2018 AD (MMXVIII) is, or was the current year in most Pacific islands west of the International Date Line, as well as in New Zealand, parts of Australia and parts of the Russian Far East. This applies everywhere east as well as west of the International Date Line of course. Quoting the Wiki does not always make sense. In the Gregorian calendar, it is the 2018th Year of Our Lord (AD) or Anno Domini. Jews call it Common Era (CE). Jews push the CE notation because they hate Christianity. So does the Wiki.

Robert Henderson puts 2018 in context at Review of 2018 right, as in correct and right, as in politics.

News 2018 January   
News 2018 February
News 2018 March
News 2018 April
News 2018 May
News 2018 June
News 2018 July
News 2018 August
News 2018 September
News 2018 October         
News 2018 November
News 2018 December
News This Day
News This Month


Top Stories 2018 covers major events.
The big theme will doubtless be Immigration, especially Illegal Immigration & the Treason of the politicians who allow it, who encourage it. That explains my nominations, as Race Traitor 2017Helle Thorning-Schmidt & then of course there is Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, an arrogant rogue who is leading the Brussels Bureaucrats Bully Poland, to make them allow a flood of Illegal Immigrants, to cause Ethnic Fouling, leading on to Genocide, a crime against international law; more and better details are at the  UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. He is just like Thorning-Schmidt in fact. 

It is also why Angela Merkel qualified as the Race Traitor 2015 & why I nominated Cameron as Race Traitor 2016.

The other big issue as the year kicks off is Her Majesty's Government policy of allowing Rape by Pakistanis in Rotherham. The #2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry is making lawyers rich and, the real point is keeping police and politicians out of prison.


2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry
It is still carrying on, isn't it? It is certainly making lawyers rich while doing precious little for English girls being Raped by Pakistani Perverts in Rotherham, Rotherham et cetera ad nauseam.


For last year's news go to 2017