There are people in Israel who care about human rights.
Perhaps there are not very many but they do exist. A lot of Jews just ignore the
issues and get on with their lives. Others are actively evil. Here are some
exceptions. The source is
Global List of Women's Organizations Notice however that it is in Canada.
PS I take the point that not all Jews are torturers and that not all torturers
are Jews but see
Torture for something on their track
record. It is not pretty.
Women's Organizations in Israel
Sorted alphabetically by name of organization
Acre Arab Women's Association
POB 2318
Acre 24312 Israel
972 4 991 2436
Fax 972 4 981 1201
"The Agudah" The Association of Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals in Israel
PO Box 37604, Tel Aviv 61375
Tel:972 3 620 4327 / 629 6381
Fax: 972 3 525 2341
Al Wafa and El Amal (Honesty & Hope)
The Women's Relief Organization
POB 1066
Baka El-Garbiyya 30100 Israel
Tel/Fax 972 6 638 2593
Al-Fanar: Palestinian Feminist Organization
PO Box 44477, Haifa, Israel
Al-Tufula Center
POB 2404
Nazareth 16000 Israel
Tel/Fax 9726 656 6386
Tel 972 6 645 3943
Established to empower Arab women through professional training in early childhood education, management, business initiatives.
Arab Feminist Movement in Support of Victims of Sexual Abuse
pob 44803
Haifa, Israel
Tel 972 4 851 4038
FAX 972 4 862 6948
Association for Violence Against Women
P.O. Box 313
Nazareth, Israel
T: (972 6) 655-3781
F: (972-6) 646-2138
Bat Shalom : (together with the Jerusalem Center for Women)
The Jerusalem Link
Center for women working for Peace.
PO Box 8083, Jerusalem 91080
Tel: 972 2 563 1477
Fax: 972 2 561 7983
B'TSELEM: The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in Occupied Territories.
43 Emek Refaim St. Jerusalem 93141
Tel: 972-2 -561-7271
Fax: 972-2-561-0756
Center for Women's Studies
University of Haifa
Mount Carmel
CLAF, The Community of Feminist Lesbians
POB 22997
61228 Tel Aviv
Council Of Women's Organizations In Israel
Na'amat Bet Hachavera
10 Shalom Aleichem St.
Jerusalem 92148
Tel: 02-637398
Equality And Equal Opportunities For Women Executives
Alliance of Women Executives
18 Zichron-Yacov Street
Tel Aviv, Israel
Equality for women in Israel
PO Box 1146 Michmoret
Israel 40297
Documentation and distribution of Information on Women.
Haifa Feminist Centre: Women's Rights.
124 H'nassi Avenue, Haifa.
Isha Lisha
118 Arlozorov St.
Haifa 33277
Telephone: 972-4-8650977, 972-4-8660951
Fax: 972-4-8641072
Isha L'Isha is a women's center that has a wide range of diverse and excellent outreach programs for women from all walks of life. They have a battered women's hotline (which also receives calls from Palestinian women in the West Bank) and they have a social worker who staffs a program and services for battered women. It is a model place in terms of a grass roots successful outgrowth of women's needs being identified and met. Isha L Isha has done some pioneering work in Israel with support groups for survivors of rape and incest, lesbian programming, and they also have a resource center.
The Islamic Women's Relief committee
POB 2274
Nazareth 16000 Israel
972 6 655 9499
To establish women's clubs to prepare young Arab women for their role in society.
Israel Feminist Forum
Israel Feminist Movement: Campaigns for women's participation.
PO Box 30441, Tel Aviv
Tel: 03 234314
Israel / Palestine Centre for Research and Information (Women's Issues)
PO Box 51358
Jerusalem 91513
Tel: 972-2-627-4382
Fax: 972-2-627-4382
Israel Women's Network
Naomi Nevo
P.O. Box 3171
91031 Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: 00972 2 43 99 66
Fax: 00972 2 43 59 76
Israel Women's Network
9 Habonim St.
Ramat Gan 52462
Tel. 972-3-6123990
Fax.: 972-3-6123991
Israeli Women's Network's Resource and Policy Research Centre
P.O. Box 53186, Jerusalem 91531
Telephone: (011) 972-2-671 8885
Fax: (011) 972-2-671 8887
URL: or
IWN's Resource and Policy Research Centre began as a small scale service aiming to raise awareness on women's issues in Israel. It is now an advanced centre, housing a unique collection of material with 15.000 items, thanks to a generous gift from the Ford and IPC Foundations in 1996. Gradually, the Centre is becoming known throughout Israel, especially at Israeli Universities. The Resource Centre provides a unique service to legislators, journalists, academics, students and professionals requiring background information on the position of women in Israel. It is used extensively by the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Committee on the Status of Women and by the media. Languages: Hebrew, English.
Kayan Feminist Organization
118 Arlozorov Street,
Haifa 33276
Tel - 972-4-8641291
email -
website -
Kayan, literally "being" in Arabic, is a grassroots, feminist organization for Palestinian Israeli women. Founded in 1998, Kayan addresses the gender inequality at the root of society, examining and questioning unique cultural patterns that allow for the oppression of women and girls within Palestinian society in Israel, and thereby opening the way for a process of broad social change. Ongoing activities include empowerment work with Palestinian women living in rural areas in northern and central Israel, community organizing for mobility, work rights, sexual preference and other human right's issues. Kayan is involved in coalition work nationwide with feminist groups and initiatives.
Kidma: Project for the Advancement of Women.
University of Haifa, Mount Carmel
Haifa 31905
Tel: 972 4 824 0318
Fax: 972 4 824 0436
Kol Ha-Isha Women's Center
38 Ben-Yehuda St.
3rd fl.
94593 Jerusalem
Tel: 2-256-187
Fax: 2-256-187
The primary objectives of the organization is to bring women of diverse backgrounds together and provide a forum for discussion of the interface between women's lives and the social context. It also provides an organizing framework for taking social action in the community on issues of concern to women.
Kol Ha-Isha Women's Centre
POB 37157
91371 Jerusalem
Tel: +972 2 622 2455
Fax: +972 2 625 6187
Kol Ha-Isha women's centre is a feminist organization dedicated to developing and promoting a feminist model for social change. Kol Ha-Isha hosts many support groups for refugee and immigrant people. There is also a women's activist art gallery at the centre called Antena. Kol Ha- Isha organizes lecture series and has built a database of organizations providing services to women. It also organizes a memorial vigil every time a woman is killed by her boyfriend or husband. Languages: English, Hebrew.
L.O. - Combat Violence Against Women
address: POB 5941, Herzlia, Israel
Fax - 9 -9551022
Established in 1977 this feminist organization set up and operates 3 shelters for women in Israel: Herzlia, Hedera & Rishon le Zion, operates hotlines in Hebrew & Russian for women as well as an emergency hotline for children & teens. The shelters house women , veterans and immigrants from the former USSR, Ethiopia, Jewish & Arab, Trains volunteers to operate hotlines, organizes lectures to students, police, social workers, nurses and para medics, groups of professionals as well as women's organizations and school children. Lobbies in the Knesset to promote change, laws and funding to tackle the problem of D.V.
Manara, Organization for Women's Social Development
Nadia Hilou, Director
3 Hagvul Street
Jaffa, Israel
972 5 254 0266
Mo'adon Nisan
P.O. Box 109
47100 Ramat Ha Sharon, Israel
Tel: 0972 3 540 7576
Fax: 0972 3 540 7117
NASHIM: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and Gender Issues
The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
P.O.B. 8600
Jerusalem 91083
Fax: 972-2-6790840
Nashim is a refereed journal of Jewish women's and gender studies, published by the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and the International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University, founded in 1997 by Hadassah. It publishes high-quality academic articles, reviews of new books relevant to the field, essays and a limited number of creative pieces, including poetry and art work. Issue no. 1 (1998) was devoted to the theme of "Women and the Land of Israel." No. 2, published in April 1999, addresses the subject of "Crossing into Modernity: Renegotiating Jewish Gender Identities." Forthcoming issues no. 3 and 4 will be devoted, respectively, to "Motherhood" and "Feminist Readings of Rabbinic Literature."
NETA-Women in Management
18, Zichron-Yacov Street
Tel Aviv, Israel 62999
Tel: 00912 3 695 75 70
Fax: 00912 3 695 66 49
Nisan Young Women Leaders
Post Office Box 23184
Tel Aviv 61231 Israel
Fax: 972-3 52.48.648
A group for the advancement of Jewish and Arab/Palestinian women
Nisan Young Women Leaders
P. O. Box 4615
31046 Haifa
Tel: +972 4 866 0664
Fax: +972 4 866 0490
Nisan Young Women Leaders is dedicated to the advancement of Jewish and Arab Israeli young women. Since its inception, Nisan's programs continue to develop the leadership potential of young women through leadership training and mentor programs. The organization also runs a resource centre which houses scholarship and fellowship information, information on colleges worldwide, conference announcements, as well as books, manuals, and other sources. Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, English.
Palestinian Center for Human Rights
Tel/Fax: + 972 7 824 776/ 825 893
Palestinian Society for the protection of Human Rights and the environment
PO Box 20873, Jerusalem.
Tel:+972 2 5812364 /5824559
Fax: 972 2 5811072
Palestinian Union of Women Workers: Socialist Feminist Organization.
PO Box 20576, Jerusalem.
Rape Crisis Centers
Tel: 972- 2-6255558.
Group of Centres for Victims of Sexual Assault
Naava Eisen
Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv
P.O. Box 39040
Tel Aviv, Israel 69978
Tel: 00972 3 64 09 477
Fax: 00972 3 64 08 464
Women Against Violence
POB 313
Nazareth 16000
tel 972 6 646 2138
fax 972 6 655 3781
Establishes support services for Arab women victims of domestic violence in shelters, crisis centers and halfway houses. Est. in 1983; cares for young children, widows and older adults.
Women In Black, Israel
P.O. Box 6360
Jerusalem, Israel 91062
Tel: 2-430-138 or +972-2-255984
The primary objectives of the organization is to end the occupation by Israel of the Palestinian territories.
Women Center for Legal Aid and Counselling: Equality in Legal provisions
Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University,
Mount Scopus, Jerusalem.
Tel: 972 2 628263
Women's Association of Ara and Arara
POB 526
Arara 39926
Established to promote positive change in early childhood development and women's status.
Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC)
Al Dahya Intersection
Al Hirbawi Bld. 3. Floor
P.O. Box 54262
Jerusalem 91516
Tel: ++970 2 2342172
Fax ++970 2 234 7438
The Women's Crisis Shelter
PO Box 7611
Haifa, Israel 31076
The Shelter aims to meet an otherwise unmet need -- short term, emergency shelter for all women victims of violence, including domestic abuse, sexual assault, rape, and incest. With a multi-cultural staff including Jewish, Arab, and new immigrant women, the Shelter is the only facility of its kind in Israel which provides services to Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Amharic, and English speaking women and children. The Haifa Women's Crisis Shelter has eight bedrooms to accommodate up to 10 women and their children. In addition, there is work space for the shelter's staff and for a kindergarten and elementary classroom for the children. In 1997, 125 women and 180 children were offered a safe house, support, and encouragement as they began the process of recovery from an abusive situation.
Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO)
38 King David Blvd.
Tel Aviv 64237 Israel
Tel: 972 3 69 23 898 or 972 3 693-3734
Fax: 972 3 69 58 267
The Women's Studies Centre
Workers Advice Centre (WAC) and Arab Women's Workers' Project (AWWP)
POB 41199 Jaffa 61411
Tel: 972 - 3- 6839145
Fax: 972 3 6839148
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This information was last updated on February 9, 2005.