatest influence on British Jewry, as chosen by JC readers and an expert panel reflecting a wide range of Jewish life....... One of the panel’s key criteria was that influence had to be exercised currently.
Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks
But it is in Gordon Brown in particular that the Chief Rabbi has made a notable political friend........
Gerald Ronson
A prominent donor and communal leader who rebuilt his Heron property empire from the brink of extinction and rehabilitated his reputation after being jailed in 1990 for his part in the Guinness affair, an illegal share scheme to support the Guinness takeover of Distillers.
Lord Levy
He has been questioned by police over the “cash for peerages” affair, but strenuously denies any wrong-doing.
Trevor Pears
Property man
Melanie Phillips
The writer
Rabbi Tony Bayfield
Lord Janner
The Cardiff-born peer is a former war-crimes investigator [ No mention of crimes against  boys - Editor ]
Sir Trevor Chinn
Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain
...he has been a trenchant critic of faith schools [ Unless they are Jewish? - Editor ]
Dame Vivien Duffield
Jonathan Freedland
his columns appear in The Guardian
Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu
Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy
Gibraltar-born rabbi
Henry Grunwald QC
Benjamin Perl
Tony Blair
Baroness Julia Neuberger
Clive Lawton
Rabbi Naftali Schiff
Mick Davis
Britain’s highest-paid chief executive, with an income of around £15 million, Xstrata mining-company boss
Joshua Rowe
Stephen Rubin
Beyond running sportswear giant Pentland, whose brands include Ellesse, Kickers, Red or Dead, Speedo and Ted Baker
Rabbis Ephraim and Joseph Padwa
Peter Levy
Rev Malcolm Weisman
Jewish chaplain to HM Forces
Doug Krikler
Maureen Lipman
Jon Mendelsohn
Labour Friends of Israel chairman....... an adviser to Tony Blair.
Jonathan Faith
now a philanthropist trying to reverse the decline in Britain’s Jewish population.
Lady Jakobovits
The widow of Chief Rabbi
Profiles: Barry Toberman, Candice Krieger, Rachel Fletcher, Simon Rocker, Leon Symons, Larry Smith, Zac Newman, Benji Stanley
One or two are not Jews. Some near the top are criminals.


Shirley Porter and Light Fingers
Porter aka Old Mother Tesco [ OMT ] is the daughter of Jack Cohen. He founded Tesco, a very large chain of grocers. So naturally our Shirl is seriously rich. But when she got done for gerrymandering [ vote fraud ] she was ordered to pay £48 million. She claimed on oath that she only had £300 thousand and hid in Palestine. Was she telling the truth? Is the Pope a Catholic? Now she has bought a flat for £1.5 million so she thinks she is in the clear regarding perjury.
PS Porter was in Israel but only when she was on the run.
PPS The Wikipedia tells us that she lived in Israel when she was on the run but not why and there is not a hint about perjury.
PPPS It does mention that Nicholas Lezard, a journo with the Guardian described her as "...the most corrupt British political figure in living memory, with the possible exception of Robert Maxwell. Maxwell was also a Jew. Mr Lezard will not be invited to many bar mitzvahs for that little gem.

Shirley Porter and Fraud or was it Dodgy Accounting?
The Porters put $15 million into an American firm call Telos and have 80% of the action. They hid this money from the auditors. The accounting arrangements are ingenious at best, rapacious in fact and may be fraudulent. The SEC does not mess about but nobody has been charged yet. Screwing the other 20% of share holders is the reason for things coming to light. See page 11 of Private Eye 1180
James Purnell
Britain's new prime minister, Gordon Brown, has appointed Israel supporters to key positions of responsibility over the British media. James Purnell, a notorious Israel apologist, has been given the post of secretary of state for culture media and sport. As such, he will have an oversight role over the British Broadcasting Corporation and the rest of the British media. From 2002 to 2004 James Purnell served as chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. He is also on record as describing critics of Israel as closet anti-Semites. In a letter published in Prospect in December 2004, he said:
......... As the (non-Jewish) chairman of Labour Friends of Israel for the last two years, I have been shocked by the occasional demonisation of Israel that I've encountered...... So when some people talk as if Israel is entirely to blame, I ask why...... So not all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. But some is, and we should be very wary of it.
Some mass murderers are more equal than others.

Richest Jews in Britain  [ 31 March 2008 ]
Russian oil tycoon and Chelsea Football club owner Roman Abramovich [ on the run - Editor ]....., Abramovich is said to be worth £10.8bn.....
Fashion retail mogul Philip Green who along with his wife Tina owns a number of high street outlets including Top Shop and Bhs are worth £4.9bn.
Coming in at third place in Britain's wealthiest Jews are Indian-born brothers David and Simon Reuben who made their fortune through property.
Foreign exchange dealer Joe Lewis who also owns stakes in football clubs Tottenham and Glasgow Rangers and is a worth of £2.1bn. [ Not since Bear Stearns went off - Editor ]
Express Newspapers owner and operator of adultTelevision X [ pornographer ] Richard Desmond is now said to be worth £1.9bn.
Lord Sainsbury, who has a Jewish family background along with members of his family who lend their name to the supermarket chain Sainsbury's is worth £1.6bn.
Zomba Records which counts Britney Spears as well as boyband N Sync was founded by South African Clive Calder who emigrated to London and is now worth £1.3bn.
Fashion retailer Bernard Lewis owner of the River Island chain along with his family is worth just over £1bn.
Alan Sugar, currently making a name for himself on BBC2's The Apprentice is worth £790m through property and computer interests
Jews go to money like flies to the proverbial. So do blacks but their modus operandi tends be robbery as defined in the Theft Act 1968 rather than fraud.


Head Rabbi In England Says Multiculturalism Is A Threat To Liberal Democracy
Multiculturalism promotes segregation, stifles free speech and threatens liberal democracy, Britain's top Jewish official warned in extracts from his book published Saturday......... "Multiculturalism has led not to integration but to segregation," Sacks wrote in his book,..... "Liberal democracy is in danger," Sacks said, adding later: "The politics of freedom risks descending into the politics of fear.
Sacks is prone to use the truth from time to time. Multiculturalism is part of the Cultural Genocide which is government policy throughout the West.


Are rich, make that very rich, highly influential and dangerous important. Financing wars - when it suited them was just part of it. Stealing Palestine ditto.


Ernie Saunders, The Alzheimer One - Another Jew Grasses
Ronson was a thief too. Ronson put him up to it. Ernie did it.
PS Source is The Jewish Chronicle.
PPS Ron also told him that he was a psychotic liar. He should have known.


Jews, communists, subversives, thieves, pimps, libellers and career criminals.


David Selbourne
Writer, migrated from the left which then turned very nasty. Wrote a book about an alleged traveller to 13th Century China of dubious provenance but sound on political corruption.


St John's Wood Mafia
Are very influential Jews in the media with homes in Saint John's Wood.


Solomon de Medina, army contractor (died 1720)
Made himself useful to John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough


Sydney Street Siege And A Jewish Thief
Yakov Khristoforovich Peters (Яков Христофорович Петерс) (December 3 {November 21 O.S.}, 1886 - April 25, 1938) was a deputy director of the Cheka in the Soviet Union and acting director from July 7 to August 22 1918. In English he was known as "Jacob Peters" or "Jan Peters".
Born in Latvia, he lived in London for a time after the 1905 Revolution. He and four others were arrested and put on trial in the aftermath of the Sidney Street Siege that followed a failed jewellery store robbery at Houndsditch. They were acquitted, much to the dismay of the then Home Secretary Winston Churchill.
He married Maisie Freeman, the daughter of a London banker, and they had a daughter. He returned to Russia in May 1917 and his wife later divorced him. He participated in the events of the Russian Revolution and joined the Cheka. In later life he lived in Tashkent and perished in the Great Purge in 1938.
This is part of the background that led to the passing of the Official Secrets Act 1911. Jews rear their ugly heads yet again. Now of course they have taken control of the media so little tit bits like this don't often surface.


David Trimble
Protestant nominally, big in Northern Ireland's politics. Used by the Jews to help cover up one of their massacres.


Stephen Twigg
Homosexual Jew [ probability > 99% ], ex MP, ex chairman of the Labour friends of Israel. See Postman Patel - >Jon Mendelsohn... Labour Friends of Israel rally  round on the man.


Trevor Pears
The scumbag landlord [1] who bankrolled David Cameron's campaign, is a director of the William Pears Group (one of Britain's largest groups of private companies); chief executive of the Pears Foundation; and an active supporter of the Zionist regime in Israel.

Just to give a small example, he helped promote the book 'Israel in the World'. This was part of the campaign that also involves a PR group called "Israel21c", who are tasked with 'selling' the fascist regime on the basis of its technological achievements. See Spectator - The Holy Land of Progress


Richest Jews in England
Stormfront fingers them. They are definitely right with some.


Jack The Ripper Was A Jew [ 15 July 2006 ]
Chief Inspector  Swanson was on the job and knew who did it but the only witness was another Jew who couldn't talk without dropping himself in it. Kosminski was put in a lunatic asylum then the murders stopped. This tells us something about the reality of immigration policy and practice that we are finding out again the hard way.   takes a position and even gives some alleged pictures of his alleged victims. The Wikipedia does too; one designed to conceal the truth not reveal it. Robert House thinks it was Kosminski too. The story has a good summary at Jack The Ripper


Has profiling discovered the real face of Jack the Ripper?
Probably not but the Indy's article ignores Inspector Swanson's view even though he was the man on the job. It feeds us more suspects. One of them is another Jew, a shoemaker John Pizer who  was the public's choice for fitting the Ripper's profile. Another late candidate is written up in Jack the Ripper and South Africa. This one is a Jew too.


Jack The Ripper WAS A Jew7 September 2014 ]
Jack the Ripper had various candidates for the title.  They were not all Jews but Aaron Kosminski was then and now. DNA evidence points to him. Kosminski escaped from Poland where Jews made themselves unpopular. One technique they used to incite hatred was defrauding peasants who wanted vodka. They have just shown us again why they are loathed by perpetrating Gaza Massacre III, murdering thousands, by destroying millions if not billions.


Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Seems to feel that Palestinians have been screwed big time. They are right. One member is Gillian Slovo which is curious. Her old man destroyed the South African government and impoverished millions of blacks but the Jew, Oppenheimer who was the boss of De Beers did all right out of him.
Gillian Slovo
Is the daughter of Joe Slovo, the Jew from Lithuania who destroyed the government of South Africa using Nelson MANDELA as a front man. She may have gone the other way by taking a position on Jews murdering Palestinians in the Stolen Land that they call Israel. [ see Jews for Justice for Palestinians ] She knows a lot about the practicalities of political subversion.


Issy Smith VC
Smith was born in Alexandria, the son of French citizens Moses and Eva Shmeilowitz, who were of Polish origin. His father was employed by the French Consulate-General as a clerk. Aged 11, Smith embarked as a stowaway aboard a vessel proceeding to London. Undaunted by this unfamiliar environment, Smith attended Berner Street School, Commercial Street, and worked as a deliverer in the East End, then an impoverished ghetto where Yiddish was the predominant spoken language. Persecution and extreme deprivation had compelled millions of Eastern European Jews to migrate to Western Europe, the Americas, and elsewhere. By the time of Issy Smith's arrival, Jewish immigration to Britain had peaked and was further curtailed by the enactment of the Aliens Act in 1905.
Why were they being hassled? Depend on a Jew not to tell the truth about why he is hated. To be fair, this one served well.
Kevin McDonald's review tells us en passant that Englishmen paid King Edward I the huge sum of £116,346 in return for expelling two thousand Jews in 1290. His quoted source is  Mundill 1998, 249ff. - presumably from England's Jewish Solution : Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series) (Paperback)
by Robin R. Mundill
Eldred Tabachnik
Jew. Senior barrister. Met Blair when he [ Blair ] was being a  lawyer. Influential.


David Triesman, Baron Triesman - Jew, communist, thug, political, influential


Jews Prove Their Power Over England [ 3 February 2015 ]
When it comes to a crude illustration of who has power in Britain you could hardly do better than take a look at the plans for the massive new Holocaust Memorial complex to be built in the centre of London (“Britain’s Promise to Remember: The Prime Minister’s Holocaust Commission Report”). This gleaming new temple of worship for the state religion of the Holocaust will be located, most likely, beside Tower Bridge making it an indelible part of the London skyline and as much a city landmark as Big Ben............

In announcing it on Holocaust Memorial Day Prime Minister David Cameron  was keeping the solemn promise he made to the Jewish people, that “Ensuring that the memory and lessons of the Holocaust are never forgotten lies at the heart of Britain’s values as a nation.”  The British Government has agreed that it has to do much more to step up its indoctrination of British schoolchildren.

With only weeks to go before the next general election this Memorial announcement has given Cameron a golden opportunity to bend the knee and demonstrate his obeisance.  Whether it is in front of the Knesset, on a visit to Auschwitz or celebrating Jewish holy days, he never misses a chance to declare his devotion and unswerving loyalty to Jewish power.
Cameron's solemn promise to give us a Referendum on Europe was one he treated with contemptuous indifference, once it bought him votes. Pandering to Jews matters far more to him. The English Main Stream Media did a news blackout on this one; it will not win him votes among honest men. We are being oppressed by another Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ]. For confirmation see the next one.


Israeli War Criminal Tzipi Livni Given Diplomatic Immunity For UK Visit [ 3 February 2015 ]
Her Majesty's Government is another Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ], controlled by the Puppet Masters.


Jack Straw And Rifkind Are Available, For Hire, Yours For £5 Thousand A Day [ 23 February 2015 ]
Two former foreign secretaries are exposed for their involvement in a new “cash for access” scandal. Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind offered to use their positions as politicians on behalf of a fictitious Chinese company in return for payments of at least £5,000 per day.

Mr. Straw, one of Labour’s most senior figures, boasted that he operated “under the radar” to use his influence to change European Union rules on behalf of a commodity firm which pays him £60,000 a year. He has been suspended from Labour following the disclosures, described by the party as "disturbing".
Recall that The Telegraph told us about in depth, wide ranging, deeply sincere corruption in Parliament. It gave us chapter and verse of expense fraud. Then suddenly it went quiet. Various thieves got a court order to shut it up and suppress the fact of suppression too. Now Channel 4, which  is prone to tell the truth from time to time is proving that they are still bent as nine bob notes.
PS The Telegraph is polite enough not to mention that Straw and Rifkind are Jews, on the make of course. That's Jews for you. Of course they spend a lot of time whining about Anti-Semitism. Was little Adolf wrong about them?


Jews Have Power Says A Jew [ 7 March 2015 ]
Philip Weiss
, an anti- Zionist Jew explains. It is why Jews get away with Kosher Cruelty, extensive fraud, using the American army to make war for Israel etcetera.


Rabbi On Trial As Paedophile Pervert In Manchester Benefits From Media Black Out [ 7 March 2015 ]
That is a total media blackout, except the paper version of the Jewish Chronicle while Rolf Harris is spread all over front pages. But then Rolf is not a Jew.


Home Office Did Not Try To Extradite Rapist Rabbi From Israel
A friend in need is a friend indeed - especially if he happens to be a bent official in the Home Office willing to commit Misconduct In Public Office.
PS The Very Reverend Rabbi Todros Grynhaus  did a runner using a bent passport while out on bail. He is prone to thieving as well it seems.


Ugly Jew Gives Up On The Left - Allegedly [ 18 September 2015 ]
is a Propagandist using The Guardian to tell the BBC what the party line is today. But he hates Jeremy Corbyn for not pandering to Zionist crazies like Blair  & so many other Labour apparatchiks. NB he is always photographed from the same angle so that we can't see just how ugly he is. You just might wonder why The Spectator gives him space.


Jews Beat Bribe Raps [ 20 September 2015 ]
The parliamentary committee that exonerated Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind over the cash for access scandal risks being seen as “a club of MPs with vested interests” because of its failure to empower lay members, one of the country’s most respected professional regulators has said.

The Committee on Standards comprises seven MPs with voting rights and three lay members who are not allowed to vote on its decisions – a system that is out of step with watchdog bodies for other professions.
Recall that Jack Straw And Rifkind Are Available, For Hire, Yours For £5 Thousand A Day. Presumably they delivered. It all sounds fairly cut and dried. Of course if your face fits you can do what you want. In Nigeria, which is more honest there is a spot market. One takes the money then delivers on the spot. In England it is normally a futures market; the pay off comes later. It is not so easy to prove crime that way. Blair, understands these things. So do most MPs.


Chief Rabbi Of England Warns Against Feminists [  19 October 2015 ]
But he hasn't got the bottle to say outright that Feminism is evil.
PS Feminism is a single issue attack used by Marxists against Western Civilization, just like Homosexuality and Racism.


Fat Jew Bungs Wife £400 Million As BHS Goes Bankrupt [ 28 April 2016 ]
NB The Daily Mail tells us this story but does not mention that its owner, Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere is sensible enough to live offshore. As Leona Helmsley, another rich Jew said: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes"


Jew With £34 Million Narcotics Business Got Damages For Non-Kosher Food  [ 21 October 2017 ]
A £34M London drugs lord has been ordered to pay back £4,500 damages he won because he wasn't given kosher food in jail.

Frederick Colverson, 62, was caged for 25 years in August 2012 after a police raid netted Suffolk's biggest ever drugs haul - almost 400lbs of high-grade cocaine.

The Jewish East End crook was awarded £4,500 compensation after prison staff failed to provide him with special kosher food behind bars. But Colverson has been told by a judge to hand the cash back as part of paying back his vast criminal profits.

The prisoner suffers from colitis and has had half his liver removed. The Ministry of Justice made the settlement after Colverson spent time in the prison hospital as a result of his dietary requirements not being met, Ipswich Crown Court heard.
One judge will not be going to many bar mitzvahs for a while.


Art Industry Should Be Infested By The 'Diversity' Says Jew  [ 16 January 2018 ]
The arts must do more to embrace diversity, former Tate chief Sir Nicholas Serota has said. Sir Nicholas, now chair of Arts Council England, said that the issue was "crucial" to the way in which society and the arts connect.

In a report on the issue, he writes: "Arts and culture have a part to play in ensuring that opportunity does not become confined to an ever smaller and self-selecting demographic."

And he adds: "It is not only a matter of choosing to do the right thing, but of understanding diversity as a source of cultural inspiration"..............

At the highest level, women are also under-representing, making up just 35% of artistic directors and chairs, despite being 46% of the total workforce...........

And he says the arts have to respond to the "demands and opportunities of a new political, social, economic and technological era" [ Does that mean something? - Editor ].
Perhaps women are under-represented but Serota keeps quiet about the fact that Jews are over-represented. E.g. Poju Zabludowicz [ allegedly British ], Saatchi, Rothko, Guggenheim. They run the art racket to mulct rich fools while palming off ugliness as part of the Culture Wars against Western Civilization. NB Diversity is the current Euphemism for Third World infiltrators, in the same way as Diversity Hires. Of course Serota does not want blacks involved in Israel, any more than any other Jew.



Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 30/06/2019 08:29